  • addition to


    out in classy


    university dln-





    's $30

    . .

    I PUB L I 8 Ii ill D B Y T H B 8 T U DEN T 8 0 F THE. S TAT .Ill UN I V E R SIT Y '0 FlO W A

    VOL. XI.


    BY DRAMATIC ClUB I EA~ect to Get :-;:Cb witb Nah~e ~~USICAL EXTRAVAGANZA

    ON APRIL 2;1,


    !.Iy this Means

    A series of "Bird Hikes" is the

    latest novelty planned by the Y. W.




    "riu~ Egnn Prll.e--:\lII(·k(>y Tnke ...


    Clarence B. Isaacs, r pres ntathe of Phl\omathean SOCiety, proved hlm-

    NUMBER 133


    W.E/UU~~'E" ' I~n·; OF' UEPAHT.

    RE Ill' 1,0:" 011'day by th

    made one of the biggest hits of the these wall,s of popular Interest. All enthusiasm reacbed the explosiv tem- sudden death of his lather. His go-

    years. The music which they will Who care anything about either birds perature. Real scbool sph'it and FJNNLEY WILL DE ' PEAl Eit

    use in their forthcoming act wlll be or walks will probably take advan- general good fellowsbipwere present AT O~lEN EMENT J 'E

    Ing leaves a bole at s ond which It

    12 will be Impossl bl to fill In ace pta-entirely new. tage of this op!>orunlty to i .:,rease on all sides. Practically every seat of

    the 730 provlded was filled before

    5: 45. The method of dlstrlbutlng

    ble sha l" !\1 loy Is one of the best

    One of the big acts of tbe show will their acquaintance. Is Pr'esic1ent of the nlvel'~lty 01 New batsmen on th l am, and has been

    be a tumbling feature, with four of Yo/'k CltY-Pl'omlnent Io;dllcalol' used to lead off in th games played

    tbe best acrobats In the univerSity as Glee Club Relol'us tickets In advance proved an espec-

    club lally good plan and attendance at

    thus far.

    the principals. They will Introduce a Tbe University of Iowa Glee John W . Finnley, president of the ~rosler wilt probably r place Meloy I

    number of ecc-entrlc features, and returned last Sunday night from Its this year's *~ :' ~rok ny orevlouR Unlvprslty 01 the Ity of New York, on the present trip, but Is not as

    wl11 be called tbe "Comedy Hobo spring tour of the northeastern part record by more than 200. The seat. will be the commencement speaker at clever In the field nor as good a stick.

    Four." These acrobats are members of the state, wbich proved to he one iog arrangement was exceptionally Iowa, June 12. Such was the word er. The men who will make the trl'

    of the university gymnastic squad of the most successfol trips an Iowa well planned, for although all the received here yesterday. Xegotlations are: Von Lac\tum and Hauth, catch.

    and will rival the best of the profes- glee (·Iob has ever taken. However, tables were filled, no one lacked have been under way tor some time ers; Zimmer, Baird and J. Hanson,

    s/onals. I none of the details of the trip will be "elbow room" sufficient to do justice to secure President Flnnley, but It pitchers; II. Hanson, first-baae; Clarl{son Miller, Louise Clark and published untll next week, when a to the sumptuous repast. Placards was not known definitely tbat he 1\1osler, second; Berry, shortstop;

    Denton Burdick, who scored such a special edition of The Daily Iowan marking the tables reserved for the would be here until yesterday. Strickler, tblrd; Curry, Moulton and I

    hit with their "Scandal Rag" song at will be published , devoted to a com- various classes greatly facilltated the President Finnley Is one of the Patterson, outfielders; and Loudin ,

    the last appearanoe of the Dramatic I plete detailed description of the tour. handling of tbe crowd. most prominent educators of tne east utility.

    club, have a new song and danCing ! Many cuts are being prepared from Jas. B. Weaver proved to be a cap- and President Bowman Is to be con- According to PI' sent plans, Zim-

    number that Is said to be better than I pictures taken while the club was on able and clever toastmaster. His gratulated upon securing suc.1l an em· mer wlll be sent against tbe Illini in I

    tbeir last. They handed out a large I the road, which is causing the short. stories were apt and to the point and inent man to deliver the commence- the first game, with John Hanson number of prize packages last time delay in printing the facts. Besider, entirely new. His enthusiasm was ment address bere. probably trying for the orange and

    I and promise to score some harder I cuts of pictures taken on the trip, the fiery and genuine, finally expressing President Flnnley wlll deliver an blue scalps in the s(.~ond, This will

    Itself In song at the close of the even- address at Vassar College during the leave the veteran Baird to tussle with hits this time. I pictures of the club and several other Wheeler, Dugan and Jensen will i pictures and features will be Included in!" Prl'lflfdent Bowman's toast woc first week In June and on June 10 tbe Maroons on Saturday; but the

    present a dancing specialty with a lot In the edition of The Iowan. Man" characterlstio and welJ delivered. It wlll attend a class reunion at Knox above plans are subject to sudden

    of new music, featuring their "Rag- From there change If Stewart finds that bls twirl-I funny things happened during tbe was received with much enthusiasm. College, Galesburg, Iii.

    time Plano." There wiJI also be a two weeks' jaunt and everything 1I1(e W. O. Flnkbine and Frank Jensen he will come to Iowa. ers are not in good form at warming

    up time on the day set for them to playlet entitled "A Domestlo Tangle, :' this wlJl be printed. were also well received. In addition

    which should prove to be one of the

    best mirth provokers of the evening.

    Several interesting complications sur-

    rounding a first wedding anniversary

    are shown In this farce. There wlJl

    be a cast of eight people In the act.

    This play has had a successful metro-

    polltan run of great length.

    to the spontaneous music, tile popu-

    lar Unverslty Male Quarttlttf::, com-

    posed of Casey, Callandor, Hakes,

    Protests Not AJlowed

    Chicago authorities have refused


    The varsity took on the black

    sheep, reinforced by sundry freshmen S~njol' Piny T/'y-ollts Try-outs for the cast of thA senior

    play wllJ be held Monday, April 22,

    to bar Captain Boyle and Freeman and Swisher, sang "When I'm Alone men yesterday afternoon. The pros of the Chicago team, because of evl. I'm Lonesome," in its \Isual Inlmita- were too much for the first string In dence of professionalism sald to bave at 3: 30 p. m. Each candidate wllJ be ble fashion. The quartette also re-

    allowed five minutes to read or recite sponded to several encbores. been offered by Illinois authorities. the time played , aod 'ImaJl wonder

    8S such a goodly bunch of the best any selection be may choose. Where Boyle was allowed to play against semi-pro talent In the state worked

    Northwestern on Saturday, and It two or more wish to combine for a against Stewart's men. Gittins pltch_ The date for the performance has has been intimated that Freeman presentation they will be given tbe Llnllce·Seurinar's Subject ed a part of the game and had his

    been set for AprlJ 24 at the Coldren aggregate time of the number of per- This week the botany seminar Is wlll also be permitted to play against former teammates at bis mercy all

    opera house. This will be the final sons so combined. A faculty com- given whol, to reports of tbo life and other conference sohools. The charge the time he was In the box. Baird

    performance In the history of the mlttee will choose the cast on a basis \I(ol'k of Llnnee, the great botanist said to have been lodged against the worked for the varSity and got away

    Coldren. The show Is under tbe dir- of ability alone. Beoause of the who originated the systematical Maroon athletes Is that of playing on well, errors giving the winners most ectlon of Miss Carolyn Bradley. who ' the Gary Ind team in the Northern large num bel' of parts to be given out, claSSification of plant and animal ,., of thier runs. Poor base-running has had charge of a large number of '. Indiana league last summer It Is especially Important that a large life. The botany departmafit of the . hurt the varsity's chances. successfu l productlolls at Iowa. It Is

    under the management

    Burdick, Law '13.

    L. A. Notico

    of Denton number of the class tryout. Each university Is the fortunate possessor

    membor of the class who plans to try of several editions of Linnee's Dr; Stewart to Speak Article in German Journal

    out should signify his Intention to "Species P lantoruin," and besides, Dr. Zelia Stewart will speak at the Dr. Henry Albert's article on

    some member of the committee be- has a number of unique volumes regular Y. W. C. . meeting tonight, "Diphtheria Carriers and ~1edlcal In-

    fore Saturday evening" April 20. datlllg from the datus of the great at 7 o'clock. Her subject will be spection of Sc-hools," whlth appeared The committee is as follows; Conger

    All candidates for L. A. baseball Reynolds, Clifford Hakes, Frieda

    team report at the armory at 4 p. m. Kurz, Josephine Leonard, Winifred

    botanist; among others, one volume "The George Junior Republic." This

    said to have belonged to Llnnee him-I subject Is one of great interest from

    self and to contain his manuscript , a social and educational pOint of view

    In a recent number of th Iowa Medi-

    cal Journal has been reprinted in

    the Internationales Central blatt fur

    Laryngolle, Berlln, today. Game w\th dents Thursday. Appleman. Chairman. notes. and will be well worth hearing.

  • TmE DAU.'t IOWAN VOL. XI. NO. 133.

    ter of just pride to enumerate the The annual meeting of the Missis-l be held under the auspices of Indi- + + + + + + + + + + + + + happenings of a dozen other schools. sippi Valley Historical society will ana University. + + It shows a painstaking interest in ==========================~ + BU81lO88 DDmO'l'OBY +

    Ilnl'1 mornlnl Saturelap And Konda1.. Of the Vld.tte-R.po~ er the fort1-thlrd ,8&1' eel ot the I. U. I. QuUl the' ......

    things that exist roundabout. An- W + + other of the great solJdltying agents _'*' '" liM ... ,we" + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    GEORGE K. THOMPSON Edltor-ln-Chl.t

    the American college world now etstone rmacy is unquestionably that of athletics as i Wh Pha I Omce Boan into a flrmer bond of union. They As In the past - begin St. Patrick's Day



    Ph,.claa aDel 8111POD

    U ~ 8. DaInIQ_ Bt. OYer Iowa Theatre

    knows it. Competitive sport brings SODA WATER YEAR I men of the same general stratum i

    't:~odi::r9i~o~h~~fM~:00 to 8:00 ed learn to know each other, and inci- Bay our $1.00 Casb Tickets .eoct PhoDe.: omce 8150; ~, HI dentally absorb each other's influ- for 24-5 cent drinks at our Soda !

    Editora lD Oharle ence. Then, too, in no small meas- OHARLES 8. GRANT, M. D. }londa1 . :.. . . . . . . . . . . Henr1 Ben . . . . . . . . . Conger Reynold.

    Fountain : : : : : ure has the practice of combining Office 11~ S. Dubuque St., Ow.

    Wednesday ........ Paul J. Pierce Thursday ........... C. C. Cuw.ll Saturday ....... Vernon Seeburger

    Editorial Writers Chester Corey Vernon Seeburger

    Hamilton Johnson Woman Editors

    Bessie C. Ford Esther Palllua Associate Editors

    Carroll Martin ~rank Baldwin W. T. Spies C. H. Fishburn J. T. Hanna Will Hurlburt

    H. D. HaD son Reporters

    M. H. Wilkinson A. I. Swisher Franl{ Seydel Ben Swab L. E. Darling E. E. Norris

    college courses done much to break "_.Ii iI~Il' '!II' hU ..... tel "9',, down the barriers of exclusiveness. ============================ The student who takes more than !II-----.... --------, ... -.--... --one degrees Is now no longer a rarl- I A. G. SP."'LDING & BROS. ty, and the student who takes one ... 1"'\ from each of two institutions for the

    primary reaSOll of broader culture,

    Is by no means a freak, He carries

    with him what the Intellect of other

    localities needs-fertilization. It

    needs new thought, new ideals, new

    energy and new ambitions. The new

    Is a movement of genuine value to



    '!"I"!"I' +++ 'I"I"!"I"Z' +-Ie -1-1. ++++ Are : the Larvert Manufacture ...

    in the WOI'ld: of

    Official Equipment FOR ALL

    ATHLETIC SPORTS H. C. Austin Ernest Fogelberg the future. College men and women

    DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHING CO., should know each other. They should and PASTIMES

    Publisher (Incorporated)

    A. C. (lORDON Managing Editor

    Entered a8 second-class lltall mat-ter, NovJlmber 12, 1903, at the post-ottice at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act of Congress ot March 3, 1879. Per year, paid before Oct. 1, $2.26 Per year, paid atter Oct. 1, .2.76 Per semester .............. $1.25 Per single copy. . . . . . . . . . . .. .05 Per month .. ....... ........ .35

    recognize that each Is of the same

    great division of SOCiety. The In-

    creasing Interest of the present will

    produce the desired result.

    WAN'l'ED-To buy second-hand

    clothing and shoes, good price.

    Ellis and Bushkin. Phone 896 .

    is known through tout the world as a

    Gu a rantee of Quali ty

    IF YOU are interested in Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spald-

    ing CBtalQ2Ue. It's a complete ency-clopedia ot WI_at'" New In Spo,.t



    an •• IF •• d • E •

    Stach'. Shoe Store

    ReslcleDce, 229 8ummit St.

    Oftice Phone, 880R Ree., 1518.


    E,e, Ear, NOfIe aDd Tbroa&

    Omce, Paul·Belen BIdg.

    PhoDe.: Od'ice 66; Res., 83


    D1Beue. ot

    Eye, Ear, NOle and Throa&

    No.8 N. OlJnton Rto

    DR. A. t1. BURGE

    GeDer.! Sur&el'J'

    _~ S. OllDtoD St., iowa 0it7. J...-


    JOHN VOSS, D. D. 8.

    15 ~ South Dubuque StreeC

    Phone 1185

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa F. T. BREENE, D. D. S., K D. ;£:~:~;:~J:~:~~~~;~~~::~: m U n i V e r sit y ram iI tit I om~lb~;~~~~:::;: ~ Ottice, 23 Ea!\t "Nashington Street.

    Phone 29 (Under namo of Iowa. Cit. CItizen)

    :::ye: s t~:eCO~I::::oSr~:~ :~~s:~c I::~ m I u b . m now tending, comprises numerous In- Ii1 11 stltutlons of varying degrees of Im- JJII 2.' m~ porlance, exclusiveness and Indifl'er-

    • ence to each other . Seldom did the •

    IN . m component, yet diversified,



    Office over Novak's Drug StoN

    Music Studio, 21 N. Dubuque at.

    PapUa Received In Piano, Pipe Orpa

    and Harmony

    One Hundred and -Twenty ~ ES;:: ::';:':~':S:~:~R 1.." Piano School merge relations with each other. •

    What may have been the cause of thl ~

    one-time impregnable self-interest Is

    not now of much moment. The forc·es

    Minutes of Merriment m m:=:;1~0:-::7:,d,,:::: It...., be.mnm. 01 music to .dvancell

    tha.t have accomplished Its dissolution ~

    are far more consequential. To re_ '-'-

    iterate, this upbuilding of an educa- ~

    tional bulwark Is a trend-a move- .. ~ ~ Featuring A li1 ~e.. m PhoDe. 1818 ment highly characteristic of a pro- •

    gress that permeates every pore of

    805 811JDD1lt ..

    Mammoth modern society. In the past students were prone to

    engender a narrow pride In their own

    particular foster parent of learning

    to such a degree that It alone adorn-

    ed their horizon of intellectuality.

    They saw it only. What good other

    schOOls bore was of but trifling signifl-

    cance. They Imbibed Influence tor-

    ever. Much to the credit of the pres-

    ent and immediate past a ohange has

    • a a a ~"

    Musical m m m

    IXtravaganza .m


    Sale aDd Rent: Large Uat ot ct*J reeldencEIII, vacant lots, aDd fU'lMo

    Also ltocb of DlerchaDdiae.

    O. M. RENO 110~ W .. hlnCOOD Stzoeet

    F __ ._ . __ . ,_.~,

    ooll.g. man and t. kn." of e .AT T ~. !!!~!!l!!l!!! :~i:Uet::::~ th~ tr:~:~::r::gSIS:::~:~ e~, COLLE~tbE INN" Mm may claim interest to a surprising ~ l.W degree. And it Is all a healthy,

    well-Intentioned Interest, lone that

    ::~':.::,::·t:OIl:~:~I'" a::an::'~ '7 OTHER BIG NUMBERS -7 91. Numerous Influences pave and have 'I:( ~61

    paved the way. Probably one of the ~ Coldren Opera Bouse It1 greatest of them all, at least one of 'g l...61

    ~':,::E~::.::~:~:E:::::b::::: Ii! April 24 -- Wednesday Night a ARRow t"U.n I, glv .. t. wbat .th." '" a a 'I.~ b-L 'COLLAR doing. The public thirst for news fUm mmmmmmmmmmmmm ,,0,(71 we 111,." At lilt . ' 15c.-' (fir file. Cfurtt. Pp/iOOcIv ~ Co I Moire,: deman ds Its publication . It Is a mat- lIIllllllk."""

    - - - --

    ~ I


    , . Co.p:. Bulcinc, aJld ior our CllIBWQ

    All ()llVe5,

    Henry Sabin,

    Haa been rem atudents and g-of teaching. except for pIa may select in

    GEO Weba

    I:.*e aU lU'ttl,y of ~ InttJt aucb ill thla dire: W~.

    lntt of e\C:


  • ~+++++ +

    ~KY + +

    ~+++++ LN8



    IQ .. 8t.


    iO;~, Nl

    /\NT, M. D.

    lque 8t., 0..


    Iummlt 8t.

    Ree., G'78.

    U. LOVE

    wd Throat

    leD Bldg.

    16; Res., 83

    &: BARBER

    ot U1d Throat

    ltoD /'It.

    [owa Oitr, ....


    D. D. 8.

    Ilque StreeC

    [owa Citr. Iowa

    D. 8 .• M. D.



    Ilque Street

    11. to 12 m ....

    ) p. m.



    '8 Drug Store

    . Dubuque 8t.

    IUlO, Pipe OI1rM



    V'ood Ohase)



    !lying, trom the

    : to advanced

    80G Summ1t'"


    arge liBt ot ci&J ,ta, and tanaa.



    ton 8treet


    OW LLAR hod,;,;,;;;,;v .. " .. C .. o., M_aiiii~

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + VlU'8it,' Dancing Party at Compau, .------------

    Peoples' Steam •• ) I '

    Laun~ry 235 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, leww

    r .... ooe Num_ 58

    + 1\118. Dorothy L. De France + I Armol')", Sat1m1ay Evening, April + PabUc 8&eDopapher + 20. Mabana &: Ogle tour-piece moo + All k1nda of nen~ work + chefltra. 4_19 + acc:urat.e1, aDd neatlr ueeated. + + 128 8. OUntoa PhoDe 80lB + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++++++++++ + + OOMING EVENTS + ++++++++.+++'1"1"1"1"1"1"1'1' + + ~ l\ms. KENYON'S BEAUTY ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SHOP + A rll 18 LAD t + Face M .... ge MaDac1l1'lDc + p . . .- en geme. + Hair Dres.iIllg ShampoolnC + April 18. Zet mock republican con-

    Finest Line of 01,..., Pi~ ~ Btl:., ia the Chy. ReptWta ~ inDio. 01 the Nati~ aDd AJDIri. ca&1 Leapaa


    Fink's Cigar Store

    c. J. TOMS, Prop. + Marilllelllo System. Modern + venti on in natural science audl-+ Equipment + S------------'".: + 21~E. Wash. Phone 10Gl + torlum. + + +++++++++++**'1"1,,1'1 April 19. Baconlan paper, "Heredl-

    ~ Book Make. a 'pedalat' of )Jr. A.·thur at Lakeside bert.

    ty and Disease," Dr. Henry Al-

    Dr. J. C. Arthur, the American au- April 19. Pan-Hellenic party, unl-\,\~ \.2~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~:l ~~£.p~ Store tory Suppllea. P_.. ~.. thorlty on rusts and plant diseases, verslty armory. Stock. ~_t Prices. Is to be one ot the lecturers at the 2 John T Rtetl. 16 CUnton St. April O. Pandean Players present


    A new ol'ganization with new ideas and new clothes. Call and let us tell you about them. Suits made to order $10 up.:

    THE IOWA P ANITORIUM 18~ S. Clinton Phone 805

    Make Early Engagements for

    Senior Photos Special Rates Given at

    Iowa Lakeside laboratory this year. "When We Were Twenty-one" at

    Dr. Arthur has devoted many years the Coldren; matinee, 2::30; even-

    to the study of this subject and Is ing, 8: 15.

    widely known among tbe leading ed- April 2J.. J:'resloent Geo. Vincent

    ucational Institutions of the country. speaks at vespers.

    He Is an Iowan by birth, and bas pub- April 23. Cosmopolitan play, given Hshed several articles In the Natural by the Americans. History Bulletin of the State Uni- April 25. Baseball, Iowa vs. Mlnne-versity of Iowa. sota, Iowa field .•

    Steps have been taken to prepare April 27. Scimitar and Fez formal

    the laboratory for the summer session at MajestiC hall.

    and Clifford Fan, a graduate student, April 30. Baseball, Iowa vs. Morn-

    In the botany department, Is spend- Ingslde, Iowa field.

    ing this week at the Okoboji labora- May 2. Gymnastl!> class demonstra-

    tory, caring fo r the property and tion by department of physical making preparations for the summer


    The College )lau'8 wlday

    training for women. j: 30 p. m.

    May 3. Baseball, Iowa vs. Chicago,

    Iowa field.

    May 4. Track meet, Iowa field vs.

    The regular mid-week meeting of Ames, Iowa field.

    A. H. FETTING Manu(aoturK -t

    e;ree~ fetter 5"rateT" it 'I

    Jewelry 213 N. Liberty St., Balti.more, Md

    Bectory 212 Little Sharp SL Memorandum package to any

    Fraiernity Memher through the secr$ry of the chapter. Special desips aud estimates furnishe4 on Class Pins, Rings, Medala f()r Athletic Meets, eta.

    PURCELL BROS Whol£'sale and Retail

    Cigars and Tobacco

    116JE. Washington St. Townsend's Studio the Y. M. C. A. this evening at Close May 17, 18. Meeting of the Iowa ~ ___________ -:

    A Sure

    Way To Get Good

    Work. Send Your Laundry

    To The

    c. O. D. OWENS & GRAHAM, Propa,

    Pbone 1189

    , . Co.p:. COW'se6 In ~ng, lukiOC. Shorthand., Typewniing allCi PeIlmaD8hip. Write us Wday b our ca.uoguP.

    2u-a13 wWQ Ave.

    All the Lunch Dainties Ollves, Bi8cuits of All Klnds, Presh Inlits

    and Vellletables

    Grandrath The Busy Grocer PlDYe B9 129 S. Dubuque St.

    hall will be devoted to a discussion State Hellenic Society.

    of the subject, "The College Man's May 21, 22. May festival, with the

    Sunday." Various men have been

    asked to present their opinions as to

    how Sunday should be sl1ent, and to

    MinneapoliS Symphony Orchestra

    and numerous artists.

    (This column i. for eTent. of unl-

    give their Ideas with reference to versity Intereat, and an, aueh will be

    Sunday study and ILttendanoo at ,ladly added.)

    church services the Sunday theatres

    and amusements, loafing, etc. The

    purpose of the meeting Is to stlmu.

    late thought on this subject, and to

    help overcome the tendency of stu-

    dents to drop away from the church

    as the school year draws toward a

    close. The meeting will be held at 7

    o'clock, as usual.

    Macbride Vi its Oolleges

    Professor Thomas H. l\1a!>bride,

    head of the department of botany,

    left yesterday afternoon for an ex-

    ================= • T-B-E


    Food tbat mother use to try to make

    tended lecture tour of some of the ============= principal colleges of the state. A

    greater part of the week wUl be giv-

    en to visiting the various institutions

    at Mount Pleasant, Fairfield, Ottum-

    wa, Grinnell, etc., which will necessi-

    tate his absence from the university

    until next week. Professor Masbride

    ••••••••••••••••••• iSMOKEIL II Lobby apr Store II II FRED BACINE.Prop II ............ ~~ .....

    is recognized as one of tbe leading ..._'!"'!io_-------------, scientific men of the country, and his

    SABINS' EDUOATIONAL EXOHANGE (INO.) lectures on the different phases or University Book Store

    On the Corner

    Henry Sabin, President Elbridge H. Sabin, Secretary 'and Treasurer plant life and their distribution, are Manhattan Bullding, Des Moin'es, Iowa In great demand among the dlffer_

    Has been remarkably successful in securing positions as teachers for Iowa students and graduates. Look up ou r record and write to us If you think of teaching. Enrollment fee to pres ent students, $1.00. No commission except for place accepted, and regis tratlon good for any future year you tnay select in case you ploce your self.

    GEO GE D. BAltTH, Grocer We have always b8CIIl ~ &he opinion that cleenliaess sh01dcl

    t:.1he aU itllpD"l'tnt ch.arac.m~ic of a Orooery ~ OW IU'ttl.Y of otlS~1IUl'fl mve OOfdle ~ unde:rll1and this and we al1lri-tnabe .uch QI{ our SUC:JS:1'8 in the Grooerfi BlI8ios 00 our ei01'tll ill tht. directton.

    VI'rty .,\ buy your (}roceries at the !JIme wbioh 9tiI8 die '-!11K of e\ll...-ry\hillg aM sa~ you m.ey at the !IIlIUe time.

    The Pure Food Emporium I 6 and 8 SwtJa Dubuque Street.

    ent colleges.

    Kent Begins Well

    "Maurie" Kent received his first

    real opportunity In major league base

    ball on Monday and put up a credita-

    ble performance, although he was not

    sent In until Brooklyn had hopelessly

    lost the game. After Philadelphia

    had knocked Barger, one of the star

    pitchers of the league, out of the box,

    Maurie was sent In. He held Phila-

    delphia down to nine soattered hits

    and two runs, which were paTtially

    due to ragged support on the part of

    his teammates.

    Text Boolu and: Sup· plies for all Colletfes

    FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman Conklin Moore N on-leaicab1e

    CoDe"e BannenJ and Pen ants

    Cerny & Louts


    Reichardts "NUFF


    To Give Is 'FLOWERS-For Receptions

    Parties Birthdays

    Anniversaries Weddings

    Acknowledgements Regrets and Greetings

    Aldous & Son 18 S. ClInton

    T. D. Kelley Men'a New Spring Sait Samples now on Dis-play -- Select your new Spring Suit now. Made to measure $15.00 and up. Clothing Carefully Cleaned, Repaireti and Presaed. 'Pho.e 17.

  • ~~~-~~~=--===-~==~==~~~;=~ ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, , + + + + + + + + + + + + II! - . • " !ltruCltor in the botan; department of l mencement addresses: Ida Grove, + + INS· d S . the Ottumwa high school. May 29; Battle Creek! May 31';

    .~. PERSONAL AND SOOIAL + ew prIng· an • ummer Miss Eloise Brainerd returned yes- Gowrie, May 23'j Swaladale, May 2~; + + NOVELTIES IN SILKS, DRESS GOODS AND WASH DRESS terday morning from the North Cen- Galt, May 25. During the summ~~


    -.' + + + -+ + + + + + + + + FABRICS. tral Territorial conference of the Y. he wllJ be engaged in institute work P f A C T b id t Buying in large quantities enables us to sell at loweat prices. W C A h ld t Li I N b t Id G S' Cit M Cit ro essor . trow r ge wen . . ., e a nco n, e.! on a a rovs/ lOUX y, ason y,

    Attractive assortments. Spring things. New Suits, Coats, Dresses, to Chicago last Friday, returning on new Gloves, new Neckwear, new Handbags, new Belts, new Hand- April 12-14. She responded' to a and Tipton; and in chautauqua at Sunday. kerchiefs, new Trimmings, new Hosiery, new Lingerie, new Corsets, toast at the Summer Conference ban- Columbus Junction and Rockwell

    new Paraspls, new MilUnery, new everything In Spring Apparel for Roger Jayne of Muscatine visited women. quet. While in Lincoln, Miss Brain- City.

    at the Phi Psi house Monday and I erd also attended the Delta Gamma Tuesday. === formal party Seniors Attention

    The mother of Mrs. A. C. Trow-

    bridge has arrived from Minneap-I

    tills for a visit.

    The Stote That Sells WOOLTEX

    The active members of Scimitar ~.,. __ IIIIi_"_Illlli _________________ "

    Be up-tO-date and hav!'l your com-

    WANTED-Student who expects mencement invitation cards written

    to remain in the city during the by hand. Expert work guaranteed.

    summer vacation. Good position for Twenty-five cents per dozen. P. M. and Fez hold a meeting at Close hall ========================= this morning at 10 o'e'lock. Florence Rosebury returned yes- her brother, James, and to attend the

    the right party. Call at 330 So. Lawrence, 225 N, Lucas St. 4-21

    Linn street. 3-19-tf Phi Alpha Gamma medical fra- terday from her home in LeMars, Pan-Hellenic Friday evening. . where she has been spending a few FOR RENT-Elegantly furnished

    ternity m hold a party in lts rooms I Professor Bohumil Shimek, of the Saturday evening, April 20. days. botany department, is again able to Hyperion Notice

    room In new fiat with strictly prl-

    The Misses Celesta and Marguerite

    obinson of Des Moines are visiting

    at the home of Captain Mumma.

    O. A. Thomas has returned to the meet his classes, after being confined vate family, hot water heat, electric

    Hyperion will hold an important Ughts, hot and cold soft water, two

    business meeting this eveining at 7 university, after spending a week at to his home for some time with a bad- blocks from campus ground, lady or

    o'clock. Cedar Falls, in connection wUh some Iy sprained ankle.

    Dr. C. W. Wassam visited with his geology research work.

    man and wife preferred. Most reas-

    onable rent in city considering mod· R. A. French, a graduate student

    Refer-Dr. 'Vassam to Gjve Addl'esses ern facilities for comfort. • friend, Superintendent J . A. Waddell, at Bennett last Saturday and Sun-


    Miss Hazel Addison, L. A. '09, of In the botany department, leaves to- At the following list of towns, Dr. enccs exchanged. Telephone 891R or

    Nevada, Iowa, comes tonight to visit day to meet an emergency call as in- C. W. Wassam will deliver com- 394.

    'yo U'RE not so much interested in the remodeling of , our store as we are, of course; we don't expect

    that. But it is an event of some importance to you; because it means a better store; and that means a greater opportunity for lis to be of service to you.

    This is an old business with a young spirit, and that's as good a thing to say a-bout a business as about a man. We're making it a better business all the time; the improved building is part of making it better; another part is to cultivate in our own minds; and the minds of our employees, the idea that we shall prosper most when we serve your interests most.


    are one of the means by which we serve; when we sell such good as these we're:doing the best that can be done for you hi clothes. The other goods we sell are of the same high-class; there's no reason why we should'nt do the best possible for you; and every reason why we should.

    The benefit we get from your trade depends on the benefit we give.

    You may be inconvenienced a little during our building changes; we shall make as little inconvenience as possible. Come in any-

    way; it's a step toward better service for you. We'll be here to welcome you; and doing business right along.

    New models for Spring suits and overcoats are now ready; smart, lively, snappy styles;young men's clothes that are different. We can -do exceptionally well \ for you at SIS. $20, $25 and $30


    VOL. XI.

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