Page 1: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …


Loose Weight


F TB RNSlimming Liquid

A Sugar Free Ayurvedic Medicine

Reduce FAT Maintain FIGURE

Page 2: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …


Page 3: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …

Slimming Liquid

Loose Weight



Solution Of Your Fat ConcernsA Complete blend of effec�ve herbs for

posi�ve weight management Made of 100% AyurvedicIngredient mixed in right propor�on to give results.

WHAT IS OBESITYWhenever we eat more calories than we burn, our bodies store this extra energy as fat. While a few extra pounds may not seem like a big deal, they can increase your chances of having high blood pressure and high blood sugar. These condi�ons may lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers also.

DOES ONLY BODY SHAPE/FIGURE MATTER?More than shape there are serous health concerns also involved in obesity. Because obesity leads to various ailments. Usually health care providers are concerned not only with how much body fat a person has, but where the fat is located on the body. „ Women tend to collect fat in their hips and bu�ocks, giving them a “pear” shape. „ Men usually build up fat around their bellies, giving them more of an “apple” shape. „ Of course, some men are pear-shaped and some women are apple-shaped, especially a�er menopause. Extra fat around your midsec�on may put you at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems—even if you have a normal weight. Your provider can help you assess your risk.

WHY DO PEOPLE MAKE OBESE?To be alive and ac�ve we need calories (energy) to keep us ac�ve and alive and but to maintain weight we need to

balance the energy we take. Whenever anyone drinks or eats more calories than he or she burns, the energy balance �ps toward weight gain, overweight, and obesity.

WHY SHOULD WE LOSE WEIGHT?According to Health providers that people who are considered to be obese (have a BMI of 30 or greater) may improve their health by losing weight. If you are overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9), experts recommend that you avoid gaining any extra weight. Experts recommend you should lose weight if you have two or more of the following: Family history of certain chronic diseases. If you have close rela�ves who have had diseases such as heart disease or diabetes, you may be more likely to develop these problems.Pre-exis�ng medical problems. High blood pressure, high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, low HDL (good) cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar (prediabetes or diabetes) are all warning signs of some diseases linked to obesity.Large waist size. Men who have waist sizes greater than 40 inches and women who have waist sizes greater than 35 inches are at higher risk of diabetes, unhealthy blood fats (high cholesterol and triglycerides), high blood pressure, and heart disease. Fortunately, losing even a small amount of weight can help improve your health.


Page 4: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …

Thermogenic herbs that increase metabolism are great. Examples include Turmeric, Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also contributes reputa�on in a�aining op�mal weight.

To increase the absorp�on of nutrients but slow the absorp�on of dietary fats use Harad and Amla, a formula of the two superfruits of India. These are simply outstanding homeostasis (balance) formula. In other words it can balance almost any state of diges�on: by slowing or cooling a diges�ve system that is too fast; by speeding up and hea�ng a diges�ve system that is too slow; by stabilizing a variable diges�ve system; and by removing/detoxifying conges�on due to less than op�mal diges�on, food and ea�ng pa�erns.

To create high quality �ssue in diges�ve systems prone to excess acid, use Amalaki. Amalaki decreases the factors, which a�ack the diges�ve lining while increasing the factors that protect the diges�ve tract.

Guggul is very powerful Fatburner. It could create correct lipid disorders and treat obesity.

Manages obesity naturally

Reduces excess calories / fats

S�mulate glandular func�on

Reduces risk of weight regain a�er prior weight loss

Averts cardiac trouble

Maintains figure


Herbs With Scien�fic Approach To Curb Your Ailment With Healthy Lifestyle


Page 5: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …

Ÿ No complicated, unknown or magic ingredients.

Ÿ Fatburn Liquid, an important part of Weight Loss Program, takes your worry away - It

consists of a COMPLETE Blend of Ayurveda and Modern Science for your posi�ve

weight loss management approach.

Ÿ It works on all-around formula to curb your fat loss approach. It reduces the carfing the

fa�y / carbohydrates food whole day.

Ÿ It reaches the stored fat in blood vessel, stomach, subcutaneous �ssue and mobilize

away to blood stream.

Ÿ It burns out the fat into energy even while you are not physically ac�ve, naturally.

Ÿ It Absorbs the cholesterol / fat from the small intes�ne and holds it from re absorp�on

into the body, there by lowers blood cholesterol level.

Ÿ It naturally removes the cholesterol / fat through feces equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of

rigorous gym workout / day.

Ÿ It naturally increases the insulin sensi�vity in people with diabetes - there by reduces

the intake of medicines in them.

Ÿ FATBURN helps you to achieve fat loss and posi�ve weight management SAFELY,

SIMPLY, EASILY, EFFECTIVELY & NATURALLY without starving. What else you wait for –

Just start sit and burn your fat right now.

Ÿ FATBURN is for be�er weight management naturally.

Ÿ The all new ayurvedic based unique FATBURN treatment is highly effec�ve against


How Fatburn Works?


Page 6: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …


Guggul (Commiphora mukul)Commonly known as Guggul is a powerful fat burner. It could correct lipid disorders and treat obesity. It could lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein or the bad cholesterol and triglyceride. Guggul could even elevate the concentra�on of high density lipoprotein of the good cholesterol in the blood.

Kalonji (Nigela sa�va)Commonly known as Kalonji, in the Indian subcon�net is recommended by the Ayurvedic Prac��oners for promo�ng weight loss. The an�-obesity effect of Kalonji seed extracts has been demonstrated clinical trials. It could improve the body mass index and waist-hip ra�o.

Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus)In the tradi�onal Indian Medicine System, the root tubers of Nagarmotha is used for accelera�ng weight loss. It enables fat burning by inducing thermogenesis.

Neem (Azadirachta India)Neem is an important botanical herb in the Ayurvedic system of India. It is tradi�onally used to treat inflamma�on, infec�ons, fever, various skin disorders and to cleanse the liver and kidneys. Another reputed use of this plant is to promote weight loss, some�mes in combina�on with other herbs.

Harad (Terminalia chebula)It ensures intes�nal health that works great for cons�pa�on and weight loss. Harad helps balance all your doshas, clean out your stomach and improve diges�on. It helps improve assimila�on of the nutrients that you eat, making you healthy to helps get rid of ama (the s�cky waste-product of diges�on) from your bowels, detoxifies your body (especially your stomach), thereby aiding in weight loss.

Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)Cinnamom is one of the ac�ve medicinal herb has the ability to increase fat metabolism in the body by burning fat through effects of slowing food glucose absorp�on, and enhancing the body's ability to use glucose in metabolically ac�ve cells via direc�on of insulin, rather than store it away as fat, cinnamon improves body composi�on. The body accumulates less fat as a result of ideally-regulated blood sugar concentra�ons.

Amla (Emblica officinalis)The amla fruit is known to speed metabolism, especially that of proteins. One of the main reasons for obesity is poor metabolism. The moment your metabolism becomes be�er, you start burning more fat on a daily basis and your weight loss process gets accelerated.Amla also helps in flushing out toxins that have accumulated in our body. These toxins can inhibit the func�oning of the enzymes in

Effects of Herbs Used in Fat Burn Slimming Liquid


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the diges�ve system and can impede the process of diges�on. By ge�ng rid of these toxins, amla ensures that your food is digested well, that all the nutrients from the food are absorbed in the body and the waste is expelled.Amla is also a good laxa�ve. It helps relieve cons�pa�on, even the chronic kind. When your bowel movement eases up, your weight loss also becomes easy.

Ghritkumari (Aloe barbodensis)Being a great source of polysaccharides and powerful an�oxidants, Aloe Vera makes our immune system stronger and prevents the growth of free oxidan�ve radicals inside our body. It keeps our internal system toxin-free. A cleansed body is necessary for healthy weight loss. It induces posi�ve effects on our gastrointes�nal system, which gives a significant boost to our metabolism by easing issues like acid reflux, ulcers, etc., and regula�ng bowel movements. So, the process of burning calories becomes faster, thereby accelera�ng the process of losing weight too.

Saunth (Zingiber officinale)Ginger can improve digesion by increasing the pH of the stomach and s�mula�ng the diges�ve enzymes. Because ginger also has a high fiber content, it increases gastrointes�nal mo�lity.The combina�on of these two effects means that essen�al nutrients are absorbed quickly while the non-essen�al foods that cause bloa�ng and cons�pa�on are excreted quickly.In addi�on, an efficient diges�on means an op�mal use of the energy store of the body. Therefore, the processes involved in diges�on can help use up the glucose in the blood as well as stored fat. A number of studies suggest that ginger is also a thermogenic agent that can help burn fat.

Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)Lodhra basically means the one which helps in making body firm. Lodhra helps to detoxify the blood. Lodhra helps in maintain the shape of body. Due to its Grahi (Absorp�on enhancing), Sheeta (Cooling), and Laghu (Light) which itself is unique combina�on, which makes it very useful in reducing inflamma�on heaviness in the body.

Pipal Badi (Piper longum)It is known to contain a chemical known as piperine, which helps fight parasites and other infec�ous agents.The world is ge�ng obsessed about weight loss today, and many people are foolishly turning to picking up "healthy" foods from supermarket shelves. Long pepper, on the other hand, is a wonderful herb that is believed to promote weight loss and have minimal or no side effects on the body. It is known to reduce body fat and discard the stagnant fa�y toxins from the body, thereby preven�ng obesity.

Indrayan (Citrulus colocynthes)Indrayan improve the pa�ent's condi�on by performing the following func�ons bt containing the linalool and the fragrant substance limonene; providing the folate, also called "folacin" or "folic acid"; raising the energy expenditure, increasing metabolism, thus suppressing appe�te. Acing against bacteria; inhibi�on of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals; inhibi�ng carrageenan, serotonin and prostaglandin E1-induced paw edema.


Page 8: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …

Ÿ It is very important to remember that it took

months to gain the excess weight.

Ÿ The excess weight is gained by one of the

following reasons but not limited to, Post-

Natal, Hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle,

working in the night shi�s, post surgeries,

exis�ng ailments like PCOD and much more.

Ÿ Losing the excess weight also takes �me,

some individuals have lost around 6-15 KGs*.

One of our Client Says: Tarun, 21, Delhi - Soon a�er my surgery I had gained over 30 kgs. With the help of

diet, Fatburn- weight loss Ayurvedic medicine - and Panchakarma treatment

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.

Reduce fat Maintains



What To Expect From Fatburn Slimming Liquid?


Page 9: Loose Weight F T B RN - Varah Tulsi and Motha. Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at Thermogenic herbs also tend to be great at detoxifying and also …

Ÿ Fatburn is an ayurvedic medicine for weight loss that removes unwanted fat by correc�ng cell to cell metabolism of an individual, while most of the weight-loss products work by suppressing the appe�te which is only a temporary solu�on.

Ÿ As soon as our ayurvedic weight loss medicine enters the blood vessels, it ini�ates cell to cell metabolism and helps in removing bad cholesterol from the blood vessels.

Ÿ Fatburn prevents the forma�on of fa�y liver by improving the func�on of the liver and by removing fat par�cles from the liver. Thus, Fatburn is also a great fat cu�er ayurvedic medicine.

Ÿ Fatburn removes plaque from the coronary arteries and it is also beneficial in heart ailments. It also dissolves plaque present in blood vessels in other parts of the body. Eg: Atherosclerosis of legs.

Ÿ Known to enhance the insulin release and absorp�on, Fatburn also helps in maintaining sugar levels and body weight in diabe�c pa�ents.

Ÿ While most of the weight-loss products are approved by food bodies like FSSAI, FatBurn is one of the best ayurvedic medicines that is approved by the government body in India, Department of Ayush

Uniqueness Of Fatburn


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Follow These Simple steps to overcome with Weight loss/Fatburn

1. Start your day with a large glass of warm water with lemon in the morning and later minimum 15 minutes of Yoga.

2. Always follow Kapha-Pacifying meal. According to Ayurveda, there are six tastes, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bi�er, and astringent and make sure incorporate all six tastes into your daily needs. Sour, Sweet, and salty tastes are anabolic, or building, in nature and need the pungent, bi�er, and astringent tastes, which are catabolic, or burning in nature, to balance them out. Too many sweet, sour, and salty tastes, as seen in the standard American diet, can cause fast weight gain. Foods that are bi�er, such as leafy greens; pungent, such as spicy chili peppers; and astringent, such as pomegranate seeds, offer healthy counterpoints to the building nature of the sweet, sour, and salty tastes .

3. Make a li�le movement a�er each meal. Going for short walk a�er meal s�mulate peristalsis and diges�on.

4. Eat at least three sa�sfying meal daily with no snacking. Food itself is fast burning fuel and if your body is given constant fuel line, it forgets how to burn fat. Take your breakfast with medium sized meal, between 7:30 to 9:00 am, lunch �me (the large one in three meals) between 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and your dinner (the smallest one) between 5:30 to 8:00 pm 9 (when your diges�on is weak). Should always eat seasonally and preferably with the region.

5. Always try to regular with exercise but keep at least three �mes in a week.

6. Always follow your regular lifestyle in healthy manner. Early to bed and early to rise is simple thing which we can easily follow.

Above steps are simple and only you have to be disciplined towards them and rest of things will be okayed with the help of FATBURN.


Follow Six Simple Commitments


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Is Fatburn Safe? Are there any side effects?FatBurn has successfully cleared the acute oral toxicity test proving that there are no side effects on key body organs like heart, spleen, kidney and so on.

Will I gain the weight once I stop using Fatburn?Unlike other weight loss products, Fatburn corrects the cell to cell metabolism, thereby ensuring that weight once lost is not gained back.

How long will I have to consume weight loss Ayurvedic medicine to lose weight?It purely depends on your weight loss target. Most individuals have lost about 6-15 KGs.*

One of our Client Says: Usha, 42, Bangalore - I had accepted a challenge from my sister that I will lose 8 kg's before her daughter's wedding and it's 3 months now and I have already lost 6.4 Kg. Another 50 days to go for the marriage and I am all excited to win the challenge.* *Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.

I am Diabe�c, can Fatburn s�ll help me reduce weight?Fatburn is sugar free and it enhances the insulin

release and absorp�on, thus, it helps in maintaining the sugar level and body weight in diabe�c pa�ents.Can Fatburn be taken by pregnant and Lacta�ng women?We do not recommend Fatburn to pregnant and lacta�ng women.

Is it safe to take Fatburn while I am on other medica�on?No chemical malfunc�oning between the Ingredients of Fatburn with other medicines have been reported �ll date. However, if you have any known sensi�vity to the ingredients of Fatburn, we recommend you consult with your physician before using it.

How to Use FATBURN- The Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight LossTake 20-30 ml in the morning on empty stomach and again 20-30 ml 30 minutes before dinner. For Fatburn to start making a difference in your weight, follow the simple diet plan.

Make sure to keep at bay: Ÿ Bakery ItemsŸ Junk Food such as Pizza, Burger, etc.


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