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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

&  Ground  Water  Rule  Updates  for  Oklahoma    

Water  Systems    

June  2014    


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October  1,  2013  •  Administra5on  of  three  Drinking  Water  Rules  transferred  from  EPA  to  Oklahoma  DEQ:  


– Stage  2  Disinfectants  and  Disinfec5on  Byproducts  Rule  (Stage  2  DBP)  

– Long  Term  2  Enhanced  Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule  (LT2)  

– Ground  Water  Rule  (GWR)  

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(LT2  RULE)  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  What  is  the  intent  of  the  rule?  – Reduce  disease  associated  with  Cryptosporidium  and  other  disease  causing  microorganisms  

– Cryptosporidium  is  a  parasite  •  Its  covered  by  a  protec5ve  outer  shell  

–  survives  outside  the  body  for  long  periods  –  protected  from  disinfectants  

•  Common  in  surface  water  •  Causes  gastrointes5nal  illness  


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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  To  reduce  risk  you  must  iden5fy  the  most  at  risk  surface  water  sources  

•  PWS  serving  <10,000  people    – must  sample  for  E.  coli  once  every  two  weeks  for  12  months  

–  If  E.  coli  threshold  is  exceeded  then  sample  for  Cryptosporidium  for  24  months  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  To  reduce  risk  you  must  iden5fy  the  most  at  risk  surface  water  sources  

•  PWS  serving  >=10,000  people    – must  sample  for  Cryptosporidium,  E.  coli  and  turbidity  for  24  months  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  PWSs  have  completed  the  1st  round  of  Cryptosporidium  monitoring    

•  New  PWSs  or  PWSs  with  new  surface  water  sources  must  conduct  Cryptosporidium  or  E.  coli  monitoring  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  Five  PWSs  exceeded  Cryptosporidium  “ac5on  levels”  during  the  first  round  of  monitoring  – Four  PWSs  must  meet  addi5onal  treatment  requirements  by  October  1,  2013  

– One  PWS  must  meet  addi5onal  treatment  requirements  by  October  1,  2014  

•  New  repor5ng  requirements  for  these  PWSs  on  Monthly  Opera5ng  Reports  (MOR)  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  The  types  of  addi5onal  treatment  u5lized  by  Oklahoma  systems  so  far:  – Mee5ng  stricter  individual  filter  effluent  turbidity  &  combined  filter  effluent  turbidity    

– Using  chlorine  dioxide  disinfec5on  •  There  is  a  wide  range  of  treatment  and  management  strategies  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  A  few  other  treatment  op5ons:  – Membrane  filtra5on,  ozone,  or  UV  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  DEQ  will  work  with  systems  to  develop  an  appropriate  sample  site  plan  

•  System  must  select  a  cer5fied  laboratory  for  sample  analysis  and  sample  collec5on  techniques  – At  this  point,  PWSs  will  be  responsible  for  the  cost  of  analysis  unlike  during  the  first  round  of  monitoring  

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Long  Term  2  Enhanced    Surface  Water  Treatment  Rule    

•  Second  round  of  monitoring  start  dates:  1)  At  least  100,000  people    April  2015  2)  50,000  to  99,999  people    October  2015  3)  10,000  to  49,999  people    October  2016  4)  Fewer  than  10,000  people      – E.  coli  monitoring  only    October  2017  – Cryptosporidium  monitoring    April  1,  2019  


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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  What  is  the  intent  of  the  rule?  –  Increased  protec5on  against  microbial  pathogens  in  systems  using  ground  water  •  The  majority  of  waterborne  diseass  outbreaks  occur  at  small  non-­‐disinfected  ground  water  systems  

– Protects  public  health  by  requiring  higher-­‐risk  groundwater  systems  to  monitor  and,  when  necessary,  take  correc5ve  ac5on  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  What  is  the  intent  of  the  rule?  – Ground  Water  Rule  works  in  conjunc5on  with  the  Total  Coliform  Rule  

– Both  rules  u5lize  results  of  E.  coli  analysis  •  Total  coliform  rule  focuses  on  the  water  quality  of  the  distribu5on  system  •  Ground  water  rule  focuses  on  the  water            quality  of  the  ground  water  sources  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  To  whom  does  the  rule  apply?  – Systems  relying  100%  on  ground  water  – Consecu5ve  systems  receiving  ground  water  – Systems  with  mixed  surface  and  ground  water  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  What  does  the  rule  require?  – Triggered  monitoring  of  the  ground  water  source(s)  for  E.  coli    • When  there  is  a  posi5ve  rou5ne  total  coliform  rule  sample  (TCR+)  

– Consecu5ve  systems  must  no5fy  all  wholesale  system(s)  with  wells  that  provide  water  to  the  consecu5ve  system    

– Consecu5ve  systems  must  also            no5fy  DEQ    


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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  Consecu5ve  System  Op5ons  for  TC+  No5fica5on  to  DEQ  – Send  e-­‐mail  to  [email protected]  

•  ALWAYS  put  PWSID#  and  system  name  in  subject  line  •  Keep  a  copy  of  your  sent  email  in  case  it  is  needed  for  proof  

– Or  fax  to  (405)  702-­‐8101  (Apn:  Jennifer  Alig)  •  If  e-­‐mail  is  not  possible  

– Or  call  (405)  702-­‐8219  •  if  e-­‐mail  and  fax  are  not  possible  and  water  system  logs  all  calls  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  Differences  in  EPA/DEQ  rule  implementa5on  – Well  samples  must  s5ll  be  collected  within  24  hours  of  TCR+:  •  DEQ  requires  PWS  to  sample  wells  that  were  in  use  or  could  have  been  in  use  at  the  5me  the  TCR+  sample  was  collected  •  EPA  required  PWS  to  sample  all  wells  used  in  the  past  30  days  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  Differences  in  EPA/DEQ  rule  implementa5on  – Well  samples  must  s5ll  be  collected  within  24  hours  of  TCR+:  •  Samples  must  be  collected  at  the  raw  water  taps    

–  if  chlorine  is  present,  the  sample  will  be  rejected  

•  DEQ  con5nues  to  educate  cer5fied  labs  that  triggered  source  samples  cannot  have  chlorine  present  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  Differences  in  EPA/DEQ  rule  implementa5on  – Well  samples  must  s5ll  be  collected  within  24  hours  of  TCR+:  •  If  samples  cannot  be  collected  within  24  hours,  contact  DEQ  for  guidance    –  extensions  may  be  granted  if  DEQ  is  contacted  immediately  

•  EPA  contact  no  longer  required  

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Ground  Water  Rule  

•  Differences  in  EPA/DEQ    rule  implementa5on  – Enhanced  focus  on  technical  assistance  

•  Call  DEQ  for  immediate  assistance  with  GWR  sampling  ques5ons    •  Inform  DEQ  of  TCR+  samples  in  consecu5ve  systems  and  request  DEQ  guidance  for  consecu5ve  system  no5fica5ons    •  In  the  case  of  E.  coli  at  a  well,  no5fy  DEQ  immediately  

– DEQ  will  provide  assistance  with  Boil  Advisories,  Public  No5fica5ons,  and  any  required  correc5ve  ac5ons  

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DEQ  Contacts  

•  LT2  Rule:    Jordan  Canary  –  [email protected]    –  (405)  702-­‐8165  

•  Ground  Water  Rule:    Jennifer  Alig  –  [email protected]  –  (405)  702-­‐8219  

•  Any  Rule:  PWS  Compliance  Tracking  Sec5on  –  (405)  702-­‐8100  

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