  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


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    9.50 am: Those opposing Lokpal don't want corrupt prose cuted, says Bedi

    Reiterating her stand on the re-drafted Lokpal bill, former IPS officer Kiran Bedi tweeted this morning that the bill was certainly not a 'joke' and

    those behind discrediting it perhaps just wanted to keep the issue alive and not let those guilty of corruption, be prosecuted.

    Lokpal is certainly not a Jokepal!Those who term it

    this way perhaps want to keep d issue alive & not

    want it get started against corruption

    9:02AM - 16 Dec 2013

    Kiran Bedi




    Elaborating on the bill, Bedi said the CBI will have a free hand when investigating under the Lokpal as it would be operating under the supervision o

    four senior judges and experts.


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    Lokpal live: Anna takes on AAP, asks if they have read bill 161 Comments

    Between Delhi polls and Lokpal, Kejriwal is politically vulnerable 459 Commentssee mor














    Lokpal live: Does AAP really want to prosecute corrupt? Asks Bediby Ayeshea Perera26 mins ago

    #Anna Hazare#BJP#Congress#India#Kamal Nath#Lokpal Bill#NewsTracker#parliament#Politics#Rajya Sabha

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  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    In lokpal CBI is not a caged parrot for LP ref

    matters.It will work under oversight of 4 senior

    Judges and 4 other experts with own lawyers!

    10:01 AM - 16 Dec 2013

    Kiran Bedi




    On Sunday, AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwalheld a press conference where he slammed the government saying the bill, in its current form, was not

    capable of prosecuting anyone.

    "The Lokpal Bill in its current form, won't send a mouse to jail, forget a politician," he had said.

    8.20 am: I have read govt Lokpal bill have you? Annaasks AAP

    Countering claims by Arvind Kejriwalthat he had been 'misled' and had not seen the provisions of the draft Lokpal bill, anti-corruption activist An

    Hazaresaid that he was familiar with the draft.

    According to a report in theTimes of India, Hazare said, "People who say I don't know the bill may have not read the draft. And if they feel there

    are still shortcomings, then they can take up an agitation to get whatever has been left behind".

    The comments come barely a day after he categorically said that Kejriwal and he had parted ways.

    Meanwhile Kejriwal and AAP have made it clear that they will fight for a 'strong' Lokpal regardless of Anna's feelings on the matter. Senior AAP

    leader Kumar Vishwas went on record as saying that AAP belonged to the people of India and not to any one person, be it Kejriwal or even Anna

    7.15 am: Samajwadi Party to allow Lokpal bill to be passed?

    In good news for Rahul Gandhiand the government, Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadavhas reportedly agreed allow the Lokpal bill to


    According to a report in the Times of India, "Sources said the breakthrough came after parliamentary affairs minister Kamal Nath met

    ulayam on Sunday afternoon to persuade the SP chief to reconsider his tough stance on the bill."

    The report addd that Nath met Mulayam on Sunday and while it is understood that the SP chief did not exactly agree to suspend disruptions, he

    seemed more reconciled to the legislation being passed than he was before.

    Read the entire report here

    -- end of updates for 15 December --

    3.20 pm: BJP unimpressed with Rahul's zeal for Lokpal

    Alleging that ruling Congress is "not serious" about bringing the Lokpal Bill, BJP today said the UPA government could have brought the anti-graft

    legislation long ago as there was consensus over the issue."Congress is not serious about Lokpal (Bill). The consensus had already emerged one year ago in May 2012. (In) one and half years, there were

    three peaceful sessions. They (Congress) could have brought the bill any time," BJP spokesman Prakash Javdekar told reporters.

    "Because, there were unanimous recommendations. If they were genuine enough, they would have brought the bill and passed it. We were ready t

    pass it unanimously. But, government does not want and that's why we have doubts," he said.

    He was responding to Congress vice President's highly publicised move to strongly endorse the Lokpal draft in Parliament and appeal to other

    parties to ensure its smooth passage.

    Both the Congress and BJP are fighting to be seen as the backers of the Lokpal bill, especially in the wake of Arvind Kejriwal's victory in Delhi on

    an anti-corruption plank.

    2.20 pm: This bill won't even send a mouse to jail, says Kejriwal

    AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal who has so far only commented on the Lokpal controversy on Twitter is now addressing the press conference in Delh

    "The net result of passing this Lokpal is that Rahul Gandhiwill get some credit", he said, while reiterating the arguments of his colleagues that the

    version of the bill that the government was seeking to pass was nothing more than a sham. "The government is not even willing to make CBI anindependent body, he said,

    "The Lokpal Bill in its current form, won't send a mouse to jail, forget a politician," he added.

    The AAP leader also vowed that his party would keep fighting for a strong Lokpal bill, regardless of whether or not Anna was happy with the

    government bill.

    2.00 pm Govt Jokepal is unacceptable to us, says AAP

    The Aam Aadmi Party is now holding a press conference, detailing its opposition to the government version of the Lokpal that has been given Ann

    Hazare and Kiran Bedi's stamp of approval.

    AAP leader Prashant Bhushan who was also a part of the original team Anna, said that it was important that the Lokpal was kept completely out o

    the ambit of the government, adding that in its current form, the bill was a complete betrayal.

    "An independent and unbiased investigation is not possible if we go by the government Lokpal. Lokpal has to be completely independent of the

    government", he told a press conference in Delhi.

  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    1.00 pm: Bill is certainly not a 'Jokepal' says Kiran Bedi

    Anti-corruption activist and Team Anna member Kiran Bedi has jumped into the middle of the Lokpal controversy, saying that contrary to the

    assertions of AAP leader Kumar Vishwas, the Lokpal is certainly not a Jokepal.

    "Lokpal is certainly not a Jokepal!Those who term it this way perhaps want to keep d issue alive & not want it get started against corruption", she

    tweeted a while ago.

    "Thanku for all d stones being hurled as insinuations ref Lokpal: Being preserved as mementos!(Pl read bill+recommendations of Select Comm)",

    she added.

    Meanwhile Kumar Vishwas contended that the Aam Aadmi Party had no quarrel with Anna Hazare, but said that the Lokpal bill did not belong to

    any one person - not even Anna.

    The Congress party for its part said that it was sad that Anna's former team members were now deserting him.

    9.00 am: SP unfazed by Rahul's plea to pass Lokpal

    Samajwadi Party was unfazed today by the appeal of Rahul Gandhi for passage of Lokpal Bill, warning it could go to "any extent" in Parliament for

    blocking the anti-corruption legislation. Party leader Naresh Agarwal advised Congress not to seek passage of any important bill after "losing the

    mandate of the people" in recent assembly elections in four states.

    "Congress has lost the mandate of the people and should refrain from seeking passage of any major legislation. We will continue to oppose the

    Lokpal bill. We will go to any extent to oppose it," Agarwal told PTI.

    SP opposed the bill in the Rajya Sabha on Friday, leading to adjournment of proceedings for the day. SP leaders had pressed for a discussion on

    price rise saying it was a more important issue concerning the common man. SP leaders have claimed establishment of Lokpal will create a "police

    raj" in the country and was not good for democracy.

    Earlier, Rahul Gandhi appealed to all political parties to pass the Lokpal bill which will be discussed by the Rajya Sabha Monday, and described it

    as a "strong bill" that will wipe out corruption from the country.

    The gesture was welcomed by Anna Hazare, although Kejriwal strongly objected and said Anna was being 'misled'.

    "I m really surprised. How can Anna accept sarkari lokpal bill? Sarkari lokpal is a "jokepal". Who is misguiding Anna?" Kejriwal tweeted. Kejriw

    who in 2011 was with Hazare, also tweeted that "None of the 3 conditions which were agreed upon when Anna broke his fast in Aug 2011 are

    there in this jokepal."

    -- end of updates for 14 December --

    9.11 pm: Rahul keen on bringing SP on board, passing bill

    Rahul Gandhi is very keen on early passage of the Lokpal Bill which seeks to create an anti-corruption watchdog, Congress leaders said today in

    the backdrop of Anna Hazare's fast and AAP making it an issue.

    Floor managers of the ruling party said the next two days will be utilised to bring on board Samajwadi Party, which has been thwarting attempts fo

    consideration of the bill in an amended form in the Rajya Sabha.

    SP, an outside supporter of the UPA government, disrupted proceedings of the House repeatedly today demanding a discussion on price rise befo

    the Lokpal Bill is taken up.

    8.29 pm: BJP disagrees on four points in the bill

    Passage of Lokpal Bill in Parliament could face new roadblocks with BJP today expressing disagreement on four points, including independence oCBI and keeping even organisations, except religious institutions, not funded by the government within the ambit of the ombudsman.

    In a statement, Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said after reading the recommendations of the Select Committee and

    government's amendments, BJP has found four areas on which there are differences.

    Independence of CBI continues to be a sparring point between BJP and the UPA regime. Jaitley had proposed to the Select Committee that the

    transfer of CBI officials probing cases referred by the Lokpal to the agency should only be transferred with concurrence of the Lokpal.

    "However, the power as it stands today is vested in the government. The government can defeat the purpose of independent investigation by

    transferring an inconvenient officer. This requires a relook," Jaitley said.

    5.16: Accept whatever Parl gives, former Lokayukta tells Anna

    Former Karnataka Lokayukta Santosh Hegde today suggested that Team Anna should accept the Lokpal bill which "Parliament gives now" and

    hoped Anna Hazare agrees to it.

    The former Team Anna member said the Lokpal bill might not be the same as wanted by Hazare, who is on an indefinite fast demanding stronger

    anti-graft measure.However, "let us accept whatever the Parliament gives now, let us see how it functions, and if we find this is not enough- the institution is not

    functioning well- then we will make a demand to bring about the change," he told PTI.

    "Why miss this opportunity of getting this bill passed and creating an institution? Creating an institution is absolutely more necessary and important

    than asking for a perfect institution to be brought into," Hegde said.

    Expressing his doubts about Hazare agreeing to this, the former Supreme Court judge said, "He has taken a firm stand on that... I wish he does

    though (agrees)."

    On Hazare's fast, he said, "Starting the fast was for good cause because the government was defying something which the people wanted...; now

    they have placed it in the Rajya Sabha, I hope for the positive outcome."

    "If he (Anna) wants to wait till the bill is passed its okay, because last time he was cheated..., but if he wants to continue the fast only on the ground

    that some of the provisions in the draft bill are not in accordance with the draft made by his team, I have got little apprehensions about that. Why n

    allow the institution to be created..."

  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    "I expect the bill to be passed, what form it will be passed is something that is anybody's guess. But surrounding circumstances which is compelling

    the government of the day and be for that matter even the opposition parties are as such- that they must, otherwise they may not be able to face

    2014 election," Hegde said.

    4.00 pm: BJP accuses AAP of hijacking Anna

    BJP today accused Aam Aadmi Party of trying to "hijack" Anna Hazare's agitation on the Janlokpal Bill after the activist asked AAP leader Gopal

    Rai to leave his village when he interrupted former army chief VK Singh's speech at a function.

    Party spokesperson Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi also ridiculed suggestions that BJP may offer support to AAP to form the government in Delhi, saying

    was irrational to even suggest as much at a time when AAP is claiming that it will stopNarendra Modifrom becoming prime minister.

    He said BJP salutes the agitation of Hazare and condemned AAP for its attempt to "hijack" his agitation.

    "The whole country is watching what they (AAP) are doing. We condemn it," he said.

    Naqvi said his party was in complete support of the Lokpal Bill and blamed the Congress-led government for putting the bill on the backburner.

    3.35 pm: No Lokpal bill in Parliament, RS adjourned till Monday

    And any slim hopes of a Lokpal debate happening in the Rajya Sabha have been dashed, with protesting MPs forcing the adjournment of the hous

    till Monday.

    Although there was some attempt at a debate, the protests, chants and general cacophony grew to such high levels it became impossible to conduc

    the business of the house.

    Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, PJ Kurien tried to tell rioting MPs that he would "bring action" against them, but to no avail.

    So much for the Lokpal this week then. We'll try again on Monday.

    3.08 pm: Anna's anger is not an insult, says Sisodia

    AAP leader Manish Sisodia is scrambling to do some damage control, after a verbal spat between party leader Gopal Rai and VK Singh made it o

    to national news channels everywhere.

    "Anna ji's anger is not an insult for us. He can say anything to us", Sisodia said, clearly playing the part of the chastened-yet-grateful pupil.

    2.34 pm: Lokpal politics in Ralegan Siddhi

    Amid repeated adjournments in Parliament that made the Lokpal bill a no show on that front, there was plenty of drama in Ralegan Siddhi, where

    Anna Hazare has entered the fourth day of his fast for the Janlokpal bill.

    It all started when former army chief VK Singh made a speech that was apparently directed at AAP. " Some people are saying today that Anna is

    because of us, not that we are because of Anna. But no matter what they say, they can't show Anna down", he said.

    The statement was objected to AAP leader Gopal Rai who shouted a challenge at Singh. The former army chief then responded saying, "If you fee

    bad about what I am saying, if you have any misunderstanding keep it in your heart. Whatever you people did wrong, let me talk about it".

    The incident finally ended when Anna Hazare himself intervened and sternly told Rai that it was not right to interrupt someone while they was

    speaking. "If you have a problem with what he is saying, please go out", he said.

    Later a chastened Rai said that the party would support a Jan Lokpal bill in its strongest form.

    Meanwhile team Anna members are decrying the 'betrayal' and 'bad behaviour' by Gopal Rai and other party members, saying that Anna was very

    hurt by their actions.

    11.30 am: Lokpal bill tabled in ParliamentNot much has been done in the Rajya Sabha, which has been more a repository for plaintive chants like, "We want justice!" but amid adjournment

    and shouting someone managed to successfully table the Lokpal bill in the Rajya Sabha.

    Whether it will be actually be put to a vote is anybody's guess.

    8.15 am: Bill to be reintroduced in RS as Anna piles on pressure

    The Lokpal bill which suffered an ignominious end in 2011 in the Rajya Sabha, is likely to be reintroduced in the upper house of Parliament today.

    The introduction of the bill comes even as Anna Hazare enters the fourth day of his fast unto death in Ralegan Siddhi, demanding the implementatio

    of the Jan Lokpal bill.

    The BJP has already said that it is willing to extend its support for the passage of the bill even without debate, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister

    Kamal Nath said that the Lokpal was a 'priority'.
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    It's been a long wait for the Lokpal: Reuters

    The rush to pass the bill is being seen as a knee jerk reaction to the stunning performance of the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi, in which they won 28

    seats and forced a hung assembly, taking away an outright win for the BJP.

    Both Congress and BJP, who have everything to play for in 2014, don't want to be seen on the wrong side of the pro-Lokpal, anti-corruption wav

    which has clearly become a poll decider in the elections.

    The BJP has even accused Congress MPs of deliberately disrupting the house, so that the bill would not be passed.

    However even if this bill is to be passed, it is unlikely that Anna Hazare will be appeased.

    The bill that will come up for consideration is a watered down version of the stronger 'Jan Lokpal' that Anna Hazare has demanded. Although

    Hazare's close aide, former IPS officer Kiran Bedi had given the draft bill her approval, Kumar Vishwas of the Aam Aadmi Party had said it was a

    'Jokepal' - a term that Anna himself had coined for the draft when it was first introduced in 2011.

    According to this reportin theIndian Express, Bedi had said, " After reading the draft, I have come to the conclusion that it satisfies to around 75

    80 per cent the suggestions made by Anna in his draft. It is important that the Bill gets passed now. We can continue to strengthen it through


    She had also sharply asked Vishwas how he planned to implement his promise of AAP passing the bill, theExpressreport added.

    Anna is on the fourth day of his fast, and doctors are concerned for his health.

    Parliament is yet to see a single days work in the winter session, and according to The Hindu, the situation is likely to continue today.

    Most of the parties have gone on record saying that they will support the bill, except for the Samajwadi Party which is still insisting that it will oppo


    There's no news from the RJD as yet, whose MP Rajniti Parsad created huge controversy by tearing up the Lokpal bill during the infamous Rajya

    Sabha debate in 2011.


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    Again we don't need another toothless law, the law should be perfect and should serve the purpose. If powers are rest with the

    government then the purpose will not serve. the law should be fair and detrimental to the corrupt in power.


    The harsh truth is that the BJP doesn't want the Lok pal to be passed. Not surprising considering the conduct of Modi against th

    constitution of Lok Ayukta in his State.


    You are an ignorant person, in the name of Lokpal we cannot create some crap. Lokpal need power to act otherwise

    there is no benefit for the public. The Gujarat issue was the governor overstepping his powers and not the fault of Modi.


    Does the BJP want the Lok Pal to be made as toothless as the Lok Ayukta in Gujarat ?
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost



    When did they tell you that?


    AAP got votes from people to change the system, not to maintain "status quo" of the current systems. To change system you

    need majority in assembly from MLA's who hv strong believes in freedom of Swaraj what Gandhiji believed -

    What's Gandhiji Swaraj -

    Adopting Swaraj means implementing a system whereby the state machinery is virtually nil, and the real power directly resides

    the hands of people. Gandhiji said, "Power resides in the people, they can use it at any time. This philosophy rests inside an

    individual who has to learn to be master of his own self and spreads upwards to the level of his community which must be

    dependent only on itself. Gandhiji said, "In such a state (where swaraj is achieved) everyone is his own ruler (where we have 1

    cr Modiji, Rahulji and Arvindji). He rules himself in such a manner that he is never a hindrance to his neighbour"; and also "It is

    Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves."


    You should be day dreaming or joking? Are you? Is India so small place for AAP to make change overnight? First chang

    the price of electricity in Delhi as AAP promised, then we can talk about changing systems. Such ignorance is the root

    cause of us wasting our energy. We should instead support Modi who have come up with clean record and there aremany in BJP and cleaning should be easy from within established party and when in power. Look at Vajpayee, Modi,

    Manohar Parikar, Shivraj Chouhan, Vasundhara, Raman Singh, Sushil Modi, Kalyan Singh, Harshvardhan etc. there are

    many such leaders in BJP who are trying for clean administration and minimize corruption compared to Congress and

    their allies. Hence it is the duty of every Indian to join them and fight with them. Multiplicity of parties is not going to solve

    our problem. America and rest of developed country is progressing not due to A to Z parties but mostly due to their two

    party system and honest leaders along with honest government and law enforcing servants. They are serving the peopl

    and not ruling the people like AAP and Congress think.

    ramesh indian

    Well said. AAP is here to bring second order change in the system.


    AAP will bring change we are seeing that now? Zero result.

    z ia

    Modi has the vision , expereince,calibre etc etc to take india to next level

    ramesh indian

    I trust Kejriwal more. He disclosed all funding, BJP has not done it in years. Swamy advised the people tfile a PIL to know BJP's funding sources.


    There is no need to disclose source of fund as per the law, BJP is the first party that asked for state

    funding for election. Where was AAP then? Now what AAP disclosed is only part of the collection, please

    give details of collection done in the name of Anna and the sim cards if you dare.


    Fine keep on trusting khujliwal and be slave to ur master. For seeing beyond a person, to the vision , one
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    needs to complete school.

    ramesh indian

    No details yet on BJP's funding sources. Looks like my seniors in school do not have an answer to this

    simple question from a kindergarten guy like me.


    There are many complexities in naming person while simulatenously keeping that person as secret.but

    these complexities are beyond kindergarten kids understanding.

    ramesh indian

    Good. So BJP is involved in clandestine activities...that is what your post suggests.


    how can u name a person who does not want to show his or her name My mother regulargy gives gupt

    daann to NGOs


    Very smart argument? Do you think people are fools?

    Aam Aadm i

    Why MODI creating Congress Jokepal in Gujarat where CM appoints Jokepal.


    Are you a joker, it is the government recommending the names of people for the post and the governor select one from

    that list. The government elected have a role to recommend the names as per the law. Don't act like a fool if you don't

    know the law.


    why modi is not talking about why he stalked that innocent women and used ATS and whole state machinery to

    snoop that women?

    ramesh indian

    One thing is clear. Anna does not have the big heart to digest AAP's rise. And he is failing to see that AAP is fully following his

    agenda of enacting an undiluated Lokpal.

    If AAP is following Anna's goal, what is Anna's problem ? Envy, I suppose.

    And more practically, strings pulled by BJP.

    Anna's complaints against AAP are sounding petty and vain.


    AAP cheated Anna and his movement, Kejirwal is a fraud and they will soon forget Anna.
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost



    Show some respect to annaji He is fasting not for his own benefit

    ramesh indian

    I would like to Anna to show some respect for AAP.

    If Anna was a true statesman he would not have asked Gopal Rai to get out of the village even as Gopal Ria was

    gesturing that he was sealing his lips. And by the way, Ralegan Siddhi does not belong to Anna.

    If Anna was a true statesman he would have got VK Singh and Gopal Rai together and found common ground a

    conciliation. Instead he exacerbated the situation and made if a full fledged confrontation ! So much for Anna's


    Let Anna show some respect for others first.


    AAP supporters r arrogant Annji did not invite aap commies in their rally They came of thieir own and started to meddle

    the affairs of tean annna

    ramesh indian

    Team Anna was dissolved by Anna right ? What is left to meddle ?


    Shame on you for attributing motives to Anna.

    ramesh indian

    I have not attributed motives to Anna, However, he is unnecessarily focusing on AAP. Why is he obsessed with

    AAP ?


    Anna did not participate in AAP rally but rather Gopal Rai attended Anna' fast venue. So you were saying

    Anna was obsessed or something ?????

    ramesh indian

    Yes, why make provocative statements like "Kejriiwal should not come to my fast dias ?". If Anna is reall

    non-political he should have asked anyone assoicted with BJP, Congress, MNS etc to keep out of the


    Anyway, by your own admission RSS is running the show for Anna. So that explains the true character o



    Anna does not need AAP's endorsement,it is other way around.

    ramesh indian

    Anna did everything to bring AAP down and failed. And now Anna is going to agree for a diluted Lokpal

    which Kejriwal is against.
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    Once AAP is in power they will implement the true Jan Lokpal. Anna or no Anna.


    This is arrogance of AAPtards without power.imagine when they get power. U all express views by screaming that

    whoever is not with AAP are dishonest.Aap is becz of Anna. ANNA IS a simple man used by backstabbers like khujliwal

    ramesh indian Rather than talking about AAP's supposed arrogance when in fact they are displaying all humility, could we talk

    about Anna's arrogance ?

    I was shocked to see Anna using extreme words against Gopal Rai and not saying a word against VK Singh who

    threw the first stone.

    I for one would like to see Anna sticking to his fast.


    Where is humilty of Aap needs to be searched. Anyways, it is arrogance of aap member to speak in

    middle .they could have expressed their views later.anna was right in reacting towards gopal becz it was

    event of Anna which u all piggibacks want to utilise towards ur own fame.

    ramesh indian

    So if I interrupt someone when they are speaking I will be sent out, not out of the venue, not out of the

    street but out of the village.

    By that standard, most Indians have to jump into the seas that surround India. Of course Anna will be

    onshore till the last man has been sent out.

    Aam Aadm i Corrupt Parties like BJP- khangress,SP,BSP,TMC,DMK,TDP,BJD,CPI,JDu etc ruining the country.


    The National Election Watch (NEW) and Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) said that out of 71 MLAs with criminal

    records, 48 MLAs are from the BJP (29 per cent) and 23 MLAs are from Congress have tainted records.


    haha AAP is a kid in politics..till now they have just made promises.when they become an adult you can include their

    name also as a corrupt party and support another party..let their be 100s of parties with hung assemblies

    everywhere..tough time for Prez


    Who said Aap is honest party? Self certified khujliwal. There are honest people in other parties too. Just wait for 50 yrs

    and see how many are honest in AAp. just for selecting 70 candidates there was so many stings. Corruption has be

    curbed by making transparent policies , bringing tranparency in system like online booking of railways etc. But AAPtards

    vision are so narrow they cannot see beyond khujliwal who in turn cannot see beyond votes.

    ramesh indian

    Some posters here are saying Kejriwal has backstabbed Anna by not supporting Anna.
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


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    But isn't it Anna who made a suo moto statement that Kejriwal is banned from the fast dias ????????????

    Who are the puppetmasters trying to hoodwink (yes, Anna is a puppet).


    Yes anna was a pupet used by khujliwal and realised it, so he banned Aap becz they were behaving typical of Aaptards.

    ramesh indian

    By the way, Anna never said that Kejriwal is manipulating him. Raghav et al have said that. Note the point.


    Everything need not be spelled like teacher spells to lower kg students. There are something as

    understanding which comes only when one grows up.

    ramesh indian

    This toddler is still waiting for Raghav Sir Ji's full disclosure of BJP's funding. AAP has already done it in

    real time.


    Anna has realized that AAP is a plant by CONgress to stop Modi. It is just a tool. It is only apt that Anna keeps a safe

    distance from political agents.

    ramesh indian

    As I said already, it is laughable to keep claiming AAP is on Cong side, espeically after how they have eaten into

    Cong votes and beaten them in the polls. If you still play the old record that Cong and AAP are together, I would

    ignore you.

    And if Anna is keeping a safe distance from political parties, he needs to send out VK Singh from the village as V

    Singh shared the dias with Modi. Anna is not his own man anymore. I can see many RSS faces running the sho

    at Anna's fast venue.


    RSS was the sole reason why Anna movement became a pan-Indian movement. What's the big deal

    about that ?? RSS as a patriotic organization is well within its right to support Anna.

    ramesh indian Thank you so much for coming out with the connection between RSS and Anna. We are all clear about

    the non-political nature of Anna now.


    What are you saying ??? Is RSS not fit to participate in an anti corruption movement ??
  • 8/13/2019 Lokpal Live_ Does AAP Really Want to Prosecute Corrupt_ Asks Bedi _ Firstpost


    Governments Lokpal bill not strong: AAP

    I see the 76yr old is just doing it for his own

    name. Perhaps got addicated to limelight and is falling

    Lokpal Bi ll: Congress gets SP on board, but may nee

    to wait a day



    What the AAP can learn from the Congress about


    arrogant abusing party is aap.

    LGBT community gathers in Delhi to protest SC

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    I hope your parents won't marry a lesbian to u n spo

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