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!!!!!!!Guide To Logic Pro X !Version 10!!Nicole Simmons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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DAW (Digital Audio Workstation):!!DAW is the Digital Audio Workstation. There are two variations, Software DAW and Integrated DAW. !!!Integrated DAW: !!

A mixing desk is an integrated DAW. Some mixing desks have more controls than others. The amount of controls on the mixing desk varies depending on how much the mixing desk costs. The standard controls that are offered on a standard mixing desk are Reverb, Automation and EQ. !!!!!!!!

Software DAW: !Software DAW has all the same controls you would get on a mixing desk such as Automation, Reverb and EQ however, these are all on an internal program such as Logic Pro or FL inside the MAC or PC instead of an external setup.!

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!How To Open a Logic Project:!! ! !!!!!!

Click once on the logic application. When it comes up with the banner at the top click on file and go down to New From Template.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This should bring you onto the menu where you have the choice of different types of projects. Click on Empty Project and press choose.!!

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!A range of options for your first track should appear. For a MIDI project click on software instrument and for an Audio Project you click Audio. This will open a new track.!!

!!!How to add a new track:!!To add a track you will need to click the little plus button in the corner. Then the same menu as before will appear and you will need to select, like before either software instrument or audio. !!


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!!!How to duplicate tracks:!!To duplicate a track means to add another track with the exact same instrument as the one above. Also if you have added any effects to the track it will be exactly the same in the new track. To do this, either press the plus button which is on a folder. Or simply Command and D at the same time.!!


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!!MIDI Projects: !!MIDI is a term used in place of Musical Instrument Digital Interface. !!As mentioned above you need to ensure that you have opened the software instrument option for your instrument track to get started.!!Once started you have a wide range of different instruments to select to create your track.!!!! !!

If you cant see this list it may be because you haven’t selected it. !The symbol for it looks like this. Once selected you have the choice of many different instruments. It will appear as a strip to the far left.!


!!Opening the MIDI On-Screen Keyboard:!!!!!!!!!To open the on screen keyboard you need !to find the drop down menu on window and find ‘Show Musical Typing’. !!The shortcut for this is ‘Cmd K’!


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!!!!!This is what the on screen keyboard looks like once open. This is helpful for those who dont have an external MIDI Keyboard. It allows you to use your computer keys in replacement of an actual MIDI keyboard.!!

!!!MIDI Keyboard:!!The MIDI Keyboard sends signals to the Music program that you are using. These signals are for example, what note you hit and how hard you hit it. Also it can also determine the pitch. This information is sent by binary code. Binary is a series of 1 and 0. It is also a way of storing large amounts information. For example to store information on a CD, the use of binary is

needed, which is why CD can hold more data than vinyl. !

!!!!Looping: !!To loop a track you simply need to click above the playhead. Then wherever its marked yellow it will play whatever is playing between one end and the other.!

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!You can extend the length of the loop or shorten it by grabbing the ends and either dragging them away to make it longer or closer together to make it shorter. you can also move it from left to right to get it into the place you want it to be!!!This helps when trying to perfect a certain part of the track.!!!!!!!!!Editing:!!If you make a mistake or go out of time when recording using a MIDI Keyboard or Musical Typing then you can easily fix these mistakes using some of logic’s other features.!!!!!

Piano Roll:!!The piano roll is a very helpful tool in Logic because it allows you to delete accidental slipped notes and move out of time notes or wrong notes. You can also add in any notes you missed or edit the hardness you hit it or the length of it. !!To open the piano roll just double click the track you wish to edit.!


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!!!How To Add and Erase Notes:! !!

First you will need the pencil tool. This will allow you to add in notes wherever you would like to. !!For this particular version of logic you can assign a different tool to both left and right click. I currently have my pencil tool set at right click meaning i would have to use my right side of the track pad to add in a note and my left to move it about.!!!

Equally to erase notes you can press backspace once they're highlighted or select the eraser tool and click the note you wish to erase.!!!!!Quantising:!!Allows you to put everything in the correct timing. If something is out of time you can simply select the track and put it into the timing of your choice. You can also use it to change the tempo of your track completely. !!Quantising can be found by ensuring that the ‘Inspector’ is open and that ‘Regions: MIDI Thru’ drop down menu is selected!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!!!How to Split/ Join Regions:!!Splitting Regions:! !!!!

Firstly find the exact moment that you want to cut. Make sure the playhead is on it.!!!!!!!

!!Then you need to make sure that you select ‘Split/ Split at Playhead’ on the edit menu.!


You should end up with two separate parts to the track.!!!!!!!

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!!Joining a Split Region:!!!To join a split region you need to do a similar thing to splitting a region. you start with the split regions. !

! !!!Highlight the regions you want to join together.!!!!!

!!!!!Locate the ‘Join/ Regions’ in the edit drop down menu. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then it should become one region.!

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Audio:!!!Things to consider before recording:!!Before recording audio make sure that you've set up any microphones, leads or mixing desks that are needed. You may need to check the system preferences to ensure everything is working and ready. !!Also you'll need to take into consideration the environment you are recording in. For example, recording in an empty room would produce an echo and recording in outdoors you may get wind interference. For the best recording you may wish to use a well sound proofed room. !!Another thing to take into consideration when recording is the quality of the Microphone or Lead you are using. In some of my own projects there was slight background hissing due to the fact I used low quality products to record. !!!!Recording:!! !

To record audio the first thing you'll need to do is ensure that the little ‘R’ is highlighted in Red. This means you are ready to record. Then all you need to do is prepare yourself and press the ‘R’ key on your computer keyboard. The little playhead will give you four click count in and then you can start playing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!!!How To Save a Project:!!When finishing a project and wanting to save it find the ‘Save As’ option on the file drop down menu. !

!!!!!!Then a box should appear asking you what you’d like to save your project under and where to. Once you've finished click save and its safe.!!!!!!!