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OCR Media Studies – AS Level

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Preliminary Task, Log Book

Name: Jake De CostaCandidate Number: 6631Center Name: St. Paul’s Catholic CollegeCenter Number: 64770

Set Brief - Print

Music Magazine – Production

Preliminary Task Progression, Log Book

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+Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

The preliminary task allowed me to test the Photoshop software, thus helping me to remember which tools I should use for the main task.

I was able to download different fonts to make my magazine visibly interesting to others.

Social media included, along with a Bar code. The preliminary task helped me to understand how to crop images and make it look professional. .

The strap line I used was to introduce my magazine as of high standard. The use of the date was a great touch along with the price, being suitable for my target audience.

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+Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceContents PageStep-by-step

I used the same background in order to make the magazine suitable for the front cover.

I completed my first editorial and have included myself as the editor of the magazine.

Editorial, what my magazine signifies and my thoughts of the magazine as a whole.Page numbers displayed in the bottom right hand corner.

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Section 1) – Log Book

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+Music Magazine – Genre research, publisher and magazine statistics.

Classic rock

“They’d say “if ya play the record backwards, you can hear evil tings like grrrr!” and I would think, “Jeez, I didn’t know the devil sounded like that. I thought he was coherent, like the rest of us.”-Brian Johnson of ACDC – 2001, Classic Rock.

In September 2010 it published its 150th issue and now has a higher circulation than the NME.

The total circulation of the magazine reached 56,714 in December 2012 which means the magazine is still relevant in society.


Kerrang! is a UK-based the magazine is the UK number one in rock genre, it has recorded many details of rock artists, about their life and love for music.

The total circulation recorded was 37,603 in June 2013, suggesting modern rock is not very relevant in this day of age.

However Kerrang still has relevance in our society due to a whopping 37,603 readers who are still interested in modern rock.

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+ Established Magazine for my ResearchTag line/sloganThe tag line is perhaps not very effective as it is not very visible to the naked eye.

Cover linesThe cover line has been spilt either side of Hendrix, which brings more focus to the star appeal.

Star appealThe star appeal is perhaps the focus of the magazine, we as the readers instantly see the individual, he is what captivates us to read the magazine.

MastheadThe masthead is bold and easily visible and contrasts perfectly with the target appeal.

PromotionA promotion is used to interest readers to buy their magazine as they may have content which interest another target audience.

Bar codeIts well placed as the readers will not notice it rapidly.

Missing conventionsA missing convention is the use of convergence, as there is no evidence of use in this particular magazine, and so the audience is unable to share what they are reading.

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+ Established Magazine for my Research

Cover linesThe cover line has been placed in various locations, this creates the magazine to have a variety of content.

Star appealThe star appeal is again the focus of the magazine, we as instantly see the star and recognize him as part of the band 30 seconds to mars, his pose also interests the reader to buy the product. The interesting quote “I could be your worst enemy” match's the stars pose, this entices the reader to find out the story.

MastheadThe masthead is bold and easily visible with additional use of white colour which stands out compared to its black counterpart.

PromotionThe promotion used is to meet with Alice in Chains, this is another method in order to grab the buyers attention, but also to potentially buy more than they wanted.

Bar codeThe bar code is easily visible and does not attract the readers attention as effectively as the other features.

Missing conventionsA missing convention is the use of social media, this could bring more publicity to the magazine, as social media is a very effective use of publishing new products.

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+ Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needs

The target audience is particularly for those who have an interest in old rock as this is what the magazine primarily focus’ on. However Diana Saco’s theory suggests that female gaze may incite a female to buy the magazine due to the sex appeal presented by Jimi Hendrix.

Furthermore, the target audience for Classic rock has expanded its audience towards woman this is obvious due to the star appeal who has purposely shown off his body, the magazine uses this for an advantage to draw a larger audience.

What is the USP of this magazine? From the research completed into this media product, I think the USP of the magazine Classic rock is the use of star appeal, using Jimi Hendrix a worldwide international best-seller singer/guitarist has no doubt got to be the highlight of the magazine. His image is all the audience focus on and with good reason he has shaped music and he is still known today, therefore introducing people to buy the product. To top of the use of Hendrix a highlighted piece of text “Free CD” gives readers more for what they pay for.

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+ Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needs

The target audience for this magazine is for people who have an interest in modern rock, the opposite of classic rock. David Morley’s theory suggests that different social groups read a different magazines and different T.V shows.

Furthermore, the target audience for Kerrang has focused on a particular target audience and has not steered away from their target audience. Moreover, by keeping to their target audience Kerrang have continued to produce magazines appeasing their readers.

What is the USP of this magazine? From the research completed in this media product, I think the USP of the magazine Kerrang is also the use of star appeal, using the lead in 30 seconds to Mars from a very successful band has to be the most important factor of the magazine. His image is all the audience focus on and with good reason he presents himself to have a lot to tell which would interest readers, therefore introducing people to buy the product.

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+ Publisher researchClassic rock magazine-My chosen magazine of Inspiration Classic rock magazine is a magazine primarily focused on introducing classic rock, music which is perhaps becoming more uncommon as people are moving generations. These bands originate mainly from the 1960’s. Artist's who have appeared/featured on the front cover of the magazine are Jimi Hendrix, Slash and Axel Rose.

Classic rock’s first magazine was published in May 1998, the publisher of the magazine is Team Rock. The frequency of the magazine is published monthly, this is good as it gives the publisher time to create another magazine which will not disappoint it’s readers.

The publishers of Classic Rock have had ties with certain revolutionary bands who have shifted the world of music into something else, so the magazine has been altered by musical artists to their likening.