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Location notes

Location one Alleyway:This location was chosen as a remote location for our main character to almost hide in. The depressing atmosphere mirrors the main character Natalies emotions at this point and also the fact that its quite remote also highlights how she is feeling isolated.

Location two bus stop: This location is for when Natalie is waiting for the bus in defeat after previously missing one. She then gets her phone out whilst at the bus stop and vents her frustration at how the day is going already.

Location three school: Natalie eventually reaching her destination after all that frustration in the morning. She arrives flustered and frustrated and is eventually pinned up against the wall by a fellow student, in this location we also hear a monologue from her and the day continues to NOT go her way.

Location four- park: This is where Natalie goes to calm down after having a frustrating morning where nothing goes her way. Again there is not many people which highlights the fact that she is feeling alone.

Location five house/bathroom: This is where it is apparent that Natalie has totally gone insane as she is in the shower fully clothed and directing a razor at her skin after she has been pushed to the brink by recent events.