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LO2The Descent target audience

Teenage girls would like this film because the main characters are female and that can show the equality between men and women. That women can do what a man does just as better as he would. I have shown a few of examples of what kind of females would like this, e.g. Emo/gothic teenage girls, Adventurous teenage girls (Girls who like to go out and enjoy the nature) and film geeks, people who like to watch films and TV shows, people who really try and get into the film. The audience of the film really depends on the genre, if the film is a horror then that would attract people who like horror films. Some girls like watching films with blood and guts. Some girls like films that have their favorite actors in it. Some girls like films that contain things they like to do in their spare time. Some girls may like this because of their sex appeal. They may think one of the main female characters is attractive.

Teenage boys would like this film because the main characters are females and they might be attracted to them. Also it could show them the equality between men and women, if they do not already agree with it. Some boy would want to go and see this film because they want to prove they aren’t scared or to show their friends that they are “Big” as some may say. Like I said about the girls, the audience depends on the genre of the film. Some boys like blood and guts or some boys like films that show things that they are into and that they do in their spare time.