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Clair and I recently returned from the Women's

Retreat and it was a fun time with much intimacy

between Holy Spirit and these women. They came

excited, ready to hear from Him and willing to be

healed in whatever way He so desired. Marilyn

Adams was the main speaker and she shared so

much of her own walk with the Lord and was so

open and honest about her walk. There were some

workshops that the ladies had choices to attend and

the feedback was very positive. The music was so

worshipful and powerful. We even had some ladies

who had not been in several years and they were a

joy to visit. Back in March, the Couple's Retreat

was fun and also special. Eddie and Beth Taylor

did a great job of ministering to hurts and

relationships. I was just amazed at how they

seemed to relate in so many ways through their

own experiences. Being married is fun and

fulfilling, but it is also work. Sharpening the tools

we have to help make marriage a success does not

come without effort.

The year is moving on quickly and preparations

and plans are being made for summer camps. B.J.

and David Hughes met with the lead counselors at

our farmhouse in Georgia in April to pray and seek

the Lord for this summer and all who would be on

the grounds. My observation is that we are very

blessed to have these young men and women on

staff as our counselors. It's evident that they have

been trained well and have a deep walk with the

Lord. I'm looking for much fruit in the lives of our

campers this year.

We have several things going on at Living Waters.

We're making plans for a new sign on the property,

upgrading some of the bathrooms over the kitchen,

doing some work on the outside of the kitchen and

lodge, and hopefully making some plans for the

Chalet. Earl and Jerry are beginning their garden

and doing a lot of planning. Bobby and Mary

Murphy were here for the Women's Retreat and

they were so excited to be with everyone. Bobby is

still coming before each retreat and helping to get

the grounds and buildings in shape.

My word to each of you is--know that the Lord

loves you, He delights in showing Himself in the

midst of your life struggles, He is equipping each

of us to withstand the onslaught of the enemy

without folding and giving up. He is equipping

each of us to do battle spiritually, as well as

physically, when we respond in kindness and

gentleness. Remember what Galatians says about

the fruit of the spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. The more

intimate we become with Him, the more evident is

the fruit of His Spirit in our lives. Regardless of

what CNN says, God is still on the throne and He

is not dismayed or surprised at what is transpiring

in the world.

Blessings to each of you, Miley

President Miley and Clair Adams

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"Love each with genuine affection, and take delight in

honoring each other." Rom. 12:10 NLT

Hello and blessings to all of you. We have had two amazing Retreats already for this year! I look back at the

Couple’s Retreat and the Women’s Retreat and am amazed at how each Retreat was unique for each person. I

have the honor and joy of seeing and hearing from so many people of how the Lord touched them at the Retreats.

We put a lot of time and prayer into hearing what He wants for each Retreat we have. Thank you, Lord, for

moving and stirring hearts afresh and drawing us to Yourself.

We are getting excited about our upcoming summer camps. We are just about a month away from our first Camp.

As the excitement builds, we would like to ask each of you to be praying for this summer. Our prayers are

centered on the physical needs for this summer, as well as spiritual. As many of you may know, it requires around

$60,000.00 dollars for us to have our summer camps. As this seems like a daunting amount, God is always faithful

to give us exactly what we need. We are praying for the financial piece and the man power that is needed to

function during the summer. We realize that what is seen is only part of the whole picture. This is why we have

also begun praying that God will begin to work on the hearts of those that will be coming even now and prepare

each of us to receive all that He would have for us. The leadership has been praying about what God has in store

for these camps. We want to be as Jesus was, and be about the Father’s business in whatever way He would have

for the camps. I deeply love our summer camps, as they have played a vital role in my life and the lives of many

others. I have seen seeds that were planted in Junior Camp come to show fruit with campers, counselors, and

even parents in the 12 years I was Camp Director. These Camps are impacting the lives of our children and youth

dramatically. Our prayer is that the Lord would awaken dreams and ignite our children and youth to touch the

world! We believe that as we experience God’s presence we are changed. God’s word says that He draws us to

Himself with loving kindness. It is our desire to see the lives of each of the campers changed through the

encounters they have with the Lord on these grounds and out of that overflow there would be tremendous fruit

in the coming years. This generation is one that will have a great impact on the days to come. We believe that

John 4:23 is for today’s youth when it says, “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall

worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshippers”. As the Lord lays it on

your hearts, please pray and believe with us that His provisions would be poured out for this summer. Please

know that we deeply love and appreciate you.

Thanks and blessings, BJ and Pam

Administrator BJ and Pam MacDonald

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Eddie and Beth are the founders and president of Family

Discipleship Ministries, a ministry network that focuses on

training in discipleship, leadership, worship/arts, missions

and, marketplace ministry. FDM’S main activities include:

Eddie & Beth’s preaching & teaching ministries, providing

oversight to a network of credentialed leaders, hosting

retreats and conferences and the Summit Training Center.

Eddie is the Senior Pastor of Church on the Hill in Dalton,

Georgia and Beth is an ordained minister who travels and

speaks in addition to being a free-lance writer. Beth and

Eddie have a passion to see marriages not only work, but be

the joy and fulfillment that God created it to be in the lives

of His children. They have been married since 1988 and

have three sons; Jacob, David and Jonathan.

Speakers Eddie and beth taylor


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Speaker Marilyn Adams

Worship Leader

Brenda Ammons

A great time was had by all the

women and it was so good to have

Marilyn Adams as speaker. The work

shops were excellent.

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JUNIOR-- JUNE 12th - 16th


SENIOR II--JULY 10th -16th

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Men's Retreat - - September 8th - 10th

Speaker - Ron Barnard

Fall Retreat - - October 20th - 22nd

Speaker - Mike Atkins


Annual Board Meeting - August 26-27


Harvest help needed last of May thru Aug.

Call BJ at 828-884-6350 or Earl at 828-884-2453

Check out the website - to register

for retreats, camps and other happenings.

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Thank You to all the wonderful,

willing hearts and helping hands that make

Living Waters a success.

We could not do it without you. If you are interested in registering for any of our retreats or camps and for more information

please contact Living Waters at:

Phone: (828)884-6350

Fax: (828)862-5307

[email protected]