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Introduction 1

Chapter 1: The Problem 2

Chapter 2: The Obstacles 4

Chapter 3: The Outcome 7

Chapter 4: The Solution - Step By Step Guide 9

1. Set Up 9

2. Oneness 10

3. Relaxation 10

4. Forgive & Release 11

5. Desired Results 12

6. Gratitude 13

7. Trust 14

Chapter 5: Stay on Track 16

Summary 18

Further Reading 19

Prosperalot Coaching

Your Personal Change Agent

Copyright © 2008





Page 3: Living in Hyperdrive

LIVING IN HYPERDRIVE 7 Steps to Your Heaven on Earth

Copyright © 2008 Prosperalot Coaching — 1 —

Living in Hyperdrive 7 STEPS TO YOUR HEAVEN ON EARTH


How different would life be if you felt relaxed, confident and in control

of your destiny? What if you could write the ideal script for the rest of

your life and watch it unfold before you? This handbook explains how.

You have been misinformed about your place in the scheme of things.

You have much more power and control over your life than you have

been led to believe.

In a co-creative partnership with the Universe, you can re-direct your

life away from the path of frustration, disillusionment and helplessness

onto a positive track, feeling in control as you deliberately design and

manifest your prosperity.

7 STEPS guide you to:

establish an ongoing relationship with the Universe

create a list of compelling statements for everything you want

allow your ideal life script to unfold

At the end of this handbook, you will have learnt a powerful tool for

creating your future, moment by moment, and running your own life as

you please.

Your life will be changed forever when you take this opportunity to

shift your life into hyperdrive, living at an advanced level of awareness,

utilising the power within and around you.


At an advanced level of

awareness, utilising the power

within and around you


hy·per·drive n.

A state of heightened activity

or concentration

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LIVING IN HYPERDRIVE 7 Steps to Your Heaven on Earth

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What is the problem we’re trying to overcome here? Being separated

from our bliss, from having a sense of joy and happiness in every wak-

ing moment – this is what eludes us. For we know instinctively that

there’s more to life than this , but we endure a sense of disconnection or

isolation, of not getting ‘what it is all about’, whatever ‘it’ is.

On the Edge

We’ve been told that it’s rational to believe only what science can prove

to be ‘real’. Mainly, that includes what we can see in the physical. Also,

there are unseen forces that we know about - for instance, electro-

magnetic energy, digital data, and sound and light waves conveyed by

television, radio and mobile phones. We use them every day and think

nothing of it.

On the edge of verifiable science sits quantum physics. Here, ideas like

Unified Field Theory make conservative scientists uneasy. What is ‘real’

becomes blurred as particles of matter behave in startling, irrational

ways. It is here that human thoughts and intentions affect the behaviour

of physical things. Some scientists are busy studying and learning about

these phenomena. It’s all real—we just haven’t worked out how to

account for it yet.

Meanwhile, traditional ‘experts’ reiterate that this is as good as it gets

and we are powerless to influence our environment. Believing them, we

attempt to make our lives riveting by watching films and TV shows, lis-

tening to music and talking to our friends and families, constantly

inventing new technologies so that we never have a moment’s peace.

Because if we did, we’d be confronted by: ‘what is it all about?’

Living Vicariously

Parachute into the highlands of Borneo with your gadgets and you’ll

raise some eyebrows amongst the locals. And they’ll show you their

own powerful, magical items – charms and potions to entertain, heal or

hurt, at which you might have a quiet chuckle. But when it comes to

feeling happy, joyous and intimately connected with the world, they

may be well ahead of you.

Most of what we are listening to and watching is stories about other

people’s lives, not ours. Insofar as technology makes our lives more

exciting, it does not made us any happier – amuses us by passing the

time, perhaps, but wouldn’t you rather spend your time experiencing

your life, for real?


Most of what we are listening

to and watching is stories

about other people’s lives, not




Living our lives authentically,

in a way that is meaningful

and fulfilling for us, as


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LIVING IN HYPERDRIVE 7 Steps to Your Heaven on Earth

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Living Purposefully

Our sense of purpose—living a meaningful and worthwhile life— must

be part of our experience or we suffer for its absence. We know there’s

something missing, yet we don’t know how or where to look for it. We

investigate accepted belief systems and wonder if any of it really works -

religions of the east and west, sacred texts, mystical writings, ancient

sects, and revered gurus.

Some find a belief system that rings true and that they feel they can be a

part of. There’s a lot on offer, isn’t there? And a lot that’s confusing, so

much so that we tend to loose sight of what we’re trying to satisfy - the

desire to live our lives authentically, in a way that is meaningful and

fulfilling for us, as individuals. How hard can it be?

Looking Inside

Living a fulfilling life becomes a lot easier when we stop looking outside

of ourselves. When we realise we need only learn to access the creative

power anchored deep inside, then we know the answer is as simple as


For large, organised belief systems, this is an awkward truth. They can

make it difficult for us to understand our intrinsic power and we make

it nigh impossible by agreeing with them. Still, while the obstacles are

daunting, they are surmountable when you know how.

Living a fulfilling life becomes

a lot easier when we stop

looking outside of ourselves.

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There are two misleading beliefs that serve as major obstacles to living

your life the way you want:




You have been taught that you can perceive information only via the

accepted five senses of taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. Meanwhile,

you are an intuitive, precognitive being who picks up information from

your surroundings, other people, and other dimensions with more or

less ease.

Having been taught cynicism, disbelief, suspicion, or lack of faith –

whatever you call it, you have a deeply ingrained mistrust of your natu-

ral instincts. As a consequence, you question yourself and your percep-


You know what it’s like when you ‘get a feeling’ about something or

somebody that doesn’t match what you’re seeing or hearing — do you

believe your feeling, or the intellectual evidence before you? Given that

you are both an analytical and instinctive being, it makes sense to draw

your conclusions from both information sources — neither is superior.

Do you believe in God? Have you been brought up in a particular reli-

gious faith? Mankind has seen many genuinely holy people gracing the

Earth for a time. There have been great prophets and spiritual leaders

who have done priceless work in reconnecting humanity to its divine

origins. Should you choose to follow the teachings of a particular holy

person, remember that you have close personal access to the Universal

Consciousness within and around you, constantly.

God, The Divine, The Source, Infinite Being, The Universe, The Cosmos,

All-That-Is – whatever you choose to call It, is always as close as your

breath. There is no imperative for an intermediary or a middle man

because there is no place where Universal Consciousness leaves off and

you begin. Remember this.

When you realise you are connected and unlimited, then you can influ-

ence your circumstances, engage with Infinite Intelligence and run your

own life as you prefer. That’s what it’s all about.

There is no imperative for an

intermediary or a middle man

because there is no place

where Universal Consciousness

leaves off and you begin.

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The most serious obstacle to running your own life successfully is the

belief that you are separate, i.e., a single, solitary, disconnected organ-

ism that is constrained within a physical self.

Most belief systems are based on the idea that we are isolated beings,

that we ‘end at our skin’, as it were. Nothing could be further from the


Consider the following:-

You are made up of a unique combination of atoms, originating

from the same atomic stuff, speaking the same ‘language’ as

everything on this planet – the same stuff, just in a different form

right now.

Like all of us, every atom of your body was once part of a star.

Now, you are in the physical as a living human being on Earth.

There is more to you than a material body — the essence of you is

energy in transition. Once you were a mass of energy in a dimen-

sion unseen, now you are here for a maximum of about 100 years,

when you will become energy elsewhere once again.

Suppose that:-

You are a being of pure energy who has chosen to come here to

master this Earth plane and its challenges

You are not a physical being learning to be spiritual - you are a

spiritual (for want of a better word) being learning to be physical

You are here to learn and experience this life for a tiny amount of

time relative to your overall existence

You have things to do here, whether or not they are obvious to

you right now

Given all this is so, how does this knowledge help you to run your own


Human Transmitter & Receiver

Well, you understand that we are thinking, feeling, and sensing electro-

magnetic beings. Our thoughts are transmitted, like energy waves,

beyond our physical bodies into the world. Using thought, we send out

our intention — what we mean to do - and the world responds. Our

lives are the direct result of our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Using thought, we send out our

intention — what we mean to

do - and the world responds

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We can communicate with everything from a fly to a rock, being made

of the same atomic stuff in different forms. And we can communicate

with that unseen dimension from which we originate.

This ability to communicate beyond the boundary of our skin means we


influence our circumstances, and

access the Infinite Intelligence within and around us.

It takes practice to become confident at ‘tuning in’ using your intuitive

sense and trusting your instincts. When you do, you become a powerful

and effective co-creator of your life.

This is living in hyperdrive, i.e, at an advanced level, finely attuned to

every nuance of energy flowing within and around you – a uniquely

honed creative person living fully ‘in the now’. How good would it feel?

This is living in hyperdrive,

i.e, at an advanced level,

finely attuned to every nuance

of energy flowing within and

around you

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How is life different when you practise living at an advanced level?

What does it do for you on a daily basis and how does it feel?

Everyone’s experience is different, but gradually you gain a sense of

affinity with everything around you – people, places and things:

Some describe it as ‘being in the flow’ or ‘the zone’

You may notice that you and your environment seem to have a

parallel purpose, or unified goal

Any residual feeling of struggle, resistance and blockage fades

away steadily

Mindful of an almost tangible presence of Infinite Intelligence,

your awareness becomes heightened and living in the now be-

comes very real

Just being yourself while observing life unfolding around you is

a pleasure.

You come to know that so much is taken care of for you, simply by mak-

ing your desires known, doing as much as you can personally, and put-

ting the results into the hands of The Divine. You can relax, trusting that

everything is as it should be right now. Simply being becomes a joy.

Living Deliberately

Your purpose in this present incarnation is known only to you. It may

be something very specific or it may be laid out in broad brush-strokes.

You have free will to make it all happen how ever you want. Creating

your own reality on purpose, mindfully, allows you to choose how

much fun you have along the way.

Living in a constant state of anxiety and mistrust, feeling isolated, dis-

connected and unsupported does not help you achieve what you came

here to do; living in partnership with Infinite Intelligence, does.

Self Belief

What do you believe to be true about you? What is a belief, anyway? It

is something you think or say to yourself over and over until it becomes

automatic and you no longer question it – that’s a belief.

So much is taken care of for

you, simply by making your

desires known, doing as much

as you can personally, and

putting the results into the

hands of The Divine.

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But you should question. Question any limiting thoughts in your head.

Where did that thought, ‘I’m so stupid and useless,’ come from? Did some-

one say it to you when you were six? Is it true? Definitely not.

When you notice automatic self-criticisms popping into your head, be

very suspicious. What is its origin, is it valid, is it true or is it some same

-old, same-old baggage from way back cluttering up your brain? Dump

it, cancel it out, and overwrite it with what you know for certain to be

accurate about you right now.

What You Believe is What you Get

Everything you think and say influences your future experiences. Your

present is the result of what you have said and thought in the past. You

created your life, as it is now – whether you are ashamed or proud does

not matter – it’s just how it is. The good news is, as you master these

7 STEPS, you will begin to shape your future to fit your greatest aspira-


Now You Know

So, what’s the down side? With knowledge comes responsibility. Once

you know that everything you think, say and do impacts not just you

but the world around you, the onus is on you to take care. When it

comes to instant karma, ignorance is no excuse. You will sow what you

reap – it is an immutable cosmic law – try not to mess with it!

When things go wrong, look to your thoughts for the reason. This is not

to censure you. Rather, it is for you to adjust your thinking towards a

better outcome. A constructive approach is, ‘What new understanding can

I gain from this?’ Allow yourself to make mistakes, learn from them and

look for ways to improve your results.

You are being watched. Every moment of your life is recorded in your

memory. Every act of courage, kindness or malice is permanently im-

printed. Moment by moment, you make choices to think, believe and act

in particular ways. Choose carefully, for you are being watched by your

Higher Self.

Practise Flowing

This is a life-long practice you are entering into, and there’s no going

back into ignorance or helplessness. Once you know your intrinsic

power, your life becomes a fascinating journey, each step either right or

not-quite-right. Adjust, try again, adjust, get it right. Learn as much as

you can, consider the consequences of everything you do and live as

fully and freely on the way.

The good news is, as you

master these 7 STEPS, you will

begin to shape your future to

fit your greatest aspirations.

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Before you begin

This is a 7 STEP method that establishes a symbiotic partnership

between you and Infinite Intelligence through dialogue. You may want

to choose a name other than ‘Infinite Intelligence’ which has power and

meaning for you. Here are some suggestions in no particular order:

What will you call your part in the dialogue? Select a term that resonates

with you, perhaps one of these:

Step One: - Set Up

Choose a place where you can comfortably complete this process, in

private. You may prefer to set up an altar with icons, pictures, special

objects, crystals, or written affirmations. You might play some back-

ground music, light a candle, burn scented oil or some incense - smell is

a very primitive and evocative sense so let it help you set the scene.

All of these things are to help you relax and focus on your prayer. The

idea is to create an attractive, safe, consistent and exclusive space for

what is, essentially, a ritual – you talking with your Higher Self.

None of this is essential to the process – it just feels good and gets you

into the right frame of mind, consistently and quickly. How often

should you pray? Daily would be great, when the Spirit moves you is


Infinite Being Higher Self The Cosmos

The Universe The Source God

Lord The Force Deity

Spirit Goddess The Divine

Divinity All-That-Is Holy One

prayers requests decrees

desires cosmic orders wishes

manifestations supplications results

Create an attractive, safe,

consistent and exclusive space

for what is, essentially, a

ritual – you talking with your

Higher Self.

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Your prayers are best written out, like a script, so you can read them

aloud each time. Yes, read your requests out loud because your voice

powers up your words to achieve premium results. You may vary parts

of your script each time, but say it all out loud with passion and convic-


Concentrate and rest your mind, picturing lovingly, intently, joyfully

the results you want before proceeding to the next decree. Rather than

rattling off your list like a fast food order, reserve time for silence in

between. This approach accords due respect and adds momentum to

each request.

Step Two: - Oneness

Begin by constructing one or two sentences that reinforce your sense of

inseparability from All-That-Is. This helps you to focus on the alignment

of your power as an individual with the power of the Cosmos. State that

the Divine resides within and around you, or similar phrases that create

a feeling of being in perfect partnership. Remember, you are a co-creator

with Infinite Intelligence.

In this step, you are invoking the presence and attention of the Powers

That Be. In return, you can express your commitment to the partnership

- here’s your chance to say where you stand.

Be creative here. If there are some words from a sacred text that would

do the job better than you can dream up, use them instead. Here’s a

quote from Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet):

Lord, into your care and keeping I commit my mind, body and soul.

Please ensure my thoughts, acts and understanding are in keeping with

the purposes of the present incarnation and remain wholly acceptable to

you. Help me to serve as a living example of your love in action on Earth.

Or a statement like this may suit you:

There is only Oneness in Divine Mind. All power is given unto me to

bring my Heaven upon this Earth.

Step Three: - Relaxation

Take a few moments to close your eyes and calm down, slowing your

breathing as you relax. This is precious time taken out of your day just

for you, so give it due respect.

Read your requests out loud

because your voice powers

up your words to achieve

premium results

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While the rest of your life may be clamorous, this time taken to say your

prayers and talk with Someone who loves you, unreservedly, warrants

an appropriate reverence.

Write a statement that sums up this feeling for you. Here’s an example:

I now relax, breathing slowly and easily as I rest in the presence of the

Divine. Peace, I am still.

Step Four: - Forgive and Release

Forgiveness is a powerful metaphysical tool. When you forgive, you

disengage yourself from past hurts or injustices that keep you bound to

old, painful memories, be it of people, places or things.

The state of unforgiveness continues to damage you long after the cause

has left your life. Nursing the wounds, slights, slurs, and insults to

which you have been subjected does you more harm than good.

Forgiving does not mean that you condone; it does not mean you have

forgotten – it just means you are not going to hold on to whatever it is

and you refuse to stress about it any more. Let it go.

Write a statement that sums this up for you – here’s an example:

I am forgiven, as I forgive all others, fully, freely and completely. I dare

to believe that all people and things are working together for good in my


Releasing is a process that allows you to let go of the old stuff and worn

-out relationships that clutter up your life. The Universe loves a vacuum

when you create one — It will rush to fill it with every good thing you

need and want. But first you must let go of all the old, tired, less-than-

perfect, cheap and nasty, this-will-do, people and things.

Write an appropriate summing up statement. Here’s an example:

I fully and freely release everything and everyone that no longer belongs

in my life to make way for what I do want in my life. Everything I need

and want is being provided.

The Universe loves a vacuum

when you create one — It will

rush to fill it with every good

thing you need and want

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Step Five: - Desired Results

This where you get to create The List saying what it is you want.

What is the best way to word your requests and decrees? You are not

begging for anything when you consult with your Higher Self. To do so

is to act desperate, and desperation is highly repellent to the manifesta-

tion of your desires. Chase after things and they run hard in the oppo-

site direction: stroll up to them casually and they will be enticed.

Use an affirmative style to state your wishes. Affirmation is the form of

prayer that sets in motion the power of the Divine. Also, it retrains your

subconscious to think positively.

State your desired results in the present tense, as if they already exist

(which they do), but not in such a way that your rational mind dismisses

it as untrue. Saying, ‚I’m enormously rich’, when you’re patently not

just messes with your head. Instead, ‘I choose to be rich’ will pass mus-

ter with your subconscious mind. There are numerous books available

on the best wording for affirmations, so here are only a few suggested

sentence beginnings:-

It is wonderful how I

I expect that

I choose

I am irresistible to my good which includes

I allow

I prefer to

I love knowing that I

I attract

Speak to your Higher Self simply, as you would a much loved and

trusted friend. The prayer that brings results is the one that asserts your

desired truth, positively and confidently. Ask for what you want, or for

guidance, understanding, clarity or just plain ‘help’. Here are a few sug-

gestions for prefacing those requests:

Infinite Being, by your Grace, grant me

Please endow upon me

The Universe now manifests for me the following

I now let Spirit do its part in providing

I give thanks that

Affirmation is the form of

prayer that sets in motion

the power of the Divine

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Divine results now manifest in the form of

Guide me to

I trust that

Inevitably, I receive

Tips for success:

Ask for results to manifest in perfect or ideal ways, with no harm

to anyone

State that you expect and are willing to receive Divine results in

unexpected ways

Be prescriptive about what you want without being too limiting.

The Cosmos may have something better in store for you than you

can imagine! A statement such as, ‚I choose to receive these things

and conditions, or better,‛ gives Infinite Intelligence room to


What can you ask for? Whatever you want, providing it’s within the

realms of possibility. Seriously, it’s improbable that you’ll be an

Olympic basketball player if you’re five foot three and middle-aged. If

the decree is too incredible for your rational mind, it will quietly negate

what you are saying to protect you from disappointment. That said,

make your requests a bit of a stretch from where you are now.

Your prayer list is something you will constantly revise and refine.

When you reach a particular goal, give yourself a higher one because we

are naturally aspiring beasts who like a bit of a challenge.

Slip in a request for the on-going good health and prosperity of all those

you love and cherish. Decreeing good stuff for others never goes astray.

You might like to use Florence Scovel Shinn’s clever ‘Square of Life’ as a

starting point. She recommends you ask for health, wealth, happiness

and perfect self-expression. You’ll find that most things fall under one of

these headings. Have fun!

Step Six: - Gratitude

This step is critical as it cements your requests into the foundations of

reality. Expressing your gratitude signals to the Universe that you know

it is already done.

Ask for health, wealth,

happiness and perfect


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To explain, our concept of the space/time continuum is linear, whereas

other dimensions are not so constrained. Simplified, if you can visualise

something, then it already exists... somewhere. Therefore, it’s just wait-

ing for you to ask, do you see?

Whether you do or you don’t, that’s fine – just remember to thank the

Lord for everything you have, and every good that is coming to you,

under Grace, in perfect ways, and it is done.

In fact, you may want to pepper your request list with statements of

gratitude and appreciation. Keep it brief and sincere – no crawling! You

won’t fool yourself, let alone the Goddess.

Write a statement that sums up your gratitude. Here’s an example:

Thank you for listening, and hearing me, Divinity – thank you for

answered prayers.

Step Seven: - Trust

At last, this step brings it all together. Like a superb cake made of the

finest ingredients, your prayers get baked to perfection in God’s oven.

This is the moment you hand everything over to the infinite power of

The Universe, knowing it is being taken care of. You’ve asked. Now,

you need only sit back and wait.

Actually, you must sit back and wait. Pulling the cake out every few

minutes is going to ruin it, so leave well alone. The whole point is to ask

it of God and let go.

Write a statement that reflects this detaching feeling. Here’s an example:

I put my desires and concerns into Your Hands and wait, leisurely and

expectantly. I let go and trust. I step out of my own way and wait on the

Will of Heaven. It is done.

Having finished reading your list, you would benefit from resting for a

few minutes, just breathing and being quiet. Take some time for this

silence before returning to your usual activities.

“The practice of prayer is the ultimate secret to success

on all levels of life.” — Catherine Ponder

The whole point is to ask it of

God and let go

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At the end of the 7 STEPS you will have produced something like this:

These are just examples to guide you. Make up your own statements,

use a light touch and enjoy creating your ideal life script.

My List of Desired Results

Oneness: There is only Oneness in Divine Mind. All power is given

unto me to bring my Heaven upon this Earth.

Relaxation: I now relax, breathing slowly and easily as I rest in

the presence of the Divine. Peace, I am still.

Forgiveness: I am forgiven, as I forgive all others, fully, freely and

completely. I dare to believe that all people and things are working

together for good in my life.

Releasing: I fully and freely release everything and everyone

that no longer belongs in my life to make way for what I do want in

my life. Everything I need and want is being provided.

The List: I choose ...

I allow...

I attract...

Inevitably, I receive...

I give thanks that...

I choose to receive these things and conditions, or better.

Gratitude: Thank you for listening, and hearing me, Divinity –

thank you for answered prayers.

Trust: I put my desires and concerns into Your Hands and wait,

leisurely and expectantly. I let go and trust. I step out of my own way

and wait on the Will of Heaven. It is done.

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Now that you’ve completed your List of Desired Results, is there any-

thing more to which you need attend? Just a few ‘traps for new players’.

Staying Positive

You must control your negative self-talk with vigilance. When you

notice a critical or dismissive thought popping into your head, grab it

and counteract it with something constructive and positive. It’s an old,

self-destructive habit that you can retrain yourself not to do.

We get what we expect, not what we want, because what we expect is

what we really believe. If the things you say to yourself conflict with

your decrees, then you are self-sabotaging. Your self-talk reflects what

you expect, despite what you may be saying aloud.

If you are decreeing:

A certain result in your prayer time and then go around saying to

yourself, ‘Yeah, that’ll never happen,’ where do you think you’ll

end up? Running around in circles with one foot nailed to the

floor, perhaps?

That you choose to enjoy harmonious, loving relationships with

your family, meanwhile you’re behaving obnoxiously, how do

you think that’s going to pan out?

That your life is becoming ecstatically happy, just as you’re pre-

paring a suicide note.... Okay, that’s pretty silly, but the point is,

what you expect to happen, what you prepare for, is what you

really believe. And that’s what you’ll get.

It is critical to your success that you are consistent. Everything you

think, say and do must agree with your decrees.

Silencing the Cynic

How do you deal with the cynic within, the ‘picky’ one who may have

something important to say? Get whatever is lurking out in the open.

Suppressed stuff just undermines your intentions.

If the cynic is expressing some reservations about your plans, check

their validity and adjust, as necessary. If the objection is designed to

protect you from possible disappointment or failure, thank the cynic for

the input and say you choose to proceed anyway. Give the cynic some

air-time and you’ll become clear again.

It is critical to your success

that you are consistent. Every-

thing you think, say and do

must agree with your decrees

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Make very sure you believe you deserve exactly what you’re asking for.

Then allow it into your life. Train yourself to be very willing and open to

receive every good thing that is just waiting for you to ask.

Act or Wait?

The most difficult aspect of this whole process is summed up by, ‘you

gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.’ How do you

know when to wait for things to fall into place and when to act?

With practice, you will gain a sense of when it’s better to do something

and when it’s prudent to sit on your hands. You will learn that timing is

everything. Bear in mind, it takes the Universe mega-amounts of tricky

manoeuvring to co-ordinate the complex elements of your decrees –

give It a break! The Force is doing the best it can, in good time. And

when the timing is right, the outcome is assured.

That said, you must remain alert to chances to act. ‘Luck occurs when

preparation meets opportunity’, as the saying goes. You’ve heard the

story about the marooned people sending away two rescue boats be-

cause they were waiting for God’s help, haven’t you? Divine help comes

in many guises – be ready.

When you’ve done all you can, wait and see. Give the Cosmos time to

do Its part.

Always, you can shift your focus to what you consider is a more fruitful

outcome or direction. Revise and adjust your decrees, and keep

doing what you can to make it all happen. You are in a partnership with

the Source, so take equal responsibility, do your share and stay


When the timing is right, the

outcome is assured

Page 20: Living in Hyperdrive

LIVING IN HYPERDRIVE 7 Steps to Your Heaven on Earth

Copyright © 2008 Prosperalot Coaching — 18 —


The 7 STEPS took you through a process that connected you with Infinite

Intelligence, you wrote and announced a list of powerful statements

covering everything you want, and then you stepped back to allow

results to manifest.

What you’ve done is taken the opportunity to access an enormous crea-

tive power anchored deep within you. In the process you have tapped

into the infinite energy of The Universe. Can you begin to fathom how

much power you have accessed? Do you know how big The Universe


To give you some idea, astronomers guess that there are more stars in

The Universe than grains of sand on Earth. Wherever you stand, just

take a few moments to think about what is directly above you. Okay,

let’s say some air, then a roof. Or maybe several roofs. Even the tallest

buildings barely begin to scrape the hundreds of kilometres of sky that

extend above you, before the edge of space and beyond into infinity.

You are always walking in that sky.

Living in Hyperdrive

You are part of something of inestimable size and power that will shift

your life into hyperdrive, when you ask. You have your life to live,

things to do, people to meet and care for, and much to achieve. You

have your part to play in the scheme of things and a ridiculous amount

of energy just waiting for you to claim it.

Right now, the realisation you are never alone, and have access to all the

immensely powerful help you’ll ever need, must feel good. Now you

know you can choose to run your life as you wish, intentionally creating

your future, moment by moment.

When you feel confident, self assured and in control, it’s quite magical

— living your life in the flow.

The 7 STEP method explained here is a simple and practical one that

helps you resume your rightful place as co-creator of your destiny. In

the Further Reading chapter is a list of worthwhile books for follow-up


May peace, joy and prosperity accompany you on your journey.

It’s quite magical — living your

life in the flow

Page 21: Living in Hyperdrive

LIVING IN HYPERDRIVE 7 Steps to Your Heaven on Earth

Copyright © 2008 Prosperalot Coaching — 19 —


Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life. Your Word is Your Wand. The

Power of the Spoken Word. The Secret Door to Success.

Catherine Ponder. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Open Your Mind to

Receive. Prosperity Secrets of the Ages. The Prospering Power of Love. The

Dynamic Laws of Prayer. The Secret of Unlimited Prosperity.

Esther & Jerry Hicks. Ask and It is Given. The Amazing Power of Deliber-

ate Intent. The Law of Attraction.

Lynne McTaggart. The Intention Experiment. The Field.

Paul McKenna. I Can Make You Rich. Change Your life in Seven Days.

Tony Robbins. Unlimited Power. Awaken the Giant Within.

Wayne Dyer. You’ll See it When You Believe it. The Invisible Force. The

Power of Intention. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. Manifest

Your Destiny.

Maxwell Maltz. Psycho-Cybernetics.

Stuart Wilde. Affirmations. Miracles. The Force.

Rik Schnabel. Life Beyond Limits.

Sandra Anne Taylor. Quantum Success.

Wallace Wattles. The Science of Mind. The Science of Getting Rich.

Stephen Richards. Cosmic Ordering Guide. Cosmic Ordering Service.

Cosmic Ordering Connection.

Lynn Grabhorn. Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting.

Michael Losier. The Law of Attraction.

Jack Canfield. Success Principles. Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of

Attraction. Dare To Win.

Brian Tracy. Flight Plan. Change Your Thinking, Change your Life.

Barbel Mohr. The Cosmic Ordering Service.

Walter Germain. The Magic Power of Your Mind.

David Schwartz. The Magic of Thinking Big.

Sharon Warren. Magnetizing Your Heart’s Desire.

What the Bleep Do We Know!? (DVD)

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