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T 20


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•Living Care

•Living Grace

•Living Right

•Living Way


Table of Contents

Living Hope Board of TrusteesJ V Thomas (Chairman)

R Amansure

K Begg

T Gray

G Haddad

R P Jackson

J Koeries

E du Preez

B Robertson

H van Niekerk

G Williams

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“Another great year has passed. At times, it was hard not to be overwhelmed. The needs in the communities around us are enormous, we faced our own financial challenges but by the grace of

God we were able to expand to meet huge needs around us. I am constantly amazed by the

goodness of God – He has provided in so many ways and through so many wonderful people. And

we, through our wonderful staff team have been able to make some significant differences in

people’s lives.

We have faced many challenges and giants this year as a Trust. Our finances have been stretched

and General Managers have become experts in managing tight budgets; yet the ministry has

continued to grow to meet the needs. At the end of the financial year we can only praise God that

every ministry reached the end of the year having expanded in some way yet not exceeding the

budget. In the faithfulness of God, each ministry ended the year with a small surplus.While we face challenges of finances, meeting set targets, dealing with property issues and the

challenges of running a sizable Non-profit, we always seek to be connected to the need around us.

This year we adopted a tag line for Living Hope: Bringing Hope, Breaking Despair. In situations of

poverty, sickness, addiction, lack of hope for a future, we seek to bring the hope of Jesus hand in

hand with practical help. We are reminded on a daily basis of the hopelessness in our communities.

We hear reports back from our staff of the situations our client’s face, like the child who took his

sandwich home from children’s club in order to feed the whole family. What tragedy, what despair,

what opportunity to bring hope.

Along with the challenges there have been some new developments within the Living Hope family

and each ministry has expanded in some exciting way. Living Grace has the Addiction Recovery Programme, with support from the Department of Social Development. Living Right has introduced

the Legacy Programme offering a one year internship with the Life Skills department. Living Way has

become a hive of activity with its Five Loaves bakery and a bumper first crop of cucumbers and

tomatoes from the agri-business. Living Care expanded its Community Based Care to pediatrics and

children in need of health care.

There are still giants ahead of us to face and nearly overwhelming needs in the communities

around us. However, we serve an awesome God so with His help and your support we will carry on. I

trust that as you read these reports

you as a friend, donor, partner,

volunteer or staff member will rejoice in what God is doing through you.

Thank-you for all that you are doing –

together we are Bringing Hope and

Breaking Despair.”

John V ThomasChairperson of Living Hope Trust

From Our Chairman

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“Transformation of lives with a message of HOPE, (Bringing Hope and Breaking Despair)

has always been at the core of Living Hope. We have been privileged to see the lives of

many changed by this message. We remain so grateful to all those who have helped

Living Hope reach 28 416 clients this past year in the South Peninsula of Cape Town, South

Africa – well over triple the number 5 years ago. This has not been without its challenges,

but with these challenges has come great courage from the Living Hope team to respond

to the cry of the communities we serve.

This year is the first that our Life Skills programme received no funding from government

grants and we are so thankful at the generosity of the DAD donors who have stepped into

this gap. Our faith journey this year with these partners has proved that together much

can be achieved.“

Dedicated to Bring the Hope








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Clients served throughout Living Hope

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Clients HIV +

Health Care Centre





1Clients HIV+

Social Work







Clients HIV+

Home Based Care





2035Clients HIV+

HIV Testing and Counseling





528Clients HIV+

Support Group

“We have 188 dedicated staff members, which

together with the commitment of sacrificing volunteers

faithfully bring the message of HOPE. I remain

extremely overwhelmed by their commitment to see

transformation in the lives of those we serve, while

facing huge challenges themselves.

The task of community transformation can never be

accomplished by one organization and so Living Hope

continues partnerships with like-minded entities and

churches to ensure that the impact of HOPE can be

realized in the lives of those we serve. We value these

partnerships and are thankful that we can serve

together in seeing transformed communities.

Financially this has been a stretching year and our

cash flow has been tight, yet all our programmes

remain fully funded. We still use 88% of each Rand to

benefit the people we serve, continuing to look for

ways to further increase efficiencies. (For a more

detailed Financial Report see Audited Financial

Statements; Appendix A)

To all Living Hope’s staff, volunteers, trustees, partners

and donors thank you does not seem adequate

enough, but THANK YOU! I know our joy is in the lives

that are transformed and we continue to celebrate

God’s goodness in allowing us to be part of


Peter Hawksley

General Manager of Services





1Clients HIV+

Life Skills Education

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“The Spiritual Life at Living Hope over the past year has developed substantially, and we

praise the Lord for all He is doing in the lives of many of the staff, clients and beneficiaries.

During the past year we have been through a cycle of spiritual focus which has enabled us

to monitor more closely what is happening spiritually in the life of Living Hope. The outcomes

of this have enabled us to evaluate the level of the Spiritual Temperature of Living Hope

from March 2010 which was 47° C to 62° C in March 2011. I am encouraged more and more

to see how our staff are really embracing the focal point of what we stand for and what we

are here to do as the no 1 objective of Living Hope: ‘To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in

a life changing way and to encourage people to follow Him.’”

How are we doing Spiritually?

73 78

2010 2011

Regular Spiritual Activities

60 68

2010 2011Believers on Staff


2010 2011Staff Local Church Involvement


2010 2011

Staff being adequately trained to minister

% %%




%% 40


2010 2011

Staff actively reaching out



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Spiritual Quality Improvement Program

(SQIP) cycle

To clearly explain this cycle and the

foundation of it, I have to take you back

to March 2010. The cycle can be broken

down into the following stages:

1. March 2010 saw the first attempt of a

Spiritual Evaluation of the organization

was undertaken – this was coined as

the “Spiritual Temperature”. This

process started by each level of

leadership within the respective

departments evaluating the spiritual

influence of their departments based

on the following:

a)The Spiritual activities taking

place on a regular basis within their


b)The % of staff within their

department who were committed,

born again Christians.

c)The equipping they felt the

members of their staff needed to

proactively share the Gospel and

minister to the community folk on

an individual and group basis.







2010 2011

Living Hope Spiritual Temperature

2. June 2010 saw the next step, in that each

department consolidated their spiritual

activities/objectives in the form of a 5T

(Task, Team, Time, Training and Transfer)

document which helped helped them to

document each of the spiritual programs

their departments were undertaking.

3. September 2010 saw this process develop

into an evaluation tool of how effectively

their each department’s spiritual objectives

were being implemented.

4. The new term for this monitoring tool and

the application thereof became “SQUIP”

which stands for Spiritual Quality

Improvement Program. Currently this

monitoring is undertaken on a monthly

basis whereby all department heads or

representation thereof get together and

discuss the “ Spiritual Temperature of Living

Hope and the impact that each of their

departments plays in contributing to that”.

5. Now that this monitoring tool is in every

department in Living Hope, we (SQUIP

meeting participants) have started to

evaluate what impact complying to our

objectives has had on the staff, clients and

beneficiaries of the organization.

6. We have recently put measures in place

which we hope - in time to come - will give

us a good indication of how the Lord is

using the ministries of Living Hope to impact

the spiritual lives of the communities we


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Relationships with Local ministry leaders

The establishment of relationships with

local Church Leaders and Pastors is one

of the most important areas of the ministry

of Living Hope. We are not a local church,

but many of the people within the

ministries of Living Hope come to know

the Lord through various programmes, at

this point our most important link is into the

local churches where these new converts

can be spiritually fed on an ongoing basis.

These relationships will continue to be part

of my role in the year ahead; the local

churches are the most important link in

the discipleship of new believers.

It has been wonderful to see the role that

some of the local pastors have played in

the ministry of Living Hope assisting us with

leading devotions and services in many of

our branches. The partnership and

relationship with the local church is

invaluable to the communities which we


EQUIP’s Ministry

We have had the privilege this year to be

the receivers of some good solid and

sound, biblically based leadership training

which has been provided to us by John

Maxwell’s EQUIP ministry. Tom Atema has

been our key note speaker at two

conferences so far and we look forward

to the teaching of Dr James Walker in

October, who will be teaching us

Notebook 2 of EQUIP’s Million Leader

Mandate material. By the end of next

year we will have completed, Lord willing,

all six books of this outstanding material.

Various Living Hope staff as well as a

number of community pastors and ministry leaders

have benefitted tremendously from this input.

The Chaplaincy in the Health Care Centre

During the past year there have been a few

changes to the chaplaincy and pastoral care to

the Health Care Centre. Pastor Noloyiso is currently

ministering into the Health Care Centre, and has

refocused the ministry in this facility to be in line

with our Spiritual policy. She has also had the

assistance of a number of pastors and student

pastors whom have assisted her in this very

important and time consuming ministry.

Some of her duties include: Spiritual Assessments of

all Patients, one on one ministry to patients and

their families, conducting weekly services and

bible studies in the centre as well as co-ordinating

the community pastors who come and lead

services over the weekends.

Pastor Nolo also screens all people wanting to

minister in the Health Care Centre, making sure

they believe and minister in line with our statement

of faith.

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“Vuyani Fotoyi he was admitted in the

Health Care Centre for a long time and he

came to know the Lord while he

was still our patient and now is a committed

member in Khayelistsha it has just

happened that He goes to a church that I

am a member in. He attended the

beginners’ class, last week He was baptized

and I was the one who baptized him. I really

thank God for his life and the work that God

has place in the ministry of Living Hope.”

“After the first day of our volunteer

spending time with the patients, she made

such an impression on the patients that the

patient wanted this Jesus that she had

shared with him. Five patients have come to

know the Lord in this past month in the IPU

and 1 of the IPU staff members has also

given their life to the Lord, in the past


“Gentleman came in extremely ill and not

ready to give Jesus a chance in his life. He

attended hospital regularly for treatments

he became extremely sick and sleepy over

a 4 days period. He came to the realization

that he needs the Lord in his life. Since he

has accepted Jesus in his life he never

became severely sick again and his body

has been handling the treatment well. He

was discharged approximately 2 weeks

later and placed with a church in his area.”

“Neziwe, one of our patients, was baptized

(in the bath in the Health Care Centre) after

she has accepted the Lord and after few

days she died. We thank God that she

knows the Lord and her family was there

has accepted the Lord. After few days she died.

We thank God that she knows the Lord and her

family was there when she was baptized to give

testimony. We had a blessed time with the

Health Counselors as we shared devotion with

them, we prayed together.”


It has truly been an absolute privilege to serve

the Lord through the ministry of Living Hope over

the past year and a half. It has been an

excellent experience to be part of such a gifted

team. I look forward to all the Lord has in mind

for the next year, and the prayer of my heart is

that we would know God’s leading on a daily

basis in understanding His heartbeat for the

Living Hope family of ministries.

Graham Haddad

Senior Chaplain

“ Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably

more than all we ask or imagine, according to

His power that is at work within us, to Him be

glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus

throughout all generations, forever and ever

amen.” Ephesians 3:20


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We have enjoyed a vibrant year of volunteers, in which we again saw growth in number

from the previous year. We had 128 total volunteers in reporting period 2010-2011, up from

90 volunteers in the previous year. What is amazing is that this growth continues amidst very

little active marketing. Praise the Lord for sending all of these people! What a privilege it is

to see His provisions go beyond our staff.

There was a near-even split between local (66) and foreign (62) volunteers. Local

volunteers commit from 1 week to several months, and they come and go as they have

time availability. Of the 62 foreign volunteers, their tenure is easier to track and breaks

down as follows:

Living Hope Volunteers




Short-term ( < 6 months)Long-term (7-18 months)Missionary (> 18 months)

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The reporting period saw improvements

that focused on the application process

as well as managing volunteers’


The department views its role as providing

the volunteer with a meaningful service

experience whilst holding fast to the vision

and mission of Living Hope without

compromise. The quality of character and

spiritual grounding for each individual is

critical to this. Therefore, efforts have

focused on improving the screening

process for applicants. For example, all

foreign candidates are “interviewed” via

online video phone call as part of the

application process. In this way, we get to

know more than just the written content in

the application form and character

references. This practice is not only

beneficial to Living Hope, but also to the

candidate, who gets the chance to

engage and ask questions he or she may

not ask in an email. On both sides, an

interview helps to eliminate assumptions

and makes the application process a

more informative tool for candidate

selection. Likewise, all local volunteer

applicants are now required to produce a

pastoral reference letter. In this way, Living

Hope can confirm whether the candidate

is part of a solid church foundation, and

can determine the level of service

involvement in the church itself.

Another area of improvement is

managing volunteers’ expectations to

maximize flexibility and minimize potential

disappointment. Foreign volunteers’

expectations are usually different than what

they experience. While unmet expectations are

unavoidable, we can help prepare the

incoming volunteer prior to arrival by providing

more information about how they may be

serving (with a more detailed initial “job

description” for long-term volunteers and

missionaries) as well as contextual/ cultural

information and a missions-minded devotional.

Ultimately we aim to equip the future volunteer

with what (s)he needs to know to add value to

Living Hope whilst leaving room for him/her to

have his/her own experience.

Case in point, we must be better prepared

during our winter months (June – August) when

many young people from the U.S. and Europe

flock to Living Hope to serve during their summer

break. Oftentimes it has become chaotic and

cumbersome to organize placement for so

many short-term roles. This can lead to

miscommunications and setbacks that leave

both Living Hope and the volunteer feeling

negative about the experience. For this

reporting period, we received 26 short-term

foreign volunteers between June and August,

and the average time commitment was just

under 6 weeks. We look forward to the results of

a trial run of marketing a short-term “summer

project” this year with two sets of fixed arrival

and departure dates from which applicants can

choose. In this, coupled with the

aforementioned improved application process,

we hope to achieve a positive impact on both

the volunteer and Living Hope.

Updates from the Volunteer Department

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Finally, as we look ahead to the next year, we look forward to implementing an online, user-

friendly application process that will enable the prospective foreign applicant to easily and

seamlessly submit his/her information. Currently, incoming email enquiries can become

burdensome to answer and manage. The online system will enable the department to

track progress of applications more effectively.

The future of volunteers at Living Hope is bright, with all thanks to the Lord. They continue to

come to us, and we will strive to be best prepared to prayerfully receive, select, and place

them so that they can benefit Living Hope and take away a lasting and encouraging


Page 13: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


Visiting teams continue to be so essential to the work we do in each of the communities we serve. People often ask: “Is it worth all the money it takes to get the teams here to serve with Living Hope.

Why don’t you just ask them to send the money?” Living Hope does not spend any money or

resources on recruiting teams - these teams come to us. So we truly see it as a God-sent blessing.

The reality is not only do these teams bring encouragement, excitement, skills, hands and feet that

are so desperately needed, but we also see their lives transformed in the process. We recognize

that not only do we need them to help us accomplish short-term goals and projects that we don’t

have the money and resources to accomplish, but we truly believe that God hand-picks each

person who comes on these teams. God chooses them to allow us the resources of their talents,

gifts and abilities - but He also brings them here to do a mighty work in them. Living Hope is not only

grateful for all of the teams, but we feel honoured and privileged that God would choose us as the vehicle through which He reaches their hearts.

32 = The number of teams

between April 2010 to March


10 = Person-per-team average

11 = Days average stay

Tim Hoffman

Volunteer Coordinator

Teams Update

Page 14: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


Leigh SnymanGeneral Manager

‘Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Always try to be kind to each other and everyone else.’

1 Thessalonians 5: 14-15

Living Hope strives daily to bring hope and break the cycle of despair within the

communities we work.

Living Care is dedicated to the same but our emphasis is aimed at breaking the cycle of

despair brought about by disease and illness. Chronic diseases, diseases related to

advanced age and diseases where curative treatment is no longer an option and the main

focus has shifted to quality of life and managing of symptoms’ ensuring that the dying

process is dignified. We also aim to ensure that every person we come into contact with

hears about the love of Jesus and hears the message of salvation to ensure that they have

the opportunity to invite the Lord into their lives if they so choose.

The goals of palliative care feeds directly into the Living Hope tagline as palliative care is

fundamentally aimed at ‘bringing hope and breaking despair’.

“Palliative Care aims to relieve suffering and improve the

quality of both the living and the dying”

CAPC Manual Definition of Palliative Care

Page 15: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


The last year has been a year of great leaps

for the volunteer function within the Living

Care department. Last year we had a few

volunteers who made a huge impact on the

work of the ministry and the living care team

are grateful.

We saw our first fully licensed American

professional nurse who worked a shift in the

Health Care Centre for a couple of months

and she assisted in relationship building with

partners and reaching of clients outside of

Living Hope. An Australian doctor, Roslyn

Doyle worked at one of our referring

Hospitals and her presence as an

ambassador of Living Hope has lead to an

increase in the referrals from that Hospital as

well as a visit from the hospital team in an

attempt to build a strong working


2010 saw us appointing a pastoral care

giver. This went a long way in ensuring daily

spiritual support of patients and their families.

The chaplaincy team continued to care for

the patients and their spiritual needs. The

Living Care team met quarterly at a pastoral

meeting for fellowship and worship.

In May 2010 we attained a 3-star status from

HPCA during a pre COHSASA (Council of

Health Services Accreditation of Southern

Africa) survey. This was upgraded to a 4-star

status during a focus survey in November


Training and development:

A member of the cleaning staff successfully

applied for an administrative position in the

Health Care Centre. He continues to do well

and we are proud to be part of the process

of staff development.

Staff received training on numerous topics

throughout the year, both in-service training

and training by external training providers.

Topics covered TB, HIV, chronic conditions,

palliative care and adherence support.


Carers in our Health

Care Centre





Apr.10 May.10 Jun.10 Jul.10 Aug.10 Sep.10 Oct.10 Nov.10 Dec.10 Jan.11 Feb.11 Mar.11

Health Care Centre Bed Occupancy

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Health Care Centre

Sandy Lovick took over the position of Health Care Centre manager from Rene Bates. Sandy’s quiet, gentle ways helped to make this a smooth transition for all.

The Health Care Centre had 159 new admissions for the year. We have managed to reach more than 75% of what we set as our target for the year. We have had an average bed occupancy of 56% which has been quite a challenge. Numerous efforts were made to increase the number of referrals and we are hoping that more clients will be reached in the New Year.

Home Base care:

Resignations in the Home Base care services lead to some structural changes but by the grace of our Lord, the team has just grown stronger despite facing some challenges.

Nazeema De Villiers, now in addition to managing the Home-Based Care team, also coordinates the Masiphumelele branch. The services provided still consist of home based basic nursing care, health maintenance of folk suffering from chronic diseases, a dressing clinic, patient advocacy, school health promotion and medication adherence support.

One step at a time...

Health Care Centre Stats











Patient Deaths







136 139131




Living Care Updates:






150 189 186 182

2009 2010 2011

Page 18: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


Home-Based Care Stats







85435807 7190

11432 12761 11922


11229 12545

Masiphumelele Muizenberg Ocean View

2009 2010 2011








98 118






Masiphumelele Muizenberg Ocean View

Number of Clients

Number of Patient Visits

Page 19: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


Developments in palliative care in the

country - the buzz word within the

palliative care community is ‘strategic

partnership’ as this is thought to be the

way forward in sustaining ‘levels of care’

within the organisations that provide

palliative care as per an article written

by Liz Gwytter the CEO of HPCA, in the

Hospice Palliative Care Association

(HPCA) News Letter dated August 2010.

In the same news article, she also made

mention of this year’s World Hospice &

Palliative Care Day (9th October 2010)

theme, Sharing the Care, and HPCA has

taken this theme to heart in developing

Memoranda of Agreement with other

national NGOs and with the Dept of

Defence. This agreement with government

adds to the memorandum’s of

understanding with Provincial Departments

of Health and with the Department of

Correctional Services.

I have to end with a word of thanks to a

team who strived in all they did this year to

‘encourage the timid, help the weak and be

patient with everyone.

Leigh Snyman

General Manager Living Care



Staff safety remains an issue in all areas.The bed occupancy rate in the health Care centre does pose a challenge.

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Peter LovickGeneral Manager

“Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.”Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,

Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;

Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,

Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,

Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.

Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,

Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;

Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,

Chords that were broken will vibrate once more.

Rescue the perishing, duty demands it;

Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide;

Back to the narrow way patiently win them;

Tell the poor wand’rer a Savior has died.

The song penned by Fanny Crosby many years ago describes the privilege of ministry for

Living Grace, we are humbled to report that God has blessed this ministry in the period under

review. We are deeply grateful to God for another year of “bringing hope and breaking


The Stats: 15 332 Meals served

720 Devotions

230 Clients counseled

32 Blankets issued

18 Clients off the streets

Page 21: Living Hope Annual Report 2011


Homeless Programme.

From the very young to the aged, Living

Grace provides two meals per day, blankets,

clothing, ablution and laundry facilities

together with daily devotions, Bible study,

discipleship classes and support groups

continue. Destitution does not

discriminate and we are blessed to

reach-out to those in desperate

circumstances client faces may change

but the message of redemption through Jesus

Christ continues. More and more clients do

voluntary work at the centre and from these

volunteers, people are invited to apply for

other employment opportunities like street


We are very grateful to the donors of food,

clothing, furniture and blankets that make this

ministry possible. (See donor list at end of the



A Place of Refuge for


Food Share Programme.

The Food Share programme continues to

support people in Capricorn and

Masiphumelele who are unable to get to

Muizenberg for a meal. Where we have

additional food supplies it is distributed by

the home-based care workers and support

group facilitators in the above-mentioned

areas. This assists the Living Hope staff in their

care of TB and HIV patients who need

improved nutrition for recovery from ill

health. In this way the integrated ministry

model is being worked out and expanded

as per our strategic planning focus for the


MID Project (Muizenberg Improvement


The street cleaning project continues to be

a valuable programme at Living Grace. It

affords the opportunity to conduct

personal development with cleaners as well

as valuable spiritual discipleship. Many

have grown and have been re-united with

family and local churches. The 6 cleaners

and 1 supervisor clean 40 streets and Living

Grace has received many calls of thanks

from the public for this service. A word of

appreciation is expressed to MID for their

continued support and indication that this

service may be expanded in the year



14% 2%

Male ClientsFemale Clients Children u 6 yrs

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We are delighted to report that Living Grace now offers a Community Based Treatment Programme. Supported by the The Dept of Social Development, the programme opened in Nov 2010. The programme is focused at the addicted indigent persons male and female from the age of 18 years.

The Recovery Programme, consists of two phases. The first phase is over an 8 week process, whereby clients are exposed to addiction literature, life stories, practical examples, the opportunity to self-reflect and express themselves, by means of writing and other creative arts, within a dynamic group, with peers from vast backgrounds. Treatment groups, in itself, are therapeutic and are founded on psycho-education principles, to guide treatment lectures, and inform group discussions. The second phase is conducted once a week, also within a group context, however, less structured, and discussions are guided by the immediate need expressed by group members. Most of the content dealt with in this phase are relapse prevention and becoming responsible and productive citizens.

Current ProcessesThere is one group in the first phase, which started with 10 members, of which 2 dropped out, 1 was referred for inpatient treatment, with 7 remaining. In the second phase, there are members of 2 previous treatment processes, on average, 5 clients per weeks attend these sessions. In both processes, treatment is proving to go well, with random drug tests being conducted once every two weeks, for which all tests came out negative. It has been decided that drug tests will also be conducted on those in the second phase, which has not been done in the past, as to ascertain the success rate. It is our view that testing clients in this phase could perhaps shed light on claims of relapse by prophets of doom, which can only serve to strengthen the second phase of the recovery programme.

Needs and challengesThis recovery programme promotes a view that, for their successful recovery, there needs to be growth in three elements of their recovery life. Firstly, spiritual growth, secondly, attending and completing the Living Grace recovery programme, and thirdly, attending (NA/AA) Support Groups meetings, and utilizing the help and assistance of a sponsor. In both phases, it has been identified that sponsors are either ill equipped, or not always available to give support and advice to people in recovery.

Programmes OfferedRecovery Programme

• Awareness Programmes • Information Programmes to local

communities and business

• Training Programmes

• Parent Counseling

• Addiction evaluation and assessment

• Referral to treatment

• Community Based Treatment Programme (Out-patient based)

• Aftercare programmes

The Numbers6 = Current Client Group

467 = Family Support

27 = Family Reunification Programmes

12 = Decisions for Christ

8 = Completed the Programme

15 = Drop-out of Programme

4 = Referral to in-patient treatment

4 = Unsuitable for treatment

9 = Waitlisted for next intake

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Needs/Challenges (Continued)

We have also identified that more work must be done in the field of relapse prevention

(tools), as a number of people in the second phase, had “slip-ups” (relapsed), however, they

were counseled, and advised accordingly. Support from family members has proved to be

one of the major challenges in particular the first phase. Relationships had been severely

damaged, due to clients’ addict behavior (in the past) and seemingly will be taking longer

to repair than anticipated. The Living Grace staff, will continue to address this issue of family

involvement, however challenging, we are of the view that [supported by addiction

literature] recovery is unsustainable, difficult, and at times, impossible, if there are no support

from family, or loved ones. We try to address this issue in the family meetings, which occurs

twice in the first phase, and when there are family members to participate.


Volunteers in large and smaller groups have had very positive impact on the programmes

and clients. This would appear to be a win, win programme as the volunteers frequently

share of the blessing they receive from their periods of ministry at Living Grace as well as our

clients benefitting from their ministry and outreach. Volunteers have got involved in

cleaning, maintenance, conducting of devotions, guitar lessons and individual counseling

of clients. Their outreach has made a difference in many lives.

Peter Lovick

General Manager Living Grace

Pick n Pay – Plumstead & Longbeach MallCheckers - MuizenbergSpar - LakesideSostanza Bakery

King of Kings Baptist ChurchBurger StrandhuisMeredith HarringtonMuizenberg Improvement District Department Social Development

Sincere and heartfelt appreciation is expressed to donors and sponsors:

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Avril ThomasGeneral Manager

“We are so grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness throughout this year”

The Lord has brought together a great team in the Living Right ministry and I am deeply

appreciative of each of them and for the way in which they tackle the vital roles that they

play. During this past year we had a few co-ordinator changes: Chantel Delcarme

continues to be the Living Right administrator but instead of co-ordinating the Life Skills

Department, she co-ordinates the Support Group department. Lynne Johannes co-

ordinates the Health Counselling Department and Natalie Watlington co-ordinates the Life

Skills Department. We are also deeply grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness over the year

and for the privilege of seeing many of our clients accepting Jesus into their lives during this

past year.

It has also been a year of developing many new networking relationships. Some of the

organizations that we have networked with include : Department of Health, City of Cape

Town, Mothers2Mothers, Soil For Life, Upward Soccer, a Christian Brazilian team, Samaritans

Feet, Fusion, YWAM, All Nations, Call 2 All, Hope2 Africa, Ubabalo Sport, Small Paul, Life

Exchange, Mercy Network, the Two Oceans ministers fraternal, the Good Hope ministers

fraternal, King of Kings Baptist Church, Valley Christian Church, St Margaret’s Anglican

Church, Meadowridge Baptist Church, Capricorn Community Church, other local

churches, Inclusive Education Western Cape, Cornerstone Institute, AIS students (Medical

Knowledge Institute), and we have been actively involved in MSAT, the NGO Counsellors

Quarterly Forum meeting, and in facilitating the Red Hill and Masiphumelele NGO forum


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This programme receives no set funding and is entirely dependent on the sacrificial giving of

private people to the D.A.D. programme. To all

our D.A.D.’s: THANK-YOU so much – thank-you for

giving to the Lord and enabling us to make a

difference in the lives of children in our

communities. Without your financial support we

would not have been able to reach a total of

10690 children with the love of Jesus during this

past year.

The Life Skills team has worked with 3625 children

in Afternoon Clubs, 1145 teens in the Teens Clubs,

654 children in pre-schools and 2204 through the

school ministry. 249 girls have been supported

with feminine hygiene products from the Eve

project, 13 children have been referred for social

intervention, 95 have been assisted with school

uniforms, stationery and food, and 54 have

received home visits. At our annual “Wait 4 Me” event in July 2010, 51 teens responded for

counseling and prayer in the following areas:

salvation, abuse, rape, family issues and


The Pre-school ministry, Parenting workshops,

Schools ministry, Afternoon Club, Holiday Club

and Teen Club programmes are all Biblically

based and have a spiritual component, as well as address the lifestyle and social challenges that

they face daily. Our clients are actively involved

in the learning process and in praying at these

meetings, as well as leading in singing or bringing

a word of testimony or challenge.

We have worked with 10 unofficial pres-schools in

Masiphumelele over the year – providing Life Skill

lessons to the children once per week and providing curriculum guidance to the “Mama’s”

running the pre-schools on a weekly basis. An

ECD (Early Childhood Development) forum has

now been formed in Masiphumelele and we are

participating in this as a key role player with other

unofficial pre-schools in the area.

We continue to provide regular Life Orientation

lessons in the following primary schools :

Kleinberg, Marine, Ukhanyo, St James, Simon’s Town, Zerilda Park, Redham and Christian David

and in the Valyland Private High School. From

time to time we have also provided special

programmes in Kommetjie Primary and Fish Hoek

Primary schools.

Our Afternoon Children and Teen clubs have

continued in each of the areas in which we work

and we have witnessed significant growth and spiritual development in the teens who have


We have had over 20 international and 30 local

volunteers working with the life skills team during

the year. Some of the international volunteers

who left during the year had been long-term

volunteers and we have sorely missed their input

and involvement in recent months. As a department we are deeply grateful to volunteers

for their energy, enthusiasm, insight and

commitment to work alongside our staff in


When volunteer Kendra Crabtree left, there was

a gap in the music development ministry but the

Lord has provided volunteer Brenda Feltmann, a

music teacher in the Fish Hoek Valley, who will continue this ministry of music development.

The year 2011 has seen the launch of the

“Legacy Programme” with 6 young people (5 of

them men) from the communities in which we work participating. It is a one-year commitment

to working as a Life Skill educator, during which

they will receive training and practical ministry

opportunity while receiving some pocket money.

I am extremely excited about the development

of this programme and look forward to it bearing

much fruit in equipping and empowering young

leaders in our local churches, as well as strong,

Biblically based community leaders in the future.

It also provides a platform to work with some of our local Pastors more closely as we partner with

them in equipping their young people.


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14404 3242 70




Afternoon Clubs Schools Teens Club

2009 2010 2011

One of the highlights of the past year was the World Cup Soccer in South Africa. During the extended holidays the Living Hope Life Skill educators provided the following activities :

1. 3 weeks of Holiday Clubs in the morning (Monday – Thursday),

2. Soccer and netball practises and matches for 3 weeks on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon

and Friday morning

3. 1 week of Upward Soccer and Netball clinics – both morning and afternoons, with a visiting group

of Christian Brazilian soccer players, who formed part of the Samaritan’s Feet outreach ministry

4. Once during the holiday programme the Samaritan’s Feet team graciously ministered to each

child on a very personal level by explaining the servanthood of Jesus to the children in a group and

then washing each child’s feet, praying for the child’s specific needs and then fitting on a new pair

of shoes5. 1 Thursday afternoon in each area we had a community festival in partnership with Fusion (an

Australian Christian organisation). These were extremely well received and enjoyed by the whole


6. It all culminated in a one day Soccer Cup festival on 9 July at Fish Hoek High School when over 800

children from all the areas enjoyed playing soccer, netball, fusion games and participating in a

Gospel chalk demonstration, drama’s, and Gospel tricks. As each child left they were handed a

Soccer 2010 booklet containing testimonies of Christian international soccer players and the way of

salvation clearly explained. No child would have left this fun Festival without hearing the Gospel in a

way that they could understand.

Every Friday continues to be filled with training for our Life Skill Educators. The training has

consisted of curriculum and presentation skills workshops led by our beloved and very capable

volunteer curriculum developer Danielle Schneider, Leadership Development, time management

and planning with gifted and highly efficient volunteer Melanie Dill and Meagan Daniels , teaching

and discipling children with Bonnie Doughtie, “Classroom procedure and discipline” with Polly Saul

from Masi Corp, the abstinence based programme “No Apologies” with Denise Boltmann of Focus

on the Family, Substance Abuse awareness by Peter Lovick, Women’s Health by Pregnancy Help

Centre, several workshops looking at different relationships with social worker, Michelle Roux,

Evangelism of children with Hope for Kids, the Work Life course run by Living Way which also included

the Alpha course, HIV training by our Health Counsellors, and in January 2011 we began the one year Rosebank Bible survey course which has been facilitated by Tracey Soko and taught by a

number of Pastors from local churches for which we are most grateful.

Number of Attendance

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The support group facilitators have worked extremely hard this past year and served a total of 2170 clients. They are continually and creatively seeking how best to support and educate our clients

with chronic diseases and special needs. During this past year, 1437 clients have attended CDL

support groups and 528 clients have attended our HIV exclusive support groups. After some

research and surveying, we started a new brand of support group this year with mothers who have

recently given birth. During this year, 205 different mothers have attended the mothers groups.

Although our area runs a successful PMTCT (pregnant mother to child transmission) programme we

have over time received many reports of babies who were born HIV negative testing HIV+ at 6 or 9

months. During this year, we have had 2 volunteer mothers who have put together a practical programme for mothers of very young children and we seek to invite mothers to a safe place where

they ask their questions, share their experiences and learn from each other and thereby support

each other in the community.

We have developed a strong working relationship with the NGO, Inclusive Education, which works

with children with special needs at our Capricorn centre. They have developed a toy library at the

centre which has become a care-givers weekly support group.

Living Hope support groups have piloted the CDU medication distribution via 3 of its support groups.

This has worked very well and we look forward to being able to distribute medication to all our

support groups in the coming year.

On the 20 November 2010 the support group facilitators arranged a 5km Diabetes Awareness Walk

from Fish Hoek beach to the Living Hope Capri campus. Despite the wet weather this was a great

and fun event and inspired people with chronic diseases to exercise more.


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251 341528

2009 2010 2011


The support group facilitators have enjoyed working with many visiting teams to Living Hope

on door to door visits, TB blitz and other disease

informing campaigns, as well as special

outreach events into the community. Health

outreaches are always a high point and of

particular mention was the outreach with the

Brentwood Baptist Church team who conducted

eye screening alongside other health screening

tests with the support group facilitators. This

passionate group of facilitators is committed to help heal their community in every way.

The support group facilitators are a vibrant,

outgoing group who have made the most of

their opportunities to share the good news of

Jesus with their clients and have had the

privilege of praying with many of their clients as

they accepted Jesus into their lives for the first

time. Some of the tools that they have found effective include the A,B,C and D of the Gospel

and the colours of the SA flag.

Every first Friday morning of the month is training

time for the support group facilitators and their

training sessions have covered presentation skills,

HIV, TB, Blood pressure, Nutrition, Infection

Control, Domestic Violence, effective use of cell

phone technology on connecting with your group members and administrative skills, and

record keeping. This has proved very beneficial

and is always a time of fun and laughter.

In preparation for the Department of Healths

changes to integrated Community Care workers

Living Hope has started upskilling the support

group facilitators. They did a 2-week Home-

based care course and a 1-week First Aid course with St John’s in Feb and will be doing the next

level course shortly which will assist with the

health screening of clients at the monthly

medicine distribution groups as well as prepare

them for the new post as per the DoH.

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Our strong team of dedicated listening and

teaching counsellors has really soared to greater heights this year.   The full team (including our

mobile team) has tested a total of 14 542 clients

during the past year, 849 were tested HIV+.  The

mobile team on its own tested a total of 2959

clients of which 2.8% tested HIV+.    During the

year 1756 clients started ARV treatment and were

counselled by our Adherence Counsellors in clinic


Targets were set for the HCT campaign (a

national campaign called for by the Minister of

Health) for each clinic to reach by end of June

2011. The Ocean View clinic exceeded its target

in November 2010, and all clinics had reached

their targets by the end of March 2011. Our

mobile site has also exceeded its targets and

continues to do extremely well in reaching more

men than the average clinic facility.

Living Hope counsellors serve in 2 local hospitals

(False Bay Hospital and DP Marais Hospital), 5

clinic facilities (Fish Hoek, Ocean View,

Masiphumelele, Muizenberg and Seawinds Clinic),

2 satellite clinics (Simon’s Town and Red Hill), as

well as in our mobile team who have travelled across the whole Metropole providing HCT, TB

screening, BMI’s, blood pressure and blood sugar


Except for the mobile team Living Hope

counsellors serve in a set clinic on a daily basis

and attend a monthly mentoring session which is

out-sourced and a monthly team meeting with

the co-ordinator and General Manager. The counsellors have an extremely emotionally

draining job and have coped amazingly with the

psycho-social needs of their clients in some very

desperate situations.

During community health campaigns, such as the

measles and diarrhoea campaign, most of our

counsellors and support group facilitators

become involved in working with the clinic staff and in so doing strengthen the health service

provided to our community.








2009 2010 2011

Number or ARV Counseling Clients (C1)


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There was a change of terminology from VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) to HCT (HIV Counselling and Testing) due to the HIV testing campaign where every client was encouraged to

have an HIV test.

During the year, the ACTS model (Advise, Consent, Test and Support) was accepted as the new

counselling model in the Western Cape and has been rolled out at our facilities. Our counsellors all

successfully completed the finger prick test training at the beginning of December but unfortunately

they cannot do the finger prick test on the job until the DoH authorises such.

In order to assist and work out the rollout of ACTS and the integration of TB counselling in each clinic

the co-ordinator and team leaders, together with the General Manager, have sought to meet with each DoH team in the clinics on a monthly basis. This has greatly improved communication between

Living Hope and the facility manager and other staff and has given an opportunity for us to assess

the “gaps” in each facility and helps us to formulate how we can work together in being more

effective in preventing the spread of HIV and Aids and TB and treating and caring for those who are

infected and affected.

Training is ongoing in this department and is mostly offered by ATICC (Aids Training Information

Counselling Centre). Our staff have also attended some training facilitated by Phillipi Trust,

Desmond Tutu HIV foundation and Desmond Tutu TB Centre. There have been many administrative

changes during the year and our Team Leaders, Pumla Madliva and Hilary Adonis, have excelled in attending the necessary training and mentoring their teams into the correct procedures to follow.

The job description of counsellors is currently being re-assessed to bring it into line with the new DoH

plans and requirements. Depending on the final model, this could have impact on the Counsellor

ministry of Living Hope in the future.













835Number of Clients Confirmed HIV+ Ocean View

2009 2010 2011

Avril ThomasGeneral Manager Living Right

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Richard LundieGeneral Manager

Spiritual strategy

At the heart of Living Way is the desire to reach people for Jesus. This year has proven to be

one of sharpening our spiritual strategy, utilizing a variety of methods and tools to share the

Gospel with learners in our programmes. In every intervention, programme, workshop or

activity, we share Biblical truth. This may be in the form of a devotion, or the presentation of

the Alpha course. We give God glory for his work in this arena, as we have seen more

spiritual fruit this year than any before!

Living Way has three strategic themes:

To equip people with the thinking tools to live productive lives

To empower and train small business owners to be sustainable in providing

for themselves and others

To increase employment through guidance, referrals and access to training

Figures for Living Way: 

Direct programme recipients = 136 

Indirect recipients – those that have received services on the Living Way campus (non LW programmes)  = 123

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Worker readiness training

The worker readiness training has rolled out

following the pilot in April 2010. This was

followed by refining the curriculum and

adding new components. A second set of

training was held in August 2010. In early

2011, another two groups were taken

through the material, including the Living

Right Life Skill Educators. This course has

proven to be an integral part of the Living

Way ministry. It will be accredited with the

Services SETA in 2011 and allow for a formal

qualification to be issued to successful


STEPS to Excellence

In early 2010, Living Way, in partnership with

Grassroots Development Trust, prepared

learners for a learnership in the retail sector.

Living Way’s role was to train and mentor a

group of learners from the South Peninsula.

The learners joined the learnership in

October 2010 and will complete it in October

2011. The primary reason for the SETA’s

funding this intervention is that STEPS to

Excellence has shown itself to be a powerful

tool in the retention of learners throughout a

learnership. Previously a retention rate of

50% was considered normal. The Grassroots

learners have over 90% retention rate.

Business Basics

During this financial year, we held two

courses of business basics. The goal is to

equip people to start their own business

through giving them the relevant information

and skills training to do so. This programme

has proven to be effective in reaching

people with the entry level skills needed to

launch their ideas into practice.

Business workshops

Following feedback from business basics

training, Living Way started a different

intervention in reaching business owners.

Through fortnightly meetings, business owners

are brought together to discuss relevant

issues facing their business. This programme

values collaboration between businesses

and sharing of information. Rather than

teaching and lecturing, Living Way facilitates

the discussions. The pilot for this programme

was held with Masiphumelele business

owners and will be expanded during 2011.

Five Loaves Bakery

In September 2010, Five Loaves Bakery was

launched. This bakery has two goals: to train

people for jobs in the baking industry and to

create employment for bakers within the

areas in which we work. On both fronts, this

bakery is doing well. The bakers are currently

supplying baked goods to a variety of

sources, including some of the Living Right life

skills programmes. The future will see the

bakery exploring more contracts, selling

directly to the public and the establishment

of a franchise manual so that future spin-off


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bakeries will have a structured plan to grow their



In the end of 2010, Living Way purchased two

greenhouses from a farmer in Kommetjie. They

were installed and in the first week of February

2011, cucumber and tomatoes were planted.

This programme is part of a larger strategy of

developing people in the farming businesses.

This academy will involve teaching various

farming methodologies, work ethic, business

basics and detailed farming topics. The goal is

to build up farmers to run their own farms like


GUIDANCE/REFERRALS:Basic skills training

During this year, a new strategy was tabled to

provide basic skills training under the Living Way

banner. This strategy is still in its infancy and

much research needs to be compiled before

the programmes will be implemented.

Partners on the Living Way campus

Evangeline Ministries has continued to provide

sewing and computer classes, with many of the

students coming from the Living Care Health

Care Centre. Life Exchange continues to work

with at-risk youth from Ocean View. Drive More

Safely is a new partner, the only non-profit driver

training school in the country. Hope2Africa have

been a blessing to the Masi youth through their

art and drama classes. Ikamva Labantu, serving

the elderly of Masiphumelele, have joined us on

the campus. Noordhoek Valley Educare is doing

well, with over 60 children getting quality pre-

school education.

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In February and March 2011, Living Way delivered a combination of training courses for

Babysafe, a non-profit working with single or vulnerable mothers. The selected group of

ladies raised money for the courses by selling various goods within the community. They

attended the Worker Readiness School, STEPS to Excellence and a select few attend the

entrepreneur training.

Final thoughts

We are so grateful to the Lord for all he has done in and through Living Way. We give him the

honour and the glory and dedicate the next year again into His hands.

“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has

done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” Psalm 105:1-2

Richard Lundie

General Manager Living Way

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