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St. Joseph & Most Pure Heart of Mary ParishesMay 3, 2020 4th Sunday of Easter

Youth Ministry NewsIn this time of social distancing, we are doing our utmost to stay connected to you! We are meeting virtually on Sundays at 7:00 p.m. for SLAM for all 7th-12th graders. 6th-12th CCD classes are meeting weekly as well. If you need any links or more details about any of these events, send Kari an email at [email protected]. Know we are all praying for you.

Liturgical CalendarMonday, May 4Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4; John 10:11-18Tuesday, Ma 5Acts 11:19-26; Psalm 87:1-7; John 10:22-30Mass Intention: Living & Deceased Members of the Daughters of Isabella Wednesda , Ma 6Acts 12:24-13:5; Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; John 12:44-50Mass Intention: Kathleen Metzger Thursday, Ma 7Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; John 13:16-20Mass Intention: Leroy Steiner Frida , Ma 8Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-11; John 14:1-6Mass Intention: Dave Riehl Saturda May 9Acts 13:44-52; Psalm 98:1-4; John 14:7-14Mass Intentions: All Parishioners, Living & Deceased Sunda , May 10—Fifth Sunda of EasterActs 6:1-7; Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-10; 1 Peter 2:4-9; John 14:1-12St. Joseph Mass Intentions: Connie Blum & Mary Ellen Phillips MPHM Mass Intentions: All Mothers

Sacramental Emergencies567-275-1112

Last week, I mentioned that we would be hosting a seminarian this summer in my bulletin article. This week, I would like to tell you a little bit more about him.

This summer Bradley McNeal will be spending about eight weeks with us as he continues his formation for priesthood. He is from the north side of Toledo and goes to seminary in Cincinnati, where Kory is as well. Bradley will have completed four years of formation by the time he will join us, which means that, God willing, he will be ordained a priest in 2023. Before seminary he attended the University of Toledo majoring in special education. I don’t want to mention too much else, so that he can tell you more about himself once he arrives.

For now, let’s make sure to pray for him and all people discerning where God is calling them on this World day for Vocations.

Father Chris

RECYCLING NOTICE: Our recycling services have been suspended with the exception of the cardboard. We will only be accepting cardboard at this time until further notice. Thank you!

Lewis Floors419-347-4364

Prayer for VocationsGod our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

KEEP IN CONTACT WITH KORY: Kory is currently at home and he welcomes any mail or email you would like to send! You can email him at [email protected] or send mail to: Kory Wise, 300 S Township Road 113, Tiffin, OH, 44883. Please continue keep Kory in your prayers.

Secretariat of

clergy, conSecrated life and VocationS • www.usccb.orgGeraldine M. Rohling.Washington, DC, 2011.Photographer: Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, courtesyof the Basilica of the National Mosaic Company, 1926. Photograph Shepherd. Bancel La Farge and Ravenna detail from the Chapel of the Good Catholic Bishops. The Good Shepherd, © 2011, United States Conference of

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Mission Statement “Leading all families in loving, serving, and knowing Jesus in our community.”

Watch documentaries about the food industry and environment. A few good ones are Food Inc., Our Planet, Before the Flood,

and the True Cost. Submitted by: Janet Kehres

Mission Statement “Leading all hearts to love, serve, and

know God in our community.”

Jena Biglin, Ella Daniel, James VanFleet, Gregory Miller, Griffin Yeager, Zoe McNary, Donna Takos, Karl Yetzer,

Michael Carey, James Magers, Michael Zappa, Margaret Karl, Sandra Kelly, Roger Little, Christena Smith,

Julianna Stiteler, Katlynn Gremling, Emile John, Annette Lauber, Tabitha Rymal, Susan Shell,

Eric Spangler, Dan Todd, David Wagner, Arthur Cain, John Gies, Liam Kuhn, Tracy Kurtzman, Roger Manns,

John McKinney, Tanner Steiner

ST. JOSEPH SACRIFICIAL GIVING Weekly Budget Needed $1,485.00

April 26, 2020

Sunday Offering $ 717.00

Sunday Offering Online $ 225.00

Easter Online $ 200.00

Easter $ 50.00

Maintenance Online $ 60.00

Maintenance $ 50.00

Please consider signing up for Online Giving by calling the parish office, drop your envelope off at

church under the office door, or mail it to us. Thank you for your support!

Andy Dannemiller, Ashley Bond

3/15/2020 was the last semi-normal bulletin

St. Joseph & Most Pure Heart of Mary Parishes May 3, 2020 4th Sunday of Easter

Thank you for supporting Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish! SACRIFICIAL GIVING

April 18 & 19, 2020

Sunday & Holy Day Collections (Excludes Christmas & Easter)

Sunday Offertory Collection Basket $ 3,233.00

40% Gave in the Collection Basket

Sunday Offertory Electronic Giving $ 4,636.00

60% Gave through Electronic Giving

Weekly Budget Needed $ 9,249.00

Total Sunday and Holy Day Receipts $ 7,869.00

Weekly Over/Under Budget $ 1,380.00

2019/2020 Annual Budget Year to Date $ 397,707.00

Total Sunday & Holy Day Receipts to Date $ 407,921.03

Year to Date Over/Under Budget $ 10,214.03

Easter Collection $ 760.00

Easter Annual Budget $ 22,700.00

Total Easter Year to Date $ 10,221.00

Easter Over/Under Budget $ 12,479.00

Diocesan Collections

Black & Indian $ 50.00

Catholic Relief Services $ 50.00

Holy Land & Good Friday $ 25.00

Other Parish Collections

Blanket Sunday $ 412.00

Capital Improvement $ 160.00

Excel Beyond the Basics $ 140.00

Religious Education $ 50.00

Youth Ministry $ 25.00 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38

Of our 366 families that give to the Sunday Collection…

27% now give through ConnectNow!

DID YOU KNOW? Shepherds By definition, a shepherd or sheepherder is a person who tends, herds, feeds, or guards herds of sheep. Shepherding is among the oldest occupations, beginning some 5,000 years ago in Asia Minor. Sheep were kept for their milk, meat, and especially their wool. In many societies, shepherds were an important part of the economy. Unlike farmers, shepherds were often wage earners, being paid to watch the sheep of others. Shepherds also lived apart from society, being largely nomadic. It was mainly a job of solitary males without children. Shepherds were most often the younger sons of farming peasants. We are all shepherds for God’s people and creation in one way or another. We are all called to be Christ’s hands and feet. Our flock, so to speak, may be our children, our parents, our animals, etc. The sheep belong to Jesus, and we are his shepherds, our task is to lead them to him. Jesus loves each one of them and wants us to reflect his love by our words and actions. How well do we know our sheep? Sometimes we are so busy with our own everyday tasks, we overlook those closest to us. In this time of uncertainty and health concern, let us all take a moment to reach out to those who may be alone. Send a card to someone who has lost a loved one recently. Maybe call someone instead of texting them to check-in on them. Let us follow Jesus’ example, set aside our concerns, and “call them by name.”

Submitted by: Sherry Stockmaster

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