Page 1: Litter and Waste Minimisation in Schools Keep Wales Tidy Campaign Waste Awareness Wales

Litter and Waste Minimisation in

SchoolsKeep Wales Tidy Campaign

Waste Awareness Wales

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Litter - Facts and figuresLitter has many formsAffects the environmental quality of an

areaDefinition of Litter

“waste in the wrong place” “always caused by people”

90% concerned about littered pavements£350,000,000 spent annually on street

cleansing by local authorities

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Litter and the Law

Criminal offence (1990 Act)Maximum £2,500 fineSchools and colleges responsibleStandards and timescalesFly-tipping carries a maximum fine of


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Pro-Active ApproachTackling Litter should not be a punishment!Preaching tends to be counter-productive!Litter – How much can be recycled?Waste Prevention – “Did we really need that packaging?”

Four Stages to reduce litter permanently:

a) analyse the problem

b) devise an action plan

c) monitor success

d) maintenance of action

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You are not alone! Personal & Social Education curriculum 2000 ESTYN inspection guidelines for ESD (Education

for Sustainable Development) Welsh Assembly Government ESD case studies

booklet Waste Awareness Wales Healthy Schools Promotion Local Authority Strategies

Sustainability Strategies ISO 14001 LBAPs (Local Biodiversity Action Plans)

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Litter Strategies: Project 1. Litter Surveys





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Points to consider

Responsibility for survey, timingSorting, weighing, identification of

littererAnalysis - spreadsheets, graphs,

publicationQuestionnaire - pupils/homes/local

communityLunchtime survey - compare with other


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Integrate with curriculum requirements

Using maps, plans co-ordinates, symbols and keys Identifying features of the local area Describing the uses of land and buildings Understanding how people affect the environment Planning and carrying out investigations Measuring and quantifying Handling numbers, converting to graphical forms Using spreadsheets Working co-operatively

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Project 2. Investigations

Dangerous Litter creative writing poster design dramatisation strip cartoons

• Dog Fouling * planning, implementing and evaluating a campaign

* leaflet design, typography

* lifecycle of an (infectious) organism

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Project 3. Environmental Quality Survey Explore the areaDiscuss contributing factorsHow to measure the chosen factors -

sampling?Prepare survey sheetsGather equipment/carry out surveyDiscuss results and methodologyPossibly draw up litter and waste policy

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Project 4: Get The Message Across!

Hold a themed week or topic on Litter* Write environmental poetry* Compose and perform a litter rap* Pupils write an article in the School’s newsletter or do a radio interview* Promote positive incentives e.g. merit points or cash for ideas to solve litter problems.

Use assemblies for this.

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Project 5: Packaging

Survey packaging of a selection of commodities

Consider how much can be recycled/reused

Consider design and function issues with ‘Eco-friendliness’ of the packaging.

Set up a ‘design and build’ task e.g. an eco-friendly container for a drink, an

egg etc.

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WasteBackground Information

Homes generate approx. 27m tonnes p.a.About 85% is landfilledNew regulations for landfill management higher costs alternatives more attractivepros and cons of incinerationBATNEEC option

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In Wales, every 90 minutes, we all produce enough waste to fill the local swimming pool – and it’s getting worse!

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Waste Strategies:Project 1. Investigate local waste disposal

Contact council for details of collection, number of refuse lorries, destination(s)

Lifespan of landfill - future plansCalculate savings - waste per household;

collection routes extended; fewer vehicle trips to site

Visit to household recycling siteVisit by refuse collection/recycling


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Project 2. Refuse Audit in School(Should not involve handling the rubbish)

Look into bins, ask caretaker, secretary, support staff

List common waste itemsDiscuss possibilities for reduction

composting solar-powered calculators re-chargeable batteries refurbish or replace? (furniture, books etc) ‘indirect waste’ (lights, doors, taps etc) make jotters from used paper ‘smart buying’ – less packaging

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Project 3. Crafts from Waste

Rag rugsPapier machePaper making projectPlastic reuse - propagators, storage,

jewellery, bird-scarers, etc.Metal sculpture, other artworkMaking musical instruments from waste

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Project 4. Can Recycling ALUPRO (Aluminium Packaging Recycling

Organisation)Tel: 0845 722 7722

SCRIB (Steel Can Recycling Industries Bureau) Tel: 01639 872626

consider establishing a can recycling scheme design/make a can crusher storage issues consider alternative drinks packaging

• glass, plastic, waxed card, foil• invent own package and design the name and logo• campaign for reusable plastic cups

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Project 5. Paper Recycling

Contact your Waste Minimisation Officer for details of local schemes.

Establish paper reuse trays and recycling boxes throughout the school.

Find out who will collect the boxes and how often.

Is there a storage problem?Count or weigh the amount you recycle

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Project 6. Practice the 3 R’sDevelop a school waste minimisation policy

Contribute to the National Waste Minimisation Strategy

Raise awareness of school’s contribution to landfill

Appreciate financial and environmental benefits of waste minimisation and recycling

Work with the local communityUse ‘Scrap Stores’ ‘Buy Recycled’ where possible

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Some Possible Actions for your School

Consider electronic storage of filesPurchasing review - paper, lights, cleaning

materials, hand dryers, water savers, etcCampaign to reduce lunch packagingReuse containers for storageComposting (especially fruit peel, garden waste)Set up a recycling bankToy libraryPhotocopier training Join the Eco-Schools Programme

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Cwtogi ar Sbwriel a

Gwastraff yn yr Ysgolion

Ymgyrch ‘Cadwch Gymru’n Daclus’

Cynllun ‘Craff am Wastraff’

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Sbwriel - Rhai manylionMae sawl math o sbwrielEffaith ar ansawdd amgylchedd yr ardalDiffiniad o sbwriel

'gwastraff yn y lle anghywir' 'pobl sy'n lluchio sbwriel bob amser'

90% yn poeni am sbwriel ar y palmantAwdurdodau lleol yn gwario

£350,000,000 ar lanhau strydoedd bob blwyddyn

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Lluchio sbwriel a'r gyfraith

Trosedd (Deddf 1990)Dirwy fwyaf - £2,500Cyfrifoldeb ar ysgolion a cholegauSafonau ac amserlenniDirwy fwyaf am adael sbwriel heb

ganiatâd - £20,000.

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Dull rhagweithredol Dylai mynd i'r afael â sbwriel ddim bod yn gosb! Mae pregethu'n tueddu i fod yn wrthgynhyrchiol! Sbwriel – Faint mae modd ei ailgylchu? Atal gwastraff – “Oedd gwir angen y pecynnau yna arnon ni?”

Pedwar cam at gael gwared ar sbwriel:

a) dadansoddi'r broblem

b) paratoi cynllun gweithredu

c) cadw llygad ar y llwyddiant

d) cynnal y gweithredu

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Dydych chi ddim ar eich pen eich hun!

Cwrícwlwm Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol 2000 Canllawiau arolygu ESTYN ym maes Addysg ar gyfer

Datblygu Cynaladwy Llyfryn Llywodraeth y Cynulliad am achosion penodol ym

maes Addysg ar gyfer Datblygu Cynaladwy Cynllun ‘Craff am Wastraff’ Menter yr Ysgolion Iach Strategaethau'r awdurdodau lleol

Strategaethau datblygu cynaladwy ISO 14001 Cynlluniau gweithredu lleol ar gyfer bioamrywiaeth

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Strategaethau atal sbwriel: Prosiect 1. Arolygon o sbwriel





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Pethau i'w hystyried

Cyfrifoldeb am yr arolwg - pryd i'w gynnal

Didoli a phwyso, nodi'r rhai sy'n lluchioDadansoddi - taenlenni, graffau,

cyhoeddiHoliadur - disgyblion/cartrefi/y gymunedArolwg amser cinio - cymharu ag

adegau eraill

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Cyfuno â gofynion y cwrícwlwm

Defnyddio mapiau, cyfesurynnau, sumbolau ac eglurhadau

Adnabod nodweddion yr ardal Disgrifio sut mae'r tir a'r adeiladau'n cael eu

defnyddio Deall sut mae pobl yn effeithio ar yr amgylchedd Trefnu a chynnal ymchwiliadau Mesur a meintioli Trin a thrafod rhifau a'u dangos mewn graffau Defnyddio taenlenni Gweithio ar y cyd

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Prosiect 2. Ymchwilio

Sbwriel peryglus ysgrifennu creadigol llunio posteri dramâu cartwnau

• Baw cŵn * trefnu, cynnal a gwerthuso ymgyrch

* llunio taflenni, argraffwaith

* cylch bywyd bod byw (heintus)

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Prosiect 3. Arolwg o ansawdd yr amgylchedd Dod i adnabod yr ardal.

Trafod yr elfennau perthnasol.Sut mae mesur yr elfennau hynny -

samplu?Paratoi taflenni'r arolwg.Casglu'r offer a chynnal yr arolwg.Trafod y canlyniadau a'r dulliau.O bosibl, llunio polisi sbwriel a


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Prosiect 4: Cyfleu'r neges!

Cynnal wythnos ac iddi sbwriel yn thema.* Barddoni am yr amgylchedd.* Llunio a pherfformio 'rap' am sbwriel.* Ysgrifennu darn ar gyfer cylchlythyr yr ysgol

neu roi cyfweliad ar y radio.* Hyrwyddo anogaeth gadarnhaol megis pwyntiau

teilyngdod neu arian am syniadau i ddatrys problemau sbwriel. Mae'n bosibl gwneud hyn yn ystod y cyfarfod boreol.

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Prosiect 5: Pecynnau

Arolwg o becynnau amryw nwyddau.Ystyried faint y gellir ei

ailgylchu/ailddefnyddioYstyried gwedd a diben y pecynnau

ynghyd â'r ffordd maen nhw'n effeithio ar yr amgylchedd.

Gosod gorchwyl 'dylunio a gwneud' e.e. pecyn addas ar gyfer diod, wyau ac ati.

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GwastraffGwybodaeth gyffredinol

Mae cartrefi'n creu tua 27 miliwn o dunelli bob blwyddyn

Mae tua 85% yn cael ei gladduRheoliadau newydd ar gyfer tomenni: costau mwy dulliau amgenmanteision ac anfanteision llosgiDewis ‘BATNEEC’

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Yng Nghymru, rydyn ni'n creu digon o wastraff bob awr a hanner i lenwi'r pwll nofio lleol - ac mae pethau'n mynd o ddrwg i waeth!

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Strategaethau gwastraff:Prosiect 1. Dulliau lleol o gael gwared ar wastraff

Cysylltu â'r cyngor i gael manylion y trefniadau casglu, nifer y cerbydau a'r teithiau ac ati.

Hyd oes safle claddu - cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol

Pennu'r arbedion - gwastraff pob cartref; teithiau hwy i ddibenion casglu; llai o gerbydau'n teithio i'r domen.

Ymweld â safle amwynderau.Ymweliad cerbyd casglu/ailgylchu sbwriel

â'r ysgol.

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Prosiect 2. Archwilio sbwriel yr ysgol(Ddylech chi ddim trafod y sbwriel â'ch dwylo)

Edrych yn y biniau, gofyn i'r gofalwyr, yr ysgrifenyddes a'r staff cymorth.

Rhestru'r pethau mwyaf cyffredin ymysg y sbwriel. Trafod y posibiliadau ynghylch cwtogi arno:

gwrteithio cyfrifianellau ynni'r haul batrïau mae modd eu hailwefru adnewyddu neu newydd sbon? (celfi, llyfrau ac ati) ‘gwastraff anunion’ (goleuadau, drysau, tapiau ac

ati) defnyddio hen bapur i godi nodiadau ‘prynu craff’ – llai o becynnau

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Prosiect 3. Creu pethau o sbwriel

Matiau carpiau. Mwydion papur. Prosiect gwneud papur. Ailddefnyddio plastig - fframiau prifiant,

blychau cadw, gemwaith, bwganod brain ac ati.

Cerfluniau metel, celfweithiau eraill. Gwneud offerynnau cerdd o sbwriel.

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Prosiect 4. Ailgylchu tuniau

ALUPRO (Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation)

Ffôn: 0845 722 7722 SCRIB (Steel Can Recycling Industries Bureau)

Ffôn: 01639 872626 ystyried sefydlu cynllun ailgylchu tuniau llunio/gwneud teclyn gwasgu tuniau materion cadw ystyried pecynnau amgen ar gyfer diodydd

• gwydr, plastig, cardbord wedi'i gwyro, papur arian

• dyfeisio'ch pecyn eich hun a llunio'r enw a'r arwyddlun

• ymgyrch ailddefnyddio cwpanau plastig

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Prosiect 5. Ailgylchu papur

Gofyn i swyddog arbed gwastraff eich bro am fanylion y cynlluniau lleol.

Sefydlu blychau ailddefnyddio ac ailgylchu papur ledled yr ysgol.

Pennu pwy fydd yn casglu'r blychau a pha mor aml.

Oes problem ynglŷn â chadw'r papur?Cyfrif neu bwyso faint rydych chi'n ei


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Prosiect 6. Rhoi'r 3 A ar waithParatoi polisi arbed gwastraff i'r ysgol

Cyfrannu i Strategaeth Genedlaethol Arbed Gwastraff.

Codi ymwybyddiaeth o faint mae'r ysgol yn ei anfon i domenni sbwriel.

Gwerthfawrogi'r manteision ariannol ac amgylcheddol o arbed ac ailgylchu gwastraff.

Cydweithio â thrigolion y fro.Defnyddio ‘Stondinau Sgrap’.Prynu nwyddau eildro lle bo'n bosibl.

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Rhai camau posibl yn eich ysgol

Ystyried cadw ffeiliau ar ffurf electronig. Adolygu arferion prynu - papur, goleuadau,

deunyddiau glanhau, peiriannau sychu dwylo/arbed dŵr ac ati.

Ymgyrch i gwtogi ar ciniawau pecyn. Ailddefnyddio pecynnau i ddibenion cadw. Gwrteithio (yn arbennig croen ffrwythau a sbwriel

yr ardd). Sefydlu man ailgylchu. Llyfrgell deganau. Hyfforddiant ynghylch llungopïo. Ymuno â Rhaglen yr Eco-Sgolion.
