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Page 1: Literature review


Teaching and learning a foreign language like English is not easy task especially in

National Type Tamil and Chinese primary schools in Malaysia. The situation become more

difficult when the learners are primary school children and teaching and learning focus is

grammar especially, Indian students as second language learners in primary schools will always

find difficulty to understand grammar rules. There are a lot of ways to introduce English

grammar to the young learners. One of them is by using games. As we all know that children like

play, so by using games as the teaching method the students can be more interested to learn

grammar (Pourgharib, (2013).

The term 'language game' is used to refer to simple uses of language with which children

are first taught language and specific regions of our language with their own grammars and

relations to other language-games (Wikipedia, 2014). Moreover, Whitehead, (2007) defined that

grammar is the rule governing human language or individual language and the study of such


The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of using language games in

teaching and learning English for pupils of Year 2 in National Type Lorong Jawa Tamil School

in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. There are 1300 students altogether in the research area. But, this

research focuses only on one class which known as 2 Elango because of the time limitation.

There are 30 pupils in the class. 14 of them are males and the rest of them are females. The

pupils also will be from different ethnic groups, which are Malay and Indians.

Similarly, purposive sampling will be used. And, language games used as independent

variable and the dependent variable is grammar skills. Quantitative and qualitative methodology

will be used in this study. Ten set of games will conducted by researcher together with few

grammatical items. Instruments like observation, discussion, tests such as pre-test and post-test,

and questionnaire also used to collect data.

This research consists of three main objectives a) to examine whether language games

can increase the pupils’ vocabularies b) to identify whether the language games can help pupils

in sentence construction and c) to determine whether the language games can improve pupils’

communication skills. To make this research more meaningful and successful, it is more focused

on literature review using Synthesis Matrix to get better understanding and knowledge on

research issue. (Refer table 1.0)


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This literature review exercises to analyze the area of the research, which has been

resolved in the study. It also shows the gap between the researcher’s curiosity and knowledge of

the subject area. The articles chosen address the advantages or effectiveness of using language

games in teaching and learning to enhance students’ grammar skills. From the review of related

study, similarities and differences of issue highlighted were discussed in order to identify gap in

the literature that will help to bridge.

2.1 Purpose of the research

The aims of research conducted by Pathan, & Aldersi (2014), are to discuss the

effectiveness of the use of games in grammar teaching to the students of primary schools in

Sebha, Libya. Meanwhile, the studies of Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib (2013) were aimed to

determine the effect of games on vocabulary gain of students. But, the primary aim of study

carried by Yolagelidi & Arikan, (2011), which entitled the effectiveness of Using Games in

Teaching Grammar to Young Learners, was to explore the effectiveness of using games in

teaching grammar to young learners from the viewpoints of Turkish EFL teachers working in

primary schools.

Some researchers such as Metom, Tom, & Joe (2013) have highlighted the main

objective of their innovation project is to offer a creative and fun tool for teaching grammar to

the beginner-level of English language learners, both in schools and higher learning institutions.

Furthermore, Tuan, (2012) have also stated that aim of his research is to examine application of

games can be an effective method to reinforce vocabulary recollection. Although language

games used as an effective tool in teaching and learning of all the article reviewed but, there

were three article that focused on students grammar and two more study focused on students


2.2 Research Problem

Based on five articles reviewed, the logical research problem have been identified by the

researcher to help the readers or future researchers to get to know what are the problems that

faced by the students in learning grammar. Pathan, & Aldersi (2014), were found that students

often face problems with grammar learning and regard it as tedious, uninteresting and


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demotivating process of foreign language learning. Furthermore, lack of training in teaching

grammar with innovative teaching techniques among the school teachers also lead to this issue.

However, Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib, (2013), were highlighted that some teachers

think that language games are a waste of time and prefer not to use them is classroom as their

research problem. Consequently, learners of English have to deal with unfamiliar vocabulary

during their language acquisition. Similarly, it was supported by Yolagelidi & Arikan (2011), in

the article entitled “Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching Grammar to Young Learners”, by

mentioning that some teachers of English see language games as time consumers.

But, the study of Metom, Tom & Joe (2013) showed that English grammar has its sets of

complicated rules which present challenges for young learners to master them especially,

Malaysian students. Nevertheless, Tuan (2012) found that the complaints from learners that they

keep learning and forgetting as the main problem in the study.

There were four research problems in the articles reviewed were mainly pointed out such

as teacher’s perception and training in teaching grammar and learners’ difficulty or uninteresting

toward learning grammar. Yet, one more research problems that discussed in articles written by

Metom, Tom & Joe (2013) was stated about sets of complicated grammar rules itself.

2.3 Research Question

Based on the research problems above, there were five research questions that

highlighted by Pathan, & Aldersi (2014) in their articles which is considered about learners

interest, motivation, techniques and important of learning grammar, perceptions and attitudes of

learners toward use of games. Nonetheless, Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib, (2013) were featured

on only one research question which focused on whether use of word games have positive effect

on learning vocabulary.

In addition, Yolagelidi, & Arikan (2011) were revealed four research questions which is

mainly teachers’ beliefs about the pedagogical value of using games in foreign language

classrooms, teachers’ attitudes towards using games in grammar teaching, teachers think about

the effectiveness of using games in teaching grammar to young earners, make use of games

while teaching grammar.


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Besides, Metom, Tom & Joe (2013) were came up with a research question which is

more likely does the use of board Game is a useful tools for teaching and learning English

grammar? Ultimately, Tuan, (2012) was concerned on difference between the game group and

the control group in the recollection of vocabulary during the immediate retention stage and the

delayed retention stage as a major research question for his study.

2.4 Methodology

Usually, research methodology can take many forms. From five articles reviewed, there

were different types of research methodology that used by the scholars to carry out their study.

The article entitled “Using Games in Primary Schools for Effective Grammar Teaching: A Case

Study from Sebha” written by Pathan, & Aldersi (2014) was used 50 Libyan learners from the

two primary schools in Sebha: Al-Nasser and Salah Alden as their participants of the study.

From the 50 selected students, 25 students were from the 5 th year from Salah Alden School

which was 17 females and 8 males. And, the rest 25 students were from the 6 th year from Al-

Nasser school which was 11 females and 14 males.

The participants aged were between 11-12 years. Furthermore, sample was selected

randomly to avoid any type of bias. Besides, quantitative and qualitative methodology was used

to analyze the data. The researchers carried out an observation for 2 week in six classes involved.

Then, pre-test will be given and the feedback noted in a diary. After that, lesson plan will

prepare for learners and conducted two language games. Lastly, post-test was given and response

of learner will note.

Subsequently, Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib (2013) were taken 30 female students with

the age fifteen from first-grade junior high school and they were divided into two groups, known

as experimental and control group as their respondents of their study. But, it was measured using

quantitative method whereby, a vocabulary test consists of 20 items with four alternatives was

made by the author was used for pre and post tests to measure the participant's vocabulary gains

from the training program.

Additionally, before the experiment, a pre-test was administered to the participants for 30

minutes. Then the experiment was conducted. In this case, all conditions in both experimental

and control groups were the same but different is, control group receives no treatment

meanwhile, the experimental group used games.


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Nevertheless, participants in the study written by Yolagelidi & Arikan (2011) were used

15 EFL teachers with the ages ranged from 24 to 54. There were 27% males and 73% females.

Clearly, it was purposive sampling. To analyze data, this research used quantitative

methodology such as descriptive study. And, the set of questionnaire consists of fifteen questions

with five-point Likert scale used as an important instrument. There were three procedures

identified for data collection whereby data will analyze using renowned spreadsheet application

after teachers were answered questionnaires. At the end, the data were tabulated and the

frequencies and percentages for each question were presented in tables.

On the contrary, Metom, Tom, & Joe (2013) were selected 81 pre-diploma level students

in the MDAB programme in UITM as their sample of study. Therefore, purposive sampling was

used. Research design was quantitative methodology namely, survey method. A set of

questionnaire using 5-point Likert scale was used as an instrument. Finally, the results of the

survey were analyzed and converted into percentages.

From the study conducted by Tuan (2012), the students’ population was 121 in six

classes of Way Ahead at Ngoi Nha Thong Thai Elementary School. But, only two classes of

Way Ahead were randomly selected as experimental group which having 32 students and control

group with 31 students. The age of participants was 7 years. Non-probability sampling was used.

At the same time, quasi-experimental research design was developed as qualitative method to

measure the data. Moreover, in this study used pre-test and post-test as the main instrument for

data collection. Then, the data score will be used to compare the changes between the

experimental group and the control group in the pretests and posttests.

2.5 Discussion

Before carry out the research, Pathan & Aldersi (2014) were pinpointed that the teachers

sometimes used games for teaching words but not for teaching grammar because of limited time.

Some more, the rules copied by the students in their notebooks from the board and they had to

revise and memorize the rules at home make them felt bore and almost sleeping.

But, at the end of the investigation, the students who practiced in learning with games felt more

motivated and interested in what they were doing. Additionally, the researcher also noticed that,

the learning atmosphere in the class was quite relaxed and cheerful. Besides, the students had

more fun while learning and participated in the class because games provided them with more


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enjoyment. Surprisingly, students able to communicate exchange information and express their

own opinions especially shy students. Teachers also expressed an interest in the use of games.

The study examined by Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib (2013) were clearly stated that

with the use of games, the teacher can create various contexts in which students have to use the

language to communicate exchange information and express their own opinions. However,

Yolagelidi & Arikan (2011) were examined that 63.33%, try to use games as much as possible

in their classes but games are not used so frequently as expected in EFL classes.

According to Metom, Tom & Joe (2013), their findings were heavily supported by three authors

in previous literature which was stated that:

“By using games in classroom lessons, language use takes precedence over

language practice, and in this sense games help bring the classroom to the real

world” Murcia and Macintosh (1979, p. 54).

Besides, the study of Krashen, (1982) in the article reviewed was also found that

language games provide students with an entertaining and relaxing learning atmosphere and thus,

this may reduce their stress and anxiety in learning grammar. Simultaneously, the activities in the

language games encourage learners to interact with others in English, as well as improve their

grammar skills (Sultanova, 2011).

By the by, the study of Tuan, (2012) was examined that experimental group recollected

vocabulary better than the control group during the immediate retention stage and the delayed

retention one. The results suggest that the game treatment was successful if a comparison is

made between the results of the pretest and two posttests.

2.6 Result

Pathan, & Aldersi (2014) were concluded that using games to teach grammar in the

primary schools in Sebha was quite effective and it also helped in changing the negative

perceptions of the Libyan EFL learners towards English in general and grammar in particular.

Yet, the study of Maryam Rohani & Pourgharib (2013) was revealed that no significant

difference was found between use of textbooks and games to boost the vocabulary gain as both

programs made significant progress in the subjects. So, games and textbooks were found to exert

rather same effect on knowledge gain of the students.


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However, results of the study by Yolagelidi & Arikan (2011) further showed that although a

great majority of the participants favors the effectiveness of using games in grammar teaching,

they neglect or do not use language games as frequently as expected because of several


In other respects, Metom, Tom, & Joe, (2013) were displayed that languages games, such

as the Mind Your Grammar! board game, are indeed a useful and practical tool which can be

integrated in grammar lessons to assist language teaching and learning. By using grammar games

in language activities, teachers can improve their pedagogical approach and offer an effective

strategy to the learners in teaching grammar. Tuan, (2012) agreed that exercises in workbook can

help young learners recollect vocabulary to some extent, but it will be more effective if teachers

add more games in class to motivate young learners in learning vocabulary.

2.7 Implication for practice

Pathan & Aldersi (2014) suggested that even though there was a time consuming and

thinking and creativity among the teachers becomes an obstacle in the research but, when it’s

come to implementation, games chosen must correspond to either the student’s level, or age, or

to the material. And, teacher needs to behave in different ways at different stages if using

language games. But, Maryam Rohani & Pourghari (2013) were recommended that future

studies should be directed toward determination of effect of other materials on vocabulary

knowledge of students.

Report from Yolagelidi & Arikan (2011) was highlighted that a strict schedule to study

all the content and material with the heavy load of the curriculum including crowded classroom

environment would make the teachers find it difficult to find a game for every field of grammar.

So, the both researcher were advocate that to deal with this challenges, accurate planning and

information passed onto the school teachers and course books and materials should emphasized

the use of games or by presenting alternative games.

Meanwhile, the study by Tuan (2012) pinnacled that difficulty in finding out the most

suitable games for class. Therefore, the researcher recommended that teachers should recognize

that games are also a form of learning. Moreover, he also proposed that game use should be

considered as central to instructional planning as children acquire knowledge through playing.

And, the most important element that he added was, “games should be used in a short amount of

time with dynamic activities suitable for their psycho-biological characteristics”.


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Currently, through games, students are able to learn various skills including spelling,

vocabulary words, counting, money management, history, social studies, using what is given and

not complaining, following rules, waiting turns, problem solving, communication skills, trivia,

telling time, matching colors or shapes, and exhibiting appropriate behaviors by playing board

games. Games fit in almost every subject in today's classrooms creating unexpected or stealth

learning opportunities while accommodating various student-learning styles and encouraging

complex skills such as decision making which allows even students with disabilities to utilize


By undertaking the literature review regarding the uses of language games to teach

grammar for school students, it was very easy to critically summarize the current knowledge in

the area under investigation, identifying any similarities and differences in each and every

articles in previous work so that, it’s helped to identify my own research and thus eliminate the

potential weaknesses, whilst bringing to the fore the potential strengths.

After reviewing the journals, it can be summarizing that to reach these students and

protect them from boredom; educators should constantly search to find new techniques to

motivate and engage students to foster a greater desire for school and learning without time

consume. As teachers are preparing to teach grammar rule, they must align their teaching to the

students' level in order to connect and make learning meaningful by using variety of language


At the end of this task, all the empirical studies related to the area of research would

helped to discover what statistical knowledge exists related to research topic, increased statistical

knowledge in research area by finding the gaps in the literature and generate new original ideas

to avoid duplicating results of other statisticians along with, justify the relevance of the proposed

research. To conclude, Literature Review Matrix using five articles related to research area

would extremely help to bridge the gap in the literature.

