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  • 7/29/2019 LISTENING LP.docx


    A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

    Delias Decision by E.C Cutiongco

    I. OBJECTIVESA. Educational Aims

    At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

    1. Develop such reading skill as sequence signals for putting whathappened first in the sentence and making wise decisions.

    B. Knowledge1. Help students to think what the best thing to do is.2. Help the students improve their critical thinking on what theyre going to do


    C. SkillReading, predicting

    II. Methods and TechniquesA. Integrated mainly communicativeB. Discussion, recitation, pair work, application.

    III. MaterialsBooks

    IV. ProcedureTeachers Activity

    A. Pre- reading ( 5 minutes)Call a student and put one thing in thetable pretending that nobody is looking

    at you.

    Ask the pupils, what are yougoing to do?


    If ever you find something what areyou going to do with it?

    What decision are you going to make

    if you find something which belongs toanother person? Why?

    B. While Reading (25 minutes)

    Students Activity

    Discuss individually. Students will answerthe teachers questions.

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    1. Introduce the story to them.( Delias Decision)

    Tell who the author is.

    Ask the students to read the storyon their own.Ask the students to read the story

    again and answer the following



    1. What did Delia find in theschool library?

    2. How Delia got the wallet?

    3. If you were Delia, would youreturn the wallet to its owner?

    Ask the students to exchange their

    answers with other pairs.

    Call some students to give their answer

    and ask other students to say whether they

    agree or disagree.

    Give feedback and correct answers.

    C. Post Reading ( 10 minutes)1. Task 1

    How would you describe thewallet?

    In pair, students will read the story.

    The students will answer the teachers


    1. Delia found a wallet in the schoollibrary.

    2. Delia was in the library looking for abook on Filipino Hero. After finding itshe went to the table to read the book

    and she was surprised to see a small

    wallet after she pulled the chair.

    3. Yes, because it is not right to ownsomething that does not belong to you.

    Exchange the answers then answer the

    questions to the teacher.

    Discuss in pairs to come up to the possible

    answer.Pairs exchange ideas, answer the question and

    discuss it in front of the class.

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    What is the reaction of Deliawhen she sees the wallet?

    Where did Delia find thewallet?

    What do you think did Delia dowith the wallet?

    Who is the person Delia went toreturn the wallet?

    What did Delia decide to do?

    2. Task 2A.Let the students act out as Delia. The

    teacher will need one representative. Have thestudents sequence the event on what happen

    first by writing numbers 1 to 5.

    B.Introduce an outline entitled I MADE A


    Once I had this problem: _____________

    I could not decide whether to__________or


    Finally, I decided to__________________

    Students will choose one representative to act

    as Delia.

    Students will make this outline and write

    their decisions on what theyre going if they

    had this problem.

    V. Assignment

    Instruction: Study each sentence, and re-write the sentence which happened first.

    1. Before I came, Lita had left.2. After we washed our hands we ate dinner.3. Mother picked up the baby and sat down.4. They bought a house and settled there.5. She asked question, then she left the room.

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    Delias Decision

    By E. C. Cutiongco

    Delia suddenly remembered she had to go to the library to look for a book on Filipino

    heroes. She walked up to a table and put her school bag on it. Then she looked over the shelves

    of books on Philippine history. She found Stories of Great Filipinos among the books in the

    first shelf. She got the book and hurried back to where she put her bag. She pulled the chair as

    quietly as she could. When she looked down on the seat she was surprised to see a small red

    wallet on it.

    Delia picked up the wallet and opened it. She was hoping to find a name on it but therewas none. There were just a few coins in it but it looked very new. Delias heart beat wildly.

    Isnt this the very wallet Id like to get as a birthday gift last week? she asked herself.

    Delia looked around. She was the only pupil in the library. Miss Remo, the librarian, was

    still busy dusting the magazines and newspapers. She hurriedly dropped the wallet into her bag

    and sat down to read the book she had. She opened to the table of contents to see what page she

    should read.

    As she read through the table of contents her thought wandered to the wallet. She dipped

    her hand into her bag to feel it. How soft it was! She looked around to see if someone was

    watching her. There were already other pupils in the library but no one seemed to have noticed


    The bell rang to signal the start of classes. Delia closed the book and left it on the table.

    Then she hurried out of the library. She joined the line in front of her classroom as her teacher

    gave the class the signal to enter.

    Once inside the classroom Delia felt that all eyes were on her. She got her pencil and

    started drumming her desk with it. Whats that noise? her teacher asked. All eyes turned on her

    so Delia stopped drumming her desk.

    Her Mathematics teacher was explaining something on the board. Delia did not

    understand anything. When her teacher asked her to answer a question, she stood up but she

    could not answer it. Her teacher called on another girl.

    Recess time came. The children dashed out of the classroom to buy food. Delia was left

    behind. She felt tired. She was startled when she heard teachers voice from behind, Delia, are

    you sick? Why have you not gone out for your snacks?

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    No, Im not sick, MissCarpio, Delia said weakly. The class continued after recess.

    Delia kept whispering something to herself. Are you talking to me? Susan her seatmate asked.

    No, Im just thinking about something. Delia said. When the bell rang for the end of

    the class, Delia did not rush to the door. Instead she went up to Miss Carpios table and put the

    wallet on it.

    Maam, Delia began, I found this wallet in the library this morning.

    Oh, Delia, cried Miss Carpio, Im sure the owner of this wallet will be very happy to

    get it back. Lets put up a LOST AND FOUND notice on the bulletin board so it can be

    claimed from me.

    Ill write the notice, Maam said Delia as she left the room with the smile on her lips.


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    A Detailed Lesson Plan in

    English 3

    (Integrating the Dimensions of Reading Comprehension)

    Delia's Decision by E.C. Cutiongco

    Prepared By:

    Monfero, Carla P.

    Morales, Zyra Catherine R.

    Obena, Hazel D.

    Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education

    Prepared To:

    Ms. Marites Mopera
