
BOOK SPACE Inspirational Books

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$14 each 3 for $36

Remainder Books


Stand D79 - MBS Festival

Melbourne June 2017

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BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

The time in which we now live is more

difficult and stressful than people are willing

to admit. We live with an abiding sense of

collective anxiety. Williamson shows how we

are paralysed in our current state of fear and

anger because we are not facing and dealing

with the true causes of our anxieties and

fears. Williamson reveals that fear and worry

do not need to be the only tools to use.

The Celestine Prophecy contains secrets that

are currently changing our world. Drawing on

the ancient wisdom found in a Peruvian

manuscript, it tells you how to make

connections between the events happening

in your own life right now...and lets you see

what is going to happen to you in the years

to come.

In his bestselling book Emergence, Derek

Rydall helps you throw aside the self-help

books and recognize one simple, radical

truth: the answer is already in you.

The harder we try to change, the deeper in

the hole we get. We find a new partner but

have the same old fights. We strive for an

ever-bigger pay-check but end up broke at a

higher income bracket.

This is what happens when the basic

principle of life—the Law of Emergence—is

disrupted, stopping you from knowing that

you are the perfect you. Like an acorn is a

perfect acorn that becomes a perfect oak

tree, there is not a part of you from

beginning to end that isn't exactly what you

should be.

In Life Makeovers, Cheryl has taken all the

know-how and insight she has gleaned from

her years as a personal coach and distilled it

into a simple, year-long program that shows

how making small changes, over time, can

have a huge impact on the quality of your

life. In fifty-two simple yet profound essays,

Richardson provides a plan for both

reflecting and taking action.

In this truly inspirational book, people all

over the world express their appreciation for

the writings and teachings of Louise L. Hay . .

. and for the miracles she has brought to

their lives. Through uniquely heartfelt and

awe-inspiring true stories, men and women

of all ages and backgrounds reveal how one

individual whose life has been devoted to

spreading good can touch so many.

Uplifting, true stories by ordinary people

who have had extraordinary experiences.

Doreen has combed through thousands of

reports of angel visions to find the most

beautiful accounts to amaze you and remind

you of angelic presence in your life. You'll

read about children and adults who received

lifesaving messages from their guardian

angels, deceased loved ones and ascended


Did you know the secret to vibrant health is

in your blender? It's true--juicing vegetables

provides concentrated nutrition that is found

in virtually no other source: vitamins,

minerals, enzymes, phytochemicals, and

antioxidants. By juicing, you'll feel better,

more energized, and improve your immune

system. More than a simple collection of


Healing Teas is a complete, easy-to-follow

and informative guide, blending together

proper methods of preparing teas with the

latest scientific research into their

homeopathic qualities. Healing Teas also

provides a unique A-Z guide to herbs,

individual brews, and home remedies.

Discover the enlightening and comforting

true stories of Mark Anthony the Psychic

Lawyer® as he helps people communicate

with their loved ones in spirit. Evidence of

Eternity is an uplifting journey that removes

the fear and superstition surrounding spirit

contact while addressing poignant questions

about the afterlife.

When Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote his

bestselling book The Power of Your

Subconscious Mind, he set forth the basic

techniques for enriching one’s life by

programming the subconscious mind. This

all-new book, based on forty years of

previously unpublished research, shows how

the subconscious mind can be used by

people in their workplace when dealing with

both routine and unexpected problems.

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

Harness the power of superfoods—like kale

and coconut—to detox deeply and quickly! In

just seven days on this amazing cleanse, you

can lose up to 10 pounds, drop a dress size,

get glowing skin, and even relieve your carb

cravings. Sleep improves, mood improves,

even mental acuity improves.

Conwell’s great manifesto imparts one

extraordinary lesson: All the wealth you

could ever dream of, search for, or yearn

after? in whatever form you wish for? exists

right beneath your own feet. It is a message

of determination, unconventional thinking,

and positive living that came to influence a

generation of motivational literature.

25 years ago, Robert Fulghum published a

simple credo All I Really Need to Know I

Learned in Kindergarten. Now, 7 million

copies later, Fulghum has written a new

preface and twenty-five essays, which add

even more potency to a common, though no

less relevant, piece of wisdom: that the most

basic aspects of life bear its most important


Sylvia uses forty years of research and

decades' worth of true stories culled from

readings and her own experiences to show

how our pets have unique personalities,

quirks, and habits that make up their spirit

and soul. Sharing heartwarming stories from

pets on both sides of life, Sylvia Browne

examines how our animals live in the


The author of Unlimited Power now offers

advice on such matters as mastering

emotions, overcoming debilitating habits

such as over-eating, drinking and drug abuse,

unleashing the hidden power of body and

mind, improving personal and professional

relationships, and taking control of personal

finances. The book includes a seven-day

mental diet of simple activities.

The Awakening Heart expands on the

invaluable knowledge and insights she has

received, giving us more revelations made

known to her during her near-death

experience and in subsequent visions and

visitations, and showing us how the healing

power of positive sacred energy can affect

and uplift every aspect of our daily lives.

Your doctor says you can control stress with meditation. Your doctor is right! It also works on anxiety and hypertension. This book jump-starts the novice by making meditation instantly accessible, and shows intermediate and advance meditaters how to deepen their practice. Busy, busy, busy? If you're looking for peace of mind, happiness, relaxation, and serenity, try meditation. It's simple, it's natural, and its results can be permanent.

Osho explores the role of women in our

society. Up until now, he says, both religious

institutions and politics have remained male-

dominated -- and male-chauvinistic. This has

created so many of the crises that we see in

the world now, brought about by excesses of

ambition, competitiveness, and greed. Osho

challenges readers to reclaim and assert the

feminine qualities of love, and joy that is so

desperately needed now.

Are you intuitive? Do you trust your

intuitions? In The Art of Intuition, Sophy

Burnham contends that we all have hunches

and sudden insights and that we need only

awaken to our inborn abilities in order to

develop our inner wisdom. Burnham tells the

stories of individuals who have "seen without

seeing" to illustrate the workings of what she

calls our "intuitive hearts."

“He helps a lot of people. He really is a healer. I think he’s basically on this earth right now at this time and place to heal. He is the real thing. I can’t tell you how many times he’s been right with me.” — Shirley MacLaine “It has such a hopeful message. Even though he’s telling stories of the dead, it’s really about living your life better and inspiring people to not have unfinished business.” — Jennifer Love Hewitt

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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Clean is an M.D.'s program designed to be

easily incorporated into our busy schedule

while providing all the practical tools

necessary to support and rejuvenate our

bodies. The effect is transformative: nagging

health problems will suddenly disappear,

extra weight will drop away, and for the first

time in our lives, we will experience what it

truly means to feel healthy.

Debunking the myth that you have to drink

odd concoctions or eat weird food to jump-

start your body's natural detoxification, the

clinically proven plan in this book eases

symptoms from chronic ailments like

allergies and autoimmune diseases as well as

daily annoyances such as brain fog, fatigue,

and insomnia-without strictly restricting your

diet or lifestyle.

Beyond Coincidence recounts and analyses more than two hundred amazing stories of synchronicity, the likes of: Laura Buxton, age ten, releases a balloon from her backyard. It lands 140 miles away in the backyard of another Laura Buxton, also age ten. Two sisters in Alabama decide, independently, to visit the other. En route, their identical jeeps collide and both sisters are killed

Living the life of your dreams isn’t just about

dreaming: it’s also about living—following

your impulses, turning over every stone, and

stepping out into the world so the wind can

catch your sails. All that stands between you

and the fulfilment of your dreams is what

you think and what you do. it’s as if your

dreams paint the picture and the universe

stands ready to bring it to life.

Death is not the end. In fact, your loved ones who have passed are watching you, helping you, and healing you-though you may not know it. In this highly emotional book, lifelong intuitive Sue Frederick takes you through the process of connecting with the other side to: Use your intuition to understand that your loved ones are at peace. - See into the other side to feel and release your pain. - Help loved ones cross.

The Call of Sedona speaks to anyone seeking

greater fulfilment and deeper meaning in

their lives. With practical advice on

meditation and profound insights on the

healing power of the earth, this book gives

you the guidance you need to embark on

your own journey of the heart.

For years, The Coconut Oil Miracle has been a

reliable guide for men and women alike.

Now in its fifth edition, this revised and

updated version has even more information

on the benefits of coconut oil and shows

readers how to use it for maximum effect,

including a nutrition plan with 50 delicious

recipes. Coconut oil is a uniquely curative

elixir that has countless health benefits.

The Complete Master Key System builds on

the classic work of Charles Haanel to teach

contemporary audiences how to tap into

their personal potential and manifest

harmony, abundance, and fulfilment. Their

Daily Manifestation Sessions incorporate the

most effective focusing methods used today

and integrate ancient meditative techniques

with new insights in cognitive psychology.

This myth-shattering book explains the

evidence for the veracity of psychic

phenomena, uniting the teachings of mystics,

the theories of quantum physics, and the

latest in high-tech experiments. With

painstaking research and deft, engaging

prose, Radin dispels the misinformation and

superstition that have clouded the

understanding of scientists and laypeople.

Conversations with God Book 1 began a

series that has been changing millions of

lives for more than ten years.

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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Hailed by Dr. Andrew Weil as a book “that

must be brought to all who seek true

health,” Coyote Medicine is an engaging and

essential testament to the power of

alternative healing and recovery methods

that lie beyond the confines of Western


The first book by the writer who inspired

countless men and women to achieve their

greatest potential. It is a simple, straight-to-

the-point summary of the principles of

affirmative thought that Ernest Holmes made

famous in his Science of Mind philosophy.

Readers will be unable to look at themselves

in the same way after experiencing the

potent, overwhelmingly convincing insights.

ispensable guide to inner power.

Fulford explains his philosophy of healing,

refined by more than 50 years of practice.

His wide-ranging discussion covers

spirituality, diet, exercise, relationships, and

a belief in the interconnectedness of all life.

Discover an incredible world full of every magical creature you could possibly imagine. From unicorns, salamanders. satyrs. giants. elves and trolls, dragons, nymphs, mermaids, werewolves and griffins -- take an enchanting journey through the history, folklore, and, mythology of these beasts from virtually every culture in the world. With stories and amazing facts on even the most obscure mythological creature, this is a cornucopia of magic and folklore.

A complete A-Z guide to the history, culture,

and religious beliefs and practices of North

America's native people. This incredible

reference is loaded with illustrations and

maps, charting territories and tribal areas

and illuminating totem animals and symbols,

as well as breathtaking landscapes and

portraits by the renowned photographer

Edward Curtis.

Called one of the finest spiritual guides of

our time, Nepo explores what it means to

become our truest self as we face life’s

challenges—as well as its joys. Navigating

some of the soul’s deepest, most ancient

questions, he asks: How do we stay vital and

buoyant amid the storms of life? What is the

secret to coming alive? “The point of

experience is not to escape life but to live it.”

A book of inspirational advice that teaches us

how to feel calmer, more in control, and

excited about life-- despite what is

happening around us. With profound insights

and practical tools, Susan Jeffers shows us

that we don't have to give into the fear,

distress, anger, impatience, and hovering

sense of danger that pull us down.

A highly original inner path to self-

knowledge, the Castle is also the road to

spiritual knowledge of God and your own

soul. In fact the soul is your spiritual castle

and doing interior soul work helps you find

your path in the world.

Discover a new approach to success.

Discover Your Worth 2. Reclaim Your Will 3.

Energize Your Body 4. Manage Your Money

5. Tame Your Mind 6. Trust Your Intuition 7.

Accept Your Emotions 8. Face Your Fears 9.

Illuminate Your Shadow 10. Embrace Your

Sexuality 11. Awaken Your Heart 12. Serve

Your World The Time is Now. The Road is

Open. Your Destiny Awaits.

Osho takes the reader step by step over the

range of what makes human beings

afraid―from the reflexive "fight or flight"

response to physical danger to the rational

and irrational fears of the mind and its

psychology. Only by bringing the light of

understanding into fear's dark corners, he

says, airing out closets and looking under the

bed to see if a monster is really living there.

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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Imagine being able to fly. Walk through

walls. Shape-shift. Breathe underwater.

Conjure loved ones―or total strangers―out

of thin air. Imagine experiencing your night-

time dreams with the same awareness you

possess right now―fully functioning

memory, imagination, and self-awareness.

Imagine being able to use this power to be

more creative, solve problems, and discover

a deep sense of well-being.

It's the program that shatters all the myths:

FIT FOR LIFE the international bestseller that

explains how to change both your figure and

your life. Nutritional specialist Harvey and

Marilyn Diamond explain how you can eat

more kinds of food than you ever ate before

without counting calories...and still lose


Everything You Always Wanted to Know

About Ghosts, but Were Too Afraid to Ask.

From a very young age James Van Praagh

was aware of a dimension that most of us

cannot see, and he has dedicated his life to

explaining it to the rest of us. Ghosts Among

Us takes us on an incredible journey into the

spirit world that brings to light one of our

greatest mysteries what happens to us after

we die? "

In this beautiful and thought-provoking

teaching novel—a Story of Revelation—one

of the Western World’s acknowledged

master teachers of Eastern philosophy and

preeminent influencers in the realm of

spirituality and religion reveals the evolving

nature of God. Here is truth and

enlightenment for the next generation of

spiritual seekers.

Dr. Duke turns to the broader and even more

popular subject of food as medicine, drawing

on more than thirty years of research to

identify the most powerful healing foods on

earth. Whether he is revealing how to beat

high cholesterol with blueberries, combat

hot flashes with black beans, bash blood

sugar spikes with almonds, or help relieve

agonizing back pain with pineapple.

a comprehensive guide to the extraordinary

healing capabilities of green smoothies,

including nutrient rich recipes for improved

health and wellness. Searching for nutritional

solutions, she discovered the incredible

power of green smoothies, beverages made

from the most nutritionally rich food on


"An eloquent plea for two needed emphases:

more humane doctor-patient relations, and

greater patient involvement in the struggle

with disease."—Melvin Konner.

One of the world's foremost back doctors

examines new treatments to relieve pain

without exercise, meditation, or physical


Dr. Alexander Loyd discovered how to

activate a physical function built into the

body that removes the source of up to 95%

of all illness and disease. The neuro-immune

system can then do its job of healing

whatever is wrong in the body. In this book,

you learn that Universal Healing Code, which

takes only minutes to do.

Broken into sections, the book covers such

topics as "The Healing Spirit" (including

dream therapy, spirituality, and prayer), "The

Native American Spa" (healing with heat,

massage, sound and movement, and

nutrition), "The Native American Pharmacy"

(including more than 40 herbs and plants,

how to obtain them, and how to use them),

plus remedies for more than 40 ailments .

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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In Healing Yourself with Self-Hypnosis you’ll

learn how to quickly and easily achieve a

hypnotic state—and achieve amazing results

with virtually any problems or concern,

including: excess weight, substance abuse,

pain management, smoking, childbirth, and


Panagore explores how his near death

experience (NDE) changed his life and

resulted in an intense spiritual journey that

has continued for decades. It impelled him to

pursue a master’s degree at Yale Divinity

School focusing on systematic theology and

Christian mysticism. This book is about hope.

It is meant to provide real hope to the dying,

hope to the fearful, hope to the hopeless.

You're about to enter a completely different

kind of drugstore. One where herbal

medicines are offered right alongside

conventional pharmaceuticals. Where

bottles of feverfew stand next to bottles of

aspirin, and echinacea has its place among

other cold and flu remedies.

Carol S. Pearson clearly defines six heroic

archetypes—the Innocent, the Orphan, the

Wanderer, the Warrior, the Altruist, and the

Magician—and shows how we can use these

powerful guides to discover our own hidden

gifts, solve difficult problems, and transform

our lives with rich sources of inner strength.

The difference between “chance” and “luck,”

says Carr, lies in our mental attitude. Carr

teaches readers how to develop their

character and adjust their mind-set to pick

out the opportunities for happiness and

success that are available to us all, but which

most unthinkingly pass by. This is a guide for

people who want to tap into opportunities

for a better life that surround us.

Paranormal researcher Joshua P. Warren

teaches the novice ghost hunter the basics,

which above all include treating the

paranormal as any other scientific field: one

requiring well-documented research and

hard evidence. This unique guide breaks

down the theories, explains the tools of the

trade, and even offers forms to facilitate

your investigation.

Learn how to break the worry habit -- Now

and forever! With Dale Carnegie's timeless

advice in hand, more than six million people

have learned how to eliminate debilitating

fear and worry from their lives and to

embrace a worry-free future. In this classic

work, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,

Carnegie offers a set of practical formulas

that you can put to work today.

For more than sixty years the rock-solid,

time-tested advice in this book has carried

thousands of now famous people up the

ladder of success in their business and

personal lives.* Three fundamental

techniques in handling people. Six ways to

make people like you. Twelve ways to win

people to your way of thinking. Nine ways to

change people without arousing resentment.

Mike Dooley who knows that we create our

own reality, our own fate, and our own luck.

We’re beings filled with infinite possibility—

just ready to explore how powerful we truly

are. Manifesting the magnificence of our

dreams isn’t about hard work, but rather

about belief and expectation. These

principles transcend belief, realizing the truth

about our human nature.

Caroline Myss explains how we become

channels for divine grace and a conduit for

miracles through kind, compassionate,

generous actions, or, as she calls them,

invisible acts of power. When we act

compassionately, without a private agenda

or expectation of credit or reward, God

works invisibly, anonymously through us. We

undergo a profound journey of personal


BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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The new complete edition of a timeless

classic that includes the never-before-

published Part Four and Last Words by

Richard Bach. This is the story for people

who follow their hearts and make their own

rules…people who get special pleasure out of

doing something well, even if only for

themselves…people who know there’s more

to this living than meets the eye.

In Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda

introduces readers to this new approach for

the first time and explores, as he comes to

experience it himself, his own final voyage

into the teachings of don Juan, sharing with

us what it is like to truly “stop the world” and

perceive reality on his own terms.

The Way Begins . . . Sergei was three when the soldiers took him. At fifteen he fled into the wilderness, with nothing to cling to but the memories of a grandfather who called

him Socrates and the promise of a gift buried near St. Petersburg. Thus begins The

Journeys of Socrates -- an odyssey that forged the character of Sergei Ivanov, whose

story would one day change the lives of millions of readers worldwide.

This groundbreaking juice cleanse and diet—

based on the wildly popular Ritual Reset

Cleanse—completely resets your system in

just seven days to clear toxins and acidity,

reduce cravings, and promote lasting weight

loss. First, identify what type of cleanse you

need based on your current dietary habits,

and then choose from sixty delicious recipes

to eat and drink your way to optimal health.

Now, with this book, readers can learn how

to use the Law of Attraction deliberately and

integrate it into their daily life. By doing this,

they will attract all they need to do, know,

and have so they can get more of what they

want and less of what they don't want. With

its easy-to-follow 3-step formula (Identify

Your Desire, Give Your Desire Attention, and

Allowing), complete with tips, tools,

exercises, and scripts,

Widely considered the world's greatest living medium, George Anderson remains the premier voice among those who communicate with lost loved ones. In the twenty-five years he has worked with bereaved families, he has earned an international reputation for his remarkable gift. Now, for the first time, George Anderson offers a vivid, first-hand account of his spiritual communications.

Interwoven with the author’s inspiring

personal history, from fear to fortune, to

demonstrate firsthand how you can begin

from wherever you are, find traction, and

blast forward to success. Use the gifts of

thought, word, and deed to harness an

infinite grace that tirelessly strives to sweep

you off your feet, surround you with friends,

and create the life you most want.

The Magic of Thinking Big, first published in

1959, is a self-help book by David Schwartz.

The book which has sold over 4 million

copies, instructs people to set their goals

high and think positively to achieve them.

If there was just one thing I could tell you

about living the life of your dreams, knowing

that if you understood it, it would be

enough, I would ask you to realize that you

already are living that life. Mike Dooley

builds on the concepts of Infinite Possibilities

by using his revolutionary concept, the

Matrix, to take the art of deliberate creation

to the next level.

As featured on Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday,”

the classic bestseller on a true case of past-

life trauma and past-life therapy from author

and psychotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss—now

featuring a new afterword by the author.

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Count Alessandro Cagliostro was a cult figure

in European society in the tumultuous years

leading to the French Revolution. As an

alchemist, healer, and Freemason, he

inspired both wild devotion and savage

ridicule. The Masonic Magician tells

Cagliostro’s extraordinary story, complete

with the first English translation of the

Egyptian Rite ever published.

In The Medicine Wheel Sun Bear and his

medicine helper, Wabun, share his vision,

setting forth a whole new system of earth

astrology to help guide people not only in

their daily living but in their life path as well.

A beautiful and inspiring new approach to

astrology, The Medicine Wheel will help

people of all earth signs "walk in balance on

our Earth Mother."

In this inspiring and uplifting book, Lorna

reveals how you can call on the help of your

angels to carry you through the challenges

that everyone inevitably faces, including

loneliness, depression, stress, financial

strain, heartbreak, the death of a loved one,

or feeling inadequate as a parent. No matter

what obstacles you face, you can call on this

support to make your life happier and more .

The Mind of the Soul describes with easy-to-

read text and practical exercises how each

moment in life presents a choice: whether to

persist in old, limited patterns or to

experiment with the unbounded, liberating

potential ahead. The Mind of the Soul shows

you how, in every situation, one choice

among the many that present themselves is

the optimal choice -- to create harmony,

cooperation, or reverence for life.

Her pioneering research on how the

chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic

information network, linking mind and body,

is revolutionary. By establishing the

biomolecular basis for our emotions and

explaining these new scientific developments

Pert empowers us to understand ourselves,

our feelings, and the connection between

our minds and our bodies.

Natural Solutions for Digestive ealth provides

anyone suffering from chronic or

intermittent gut disorders the relief they

seek. It covers everything from low-grade

irritations such as bloating, gas, constipation,

and lactose intolerance to more serious

conditions such as ulcerative colitis, acid

reflux, gallstones, diverticulitis, and

inflammatory bowel disease.

Here is a crystal-clear reference guide to the

science and art of numerology, including

each number's corresponding color, flower,

musical note and instrument, food, gem,

crystal, state, city, planet, and compatible

and incompatible numbers.

A riveting firsthand account of one man’s

mission to investigate and document some

of the most astonishing phenomena of our

time—children who speak of past life

memory and reincarnation.

Now Dr. Weiss takes his research one

breathtaking step further. He portrays two

strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are

unaware that they have been lovers

throughout the long centuries -- until fate

brings them together again. He shows how

each and every one of us has a soulmate

whom we have loved in past incarnations

and who waits to reunite with us now.

After literally stumbling into orbs appearing

as bright as light bulbs in photographs he

was taking at a spiritual retreat, Dr. Klaus

Heinemann immediately sensed that he was

onto something profound. There was no

choice but to convince himself that his

notion was on solid grounds and that these

light circles are nothing less than emanations

from Spirit beings.

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Using his legendary ability to get to the root

of human potential, Napoleon Hill digs deep

to reveal how fear, procrastination, anger,

and jealousy prevent us from realizing our

personal goals. This long-suppressed parable,

once considered too controversial to publish,

was written by Hill in 1938 following the

publication of his classic bestseller, Think and

Grow Rich.

In this deeply insightful meditation, the

world-renowned Vietnamese Zen Buddhist

master, poet, scholar, and peace activist

illuminates how each of us can incorporate

the practice of mindfulness into our every

waking moment.

Are you forever rushing through your day,

fending off chronic exhaustion? Are you

desperately overcommitted, afraid to say

no? Do you want to feel well rested and

ready to conquer each day with enthusiasm,

but fall short time and time again? If so,

you’re the victim of a hidden energy crisis.

Here, at last, is the complete prescription

and enable you to live a more vibrant life.

Although we live in an ocean of words, we

rarely acknowledge their power to uplift or

put down, to inspire or discourage, to help or

hurt. But in this jewel of a book, Hal Urban --

parent, award-winning teacher, and author

of the classic Life's Greatest Lessons -- shows

us simple and immediate ways that we can

use language to change lives -- both our own

and those around us.

In this phenomenal bestseller, “written with

the sole objective of helping the reader

achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile

life,” Dr. Peale demonstrates the power of

faith in action. With the practical techniques

outlined in this book, you can energize your

life—and give yourself the initiative needed

to carry out your ambitions and hopes.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

introduces and explains the mind-focusing

techniques that remove the subconscious

obstacles that prevent us from achieving the

success we want-and deserve. This

authorized edition of Dr. Murphy's keystone

work is the first premium mass market

edition to feature additional commentary

drawn from his unpublished writings.

Combining the most essential principles

about prayer with the dozens of prayers and

meditations from Ernest Holmes's classic

text, The Science of Mind, this new book,

Prayer, is a simple introduction for anyone

who wants to learn how to pray effectively.

"What does one do when he prays?" writes

Holmes. "He talks to God. Where does he

talk to God? He talks to God in his own mind.

his own thought or feeling."

Of the guide's many invaluable sections, one

of the most frequently referred to is the A-

to-Z reference that lists and explains the

most commonly available types of nutrients,

food supplements, and herbs. This handy,

portable edition makes it easy for readers to

have that information at their fingertips.

While his body lay in coma, Alexander

journeyed beyond this world and

encountered an angelic being who guided

him into the deepest realms of super-

physical existence. There he met, and spoke

with, the Divine source of the universe itself.

A fascinating read full of dramatic accounts

of the paranormal, The Psychic in You

includes information on:

• Unleashing your own psychic ability

• Contacting loved ones who have crossed


• Understanding the dead

• Freeing yourself from pain and negativity

• Handling fear of the dead

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An exercise program that can actually release

blocks to healing and get you

six minutes a day? The simple, no impact, but

very powerful movements of Qi Gong can do

that and more, from increasing longevity to

boosting the immune system. This beautifully

illustrated guide, introduces this amazing

ancient art that balances and strengthens the

life force.

An eye-opening guide that boils down common health problems to nine simple causes and offers the relief readers have been searching for. An expert in combining both traditional and alternative medicine, Dr. Teitelbaum explains that tackling nine wholly preventable causes is the key to long-term, real relief from nagging health concerns.

A first-person account of Jim Tucker's

experiences with a number of extraordinary

children with memories of past lives, Return

to Life focuses mostly on American cases,

presenting each family's story and describing

his investigation. His goal is to determine

what happened―what the child has said,

how the parents have reacted, whether the

child's statements match the real life, etc.

Williamson reveals how we each can become

a miracle worker by accepting God and by

the expression of love in our daily lives.

Whether psychic pain is in the area of

relationships, career, or health, she shows us

how love is a potent force, the key to inner

peace, and how by practicing love we can

make our own lives more fulfilling while

creating a more peaceful and loving world

for our children.

Perhaps no book in this generation has had a

more profound impact on our intellectual

and spiritual lives than The Road Less

Travelled. With sales of more than seven

million copies in the United States and

Canada, and translations into more than

twenty-three languages, it has made

publishing history, with more than ten years

on the New York Times bestseller list.

Through envisioning our lives to come, we

can influence their outcome and use this

process to bring more joy and healing to our

present lives. Dr. Weiss pioneered regression

therapy -- guiding people through their past

lives. Here, he goes beyond that to

demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of

progression therapy -- guiding people

through the future in a scientific,

responsible, healing way.

As featured in the bestselling book The

Secret, here is the landmark guide to wealth

creation republished with the classic essay

“How to Get What You Want.”Wallace D.

Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws

of success as he found them in the work of

the world’s great philosophers. He then

turned his life effort into this simple, slender


With lucidity and elegance, Zukav explains

that we are evolving from a species that

pursues power based upon the perceptions

of the five senses -- external power -- into a

species that pursues authentic power --

power that is based upon the perceptions

and values of the spirit.

The author of "Secret of the Ages," Robert

Collier, during an active and successful life

developed the basic ideas which opened up

new vistas of living for countless multitudes

of people. Brought up to be a priest, he

worked as a mining engineer, an advertising

executive and a prolific writer and publisher.

Continuing the exciting adventures of The

Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight,

this new book takes you to the snow-covered

Himalayas, in search of the legendary

Tibetan utopia of Shambhala. As you follow a

child's instructions, are pursued by hostile

Chinese agents, and look for a lost friend,

you will experience a new awareness of

synchronicity...and discover, the secrets that

affect all humanity.

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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Known as the inspiration for the hit

television show Medium, Allison DuBois

regularly encounters spirits who have

passed. As part of her life's work, she

comforts families who have tragically lost

children, helps authorities find dangerous

criminals, and locates missing persons.

The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

arose from his desire to discover what might

actually prevent him from getting sick

himself. This book, the result of that

exploration, tells the stories of twenty-five

people who each possess a different secret

of excellent health—a secret that makes

sense and that Stone discovered has a true

scientific underpinning

This book-and-CD set provides a practical

toolkit for escaping the clashing sounds of

everyday life. Through gentle insights and

guided meditations, it provides a quiet space

for making mindful choices and learning to

enjoy the profound benefits of tranquillity-

even in the midst of a world of physical


Silence shows us how to find and maintain

our equanimity amid the barrage of noise.

Thich Nhat Hanh guides us on a path to

cultivate calm even in the most chaotic

places. This gift of silence doesn't require

hours upon hours of silent meditation or an

existing practice of any kind. Through careful

breathing and mindfulness techniques he

teaches us how to become truly present in

the moment,

Solomon was more than just a character in

the Bible-he was the richest man who ever

lived. If we could learn from him directly,

what would he teach us about growth in

riches and knowledge? And how can we

relate his life and wisdom to the society and

successful financial planning of our

contemporary world?

Soul Stories is filled with marvellous stories

that show how concepts such as intuition,

harmony, cooperation, sharing, and

reverence for life actually express

themselves in people's lives. Best of all, the

stories lead to practical advice on how you

can discover your own Soul Stories and the

truths they reveal about the deepest sources

of your being. Wonderfully readable.

This book is about our new relationships. A

new and surprising world is emerging that

requires each of us to explore the sources of

our love and cultivate them and the inner

sources of all that prevents us from loving

(our fears) and heal them. Our evolution has

taken a new path, and our relationships are

changing in unexpected and dramatic ways.

Committed to educating and helping others,

Emma Curtis Hopkins presented her

teachings in simple digestible lessons: six

lessons focusing on personal and internal

development, and six directed at the world

around us. Together these twelve lessons

offer a clear guide for living a healthy,

prosperous life. Along with the original texts,

Dr. Miller offers modern interpretation of

Hopkins’s timeless wisdom.

We all want to make a difference in the

world. We want to know that our lives

matter, that our presence on Earth has

meaning and purpose. I can assure you that

you have a Divine assignment -- an important

mission to fulfil. The first step in discovering

and fulfilling this mission is to take a

leadership role in your life.

What's the secret to feeling alive all your

life? A positive attitude. In this upbeat and

practical guide to joyous living, Dr. Peale

shows in example after example how the

magic of attitude can perform miracles in

your daily existence. He proves that only

with deep and honest belief -- in yourself,

your work, and in God -- can these miracles


BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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Using the techniques of imagery, total body

wellness can be achieved without

prescriptive medicine. With this

comprehensive, user-friendly primer, readers

will learn just what guided sensory imagery is

and how to create powerful images in the

mind that direct the body to heal--both

emotionally and physically.

From apples (sunburn relief) and avocados

(cardiovascular health) to tomatoes (fighting

tumours) and walnuts (relief for cold

symptoms) here’s an incredible

“pharmacopoeia” of foods that puts real

curative power in your hands for today’s

most common health conditions.

Don Juan concludes the instruction of

Castaneda with his most powerful and

mysterious lesson in the sorcerer's art—a

dazzling series of visions that are at once an

initiation and a deeply moving farewell.

Bob Proctor and Greg S. Reid, authorized by

the Napoleon Hill Foundation, delve deeply

into the science and psychology of thought,

and how thinking is vitally important to a

meaningful, successful life. In their

interviews with neuroscientists,

cardiologists, spiritual teachers, and business

leaders, the authors show in Thoughts Are

Things how we can think to live!

With his trademark wit, wisdom, and humor,

bestselling author Wayne Dyer offers

compelling testimony on the power of love,

harmony, and service. When confronted with

a problem, be it ill health, financial worries,

or relationship difficulties, we often depend

on intellect to solve it. Dyer shows us that

there is an omnipotent spiritual force at our

fingertips that contains the solution.

Theresa feels that it’s her purpose to make

us all aware that there is more to life than

what we see here in the physical world. She

wants you to know that your deceased loved

ones are safe and at peace, and that they’re

now with you in a different way—watching

over you, loving you, and assisting you from

the Other Side. She also wants you to realize

that the unexplainable things you sense and

feel from these souls are real.

Dr. Joseph Murphy, one of the world's best—

known authorities on the power of the

subconscious mind, shows readers not only

how to unleash this power, but how to

harness it and effectively use it to change

their lives. Fully updated to reflect the

sensibilities of the 21st century, this revised

edition is the key to overcoming the

psychological barriers that stand in the way.

Dr. Weiss shows how regression therapy can

heal grief, create more loving relationships,

uncover hidden talents, and ultimately

shows how near death and out of body

experiences help confirm the existence of

past lives. Dr. Weiss includes his own

professional hypnosis, dream recall,

meditation, and journaling techniques for

safe past life recall at home.

A newly revised and updated edition of the

internationally bestselling spiritual classic,

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written

by Sogyal Rinpoche, is the ultimate

introduction to Tibetan Buddhist wisdom. An

enlightening, inspiring, and comforting

manual for life and death.

To Heaven and Back is Mary’s remarkable

story of her life’s spiritual journey and what

happened as she moved from life to death to

eternal life, and back again. Detailing her

feelings and surroundings in heaven, her

communication with angels, and her deep

sense of sadness when she realized it wasn’t

her time, Mary shares the captivating

experience of her modern-day miracle.

BOOK SPACE Remainder Books $14 each or 3 for $36

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The beloved teacher of spiritual wisdom and

author of the phenomenal New York Times

and international bestseller The Four

Agreements takes readers on a mystical

Toltec-inspired personal journey, introducing

us to a deeper level of spiritual teaching and


A former children's hospital chaplain shares

the stories of remarkable children she knew,

their faith, and comforting glimpses into life

beyond death.

Sharon Begley reports on how cutting-edge

science and the ancient wisdom of Buddhism

have come together to reveal that, contrary

to popular belief, we have the power to

literally change our brains by changing our

minds. Recent pioneering experiments in

neuroplasticity–the ability of the brain to

change in response to experience–reveal

that the brain is capable of altering structure.

The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

features advice on:

- Tapping into creative imagination

- Clearing the mind of fear, worry, and guilt

- The best ways to communicate, and the art

of small talk

- The simplest ways to get a perspective and

set goals

- The joys and benefits of being different

Walking in the Sacred Manner is an

exploration of the myths and culture of the

Plains Indians, for whom the everyday and

the spiritual are intertwined and women play

a strong and important role in the spiritual

and religious life of the community.

Based on extensive first-person interviews by

an established expert on Plains Indian


A Manual invites us to live out our dreams to

embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to

our own unique destiny. In his inimitable

style, Paulo Coelho shows readers how to

embark upon the way of the Warrior: the

one who appreciates the miracle of being

alive, the one who accepts failure, and the

one whose quest leads him to become the

person he wants to be.

You’ll See It When You Believe It

demonstrates that through belief you can

make your life anything you with it to be.

Learn practical steps such as how to set real

goals and achieve them; turn obstacles into

opportunities; rid yourself of guilt and inner

turmoil; develop a strong inner-confidence;

dramatically improve relationships; spend

every day doing the things you love to do.

a concise text detailing and expanding just

what we need to know about life and how to

live it. Bringing their many conversations

over the years into sharper focus than ever

before, Walsch in What God Said encourages

readers to cast aside religious and cultural

trappings. To experience life as fallible—and

human—beings, open minded, open-

hearted, and all-embracing, and to build on,

broaden, and enrich our Ancient Story.

Wendy Jago introduces the reader to NLP—

Neuro-Linguistic Programming—a

therapeutic technique used to recognize and

reprogram unconscious patterns of thought

and behaviour in order to modify

psychological responses, and thereby alter

your subconscious processes to work for you,

instead of against you.

"What do our ancestral scholars, whom we

consider the wisest and most spiritually

advanced, have to say to us today?" The

answer lies in this powerful collection of

writings, poems, and sayings by some of the

greatest thinkers of the past 25 centuries. In

succinct original essays, Dyer explains the

meaning and context of each piece of

wisdom, and, how we can actively apply

these teachings to our modern lives.