



Linux on the Corporate Desktop

John Goerzen

OSCON 2008

[email protected]

A clarification...

I work for Hustler.

A clarification...

Photo from (c) 2007, licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5

A clarification...



Expected Benefits

Making It Work

Did It Work?


Image by Xander on Wikimedia Commons


Entangling Requirements

Software X only works with OS Y

Ability to fix things ourselves

John Goerzen's backyard




Single System Image

Public Domain - US Gvmt

Every PC has exactly the same software

Easy maintenance and updating

Hardware autodetection

Hot Desking

Reliability & Downtime

Public Domain (Wikimedia Commons)

Fewer odd crashes

Faster response to hardware failure

Or even software failure

Making It Work: Community

Is Linux a cheap Windows?


Take advantage of Linux

The #1 mistake I see people make

Missed by analysts

You could just buy Linux like you buy Windows

Rely on the vendor for all your support needs

Follow their upgrade schedule

Look for prepackaged solutions to everyone

But you'd be missing out on benefits of Linux

You can fix things yourself, customize yourself

Or hire whomever you want to do it

You are in control

Look at it like Unix admins used to. Or like RMS does.

Nothing is perfect for you to start with.

Don't be afraid to tweak.

Use the source.

Hire competant admins.


RMS may be wearing a hard disk, but his approach can be profitable for business.

We've Contributed



Features and Debian integration to gscan2pdf

Bacula for Debian

Feature diffs to Courier IMAP, Thunderbird, eGroupware

eGroupware CalDAV support (paid for)

Nuxeo trash support (paid for)

HDBC - I wrote from scratch. DB interface layer for Haskell.


I wrote it. Now part of Debian.

We benefit: bug reports, patches from others.

Others benefit too.


We needed features. Wrote, submitted patches, bug reports. Got fast results. Now part of gscan2pdf.

Try that with MS. Ever had MS implement a new feature in an afternoon just because you asked?

Or RedHat or SUSE?

You control your software.


We use it, maintain it for Debian.

We benefit, everyone benefits.

The software is higher quality because we release our patches.

We get free testing. They get free integration.

Egw and nuxeo: we paid authors for improvements. Now standard part of software.

These were solid investments.

Debian testers found Bacula issues before we did.

Works the same with anything.

Everyone wins by collaborating.

Some of you have probably used our code without knowing it.

Some of you have probably written code we have used.

Your distribution vendor is an important part of the picture

Not the only part

Linux is not a cheap Windows.

It's an entirely different type of OS.

Use the power it gives you.

Making It Work: Technology


Started with Debian

Already had lots of experience with it

Runs all our servers

All our phones (Asterisk)

Highly configurable


Runs on PDAs to mainframes

Lets you admin it like a traditional Unix box if you like

Text files, etc

Perfect for automation

But you could use any distribution, or a BSD, for this.


4MB iso

Downloads instructions over LAN

Rsyncs system to box

Applied local changes

Rsyncs updates

We wrote scripts to autodetect video on every boot and check for updates

Each machine is bit-for-bit idential

/home on NFSv4



Has worked out well

A few formatting issues here and there

Mostly from people that don't know about tabs

PDF export is very nice

Also running it alongside MS Office on Windows

We use a Windows terminal server for apps we can't run in Linux

Here's one

We use rdesktop + seamlessRDB

First-class window

Integrates with Linux taskbar

Works well

Wrote an "opener". We associate it with filetypes on the term svr

When you open a file there, it sends it over the network to a Linux box and opens it locally

Thunderbird + Lightning + eGroupWare

Free/Busy, central server, etc.

We funded CalDAV for calendar

Will be part of next EGW version

Same clients on Linux, Windows, Mac


Desktops: focus on video


Make sure video looks good

Order one for testing

Test the suspend/resume extensively

We use LinuxCertified now

Making It Work: Management

What is risky?

Photo by Ren Ehrhardt on Flickr - CC Attribution 2.0 Generic

What's the potential downside of switching to Linux?

App incompatibilities

Support burden

Document formatting


How to address it?

Windows terminal server




Use Linux for other things first

We used it for ERP, phone system, many servers, IT workstations

Proven track record

"Convert Me First"

Photo by Joi on Flickr - CC Attribution 2.0 Generic

Our CEO and CFO wanted to be among the first to switch over

Smart move

We had to be ready with a solid product

If the people at the top like it, it makes acceptance elsewhere easier.

Making It Work:
End Users

Management buyin first


When you spread word of what's coming:

Touch the big points without being too detailed

Don't assume people know what an OS is

Anticipate rumors

Our DOS rumor

Be willing to talk to people that want to talk about it

Share rationale

User Terror

Photo by paolo mrgari on Flickr - CC by-sa 2.0

Deployment Strategy


In-person at conversion time

Some people don't like change

Be supportive and patient

Common complaint: it takes an extra click

Take time to walk them through it

Some people don't handle change well; it may not be about Linux

Making It Work:
Supporting Linux Desktops

Not The First Thing to Try

Photo by skyfaller on Flickr - CC by-sa 2.0

Logfiles - which, where, and when

Photo by hamilton.lima on Flickr - CC by-sa 2.0

Did It Work?

A year later...

Did It Work?
The specifics...

Things that we don't like

Groupwise + Evolution

Switched to eGroupWare + Thunderbird + Lightning

Have to test hardware before buying

Laptop resolution switching

Things that were OK


Mostly positive feedback

Document import formatting imperfect

Some of that because people don't know how to format documents

PDF export features are very nice

Things that were OK


Core of it works great

Limit of 16 groups per logged-in user

VPN on the laptops

OpenVPN works great

Lack of good GUIs for it

Things that worked well

Viruses? What viruses?

Stealth Support

Photo by kevin.j on Flickr - CC by-sa 2.0

Things that worked well

Single system image a great tool

Hard to resist the tendency to "just re-image it" when something happens

Open Source community participation

Linux itself

Stable, and has good logging

Better HW autodetection than Windows

Windows terminal server integration


Things that worked well

Far fewer licensing worries

Hardware lifespan

Opportunity to improve processes

Linux on shop floor touch screen devices

Desktop Printing

No printer or driver set up on the desktops

CUPS rocks

So... Did it work?

I can't imagine going back


[email protected]

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