
LinkedIn Tips – How to Keep Your LinkedIn Page Active and Engaging

Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn’s profiles were originally fairly static in nature. Individuals simply put up their professional information, and could then use the platform to connect and communicate with others. And while LinkedIn still offers that functionality, the platform has become much more dynamic. Because company pages now provide a great way for businesses to interact with customers, leads and even potential employees, let’s take a look at several proven LinkedIn tips for keeping a page active and engaging:

Choose the Right Time to Share

One of the most common LinkedIn marketing mistakes is sharing at the wrong time of the day. While sharing at any time of the day is better than letting a page stagnate, the specific time you choose can have a big impact on the amount of engagement a new update is able to generate. According to lots of research about LinkedIn user

behavior, the best time of the day to share an update is between 7AM and 8:30AM EST. The second best time of the day is from 5PM to 6PM EST.

Integrate Your LinkedIn Page and Company Website

You never know exactly where someone is first going to come into contact with your company online. But once they do find you, it’s important that they have as many opportunities as possible to engage. That’s why you should connect your LinkedIn page and company website. Not only should you have your website URL on your LinkedIn page, but you should also have a way for visitors to your website to easily get to your LinkedIn page.

Give Your Key Products or Services Individual Tabs

Because LinkedIn is a professional social network, the platform has many features built specifically for businesses. One LinkedIn for business feature that’s very useful is being able to give products or services their own tabs. The reason this feature is useful is in addition to acting as a showcase, it gives users an easy way to recommend specific products or services to their LinkedIn networks.

Participate in LinkedIn Groups and Create Your Own

Without a doubt, groups are one of the best ways to increase LinkedIn engagement. Since a group provides an opportunity to interact directly with others, they’re great for creating strong connections. If you don’t have much experience participating in any of the groups on this platform, start by listening and then gradually contributing. Then once you get a feel for what makes a great group, you can start one for your own business.

Directly Ask for Feedback

Last but certainly not last on our list of LinkedIn tips to keep your page active and engaging is to directly ask followers for feedback. Whether it’s about a new offering or a specific issue, explicitly asking people to share what’s on their mind is a simple but very effective way to boost engagement.

In addition to putting the LinkedIn tips we covered into action, if you want a more efficient and streamlined way to stay on top of all LinkedIn activity, be sure to check out our social media engagement dashboard!
