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• Sectors You Can Enter After Your Graduation

• How LinkedIn Is the Best Job Search Tool ? In India

• Do Linkedin Profile Really Matter Before Getting a Job

• What Recruiters Want to See In Your LinkedIn Profile

• There Is a Difference Between Your Resume and Your LinkedIn

• 4 Important Elements of Writing a Winning LinkedIn Summary and Headline?

• These are the 10 Most In-Demand Skills of 2020, According to LinkedIn















Need professional help to build a LinkedIn profile? Find a coach

• How to Rank Higher In LinkedIn Search for Your Skills.......................4-5

• Know Why Recruiters Aren't Clicking Through Your Profie .............. 5

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The majority of graduates look for a job.

Sectors you can enter after your graduation

How linkedIn is the best job search tool ? In india

Do linkedin profile really matter before getting a job


The job applications happen through just a click--’Apply via LinkedIn’. You don’t even need to upload your resumes to apply for a majority of job openings. Many organisations are now substituting a LinkedIn profile for a resume.

Easy to apply, keep job alerts and a lot more!

If asked should you have a LinkedIn profile, then the answer should be a yes.

Accuracy of information

Now, it’s almost a standard practice for all of us to have a profile on LinkedIn. The platform provides a chance for both job-seekers and recruiters to be present together. Any of them can get in touch with one another and can network for professional purposes.

It’s a vast network of recruiters and talents

Because it’s such a wide network and has so many professionals/students/peers, you can’t get away with lying about your skills. Everybody is looking.

Professional networking

This is the other main purpose of LinkedIn apart from the usual job-search related purpose. This platform lets you connect with professionals who are in different roles in different organisations, in various geographies and having a multitude of experience.


This feature is a professional version of the testimonials, the age-old social network, Orkut had. Imagine your professor in college or your boss at your internship had a few golden words to say about you, regarding your skills and capability, then LinkedIn lets you take recommendations from seniors, peers, colleagues etc.

Get a graduate job

Sometimes you need to think outside the box. If you can't find your dream job, why not create it by setting up your own company? Perhaps you have a great business idea or believe that your final-year project has commercial potential.

Become self-employed

An alternative is to return to university to study at postgraduate level, a route that many find rewarding.

Pursue postgraduate study

If you want to see more of the world, learn languages, experience different cultures and meet new people before settling down to work you could take a gap year.

Take a gap year





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What recruiters want to see in your linkedIn profile


Now, you may only know a limited number of people from a particular organisation, or an institution on a personal level. You may add all these connections on LinkedIn. The true advantage lies with the second and third degree connections on LinkedIn.

Power of 2nd and 3rd That will give them the exact idea of your worth and they will be able to judge if you fit the bill.

Let’s understand these differences in depth.


It’s the recruiter’s search engine where the recruiter enters a specific set of search words as per the job openings that need to be filled.

Recruiter’s search engine

1.) Profile Photo

As simple as it sounds, a profile without a picture won’t make as much impact as the one with a profile photo. While it’s strictly professional, LinkedIn is also for socialising and making professional connections.

There is a difference between your Resume and Your LinkedIn

The resume is a document where you market yourself by enlisting your value addition areas along with your skills and capabilities. It is to convey why you’re the best fit for the job the recruiter is hiring for. It doesn’t give you the liberty to express your whys or whats.

2.) Summary

This is your elevator pitch you would give in an impromptu interview. You need to sell yourself fiercely. While you may use action words like ‘achieved’, ‘passionate’, ‘goal-oriented’, ‘facilitated’ etc., the recruiters are not there to see how good you’re with your vocabulary. Instead, they want to see some substantial information like your achievements, work experience, projects you have undertaken, your future goals, etc.

3.) Recommendations

This is modern day job references. A reference is always more priced than any other lead for recruiters because they have someone to guarantee for the candidate’s background and skills.


Usage: Resumes are often tailored to every job opening you apply to. Don’t you feel tired sometimes altering your resume and taking separate printouts each time you’re applying for a different role? But it’s essential because you need to highlight the specific skills required for the job

3.) Connections

Connections are built over time and they reflect your interests and past work history too. Recruiters look at connections to understand the relevance.

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How to start networking on LinkedIn and make relationships with senior professionals from the industry?



you’re applying to and you need to fine-tune your value add points so that it appeals to the recruiter who’s looking at your resume. And guess what, you don’t need to do the same thing for LinkedIn. The profile can be visited by anyone at any point in time.

While your resume highlights your qualifications and work experience in a no-nonsense way, your LinkedIn profile will tell you a story about you to the world.

opening sentences of the summary.

A resume is not more than two-three pages, as per thumb rule. No recruit-er is going to read more than that. Meanwhile, for your LinkedIn profile, there is no limit specified of the length.


4 Important elements of writing a winning linkedIn summary and headline?

These are the 10 most in-demand skills of 2020, according to LinkedIn

1.) Know your audience

The top 10 most in-demand hard skills globally

When hiring managers are looking for you, they key in some keywords which need to be found in your headline as well as the first three

2.) Include USP

Your headline cannot call out simply that you’re into digital marketing. Wouldn’t it be boring? Plus, it will not really communicate the knowledge you have on the particular field.

3.) Use concise language

You don’t need to show off your wordplay here. You need to write your headline and summary to ensure it resonates with the connections in your field.

3.) Power words usage

Now power words are very important and are used to denote the impact and significance of your skill or achievement. But please, do not boast about yourself on your LinkedIn summary. Addition of words like top-performing, expert, best etc. to your headline makes it look like you’re claiming to be all the above, and self-praising doesn’t really work well.

Ways to reach out to people you admire on LinkedIn?


Cloud computing

Analytical reasoning




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Keep a 20+ km radius from your actual location so that you appear in the local searches. You can also set the cities you prefer a job in, or you can apply to a job which is outside your city, wherein you can explain to the recruiter that you’re ready to relocate.

How to rank higher in LinkedIn search for your skills

Add a location to your profile

Keywords are important because they streamline your search intent. Whenever you search for a particular job, company or industry on LinkedIn, the top results are only because they have keywords in the right place.

Their career paths and their projects could help you understand your field of interest in depth. Accordingly, you can better your list of keywords and add them to your profile as well.

Start with making a list of keywords that are relevant to your skills, industry, and interests

Check profiles of connections who work in the same industry

Suppose you’re interested in marketing, branding, brand management, etc. as keywords. Keep a broad range ready.

Add keywords in the right places in your profile

This will really improve your chances of being ranked in search results. This also looks neat and clean and hits it off with the recruiter as well.

Customize your profile URL such that it carries your location or your skills

It often shows the percentage of your profile completeness basis the details you’ve provided. A 100% completed ‘Expert’ profile ranks higher in the search results as compared to the one that’s not complete.

Ensure your profile is 100% complete, by checking the profile completeness bar on the right of your profile

Else, whatever amount of keywords you add will not make a difference.

Make sure your profile is public so that it appears and is visible to the public eye in the first place

Take part in discussion forums, express your opinions, post blogs or status updates on anything that is relevant to your

Stay active by posting regular updates regarding your industry or job profile

Artificial intelligence

UX design

Business analysis

Affiliate marketing


Scientific computing

Video production








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Know why recruiters aren't clicking through your profie


professional life. People that are active, rank higher than the ones that are not.

they often search by keywords related to the job, things like SEO, analytics, media,HTML, integrated marketing, etc.

What are the words that need to be taken down from your profile

There’s No Photo

Camera shy? Get over it. Many jobseekers have told me that they don’t put a photo on their LinkedIn profile because they are afraid of discrimination.

How to write posts correctly to grow and get noticed in LinkedIn

linked in secrets you've never heard before

Guide that'll teach you how to get all you're linkedin requests accepted

There’s No Contact Information

If you want recruiters, hiring managers or anyone else to contact you put your contact information on your LinkedIn profile. Sounds simple but most people don’t.

There’s No Way To Find You

Professionals who write LinkedIn profiles for a living know that in order for someone to come up in a recruiter’s search the profile has to be keyword rich. Recruiters sometimes search by job title but

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