Download pptx - Linked In Tutorial

  • 1. LinkedIn Tutorial ~Jennifer Lambert~

2. Why Another Social Media Outlet? Connect to brands Ive made some great connections by being accessible on LinkedIn that I probably wouldnt have made otherwise Look more professional You are a professional (blogger/writer/author/educator/homeschooler/consultant)! You have a real job. Youre not just another yoga-pants wearing mama with your laptop on that Cheerio-covered sofa (well, not all the time) Networking, baby! 3. Set Em Up Profile It looks like a business card. Be professional. Be professional. Be professional. Tagline be real and concise. Use strong verbs. This shows in Summary. Good photo of yourself (not your dog, horse, kids, or cartoon Avatar please!) Post videos and photos in your profile! List projects youve completed or published. Brag, baby! 4. 4 Levels (I like Free) Basic is FREE Sales Basic $15.95/mo (billed annually) Sales Plus $39.95/mo (billed annually) Sales Executive $74.95/mo (billed annually) Why upgrade? Sales Alerts, Improved Searching, and Full Profile Capabilities 5. Attention to Detail Claim a username for your profile to make finding you easier Customize your public profile URL Contact info Super important! At least put an email address. Dont you want stuff? 6. State Your Purpose Provide work experience and education. Rsum! Do not put Mom or Homemaker. Why are you on LinkedIn anyway? Be creative but honest. Are you a blogger/writer/publisher/author/educator/minister/counselor? Interests. A couple sentences or a short list. Keep it professional. 7. Shes Got Mad Skillz Select about 20 of your top skills. Members endorse these. It looks good. See your pic in there? 8. Name Dropper 9. Connect the Dots How do you connect with cool people like me? Click on their icon on their blog or website Search and click on profiles. You have to say how you know each other. A HUGE list of other people you may know comes up after you connect. Number of shared connections (like mutual friends on Facebook) 10. To the nth Degree 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degrees 1st degree connection has been invited/accepted. You can contact them by sending a message on LinkedIn. 2nd degree connection is someone who is directly connected to one of your 1st degree connections. You can connect or contact them through an InMail or an introduction. 3rd degree is connected to 2nd degree. If their full names are displayed, you can send connect. If only the first letter of their last name is displayed, you can still contact them through InMail or an introduction. 11. Thanks for the Invite When you click on a choice it will list your work experience or education and you choose how you know each other. Update the note! 12. Follow the Leader You can join niche groups just like on Facebook and Google+ Maximum 50 You can follow companies and charities for updates Being active with groups and companies is important for connections! 13. Groupies 14. Sharing is Caring! Share posts and schedule them Wordpress plugins Directly In groups (follow guidelines!) Interaction Commenting and liking makes everyone happy 15. Feedback Was this tutorial helpful? Follow me on my blogs!
