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Sales and Operations Planning

Orchestrating Success with Increasing Profits and Superior Cash


Sales and Operations Planning

Orchestrating Success with Increasing Profits and Superior Cash


byAndy Coldrick , Dick Lingand Alain Perrot

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Ling Coldrick-A History of Innovation

1980s Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick started collaborating on S&OP when they were in the Oliver Wight organization. Dick is the creator of S&OP

1990s Andy was President of Oliver Wight for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, then Co-President of Oliver Wight International. Dick left Oliver Wight to become independent but the two continued to collaborate and developed the popular class ‘Beyond S&OP’ . They pioneered the integration of New Activities and Portfolio Management, and created the term ‘Integrated Reconciliation’ to describe the cross-functional, collaborative process at the heart of successful S&OP.

2000s They developed a powerful integrated implementation methodology for S&OP in global, regional and local environments. Most recently, they have evolved S&OP from demand/supply balancing to a process which is aligned to the strategic intent and the shape of the future product portfolio, and is used to execute strategy

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Ling Coldrick Europe DirectorAlain Perrot is a food engineer graduated from ENSIA (National French School for Food Industries) and has a MBA from ESSEC. He has started his career in 1984 in the Mars Group (Unisabi) where he created the Industrial Engineer function in the Strasbourg plant. Then, he is successively appointed Shift Manager in Strasbourg plant, Financial Planning Manager, Resourcing Manager and Business Planning Manager of Unisabi. In 1992, he is appointed Supply Chain Project Manager Mars Petcare Europe. From 1992 to 1994, he reconfigures the Supply Chain to bring it to «Class A» level, and pionneers the implementation of SAP R3 for the whole Supply Chain (Planning, Logistics, R&D, Manufacturing, Purchasing). Concurrently he leads the implementation of S&OP in Europe, where he first meets Andy.

In 1995, he joins Bestfoods France as Logistics & Planning Director, to lead the Supply Chain Project. From 1995 to 1996, he divides Inventories by 2, and improves the Order Filling Rate by 30%.

In 1997, he is appointed Plant Manager of the Dressings Factory in Dunkerque, which he transforms in 2 years into the most agile plant of Bestfoods Europe (Agility multiplied by 2).

In 1999, he joins Air Liquide Welding, to create the Supply Chain function, as Vice President Supply Chain & Purchasing.

From 1999 to 2003, he creates the Supply Chain & Purchasing Organization of the 20 autonomous companies of Air Liquide Welding, improves the order filling rate by 30%, decreases inventories by 20%, and improves purchasing productivity by 4%/year. He also is the driving force in a successful S&OP process,again working with Andy. In 4 years, he moves the Supply Chain of Air Liquide Welding from a buzz word to the Transformation Engine of the Company. A key driver of this journey was the implementation of a Regional IBM he developed with the support of Andy.

In 2003 he becomes associate of Big Fish, a service company dedicated to People development in Operations.

From 2003 to 2006, he was Associate Professor at Strasbourg Business School, where he taught Supply Chain Strategy, Multicultural Management, and ERP implementation.

He is a worldwide leading authority in breakthrough S&OP (GPS) and has implemented IBM in several FMCG’s, but also in other industrial sectors like automotive and welding.

Since 2008, he is the leading consultant of group Danone for IBM (branded GPS in Danone). So far, he has implemented GPS in 38 Danone Companies, representing a coverage of 75% Danone Turnover. GPS is now recognized as THE deployer of Danone new operating culture. He is also currently supporting Mars Chocolate Europe in the upgrade of their S&OP. .

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Our Mission

We Build & Transform

Operations Teams Worldwide

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Our vision : We make your end-to-end Value Chain ‘Real Life’ with our S&OP way

Mechanical Management Biological Leadership

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Ling Coldrick client list

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Our Assessment of Current Business challenges

1. Pressure on Results

2. Complexity / Uncertainty

3. Time / Accelerating Speed

Bad Stress + Frenetic Individualism

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Q3 Q1 2013Q1 Q2Q2 Q4Q4

Foundational :The 7 keys of S&OP

Renovation & PromotionTarget

A Common Problem ...

Next Year isAnother Year

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Q3 Q1 2013Q1 Q2Q2 Q4Q4



Foundational :The 7 keys of S&OP

Renovation & PromotionTarget

Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties

Confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be

LingColdrick S&OP model works like a SatNav

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

How We Work

Thought leaders in aligning S&OP with

business and strategic agendas, and in

working with companies to catalyze them to

maximize the benefits of S&OP through

education, workshops and coaching

Ling Coldrick

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

S&OP can become your CompanyTransformation Engine


Fire FightingCulture




Existing Portfolio

Time Time

People & Behaviours





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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Our proven way : a focus on the Teams ‘Line of One’ construction





Walk theTalk

Teams : Focus on How & W



with Meaning

Coach : Focus on W

hy, Who & W


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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Our Meaningful Team-Buildings

1. The art of Questioning : – Investigation Games

2. The art of Exploring :– Treasure Hunts

3. The art of Emotional Communication:– Theatre, Movies,…

4. The art of Execution :– Intelligent Outdoors

5. The art of Cooperation :– Collaborative Business Games

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

S&OP People focused approach Reconciles Universalism & Particularism

Apply rules and proceduresuniversally to ensure

equity and consistency, although…

We do not want to degenerate into rigidity andbureaucracy, so we must…

We do not want to drown into chaos or lose our sense of

central direction so we must…

Encourage flexibility byadapting to particular situations, however…


Source: Trompenaars, F, Riding the Waves of Culture PARTICULARISM

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

• Choices and Tradeoffs

• Making the Right Choices

• Unique Sustainability

• Choosing the Right Things to Do

• Doing Things Right

S&OP-Two Sides of the Same Coin

Making the Right Choices and Doing Things Right

• Doing Things Right

• Operational Excellence

• Flawless Execution

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Original Version of S&OP


SALES -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ANN

PLANNED 120012001200 120012001200120012001200120012001200 14400

PREVIOUS 121111971200 120012001200120012001200120012001200 14408

ACT/PROJ 121111971257 122512501250125012501250125012501250 14890

DIFF 11 -3 57 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 490

CUM DIFF 11 8 65


PLANNED 120012001200 120012001200120012001200120012001200 14400

PREVIOUS 119512021200 120012001200120012001200120012001200 14397

ACT/PROJ 119512021197 120012001400125012501250125012501250 14894

DIFF -5 2 -3 0 0 200 50 50 50 50 50 50 494

CUM DIFF -5 -3 -6


PLANNED 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600

PREVIOUS 584 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589

ACT/PROJ 584 589 529 504 454 604 604 604 604 604 604 604 604

DIFF -16 -11 -71 -96 -146 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

COVER (WKS) 2.06 2.07 1.83 1.75 1.56 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08





Typical S&OP Agenda

•Sales Review•Inventory / Order Book•Supply Plan•New Products•Financials

Product Family – Dining Tables

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

S&OPmeeting Pre-S&OP



Big Fish is the european partner of Ling-Coldrick

S&OP Creation

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Sales and Operations PlanningLing/Coldrick Model








Right to Left Driving

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

S&OP is a unique People centric Methodology which helps Companies to Navigate in turbulent Times

Welcome Change

Co-Build Growth

What If Attitude








We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

S&OP is a unique People centric Methodology which helps Companies to Navigate in turbulent Times

Vision &Ambition

Regulation& Synergy





We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

What If Attitude

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Breakthrough Implementation Issues

‘Right to Left’or


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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Strategic Agenda andFuture Portfolio

Development Of S&OP

Single Set of NumbersS&OP “The Unifier”

Implementation Sequence – ‘Left to Right’

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

Breakthrough S&OP Right to Left

Implementation – ‘Right To Left’

Reconcile and Integrate

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Ling Coldrick © Dick Ling and Andy Coldrick 2011

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Orchestrate your Company Journeyfrom Good to Greatwith S&OP+

Orchestrate your Company Journeyfrom Good to Greatwith S&OP+

Alain Perrot & Frans van den BoomenAlain Perrot & Frans van den Boomen

March, 12th 2012