

320 Alisal Road, Suite 206

Solvang, CA 93463

Independent Charter Sponsored by Blochman Union Elementary School District

April 8, 2011

Accrediting Commission for Schools

Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Family Partnership Charter School Educational Community Members

Sponsoring District Kristin Garrison-Lima, Superintendent Governing Council Trustees Sarah Bruce Amy Demangate Terry Dworaczyk Kristin Garrison-Lima Raquel Giraldez Lisa Thompson

Administrative Office Todd Mitchell, Executive Director Mark Palmerston, Assistant Director Suzanne Clark, Classified Coordinator Cyndy Fee, Business Technician

Coordinators Suzanne Clark Taren Freeh Cassie Joyner Mindy Lambert Trisha Vais Certificated Staff Michael Brajkovich Donna Burke Caren Callaway Sung-ah Cho Jim Davis Taren Freeh Elaine Gay Denicia Gills Glenn Goldin Susan Hardy Shannon Horn Cassie Joyner Mindy Lambert Sonya Lanzen-Castellanos

Amy Leach Justin Magdaleno Joeli Martin Jessica Moniot Kari Montano Julie Moore Robyn Morrison Elizabeth Neal Robin Palmerston Sarah Pinon Laura Tripp Alicia Volz Nathan Watts Cynthia Wells

Support Staff Jill Beyea Maria Lara Sherry Molnar Yvonne Nelson Teresa Pantzer Dana Puschell

Academic Support Providers Bill Damery Lynne Castellanos Nancy White Susan Stern Ann Milner

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School



Section I: Introduction and Basic Student/Community Profile Data ................................................ 1

Section II: Significant School Changes or Developments.................................................................. 29

Section III: Ongoing School Improvement ......................................................................................... 31

Section IV: Schoolwide Action Plan Progress .................................................................................... 32

Section V: Schoolwide Action Plan Refinements ............................................................................... 58

Appendix Items .................................................................................................................................. 59

Appendix: WASC Action Plan 2010-2011 ........................................................................................... A1

Appendix: WASC Action Plan 2009-2010 ........................................................................................... B1

Appendix: WASC Action Plan 2008-2009 ........................................................................................... C1

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Section I: Introduction and Basic Student/Community Profile Data, including Summary of Data

Family Partnership Home Study Charter School (FPCS) is a K-12 Independent/Home Study charter school

with administrative offices located in Solvang, California. The school is chartered by the Blochman

School District and provides services to approximately 530 students in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo

counties. FPCS serves students and families in grades K-12th that are seeking an alternative, personalized

educational programs.

FPCS provides students and parents with three distinct personalized instructional programs:

Independent Study, Montessori, and Academy of Classical Education programs. In collaboration with a

credentialed Advisor, parents have the opportunity to develop personalized learning plans for their child,

are provided training, resources, planning tools and instructional support to assist in the education of

their child. Students have access to instructional opportunities that range anywhere from a minimum of

weekly meetings with advisor up to 4 days of highly supported instruction.

FPCS currently consists of seven learning centers in the following locations: Solvang Independent Study,

Lompoc Academy of Classical Education, Orcutt Independent Study, Santa Maria Montessori, Santa

Maria Academy of Classical Education, San Luis Obispo Independent Study, and Morro Bay Montessori.

The areas served by the school are primarily residential, composed of families from a wide cross-section

of the socioeconomic spectrum. Each learning center, serving a unique geographic area, is highly

reflective of students’ interests and needs as well as community college, university, and military


The core of FPCS’ academic programs is a deep commitment to the personalized education of each

student that enrolls in our programs. This commitment is supported through the individual attention

paid to each student and family by Advisors and staff, as well as through the variety of educational

opportunities that FPCS offers students and families.

Mission Statement

“Where Community and Family Count”

The mission of Family Partnership Home Study Charter School is to develop and implement a

comprehensive framework to enable and support parents from a wide variety of educational levels to

educate students in a K-12 home study environment.

The Charter School develops a full partnership with parents, students, faculty, staff, and community-

based organizations to fulfill this mission. The goal is to develop a “complete” student with academic

tools, social skills, self-esteem, and character to succeed in school and life.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


A Personalized Education!

Educational Vision

Family Partnership Home Study Charter School provides personalized educational opportunities, acting

with purposefulness, integrity and innovation to provide students an enriching learning experience.


The educators and participants of Family Partnership Charter School believe that the best learning

occurs when:

Each curriculum is tailored to each individual’s learning style

One-to-one teaching is used as appropriate

Learning is promoted by engaging student interests and finding their passion

Schooling is viewed as one aspect of an education

The entire community is our classroom


Goals for students and parents include, but shall not be limited to the following:

Students will be an active participant in their personalized learning plan

Students will recognize and use their strongest skills and abilities while improving areas of need

Students will achieve competency in basic academic skill

Students will explore their potential in the performing and living arts and in the use of


FPCS students will perform and achieve as well or better than students in the traditional

California public schools

Optimal student learning will be achieved via parent involvement and support

Students will be intrinsically motivated

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Expected School Wide Learning Results

The FPCS ESLRs were formalized and presented in the Fall of 2008.

Family Partnership Charter School

Expected School Wide Learning Results


Communicate effectively through oral, written and visual communications in both individual and group

settings. Listen reflectively, speak with a sense of purpose and use technology as a communication tool.

Lifelong Learning

Acquire the knowledge and demonstrate proficiency in the skills needed to adapt to a changing society.


Respect community relationships by demonstrating civic, social and environmental responsibility and

work cooperatively to accomplish a common goal.


Demonstrate technological literacy in the use of both hardware and software to pursue post-secondary

educational options or develop career pathways in a responsible manner.


Recognize unique talents and intelligences to become full participants in the learning process.

WASC Accreditation History

When FPCS opened in September 2006 the staff and leadership began the WASC Initial Visit Application

Process. FPCS was visited in March of 2007 by Dr. Gary Davis and granted Candidacy status with a

scheduled initial, self-study visitation date in spring of 2010. At this initial visit, Dr. Davis suggested that

FPCS was close to interim accreditation and an early visit would not be out of bounds; therefore, FPCS

administration applied for and was granted a 2009 spring visitation date.

Following the initial visit, FPCS went through the WASC Self Study Process during the 2007-2008 and

2008-2009. Visited by James Jones, Kate Bean, Mary Bixby, and John Dewey, FPCS was awarded

accreditation with a 2 year Limited-Term Revisit.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Student Demographics


Student enrollment numbers by grade level for the past three school years shows a stable number of

students for the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years, with a dramatic increase in enrollment during

the 2010-2011 school year.

Grade Level 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

KN 5 16 37

1 26 20 51

2 29 30 43

3 18 27 37

4 19 16 41

5 19 22 33

6 10 19 33

7 33 24 35

8 33 35 37

9 31 18 38

10 46 38 42

11 64 60 48

12 54 59 56

Total 387 384 531

The increase in student numbers for the 2010-2011 school year has been the direct result of expansion

of programs by opening a new Academy of Classical Education Learning Center in Santa Maria and the

movement of our Cambria Montessori Learning Center to Morro Bay.

Prior to and with these changes, a shift in the percentage of students by grade level has occurred

throughout our school programs. During the 2008-2009 school year 50.4% of our student population was

enrolled in grades 9-12. In 2009-2010 45.6% of students were enrolled in grades 9-12. That number has

now decreased to 34.7% of our current school enrollment. This has corresponded with the increase in

student numbers for grades K-6 from 32.6% of enrollment in 2008-2009 to a percentage of 51.8% of the

currently enrolled students. This represents a sustainable population of students.

With these additional programs and shift in student numbers, additional qualified staff, facilities and

resources have been dedicated to serving the students enrolled in our programs.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Detailed information about each of our learning centers follows:

Learning Center Grades


Inception 2010-2011


Attendance Rate

(at P1 reporting)

Solvang Independent Study K-12 2006-2007 46 99.90%

Lompoc Academy of Classical


K-8 2009-2010 61 99.19%

Orcutt Independent Study K-12 2006-2007 90 99.17%

Santa Maria Montessori 1-7 2006-2007 46 99.76%

Santa Maria Academy of

Classical Education

K-8 2010-2011 106 99.88%

San Luis Obispo Independent


K-12 2006-2007 128 98.95%

Morro Bay Montessori K-6 2007-2008 moved

from Cambria to

Morro Bay in


54 98.37%

Total K-12 2006-2007 531 99.31%

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School



Student enrollment numbers directly relate to attendance. Like enrollment, Average Daily Attendance

was relatively flat during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school year, with a sharp increase seen at the P1

reporting time of the current school year. FPCS administration views the P2 ADA numbers as a key

indicator because this number determines our following year’s funding.

School Year ADA Reported at P2 Attendance Rate

2008-2009 384.12 99.38%

2009-2010 371.36 98.55%

2010-2011 (P1 Data) 472.29 99.31%

Increasing enrollment and subsequent increases in attendance are a direct validation of FPCS’s

commitment to high quality educational programs focused on individual students and families. These

numbers clearly show students, families and the community’s view of FPCS as a viable option to meet

their child’s educational needs.

The attendance rate for the current year and previous two years shows a very high rate of attendance.

Because there are no excused absences through Independent Study, it has been a commitment of the

overall school programs, and each advisor to ensure that students have the structure and support

needed to complete work for full attendance.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Graduation Rate

Graduation data reported through AYP and currently available data shows a predicted 4 year graduation

rate of 87.7%.

Graduation Year 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011


Total Graduates 38 51 42 52

Graduation Rate 80% 69.1% 71.18% 87.7%

Shown graphically:

Graduation Rate







2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011


School Year






FPCS Graduation Rate has seen a decline since the 2006-2007 school year. This has resulted in not

meeting AYP for graduation rate during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years. The graduation rate

for 2009-2010 increased, meeting the AYP expectations. As a school FPCS staff have been aware of the

decline in graduation rate, and have associated this to our commitment to serve students in high school

at all levels, including those that are credit deficient.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Student Mobility

In the previous WASC report, it was stated that FPCS as school of choice, can be expected to have a

higher than usual mobility rate. Furthermore, due to tremendous growth since our inception, our

mobility rate was too high. As our enrollment began to plateau during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010

school years, administration believed the mobility rate would decrease, allowing a more accurate

account of student movement and choice. This was not the case, as our mobility rate continued to

remain at a consistently higher than usual rate.

The actual data for student mobility was performed by taking the final enrollment for the school year

divided by the total number of students served, giving a percentage of students retained for the school

year (Retention Rate).

School Year 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 (P1 Data)

Final Enrollment 408 384 475

Total Students Served 517 480 533

Retention Rate 78.9% 80.0% 89.1%

A graph of the data displays the increase clearly:

Retention Rate






2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

School Year






Reviewing the data available, the above assumptions were incorrect. The biggest impact, showing a

decrease in on our mobility rate and subsequent increase in retention rate, has been seen this school

year (2010-2011), as a result of the positive changes FPCS staff have made in the processes used for

student enrollment, attendance reporting, and the increases in student instructional time has had on all

students within our programs.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School



Student gender has remained fairly consistent and balanced throughout the history of our school.

Currently, 46.7% of our student population is male and 53.3% is female.


Student Ethnicity and Primary Race for current students is as follows:

Primary Ethnicity Student Count Percent of Total

Hispanic 139 26.2%

Not Hispanic 392 73.8%

Total 531 100%

Primary Race Category Student Count Percentage of Total

American Indian or Alaskan Native 17 3.20%

Asian Indian 3 0.56%

Black or African American 18 3.39%

Cambodian 1 0.19%

Chinese 5 0.94%

Declined to State 9 1.69%

Filipino 3 0.56%

Hispanic or Latino 73 13.75%

Japanese 4 0.75%

Korean 2 0.38%

Mexican American 2 0.38%

White 394 74.20%

Total 531 100.00%

Viewing the above information, the largest Primary Ethnicity is Not Hispanic with the largest Primary

Race Categories being White and Hispanic; all other Primary Race Categories fall under 5% of schoolwide


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Student enrollment in Special Programs is as follows:

Special Programs Student Count Percent of Total Students

Free/Reduced Meal Program 199 37.5%

Special Education 39 7.4%

English Language Learners 6 1.1%

The collection of information necessary to accurately report National School Lunch Program data has

been an area where FPCS has shown improvement over the past two years by improving our process for

enrollment. FPCS staff has been able to collect information for 100% of the students who have enrolled

in our programs, which now allow us to see that 37.5% of our student families qualify for the

Free/Reduced Meal Program. This data has allowed us to see a more accurate reflection of student and

family demographics and to identify students and families that may need additional support.

The number of students designated as English Language Learners remains a small portion of our overall

student population, allowing us to target individually each student’s needs and the support necessary to

help them succeed in our general education environment.

Parent Education Level

Parent Education Level Parent Count Percentage of Total

Graduate school/post graduate training 77 14.50%

College graduate 176 33.15%

Some college (includes AA degree) 146 27.50%

High school graduate 101 19.02%

Not a high school graduate 14 2.64%

Declined to state or unknown 17 3.20%

Total 531 100.00%

The collection of parent education data was an area identified in our last report as an area of

improvement. FPCS staff have shown the improvement by collecting data from 100% of our families at

the time of enrollment. By doing this we have been able to increase the information collected, showing a

very small 3.2% who have declined to state their education level.

Because parents play a critical role in each student’s educational experiences, and our commitment has

been to support not only students but also parents as they support student academic progress on a daily

basis, parent education information is important. As FPCS administration view current data, we can see

that 75% of the parents report attending Some College, having earned a College Degree or studied at the

post graduate level, with only 5.84% not earning a high school diploma or declining to state.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School



The current organizational structure consists of the Governing Council, an Executive Director who is also

the Special Education Director, Assistant Director, a Classified Coordinator, and a Business Technician.

There are 3 Learning Center Coordinators who serve as the main point of contact at each Independent

Study Learning Center, two of which also work with our Montessori Learning Centers. The Academy of

Classical Education Learning Centers in Lompoc and Santa Maria has a Program Coordinator. There are

26 Credentialed Teachers, that go by the title of Advisors, and six clerical support staff that work closely

with coordinators at our learning centers. The Special Education Staff consists of a Credentialed Resource

Teacher, two part time Resource Teachers, and three Special Education Instructional Assistants.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Current Staff breakdown and demographics are as follows:

Year Certificated Non-


Total Female Male Asian Hispanic/Latino White



29 11 40 33 7 1 5 34

The FPCS Staff is comprised of 82.5% females. The racial background of the staff reflects the same top

two categories that our students identify with: white and Hispanic/Latino.

All certificated employees possess one or more California Teaching Credentials and are Highly Qualified

in at least one subject area.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Student Achievement Data

State Mandated Assessments and Indicators

California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR)

ELA: Multi-Year Performance Level Distributions show that For 3 out of the past 4 years, our combined

percentage of Proficiency & Advanced has been greater than the combined percentages of Basic, Below

Basic, and Far Below Basic. This has resulted in FPCS meeting AYP Percent Proficient for ELA in all testing

years. The performance indicated above appears to be consistent over time.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


When looking at students that have tested with FPCS during multiple testing years, a wider positive

margin of percent proficient or Advanced is observed:

ELA: Matching Students that have tested in multiple years reveals a greater margin of percent Proficient

and Advanced compared to all student populations, 61% vs. 54% during 2010 testing. This shows both

the improvements in our students over time, and the impact of our programs on students who attend

over an extended period of time.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Mathematics continues to be an area of growth both identified by our own staff as well as identified

through the most recent Self-Study.

Math: Multiyear data for the CSTs in Math show more students scoring Basic and below than at the

Proficient and Advanced levels.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Math: Matching Student data for the CSTs in Math again shows the impact of our programs on students

over time being positive, with an increase from 26% to 31% of our same students showing Proficient or

Advanced when compared to their previous scores.

The above math scores indicate that the area of math continues to be an area of need within our school

programs. With increased instructional time devoted to math support, more clearly defined

implementation of math curriculum, and the continued review of curriculum and instructional materials

that Advisors use to provide math instruction, improvement if student achievement in math is expected.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

The CAHSEE has been a test that FPCS students have shown great success as measured by first time pass

rates. The graphs below show both the first time pass rate for 10th grade students in English Language

Arts(ELA) and Math for the years 2007-2008 through 2009-2010.

ELA pass rate has increase from 71% to 90%, exceeding both county and state averages.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Math: First time pass rates show an increase from 64% to 83%. The current first time pass rate for

Mathematics is competitive with both county and state numbers.

Both graphs support the success of our students and programs measured by first time pass rates.

Looking closely at overall pass rates, which includes results for students that do not pass the first time, a

small number of students account for a disproportionate number of scores that are listed as not passing.

This results from two things: 1. the students that have two opportunities in 11th grade and a minimum of

three and up to five opportunities to take the exam in 12th grade, and 2. the students in our programs

who do not pass the first time are very likely to struggle with passing the CAHSEE.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


ELA: All grades demonstrate a slight decrease in the percentage of students passing the CAHSEE ELA


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Math: All grades demonstrate an overall increase in students passing the CAHSEE Math.

The support of students who have not passed the CAHSEE the first time is seen through our

individualized programs, in that each Advisor, student and family work together to support the student

through the process of Response to Intervention (RtI), identifying the student’s specific academic needs

as well as the plan to reach the desired result of passing the CAHSEE.

Since 2007-2008, FPCS has graduated 131 students; only 1 student met all graduation requirements

except for passing the CAHSEE Mathematics section. This represents a 99.2% student success rate on


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Academic Performance Indicators (API)

API Report

In the table below you will see all API Scores (Growth and Base) for Family Partnership Charter School.

2008 2009 2010

2008 Growth


2008 Base


2009 Growth


2009 Base


2010 Growth


Displayed graphically, the API results show a net increase of 47 points.

Growth API







2008 2009 2010

School Year


I Sco


The three year increase shows a very positive growth of 47 points from the 2008 to the 2010 Growth

reports. This confirms significant growth in student academic achievement.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


In addition to API, the Base Report shows a Statewide Rank and a Similar Schools Rank. FPCS’s Statewide

and Similar Schools Rank are:

2007 2008 2009

Statewide Rank 6 4 6

Similar Schools Rank 8 4 4

AYP Reports

Year Made



Rate (ELA)


Rate (Math)







API Graduation


2007 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

2008 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

2009 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

2010 No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

FPCS has not made AYP: in 2007 this was a result of the Participation Rate for Mathematics; 2008 and

2009 were the result of the school’s graduation rate; in 2010 was the result of the Percent Proficient in

Mathematics not being met. In all years 9 of 10 AYP criteria have been met.

The graduation rate for all four years shows the decline in graduation rate from 2007-2008 through

2008-2009 and an increase in the 2009-2010 school year. This information has also been displayed

graphically in the Student Demographics section (above).

School Year 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

Graduation Rate 80.0% 69.1% 71.18%

FPCS staff have been well aware of the decline in graduation rate, and have associated this to our

commitment to serve students in high school at all levels, including those that are credit deficient. By

serving students that enter our programs as 11th or 12th grade credit deficient, Advisors work with the

student to create a realistic plan to graduate, even if that takes an additional semester or year. By

making this commitment, the school is aware that the graduation rate may not always meet AYP criteria.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Numerically Significant Subgroups

Until the 2009 Growth API, Family Partnership had 1 significant subgroup (White). As of our 2009

Growth, FPCS now has two significant subgroups (White and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged)

Program Improvement Report

Because Family Partnership Charter School does not receive federal Title I funds, the school will not be

placed in PI Status.

Benchmark Assessments

Internal benchmark assessments have been used schoolwide. Beginning in Fall of 2007 the North

Western Evaluation Association (NWEA) MAP test has been used in the Fall and Spring of each year with

students in grades 2-11. The NWEA is a national norm-references assessment (last normed in 2008) that

tests students in the areas of Language Usage, Reading and Mathematics. During the 2009-2010 and

current school years, the assessment has also been used to assess students in grades K-1.

The use of the assessment data from NWEA has been 2 pronged, with the major goal of the assessment

to be able to use student specific data to make informed decisions about students’ academic

achievement levels and to make appropriate academic decisions about curriculum and instruction based

upon the student specific data. These decisions also include the referral of students that fall below the

20%tile to our Response to Intervention (RtI) programs, and the monitoring of their progress through

increased instruction and intervention programs.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Examples of individual student data and how it has been used is as follows:

A student’s raw data showing 3 testing sessions Fall, Winter and Spring for each school year 2008-2009,

2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Student score is a RIT score, with the District Average, Norm Group Average,

Growth Measures and Percentile Rankings. At the bottom the Goal Performance is listed.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


This data combined with the following graph depicting the same information are used by advisors to

monitor student progress and to make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction.

The dark line at the top is the student growth; the medium grey line in the middle is the District Average;

the light grey line at the bottom is the Norm Group Average. This student graph shows a student that is

above the district and norm group averaged for overall achievement. The areas for improvement are the

areas of Punctuation, Capitalization and Spelling, listed as the Goal Performance area of Low Average. In

addition to being above average, the growth rate for the student is important, measured by the slope of

the student achievement line. This shows at or above the same slope as the norm group measure,

meaning the students is making appropriate achievement gains compared to the norm group.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


The second major goal is to review student growth on at the schoolwide level to monitor the academic

growth of our students. This can be done for two major time periods: Fall to Spring, showing growth over

one school year, or Fall to Fall (Spring to Spring) showing a full calendar year’s growth.

Schoolwide data showing Fall 2009 to Fall 2010 Growth (below for Language Usage, Reading, and

Mathematics) shows a bar graph of the Mean Growth for students at FPCS and the line graph showing

the Mean Growth Targets for the Norm Group.

In the area of Language Usage, all grade levels 3-12, except grade 11, showed growth that met or

exceeded the Mean Growth Targets for Language Usage. The largest discrepancies, showing the greatest

average growth in Language Usage are in grades 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 12.

In the area of Reading, all grade levels 1-12 show meeting or exceeding the

Mean Growth Targets of the Norm Group for the Fall 2009 to Fall 2010 growth measures. The largest

difference in average growth is seen in grades 1, 2, 5, 7 and 12.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


In the area of mathematics, all grade levels except grades 6, 10, and 11 have met or exceeded the Mean

Growth Targets for the Norm Group. The biggest improvements over the norm group averages are

grades 1, 2, 5, 8 and 12.

The schoolwide growth data for Fall 2009 through Fall 2010 from the NWEA Benchmark Assessments

shows FPCS students growth that meets or exceeds national norm references standards, showing above

average growth in almost all grade levels and academic areas.

The adoption of NWEA has increased our partnership with our sponsoring district through the training

and dissemination of the NWEA from our school to the district school.

Future goals with the use of benchmark assessments are to use the data to assess each of our academic

programs, as well as the effectiveness of different curriculum and instructional methods that used to

teach our students. In order to do this FPCS staff and administration we must ensure that we are using

the most appropriate tools for our students and programs, as well as develop more advanced system to

collect and analyze the data. FPCS administration has worked closely with our new Student Information

System vendor, School Pathways, to increase their capabilities to collect and store student achievement

data. This has allowed for the import of current year’s NWEA data to the system which is then attached

to the Student Dashboard for access by Advisors as they monitor and implement instructional programs.

FPCS is currently investigating the Scantron Assessment and Performance Series Assessments as a

possible replacement to the NWEA as it aligns more clearly with the CSTs, as well as offers additional

connections with instruction that can further enhance our RtI programs.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Additional Schoolwide Data

Additional schoolwide information and data is reported annually through the School Accountability

Report Card (SARC). The SARC for the 2009-2010 school year, reported during 2010-2011, can be found

in the appendix. All SARC forms completed by FPCS are posted on the About Us page of the school

website (

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Section II: Significant Developments

Since the last full visit in spring of 2009, FPCS has successfully petitioned and been granted charter

renewal for the term of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016. The success of charter renewal validates the

sponsoring district’s belief in the quality of our programs, operations and demonstrable student success.

The biggest changes to the organization are the change in administration, addition and expansion of

instructional programs, and the adoption of new technologies that have improved our documentation of

student learning.

Administrative changes beginning July 1, 2009 occurred when the founding director retired. Following

the 2009-2010 school year, additional administrative changes took place to further clarify job roles and

responsibilities. The current organizational structure, including the positions of Executive

Director/Special Education Director and the Assistant Director position can be found in the appendix.

During the 2009-2010 school year, FPCS expanded its instructional options by adding an Academy of

Classical Education Learning Center in Lompoc to our school programs. This opportunity to increase the

instructional options for students and families fit clearly with our core philosophy of providing

personalize educational opportunities while supporting parents and families educating their children in a

home study environment. The instructional schedule provides for two day a week programs that focus

on a four year rotation of science and history concepts. The Advisors provide enriching hands on

activities based upon a common scope and sequence, while supporting parents as the primary

instructors of language arts and math curriculum on the additional three days a week. The addition of

this program provided a great deal of interest to families in the Santa Maria area, which prompted the

addition of an additional Academy of Classical Education Learning Center in Santa Maria beginning in the

Fall Semester 2010. The additional learning center and 100 plus students have provided the school the

great opportunity to hire additional certificated and clerical staff to support student programs. This has

had a great positive impact on the number of students and families that FPCS has been able to serve,

while also providing additional value to students and families between the minimum of one day a week

independent study and the up to four days a week students spent in the highly supported Montessori

learning environments.

In addition to opening a new learning center in Santa Maria, FPCS also moved the Cambria Montessori

Learning Center to Morro Bay during the summer of 2010. This move increased the number of potential

students and families that could participate in the instructional programs. This move has increased

enrollment from approximately 30 students to a stable population of more than 50 students. This has

had a positive impact on students and families.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


As FPCS continues to grow as a school, both in student numbers and learning centers, it was clear that

technology could help improve the systems used to document student learning. During the 2009-2010

school year, FPCS investigated and decided to adopt a new Student Information System, School

Pathways, with an additional program, Report Writer, that is used to document student academic

progress and accurately account for the attendance of each student. The monthly attendance reports for

each student also show standards alignment of all work the student has completed. The implementation

of these new programs has required a full assessment of current practices, extensive staff development

and training, and considerable time and financial resources.

Other technology updates have been an updated website,, unveiled for the 2010-

2011 school year, as well as the migration of our email and file sharing from a server to using Google

Education Tools for email, document sharing, calendars and communication features. The updated

website provides additional information to students, families and staff, as well as provides the school

with the ability to manage its own content. With Google applications, FPCS staff are able to better

communicate internally and externally using applications that allow us to manage technology and

resources more independently.

During the 2010-2011 school year, changes to our budget, as requested by staff during the budget

development process, have included the local control of Learning Center Budgets. Because each learning

center and instructional program serves students in different grade levels using different instructional

models, a per student budget was allocated for the specific use of curriculum materials and supplies with

the Learning Center Coordinator managing the expenditures. This more local control of budgets has

allowed for the student materials and supplies to match more closely with the instructional programs

that FPCS offers. It has also shown each instructional programs value and unique approach to

personalized learning. It has ensured that students are provided the most appropriate learning materials

in the quickest time possible. This local control has also helped Learning Center Coordinators and staff

better understand the budget and impacts on student learning.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Section III: Ongoing School Improvement

Following Self-Study Visit schoolwide action plan was updated for the 2009-2010 school year using a

team brainstorming approach by the leadership group. As with all past years the implementation of the

Schoolwide Action Plan has been overseen by the school administration.

During 2009-2010 the Governing Council was supported through the Governance Renewal Accountability

and Strategic Planning (GRASP) Grant. Through this process, the Governing Council was involved in

ongoing strategic planning. This resulted in each governing council member being a champion of a

specific schoolwide domain, participating and supporting more ongoing discussions that relate very

similarly to the Schoolwide Action Plan. (See GRASP Domains in Appendix)

Approaching the 2010-2011 Action Plan, Progress Report and Revisit, a plan was created to increase the

involvement of all staff through Staff Development Plan 2010-2011, which includes 3 hours of weekly

professional development. The professional development time is used to support student academic

achievement as outlined in the WASC action plan, with one hour of which has been solely dedicated to

tasks related to developing, compiling and preparing information for this WASC report. All Staff have

been involved in review of all past WASC information, reviewed schoolwide data, provided ideas,

brainstorms and written information that have been used directly in writing the progress report.

The involved stakeholders have included:

Governing Council


Leadership and WASC Committee

All Staff through weekly meetings and WASC Tasks

The report has then been compiled and written by the Assistant Director and reviewed, edited and

added to by the WASC committee. The Governing Council has been given regular updates through

Executive Directors report, GRASP Domain reports/discussions, and will review and approve the WASC

Progress Report prior to submission at their March Meeting.

Attach in the Appendix are Schoolwide Action Plans revised for the following school years:

a. 2010-2011

b. 2009-2010

c. 2008-2009

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Section IV: Schoolwide Action Plan Progress

Following the last WASC visit, the following 14 Schoolwide Critical Areas for Follow-Up were noted:

1. In order to avoid further inaccuracies of attendance reporting and consequently over- or under-

payment by the State, it is recommended that plans for a consistent format for reporting

attendance be initiated. In developing more accurate means of reporting, extensive training of

faculty and staff would be an essential element of this plan.

2. Fully implement the RtI model to include training for advisors to identify and support students

who require Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention.

3. It is recommended that FPCS develop, improve, and increase support and programs for the at-

risk student population.

4. Calibrate the use and expectation of how the ILPs can drive student achievement goals.

5. There is a need for strong instructional leadership that can help align assessment, curriculum

and instruction.

6. It is recommended that an assessment plan be designed to evaluate specific on-line programs in

order to establish whether these programs actively engage students, emphasize higher order

thinking skills and truly help students to succeed at high levels.

7. Provide consistent program of training for parents in how to oversee assessments for their


8. Provide further training to advisors in the use and practical applications of assessments.

9. Develop a monitoring system that will enable the school to determine level of achievement of

the academic standards.

10. Explore and examine all available data related to instruction and operations to determine level

of impact on the school's program.

11. Increase parental participation in parent trainings.

12. Ensure advisors are knowledgeable about all curriculum at all grade levels for the students they


13. Provide additional support to students in mathematics and writing.

14. It is recommended that the school leadership and staff base their instructional, operational, and

resource decisions on data that is carefully developed within a schoolwide accountability plan.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Using the Critical Areas of follow-up and our revised Action Plan goals, the following notes the progress

FPCS has made to reach the goal, the continued modification of the Scholwide Action Plan as well as the

critical areas of follow-up that are addressed within each goal.

Goal 1: Use Assessment Data for Instructional Decision Making

The Critical Areas of Follow-Up addressed within this goal are numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14.

The full implementation of the RtI model and the evidence supporting student achievement as a result is

more thoroughly discussed under Goal 2; fully implementing RtI required that FPCS meet the goal of

using assessment data for instructional decision making. Since the last visit, FPCS has more clearly

defined the assessments given schoolwide (both state mandated and internal assessments), improved

the capacity to collect the information in a centralized place (student information system), and used the

data to make informed instructional decisions. The RtI process is clear growth in this area and is

discussed more under Goal 2 below.

Family Partnership has shown improvement in creating strong instructional leaders who are able to align

assessment, curriculum and instruction. Improvement has been shown through the standardized

procedure for the use of school-wide benchmark assessments, the implementation of individualized

learning plans, creation of a curriculum committee and by providing additional professional

development to advisors.

The procedure use of schoolwide assessments has been standardized under the supervision of the

Assistant Director. These assessments include the formal NWEA, STAR, and CAHSEE tests. Family

Partnership administration has created a specific schoolwide timeline for the administration of the

formal assessments. The administration provides the formal assessment schoolwide data and results to

advisors through the student information system and through learning center coordinators. The

advisors are able to use the data and results to help guide instruction.

Individualized learning plans are created for each student by their advisor using assessment data. The

individualized learning plans are documented on the Student Dashboard within School Pathways.

Advisors then use the plans to individualize instruction and curriculum for each student. Through School

Pathways, advisors can easily access previous student goals to further guide their plan for individualized


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


The centralization of student achievement data has improved teacher access to the data needed to make

informed instructional decisions. The Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) that were used during the previous

WASC visit were a paper-based plan that was created at the beginning of each semester. The data and

information from ILPs could only be compiled through manual entry and review of each student’s ILP.

The adoption of the school Pathways and the use of the Student Dashboard to collect information

regarding student’s personalized learning has allowed teachers, administrators, parents and students to

have a more clear picture of student progress.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Examples of the data portions of the Student Dashboard that help in instructional decision making are as


Test Score History: Contains all available test information for the student including STAR, CAHSEE, SAT,


Transcript Record: allows advisors real-time access to students transcript, with subject details allowing

the detailed view of courses/credits earned in each required subject area. The 4-Year Graduation Plan

has continued to be an important part of the student’s ILP, allowing advisors, students and parents to

work together to plan courses and credits over the student’s 4 year high school career.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Through the review of the above data, advisors, students and parents are able to work together to

establish goals for the student’s ILP.

ILP Goal Section: This allows for the consistent use of goal setting for all students. The information

available on the Student Dashboard assists advisors, students and parents with setting appropriate goals.

After writing goals, appropriate decisions regarding student’s curriculum and instructional programs are

made through the creation of the Master Agreement.

Master Agreement: lists current and past courses the student is/has been enrolled in.

Ongoing monitoring of student’s academic plans are done through the monthly Assignment and Work

Records, semester Report Cards, and weekly instruction and meeting times. Additional information can

be compiled and stored with the student information system using Global Student Notes. This allows for

the personalized monitoring of student’s individual plans as well as the access to information for all

internal staff that are supporting the student’s academic progress.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Global Notes: Allows the attachment of additional information regarding student progress, plans and

information. The Classified Coordinator (registrar) may attach important information related to student

academics such as a past transcript; administrators communicate regarding school policies like requests

for excess units; and advisors may attach contact logs, individual notes and other important information.

Over the past three years the FPCS curriculum committee has made significant improvements in the

implementation of curriculum and instruction. The curriculum committee has members from each of

Family Partnership’s three programs. The curriculum committee collaborates to update the course

catalogs, evaluates current and future curriculum, and makes recommendations to administration

regarding improvements to curriculum and instruction.

Through the curriculum committees’ evaluation of current and future programs, it was determined that

clear policies, consistent implementation and additional instructional time was needed to support

currently learning programs rather than adopt new ones. Policies have been clarified, adopted and

implemented for all online curriculum; consistent implementation of programs have been monitored

through monthly Assignment and Work Records; and additional instructional time has been provided to

support students instructional needs.

Additional professional development continues to be provided to advisors. These professional

development opportunities have focused on ways to further support students and give individualized

instruction. Examples of the seminars offered this year include: supporting ELL learners, implementing

and assessing for RTI and an introduction on how to use the writing curriculum, Institute for Excellence in

Writing (IEW).

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Critical Area of Follow-Up 7: Provide consistent program of training for parents in how to oversee

assessments for their children.

Respecting the individualized nature of our educational programs, assessment information in crucial to

understanding each student’s current level of performance, to make critical decisions about the

student’s academic learning plan, and to monitor their progress over time. Communicating this to

students and families upon enrollment has improved the acceptance of and ultimately the use of

assessment information to drive discussions regarding student learning plans.

This critical area is directly related to number 11 (found under Goal 4) “Increase parental participation in

parent trainings”, with a greater focus on how to oversee the assessments for their children. With overall

increase in parent trainings, and participation in those trainings, the ability to focus in on specific topics

such as assessments.

Critical Area of Follow-Up 9: Develop a monitoring system that will enable the school to determine level

of achievement of the academic standards.

The level of achievement of the academic standards is monitored at the individual student level,

consistent with the individual focus of our programs, and is done through monthly Assignment and Work

Records that align student work to the CA State Standards, semester report cards, and by student

achievement on CSTs.

The K-8 report cards are standards-based, so reporting progress toward the accomplishment of state

standards is formally reported to families as part of the semester-end report card.

Critical Area of Follow-Up 10: Explore and examine all available data related to instruction and

operations to determine level of impact on the school's program.

Since the last WASC visit FPCS has made progress in this area through appointing a Governing Council

Member as a Champion of Academics whose focus and questions have led to the reporting of more data

to the governing council to review and to better understand student academic performance.

FPCS has also collected student data more frequently, establishing regular testing window for the NWEA

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


in the Fall, Winter (for at-risk students), and Spring. The inclusion of an alternate assessment in 2010-

2011 ensured that all students were assessed during the Fall testing window.

Additional progress includes the use of the data for RtI, allowing us to monitor and determine the

impacts of increased instruction and intervention on student achievement. See Goal 2 below for more

information on RtI.

Continued goals for the use of data to determine the level of impacts of school programs on student


1. The Collection of all data in one location to assist in disaggregation, analysis and application of

assessment data has been a challenge.

a. Collection has in the past mostly focused on the individual student level, and state

reported level. The data has not been used to the full extent at the level of each learning


b. To help overcome this challenge, more consistent use of the Student Information System

(School Pathways), and the Student Dashboard, to collect all relevant information about

a student have started to expand our ability to collect and view more data than in the

past. FPCS administration has worked closely with School Pathways to expand the

assessment information that can be added to the system, allowing for more consistent

collection, viewing and analysis across school programs. The continued use of the

Student Information System to collect information is crucial to long term improvements

in this area.

c. FPCS administration has identified and is using the data analysis program K12 Multiple

Measures Online Assessment Reporting System (MMARS) to analyze state mandated

assessments, and is working with them to identify ways to better breakout data by

student groups to help analyze student data by program and learning center.

2. FPCS staff and administration are currently evaluating NWEA to determine whether it is the most

effective tool, by comparing it to and reviewing Scantron assessment products for future use.

3. Continued staff and parent trainings to fully understand the value and application of assessment


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Critical Area of Follow-Up 12: Ensure advisors are knowledgeable about all curriculum at all grade levels

for the students they advise.

An evaluation of school programs related to this critical area of follow-up, created changes in the way

students were assigned to advisors beginning in Fall 2009. These changes were to narrow the range of

grade levels each advisor served, by assigning students to advisors who have become experts in grade

specific content. This is very manageable in the Montessori and Academy of Classical Education learning

centers as learning center classes are a narrow range of multi-grade level students. For Independent

Study learning centers, this makes a huge difference when advisors serve students in grades K-6, 6-8, or

9-12, allowing them to focus their own knowledge and understanding on those grade level curriculums

rather than serving students in grades K-12. As enrollment continues to grow, this becomes even easier

through increased staffing to have advisors who are experts and only serve small grade level spans.

After evaluating and adjusting student assignments, providing more clear tools and information to

advisors regarding schoolwide curriculum became an important task. The Curriculum Committee has

created K-8 and 9-12 curriculum lists and catalogues and posted them on the school website and

provided them to advisors as part of their employee handbook. In addition to the curriculum list and

catalogue, the committee is working on course descriptions for each course in all grade levels.

FPSC has also created policies for reporting FPCS high school curriculum such as Odyssey Ware, Cyber

High, and ALEKS Math courses. The Independent Study centers have created K-12 support classes with

highly qualified teachers in the areas of math, science, English, and social studies to further aid the

students with these courses.

The Curriculum Committee is continually updating and informing staff members of curriculum changes

and improvements. The Curriculum Committee meets weekly to discuss new curriculum possibilities and

to refine course descriptions. FPCS has also provided staff development opportunities to their advisors

during all staff meetings and team meetings. Some of the curriculum trainings have been in the area of

language arts and math. During these meetings FPCS has also trained advisors on reporting, operating

procedures, and which curriculum suites which student best. For example, our high school curriculum

primarily consists of the following online curriculum: Odyssey Ware and Cyber High.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Critical Area of Follow-Up 14: It is recommended that the school leadership and staff base their

instructional, operational, and resource decisions on data that is carefully developed within a schoolwide

accountability plan.

The foundations created at the onset of FPCS focused on individual students and their success as the

most important factor. Data as the driving force behind all decision making was seen as contradictory to

this message. In growing as an organization the increased need for data to make decisions has become

evident, and the value in which FPCS staff can use data support the focus on individual success is


Significant improvements have been made in the focus of FPCS in terms of the understanding and value

of data, the collection of data, and laying the foundations for successful analysis and use of data for

decision making at a schoolwide, programmatic, and learning center levels.

The Schoolwide Action Plan has been updated annually to reflect all available information. The

Governance Renewal Accountability and Strategic Planning (GRASP) process during the 2009-2010 school

year, provided by grant funding, involved the Governing Council in the process of schoolwide review and

planning that has increased the data provided to review by the school administration, staff and the

Governing Council. Continued growth in this area will be accomplished through the end of the 2010-2011

school year and during the 2011-2012 school year.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Goal 2: Ongoing Development, Improvement, and Increased Support and Programs for our At-Risk

Student Population

The Critical Areas of Follow-Up addressed within this goal are numbers 4 and 5.

The ongoing development, improvement, and increased support and programs for our at-risk student

population have focused primarily on two major improvements to our instructional programs:

1. Increased instructional time designated at each learning center for the specific purposes of math

and language instruction and intervention.

2. The implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) model to support students who require Tier

2 and Tier 3 Interventions.

Increased instructional time has been provided at each learning center, with the three Independent

Study Learning Centers designating additional optional or required instructional lab time. This

information has been provided to students and families through email, newsletters and advisor

meetings. The Governing Council has had monthly reports that include Learning Center updates

regarding the instructional time and attendance by students in these programs.

The additional instruction has been provided by credentialed advisors, with each full time advisor

providing 6 hours of content instruction weekly and part-time advisors providing 3 hours. Additionally,

math tutors have provided additional instructional time in mathematics.

The focus on achievement of all students with a targeted approach to supporting at-risk students,

increased enrichment programs at each learning center was a goal outlined in the WASC Action Plan

under this section. By drawing students into the learning center for enrichment courses an activities has

increased the participation in the instructional time for students who may not be identified as at risk, but

may need the additional support. The combination of the additional enrichment and instructional hours

has proven to be an improvement in the support that our at risk students have been provided.

During the 2009-2010 school year, the RtI Committee met to work on schoolwide implementation of RtI.

Through this process, additional instructional time was added to our Independent Study Learning Center

Schedules, and an RtI Referral and RtI Action Plan forms were created. This set the foundation of the full

implementation of RtI during the 2010-2011 school year.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


The increased instructional time that has been designated is an important component of our RtI

programs. To fully implement RtI, FPCS staff took the following path during the current school year:

1. Identification of students based upon:

a. CSTs: Far Below Basic (this will expand to include Below Basic in Fall 2011)

b. NWEA: Fall Benchmark under 20%tile

2. RtI Action Plan

a. Student Specific Plan that outlines:

i. Data supporting referral

ii. Plan outlining student, parent, and advisor actions to support student academic


iii. Measurement Tools used to monitor progress

iv. Date when plan is reviewed

3. Instruction and Intervention provided at school or by parent based upon RtI Action Plan

4. Monitoring, review and follow-up assessment

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


The following table of information shows the number of students by Learning Center identified in Fall

2010 for the RtI Programs, and the outcomes of the fall RtI instruction, intervention and Winter

benchmark assessments.





Students Exited

RtI Based Upon


in Achievement

Student Showed

Growth but will

Continue with RtI


Data Supports




for Student





RtI Plan




6 4 2 0 0




17 4 12 0 1




18 4 9 3 2

San Luis




11 2 5 3 1

Morro Bay


23 0 16 5 2


of Classical


40 7 27 6 0

Total 125 21 71 17 6

RtI: 92 out of 125 students (73.6%) have data that supports increased student achievement through

increased instruction and intervention; 21 (16.8%) showed significant gains that allow students to

continue with general coursework without additional intervention, and 71 (56.8%) have appropriate

interventions that continue to support student achievement. Data for 17 of the 125 students (13.6%)

identify the need for increased instruction and intervention (Tier 3 RtI).

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Schoolwide assessment data that confirms the improvement of achievement for our at-risk students can

be viewed by looking at the CSTs in English Language Arts:

The at-risk populations, as measured by Below Basic and Far Below Basic, have seen a decrease from as

high as 30% of the total student population in 2008 to the current levels of 20% in 2010.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


When viewing Mathematics data from CSTs it was discovered that FPCS student performance mirrors

that of our sponsoring district and other surrounding districts where a decline in the percent of students

scoring Proficient and Advanced. This continues to point to Mathematics as being an area for

improvement in our programs. By focusing specific instruction and intervention to each student that is at

risk in this area, the goal would be to see marked improvement during the 2011 test.

In addition to CSTs, the CAHSEE provides a measurement of our programs effectiveness with at-risk

students. The instruction, support and intervention provided to students who do not pass the CAHSEE in

10th grade has proving to be effective in ensuring 99.2% of our students over the past 3 years have

passed all sections of the CAHSEE by the time they have completed all other high school requirements.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Additional goals outlined in the Action Plan under Goal 2 include the development of community

relationships to foster student success and the increased participation and student success in community

college and ROP classes. Each of these activities helps to serve at-risk student populations, as well as all

students and families by creating more learning opportunities and connections for students.

Participation in these programs clearly support the schoolwide ESLRs and evidence of at-risk student

participation is evident. The chart below shows enrollment in special programs during the 2010-2011

school year; the number of at-risk students is bold and the total number of students participating is

displayed in (parenthesis):

Semester Community







Fall 2010 13 (26) 8 (13) 25 (45) 1 (3) 14 (18)

Spring 2011 23 (38) 9 (15) 43 (58) 3 (6) N/A

The majority of students participating in all Special Programs are students that are at-risk. For all

ongoing programs, there is an increase in student participation from the Fall to Spring Semesters. The

Youth Career Exploration and Mentoring Program (YCEMP) is provided through the San Luis Obispo

County Big Brothers Big Sisters organization in the Fall each year.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Goal 3: Improve Student Achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts

The Critical Areas of Follow-Up addressed by this goal are numbers 2, 12, 13.

Student Performance Data that supports improvement in English Language Arts can be found in both

schoolwide STAR data and NWEA data.

Viewing STAR data for all students, showing both CST and CMA students at or above proficient, FPCS

students show a three year increase in the percentage of students scoring at or above proficient in both

English Language Arts and Mathematics

CST and CMA English Language Arts: Three year increase in students scoring at or above Proficient from

45% to 54% of all students.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


CST and CMA Mathematics: Continuous improvement in the percent of students scoring at or above

Proficient in Mathematics. Three year growth from 24% to 29% from the 2007-2008 to 2009-2010 school


When viewing matching students, there is a larger improvement in the area of mathematics.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


CST Multi-Year At or Above Proficient (Matched Students): this graph supports the improvement of

student achievement in the area of mathematics.

NWEA data below shows one academic years growth from Fall to Spring of students compared to the

Mean Growth Targets established by NWEA.

2009-2010 Fall to Spring NWEA Growth shows FPCS student mean growth during the academic year

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


2009-2010 meeting or exceeding the Mean Growth Targets in all grades 2-8. This shows student

improvement that exceeds one year’s growth in one academic year for the area of English Language Arts.

Very similar patterns for reading are seen in the 2009-2010 academic year growth as measured by NWEA

results. The exceptions being grade 9 shows a mean growth greater than the mean growth targets and

grades 4 and 7 show a decrease from the mean growth. To clarify understanding of the graph, grade 13

is the designation for Kindergarten, which shows a larger mean growth for FPCS students over the mean

growth targets.

Another growth measure for CSTs can be demonstrated by the number of students who have improved

or declined by at least one performance level on the CSTs.

The following table shows the Number of Students who have made Improvements of at least one

Performance Level (+PL), No Change, or Decline of at least one Performance Level (-PL) on the CST

English Language Arts Test.

CSTs Year-to-Year Improvements/Declines in English-Language Arts

Year Student Count +PL No Change -PL

Count Count Count

2007-2008 84 13 50 21

2008-2009 137 45 59 33

2009-2010 117 33 60 24

From this data FPCS students show an overall improvement in the number of students moving at least

one performance level up from 13 in 2007-2008 to 33 students in 2009-2010. 2007-2008 was the only

year where more students declined by one or more performance levels than improved. The difference

between Improvements and declines from 2007-2008 to 2009-2010 went from a net improvement of -7

to 9 students.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


While overall STAR and NWEA data support the improvement in achievement in both the areas of

Language Arts and Mathematics, each area will continue to be an area for continuous improvement for

our school programs.

The same data used above for language arts continues to support the area of mathematics as a growth

area for our students.

CST Improvement/Declines in Mathematics demonstrates an overall net decrease in the performance

levels of students in the area of math. This gap was drastically reduced from a net low of -37 to -9

students from 2008-2009 to 2009-2010. With the additional support and programmatic changes outlined

below, the outcome of the 2011 tests will hopefully show a net increase in the number of students

improving by at least one Performance Level.

CST Year-to-Year Improvement/Decline in Mathematics

Year Student Count +PL No PL Change -PL

Count Count Count

2007-2008 64 13 29 22

2008-2009 118 16 49 53

2009-2010 112 25 53 34

Additional data supporting mathematics as a continued area of growth are the AYP reports showing that

FPCS did not meet AYP based upon the Percentage of students Proficient in Mathematics.

Having reviewed the data above supporting improvements in student achievement in Mathematics and

English Language Arts, the following helps outline the ways FPCS staff and administration have worked

to meet this goal. Within our organization FPCS staff have focused primarily on:

1. Implementation of RtI programs, discussed above within Goal 2.

2. Staff development and training specific to curriculum and instruction at specific grade levels.

3. The increase in instructional time to support the specific areas of mathematics and language arts.

Implementation of RtI programs, which have focused on the instructional areas of mathematics and

language arts, supporting our at-risk students is outlined above within Goal 2.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


In order to better support student achievement in mathematics and English Language Arts, the critical

area of follow-up and our incorporation of that into our Action Plan began with increasing staff

knowledge to ensure all advisors are knowledgeable about all curriculum at all grade levels for the

students they advise.

This has been accomplished by:

1. Attempting to narrow the focus of student grade levels that a single advisor works with.

a. Our Montessori and Academy of Classical Education programs serve students in mixed

grade levels. The attempt is to maintain enrollment numbers to allow a narrow range of

grade levels served in each mixed grade grouping. This allows the advisors that work in

these programs to focus in on the understanding of grade level curriculum and

instruction for smaller number of grades.

b. Independent study student advisor assignments have also taken on a focus on specific

grade levels and/or content areas of expertise. Beginning in Fall 2009-2010 more

concerted efforts were made to match credentials and areas of expertise when matching

students and advisors. This has resulted in more grade level focus for the advisor, as well

as better academic instructional matches. As enrollment continues to increase, this

becomes easier to narrow the grade levels served by each advisor.

2. Improvements in the written information provided to advisors regarding curriculum, materials,

and instructional practices.

a. Curriculum Committee created drafts of both a K-8 and 9-12 Curriculum Guide during the

2009-2010 school year.

b. High School Curriculum Guide was provided for all staff at the beginning of 2010-2011,

and posted to the school’s website under Staff Resources.

c. Ongoing updates to the K-8 and High School Curriculum Guide, to include all instructional

programs, and updated information from the adoption of School Pathways/Report

Writer have taken place during the 2010-2011 school year.

3. Staff Development

a. Professional development has been provided through three or more all day staff trainings

each school year.

b. Learning Center Professional Development has been provided through staff meetings

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


(Team and All School Meetings) a minimum of 3 hours weekly during the 2009-2010 and

2010-2011 School Years.

4. Adoption and Implementation of School Pathways/Report Writer

a. Report Writer allows all teachers access to complete information regarding curriculum

and materials that students are assigned.

b. Training provided in conjunction with Report Writer (see below) has increased staff

understanding of curriculum, materials, pacing and instructional support.

c. Increased time spent instructing students during weekly meetings as a result of the Report


The support of student achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts has led to providing

students additional support to students in mathematics and writing. FPCS staff have done this through

the expansion and addition of instructional time designated for each subject area. The most notable

changes have included increased instructional time at each of our Independent Study Learning Centers.

These courses have primarily been offered to high school students, as this is where data has shown the

greatest decline in student achievement.

Coupled with the RtI program, discussed above, the support of at-risk students are best practices that

support overall student learning. By expanding our instructional time focused on mathematics and

language arts, targeting the instruction to students that show the greatest need, FPCS student

performance has shown an increase in CST and NWEA results since the last WASC visit.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Goal 4 : Increase Communication Among All Stakeholders

The Critical Areas of Follow-Up addressed within this goal are numbers 5 and 11.

Goals established within the 2010-2011 Action Plan:

1. Develop a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for students, parents, staff,

administration, and Governing Council.

2. Develop and implement a communication plan which includes additional avenues to provide

better information and communication to parents, students and community.

3. Utilize technology to increase both internal and external communications.

The need for strong instructional leadership that can help align assessment, curriculum and instruction

directly fits with increasing communication among all stakeholders, as the action required to align

assessments, curriculum and instruction takes the involvement of many stakeholders and the clear

communication both internally and externally of the school programs.

Evidence in support of the alignment of assessments, curriculum and instruction are:

Collection of all student data in one place (Student Dashboard) accessible by staff and

administration to ensure all available information is used when creating plans for students’

assessments, curricular choices and instruction.

Curriculum guides for K-8 and High School, drafted 2009-2010 and updated to align with School

Pathways 2010-2011.

The documentation of student learning through monthly Assignment and Work Records, semester

report cards, annual state mandated assessments, and benchmark assessments.

Some of the processes used to support these results are:

The standardized use of school-wide assessments

Leadership and participation through curriculum committee

Additional professional development for advisors

Further development of a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for students,

parents, staff, administration and Governing Council

o Realignment of Organizational Structure

o Governing Council training and development through the GRASP Grant

o Ongoing Governing Council participation and leadership

Communication of this information through updated website, newsletters, emails and staff


Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Family Partnership uses a variety of methods to give parents the tools to successfully navigate an

independent study program, beginning prior to student enrollment and continuing after the student

leaves our programs. Parents meet with Learning Center Coordinators to learn about programs to

determine the best fit for their child. The Coordinator and teachers support parents with how to

implement the curriculum at home. At various intervals, depending on the center, there are also back-to-

school nights, newsletters, parent/teacher conferences and parent coffees that are designed to share

information and ideas. All of the teachers also regularly and promptly answer emails and phone calls to

clear up any confusion, guide lessons or simply offer support.

During the initial intake with new families, the coordinator goes over the logistics of the program as well

as the details provided in the parent/student handbook. The coordinators emphasize the importance of

parental involvement and the direct correlation their involvement has on the success of the program.

Parents and students then meet with an advisor who goes over many of the same points. Parents are

required to sign the Student Learning Logs, which verifies their student’s assignments, the report cards,

and Master Agreement.

Family Partnership also created a new website for the 2010/2011 academic year that maintains

information to keep the parents informed. Parents can access information such as the parent/student

handbook, current academic calendar, staff emails, learning center information and appropriate

contacts. Multiple events are held at each learning centers that encourage family participation such as

parent coffees, parent information nights, school events like the egg drop with the fire department, book

contests, a spelling bee, public speaking opportunities, physics - simple machines event, math labs,

multiple week elective/enrichment courses and family event fundraisers.

With each event and parent meeting, interest and attendance has improved because of better

communication throughout and between the different learning centers. Sign-in sheets, pictures of events

and money raised by fundraisers document the success of these efforts.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Additional Critical Areas of Follow-Up not addressed through Action Plan Goals

Critical Area of Follow-Up 1: In order to avoid further inaccuracies of attendance reporting and

consequently over- or under- payment by the State, it is recommended that plans for a consistent format

for reporting attendance be initiated. In developing more accurate means of reporting, extensive training

of faculty and staff would be an essential element of this plan.

School Action: Focus and attention to changes in the way FPCS administration and staff monitor

attendance reporting. As part of developing more checks and balances, FPCS administration and staff

investigated and adopted a new Student Information System (SIS) and attendance reporting software

(School Pathways and Report Writer). In order to fully implement this during the 2010-2011 school year,

extensive staff training has been provided throughout Semester 1 2010 to all staff, including

administration, advisors, and clerical staff. This has improved the process for enrollment, withdraw,

attendance reporting and documentation of student learning, while also providing the opportunity to

clearly train all staff to help them understand the complete process and requirements of attendance


Evidence: Zero (0) audit findings regarding attendance for 2009-2010 school year. In additional, all staff

has a better understanding of each step in the process and requirements of attendance reporting.

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School


Section V: Schoolwide Action Plan Refinements

Following the self-study visit in spring 2009, the Action Plan was updated to reflect the

recommendations that the Schoolwide Action Plan have more clear, regular and measurable timelines.

The continued refinement of the Action Plan for 2010-2011 shows this more clearly with more

established timelines and timeframes that reflect when and how progress is completed and reported.

The biggest changes to the Schoolwide Action Plan since the last self-study visit have focused primarily

on the changes to include the adoption of a new student information system and documentation of

learning system (School Pathways and Report Writer). The implementation of these programs have

created opportunities to retrain all staff on practices and policies related to student attendance,

assigning, evaluating and monitoring student academic progress, as well as on the use of technology to

improve communication with parents, students and staff.

In addition, updates have reflected the accomplishment of tasks including the redesign of the school

website or the elimination of items that are no longer relevant. Below the Action Plans can be reviewed

for 2010-2011, 2009-2010 and 2008-2009 (as presented during the last self-study visit).

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School



WASC Action Plans

o 2010-2011

o 2009-2010

o 2008-2009

SARC 2009-2010 reported during 2010-2011

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - I

Schoolwide Action Plan: Revised for 2010-2011 School Year Goal 1: Use Assessment Data for Instructional Decision Making Rationale: Our personalized education model affords the opportunity to individualize instruction according to Individualized Learning Pl an goals and individual learning styles and needs. A variety of formal and informal assessments are administered on a regular basis, however few advisors use the opportunity to utilize the flexibility to differentiate instruction based on individual student assessme nt data. ESLR’s Addressed : All ESLR’s are addressed. Critical Areas of Follow-Up Addressed: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Means to Report Progress

Continue staff development, utilizing data for enhancing and implementing curriculum and teaching strategies, alignment with state standards, and student placement


Special Ed Staff

Curriculum Committee

RtI Committee

Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time

School Pathways/Report Writer

High School Curriculum Guide

Collection of data in centralized location: Student Dashboard within Student Information System

Successful implementation of Staff Development Plan 2010-2011

Staff Development Attendance

RtI Action Plans will show use of data to make decisions regarding curriculum and instruction

Standards alignment and use of data when reporting student progress on Report Cards

Successful use of School Pathways and Report Writer

Staff Development Plan 2010-2011

Utilize assessment data to train teachers at the opening of the 2010 school year

RtI implementation Timeline

Monthly report of student work progress aligned to state standards

Report to Governing Council Annually the Professional Development Plan and results of staff surveys

Present graphed data results from state, local, and curricular assessments to appropriate stake holders

Assignment and Work Record reports student progress aligned to state standards monthly

Transcript updates, report cards and courses in progress to align students with curriculum needs

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - II

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Schedule time at governing council, leadership, team, and parent group meetings, to confirm assessment results and discuss instructional modifications


Curriculum Committee

Leadership Team


RtI Committee

Parent Groups


Outside resources-Math tutor or other tutoring representatives

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time

Pathways and Student Dashboard

NWEA Reports

Center Reports at GC meetings

NWEA, STAR, CAHSEE, and AYP/API results shared at GC meetings and in newspaper.

Parent Back to School Night

Academic Labs

Weekly Meetings with parent and student

Professional development and Governing Council agendas

Advisor Feedback based on assessment results to all stakeholders parents, leadership, GC, and advisors

Learning Records

Weekly Meetings with parents

Master Agreement and master agreement addendums

Pathways pacing charts and growth in each LP

Report data to staff, Fall 2010

Report to Leadership, Fall 2010

Reporting results from NWEA after each testing window has closed (Fall, Winter, Spring) to all staff

Report to parent groups, Fall and Spring 2010-2011

Report to Governing Council, (September) Fall 2010

Report assessment data results to staff at team and all-staff meetings, Fall, Winter, Spring to begin 2010

On-going reporting at staff meetings and parent meetings for assessment data

Updating CAHSEE test results (and student information) on the dashboard a month after testing.

Use report cards and progress reports at the end of each semester to modify instruction

Electronic information available of school-wide assessment results in through governing council packets

Disseminate school-wide assessment results through website, SARC, Student information system, parent meetings, and internal meetings

Governing Council meetings where center reports are shared

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - III

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Utilize achievement data to identify at-risk students in need of support and employ the RtI program to build skills and content area knowledge to insure student success

Learning Center Coordinator

Testing Coordinator

Community-based health organizations



RtI Committee

Achievement Data

Individualized Learning Plans through student dashboard

Report Writer Learning Records




Academic Labs

RtI Committee and timeline


Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Period Evaluations of student achievement

Advisor, Parent, and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs

School-wide documentation through the RtI process

Dibbles Score Sheet and Read Naturally graphs

Upon enrollment and three times yearly using RtI Implementation Timeline

Instruction occurs multiple times weekly using learning center instructional schedules

Monthly with the review of student achievement.

Individual student data reported through transcripts, report cards, and progress reports delivered to students and parents through advisor or available on student dashboard

Center and school-wide data reported by testing coordinator through Governing council meetings, team meetings and all-staff meetings,

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - IV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Offer training opportunities to advisors and parents to increase their knowledge and enhance use of available curriculum


Leadership Team

Curriculum Committee



RtI Committee

Governing Council

Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records

Web site

Curriculum guide for k-8

Curriculum guide for high school


Curriculum Committee


Scheduled Meeting Time


Communication tools- EX: newsletters, website, back-to-school nights, etc.

Training Documentation for curriculum

Participation in Training Programs

Student /Advisor Meeting Feedback

Completed curriculum guide for high school and k-8

Professional Development Meeting Agendas

Offer parent training during 2010/2011 school year

Continue to provide ongoing training opportunities for staff at professional development and all-staff meetings 8/23/10, 1/3/11

Devote a portion of professional development time for presentations and collaboration concerning curriculum

Complete curriculum guide for K-8 by June 2011

Update to high school curriculum guide yearly

High school and K-8 curriculum guides attached to web-site

Publicize training opportunities to parents through monthly newsletters, flyers, and the school website

Professional development plan reported to GC annually

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - V

Goal 2: Ongoing Development, Improvement, and Increased Support and Programs for our At-Risk Student Population Rationale: Due the nature of our alternative program, a large percentage of students enrolled in our program are at -risk. These students are seeking a personalized learning approach and curriculum. Therefore, we need to support these students through innovative and appropriate programs and services. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed Critical Areas of Follow-Up Addressed: 2, 3, and 12 Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Methods to Report

Implement and refine the RtI program


Leadership Team



RtI Committee

RtI Implementation Timeline

Learning Center Instructional Schedules

Achievement Data

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records




Successful Completion of RtI process including Tier 2 and 3 interventions

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs

Increased student academic achievement as measured by CAHSEE, STAR, and NWEA

Fall 2010-2011 using RtI Implementation Timeline

Spring 2011 implementation second referral to Tier 2 and 3 interventions

Report of RtI process to Governing Council

Report of successful student achievement through RtI process to Governing Council

Use baseline and scatter-plot data to demonstrate student progress and guide future instructional decisions by advisors

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - VI

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Develop community relationships to foster student success

Governing Council




Parent Groups

Individualized Learning Plans


Parent Group



Governing Council

Community, Social Services and Governmental Organizations

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

Participation in Academic Labs


Report school-wide community involvement in work study, community service, project-based learning through learning center newsletters

Report community partnerships to governing council during August meeting each year

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase participation and student success in community college and ROP courses

Leadership Team


Individualized Learning Plans



Increased participation and academic success in ROP and Community College Coursework

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback


Participation in Community College and ROP courses is monitored each semester

Successful completion of coursework is transferred to transcripts each semester

Collect student data from Individualized Learning Plans and transcript update form to prepare single report to outline student participation in ROP and community college courses for governing council and leadership

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - VII

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Continue enhancement of enrichment opportunities and academic labs in order to encourage participation

Leadership Team




Leadership Team

RtI Support Staff

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs

Learning Center and Enrichment schedules created each semester

Ongoing updates to school and learning center calendars to add additional opportunities as they develop

Schoolwide and Learning Center Calendars attached to website

Learning Center Coordinators report to Governing Council monthly

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - VIII

Goal 3: Improve Student Achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts Rationale: Students are required to meet grade level sta ndards, pass the California High School Exit Exam, and complete graduation requirements. Academic achievement data indicates a need for additional academic support in the areas of Mathematics and Eng lish Language Arts. ESLR’s Addressed: Communication, Lifelong Learning, and Self Efficacy Critical Areas of Follow-Up Addressed: 2, 12, and 13

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase staff knowledge and effective implementation of FPCS course materials in language arts and math through professional development


Curriculum Committee

Project Based Learning Design Team

Learning Center Coordinators


High School Curriculum Guide

Staff Handbook with Curriculum Policies

California State Standards

Professional Development Time

Achievement Data

Learning Records

Curriculum resources

Web resources

Community resources

Parent collaboration

Montessori Materials

Academy of Education materials

Complete High School Curriculum Guide

Complete K-8 Curriculum Guide

Consistent Schoolwide Learning Records using Report Writer

Professional Development Survey Results

Staff Development Attendance

Standards-Aligned Report Cards

Increase of student achievement scores measured by state mandated assessments.

High School Curriculum Guide completed by August 2010, updated yearly.

K-8 Curriculum Guide completed by June 2011, updated yearly.

Professional Development Plan for 2010-2011

Quarterly learning record reviews and collaboration on content and practices

Standards-Aligned Report Cards January 2011

Governing Council approval of curriculum guides

Regularly meet with advisors for additional curriculum resources to share with parents in all of FPCS

Student achievement scores (NWEA, STAR, Unit tests, Quizzes, and/or anecdotal documentation

Report assessment results, NCLB compliance through website, SARC and other state-mandated reporting

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - IX

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase Advisor knowledge and awareness of state and local language arts and math standards and their evaluation through professional development


Leadership Team

Curriculum Committee



California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Standards-Aligned Report Card

Professional Development Time

Achievement Data

Learning Records


Course materials

Professional Development Plan 2010-2011 including training on state and local standards, standards alignment, and standards aligned report cards.

Monthly Learning Records include standards alignment via School Pathways Report Writer

Professional Development Survey Results

Staff Development Attendance

Report Cards

Student Achievement Data

Professional Development 2010-2011, updated yearly

Full implementation of Report Writer during 2010-2011 school year

Updated Report Card January 2011

Professional Development Plan reported to Governing Council Annually

Agendas and resources for all Professional Development

Report Regularly meet with advisors for additional curriculum resources to share with parents in all of FPCS

Standards summary reports from School Pathways

Report assessment results, NCLB compliance through website, SARC and other state-mandated reporting

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - X

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Identify and refer students who have failed to meet the CAHSEE requirements, and/or are performing below average on local and state student achievement assessments in math or language arts to the RtI program for appropriate interventions in order to increase student success in meeting standards


Leadership Team

RtI Committee

Testing Coordinator




State Mandate and local assessments Achievement Data via reported through School Pathways

RtI Implementation Timeline

RtI Referral Form

RtI Action Plan

Assessment Data

Learning Center classes and Labs


Practice Tests

Multiple Choice practice worksheets

RtI Documentation, data collection and Learning Center/Program implementation plan/schedule

Participation in Academic Labs, Intensive Instruction and Support Services with progress monitoring

Individualized Learning Plans with detailed strengths and goals

Increase in Student achievement as measured by CAHSEE, STAR, NWEA


Created by August 2010 and updated each semester: RtI Implementation Timeline

Identification upon enrollment and three times yearly following NWEA testing windows

Each Semester: Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Annually Report Progress of students referred to RtI to Governing Council

Annually Report Valenzuela Compliance through Governing Council to County Office of Education

Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions

Report progress of students referred to RtI to Governing Council

Report Valenzuela compliance to County Office of Education

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - XI

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase instructional support time offered with the focus on language arts and mathematics


Learning Center Coordinators


Learning Center Class Schedules

Learning Center Classes


Course Materials

Increased instructional time as measured by Learning Center Class Schedules

Increased participation in instructional support as measured by student attendance

Increase in Student achievement as measured by CAHSEE, STAR, NWEA

Fall 2010: Implementation of additional instructional time at Independent Study Learning Centers beginning Fall 2010.

Learning Center Class Schedules updated each semester to outline instructional schedules

Learning Center Class Schedules and attendance reported to Governing Council through Center Reports

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions to inform decision making for future course offering and interventions

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - XII

Goal 4 : Increase Communication Among All Stak eholders Rationale: Effective communication is a critical component of a sound educational program. A non -site based program presents obstacles to consistent and successful communication, which can be successfully overcome through the clear understand ing of roles and responsibilities, the effective use technology, and the involvement of all stakeholders. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed Critical Areas of Follow-Up Addressed: 5, and 11 Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Methods to Report

Develop a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for students, parents, staff, administration, and Governing Council

Governing Council








Student -Parent Handbook

Job Descriptions

Staff Handbook

Leadership Team

Governing council By-laws and Other Documents

Meeting Minutes

Master Agreement

Team Meetings

Learning Center Based Communications

Meeting Minutes


Family Partnership website

Timely action on Executive Director recommendations regarding policies and procedures

Continuous review of information in Student-Parent Handbook, with timely updates

Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Surveys-Parent, Student, Staff

Annual employee Evaluations

Advisor, Student and Parent Feedback during weekly meetings

Monthly newsletter from learning centers

Weekly all-school or learning center team meetings

Schoolwide Staff access to Google Docs

Increased staff involvement on WASC, curriculum, technology, fundraising, and RtI committees

Ongoing, at scheduled public meetings

Yearly comprehensive review of handbooks and adoption of updates

Continuous orderly review of policies and procedures

Annual update of Student-Parent handbook prior to beginning of school

Prior to 2010-2011 school year, Staff handbook reviewed and updated before beginning of school

Yearly parent survey

Periodic Student survey

At each staff development meeting, survey staff

Annual Staff evaluations conducted

Upon enrollment, and at the beginning of each semester, Master Agreement reviewed

Minutes of Governing Council Meetings

Governing Council Policies and Procedures Binder

Adopted and properly-recorded student-parent handbooks

Adopted and properly-recorded staff handbook

Adopted and properly-recorded job descriptions for all positions

Updated student-parent handbook to give to each student and family upon enrollment

Roles and responsibilities incorporated into student-parent handbook

Updated staff handbook given to each staff member at the start of each school year

Survey results reported

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - XIII

Each staff member has a professional email address

with parent/guardian and student

Weekly Regular and ongoing learning center and all-staff meetings

Weekly, provide and receive feedback at student/family/advisor meeting

Annual Parent Survey

Monthly learning center newsletter

Periodic updating of Google Docs

Prior to the 2010-2011 school year, all current staff received professional email account at

to Governing Council upon completion

Review Master Agreement with parents, students, and advisors during enrollment and at each semester

Learning Center Meeting Minutes

Parent survey results reported to Governing Council and summarized feedback provided to staff

Monthly newsletter with calendar of events for each learning center

Minutes of Committee Meetings

Family Partnership Google Docs database

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - XIV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Develop and implement a communication plan which includes additional avenues to provide better information and communication to parents , students, and community




Student/Parent Handbook

Governing Council Meeting Minutes

Team Meeting Minutes


Learning Center Newsletters




Enrollment Paperwork

School Pathways

Parent Feedback, Surveys

Staff Surveys

Staff Evaluations

Enrollment Process

Student& Parent Orientation

Response to Enrichment and Extra Curricular Classes


Monthly Newsletter

Usage of School Pathways each learning period

Annual update of enrollment paperwork, prior to start of school year

Annual orientation of staff each fall, prior to the start of the school year

As meetings occur, meeting minutes are tracked

At the end of each school year , Parents/guardians are surveyed

At the beginning of each school year, Parents/guardians and Students surveyed, to direct enrichment opportunities

On a monthly basis, Newsletters, specific to the Learning Centers, published

Each Learning Period, School Pathways is utilized to communicate student attendance and learning .

Governing Council Meetings

Leadership Meetings

Learning Center Meetings

Student/Advisor /family Meeting


E-Mail Communications

Parent/ Student Handbook

Learning Period documentation generated through School Pathways

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2010-2011 Appendix A - XV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Utilize technology to increase both internal and external communications.




School Pathways Support Staff




Tech Support




School Server

School Pathways

School Website

Family Partnership Google Docs

Website contains current content

Increase in usage tracked by web hits

Current forms available to staff electronically via Google Docs

Professional development training for all staff in effective usage of ReportWriter and School Pathways

Usage of School Pathways each learning period by Advisors and parents/guardians

Continuous update of website content

Continuous updating of electronic documents via Family Partnership Google Docs.

Fall 2010, staff training on use of Report Writer and School Pathways

Each Learning Period, Advisors claim attendance and report student learning through School Pathways and Report Writer

Inform Governing Council through regularly scheduled meetings about revisions, enhancements, and usage of website

E-mail alerts and newsletters to inform stakeholders about revisions to website

Provide electronic forms to staff through Family Partnership Google Docs

Attendance is being reported in a timely manner

Assignment of Work and Student Logs demonstrate greater consistency across all school programs

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - I

Chapter V: Schoolwide Action Plan: Revised - June 1, 2009 for 2009-2010 School Year Goal 1: Use Assessment Data for Instructional Decision Making Rationale: Our personalized education model affords the opportunity to individu alize instruction according to Individualized Learning Plan goals and individual learning styles and needs. A variety of formal and informal assessments are administered on a regul ar basis, however few advisors use the opportunity to utilize the flexibilit y to differentiate instruction based on individual student assessment data. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLR’s are addressed. Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Means to Report Progress

Continue staff development, utilizing data for enhancing and implementing curriculum and teaching strategies, alignment with state standards, and student placement


Special Ed Staff

Curriculum Committee

RtI Committee

Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time


Staff Development Attendance

Local (NWEA /Map) Assessment Data

Data Analysis Web-program (MMARS)

Professional Development Reflection Survey Results

Winter 2008 through June, 2010

Utilize assessment data to train teachers at the opening of the 2009 school year

Present graphed data results from local (NWEA/Map), curricular, STAR, and CAHSEE assessments including cohort group analysis based on instruction and intervention to school leadership

Train advisors in data analysis and goal building using content standards with available curricular resources

Develop content area teams to produce curriculum and standards-aligned data charts and present finding to all staff and imbed in standard operating procedures

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - II

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Schedule time at governing council, leadership, team, and parent group meetings, to confirm assessment results and discuss instructional modifications


Curriculum Committee

Leadership Team


RtI Committee

Parent Groups

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time

Leadership and Team Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Advisor Feedback

Learning Records

Report data to staff, Winter 2008

Report to Leadership, Fall 2008-2010

Report to parent groups, Fall and Spring 2009-2010

Report to Governing Council, Fall 2009

Report assessment data results to staff at team and all-staff meetings, Fall, Winter, Spring to begin 2009

PowerPoint Presentation of school-wide results archived in public folder

Disseminate school-wide assessment results through website, SARC, parent meetings, and internal meetings

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - III

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Utilize achievement data to identify at-risk students in need of support and employ the RtI program to build skills and content area knowledge to insure student success


Learning Center Coach

Testing Coordinator

PHP Family Service Coordinator



RtI Committee

Achievement Data

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records





Academic Labs


Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent, and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Individual student data reported through transcripts, report cards, and progress reports delivered to students and parents through advisor

Center and school-wide data reported by testing coordinator through team meetings and all-staff meetings

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Offer training opportunities to advisors and parents to increase their knowledge and enhance use of available curriculum


Leadership Team

Curriculum Committee



Rti Committee

Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Curriculum Committee


Scheduled Meeting Time



Project Based Learning Design Team

Training Documentation

Participation in Training Programs

Learning Records

Student /Advisor Meeting Feedback

Learning Period Paperwork Evaluation Forms

Offer parent training to begin Spring 2009 (pending results of parent survey)

Continue to provide ongoing training opportunities for staff at all-staff meetings

Devote a portion of team meetings for presentations and collaboration to begin Fall 2009

Provide survey results to staff through email to elicit areas for parent training

Publicize training opportunities to parents through monthly newsletters, flyers, and the school website

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - IV

Goal 2: Ongoing Development, Improvement, and Increased Support and Programs for our At -Risk Student Population Rationale: Due the nature of our alternative program, a large percentage of students enrolled in our program are at -risk. These students are seeking a personalized learning approach and curriculum. Therefore, we need to support these students through innovative and appropriate programs and services. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed. Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Methods to Report

Implement and refine the RtI program


Leadership Team



RtI Support Staff

Curriculum Committee

PHP Family Service Coordinator

Achievement Data

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records





Academic Labs

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Lab

Spring Semester, 2009


Document staff training

Create and implement RtI standard operating procedures

Use baseline and scatter-plot data to demonstrate student progress and guide future instructional decisions by advisors

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - V

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Develop community relationships to foster student success

Governing Council



People Helping People Family Service Coordinator

Parent Groups

Individualized Learning Plans


Parent Group



Governing Council

Community, Social Services and Governmental Organizations

People Helping People Family Service Coordinator

Project Based Learning Design Team

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Report school-wide community involvement in work study, community service, project-based learning through anecdotal reporting in newsletters

Report community partnerships to governing council during August meeting each year

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase participation and student success in community college and ROP courses

Leadership Team


Individualized Learning Plans



Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback


Fall Semester, 2009

Collect student data from Individualized Learning Plans and transcript update form to prepare single report to outline student participation in ROP and community college courses for governing council and leadership

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - VI

Continue enhancement of enrichment opportunities and academic labs in order to encourage participation

Leadership Team




Leadership Team

RtI Support Staff

Project Based Learning Design Team

Individualized Learning Plans

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Learning center coordinators will present attendance reports to administration

Administration will collate school-wide participation in direct instruction and intervention and present charted participation rates to the governing council and stakeholders

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - VII

Goal 3: Improve Student Achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts Rationale: Students are required to meet grade level standards, pass the high scho ol exit exam, and complete graduation requirements. Academic achievement data clearly indicates a need for additional academic support. ESLR’s Addressed: Communication, Lifelong Learning, and Self Efficacy.

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase staff knowledge and effective implementation of FPCS course materials in language arts and math through professional development


Curriculum Committee

Project Based Learning Design Team

Site Coordinators


California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Professional Development Time


Achievement Data

Learning Records


Course Materials

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

Professional Development Reflection Survey Results

Staff Development Attendance

Report Cards

Learning Period Paperwork Evaluation

Paperwork Collaboration

Professional development to begin at first quarter all -staff meeting, ongoing

Continued analysis at monthly learning record reviews

Quarterly learning record reviews and collaboration on content and practices

Weekly advisor/parent /student meetings

Report NCLB compliance through website, SARC and other state-mandated reporting

Chart advisor participation in internal and external professional development courses and report participation rates to administration

Acknowledge individual professional development and units beyond bachelor’s degree earned by reporting to governing council

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - VIII

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase Advisor knowledge and awareness of state and local language arts and math standards and their evaluation through professional development


Curriculum Committee

Project Based Learning Design Team

Leadership Team


California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Professional Development Time


Achievement Data

Learning Records


Course materials

Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

Professional Development Reflection Survey Results

Staff Development Attendance

Report Cards

Learning Period Paperwork Evaluation

Learning Record Collaboration

Student Achievement Data

Professional development at pre-service staff meeting August, 2009

Ongoing monthly learning record reviews

Quarterly learning record reviews and collaboration on content and practices to begin Fall, 2009

Report NCLB Compliance through website, SARC and other state-mandated reporting

Chart advisor participation in internal and external professional development courses and report participation rates to administration

Acknowledge individual professional development and units beyond bachelor’s degree earned by reporting to governing council

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - IX

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Identify and refer students who have failed to meet the CAHSEE requirements, and/or are performing below average on local and state student achievement assessments in math or language arts to the RtI program for appropriate interventions in order to increase student success in meeting standards


RtI Committee

Special Education Coordinator

Testing Coordinator



Leadership Team

Achievement Data

Learning Records


Testing Coordinator


RtI Referral Form


Assessment Data

Learning Records

Advisor, parent and Student Feedback

Achievement Data


RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs, Intensive Instruction and Support Services

Individualized Learning Plans

Identify: September 2009, at the close of the local (NWEA/Map) testing window, continuing through the school year. Refer: Within 2 weeks of the close of the local (NWEA/Map) testing window, continuing through the year. Interventions: Action plans developed through RtI team ; plan will schedule/timeline interventions

Report Valenzuela complaint to county office of education

Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions to inform decision making for future course offering and interventions

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - X

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Fully complete, design, facilitate, and implement the school-wide secondary writing assessment and support program


Writing Committee



Site Coordinators

Writing Achievement Outcome Data

Learning Records

Scheduled Professional Development Time

School-wide Academic and Assessment Procedures

Prior Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics

Language Arts Curriculum

Writing Tool Kit

Learning Records

Advisor and Student Feedback

Achievement Data


Individualized Learning Plans

Writing Assessment Outcome Data and Evaluation Rubrics

Public Folder Writing Tool Kit

Design: Assessment: August, 2009 Support Program: Ongoing based upon results of assessment program Facilitate: Pre-Service, August, 2009, all-staff meeting Then ongoing at site team meetings Implement: First assessment/sample during first week of school. Additional samples implemented first week of each quarter

Collect individual results and report through advisors to students and families

Advisors will provide and explain writing rubric as a component of instruction prior to writing assessment

Utilize individual and school wide writing assessment results to inform progress toward standards

Utilize group writing assessment results to inform curriculum and writing committee recommendations for curriculum and course material decisions

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - XI

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Evaluate, customize and improve math and language arts labs and support programs to meet the changing needs of our student body


RtI Committee

Writing Committee

Curriculum Committee

Special Education Staff

Math and Language Arts Labs Advisors

Leadership Team

Achievement Data

Learning Records



California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Curriculum Committee


Course Materials

RtI Support Staff

Leadership Team

Report Cards

Achievement Data


Individualized Learning Plans

Writing Assessment Outcome Data and Evaluation Rubrics

Academic Lab Attendance

Advisor, Student and Parent Feedback


RtI Documentation

Tutoring: September 15, 2009 designate academic support labs and tutoring and schedules at each site Skills Groups: October 15, 2009 groups formed by site; advisors assigned; students assigned; content determined

Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions to inform decision making for future course offering and interventions

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - XII

Goal 4 : Increase Communication Among All Stakeholders Rationale: Effective communication is a critical component of a sound educational program. A non-site based program presents obstacles to consistent and successful communicatio n. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed Task Responsible Person(s)

Involved Resources Means to Assess

Improvement Timeline Methods to Report

Develop a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for students, parents, staff, administration, and Governing Council

Governing Council








Student -Parent Handbook

Job Descriptions

Staff Handbook

Leadership Team

Governing council By-laws and Other Documents

Meeting Minutes

Master Agreement

Team Meetings

Learning Center Based Communications

Meeting Minutes

Timely action on Executive Director recommendations regarding policies and procedures

Timely action on Executive Director recommendations regarding handbooks

Updated Student-Parent Handbook

Create and Update Staff Handbook

Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Surveys-Parent, Student, Staff


Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Advisor, Student and Parent Feedback during weekly meetings

Monthly newsletter

Team Meeting Minutes

Ongoing at scheduled public meetings

Yearly review of handbooks and adoption of updates

Continuous orderly review of policies and procedures

Student-Parent handbook updated yearly prior to beginning of school

Staff handbook created prior to 2009-2010 school year, updated yearly prior to beginning of school

Yearly parent survey

Student survey when needs arise

Staff surveys at each staff development

Staff evaluations conducted yearly

Master Agreement reviewed upon enrollment and at the beginning of each semester

Regular and ongoing team meetings

Feedback at weekly student/family/advisor

Minutes of Governing Council Meetings

Governing Council Policies and Procedures Binder

Adopted and properly recorded student-parent handbooks

Adopted and properly recorded staff handbook

Adopted and properly recording job descriptions for all positions

Updated student-parent handbook to give to each student and family upon enrollment

Roles and responsibilities incorporated into student-parent handbook

Updated staff handbook to be given to each staff member at the start of each school year

Survey results reported to Governing Council upon completion

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - XIII


Yearly Parent Survey

Monthly newsletter

Review Master Agreement with parents, students, and advisors during enrollment and at each semester

Team Meeting Minutes

Parent survey results reported to Governing Council

Monthly newsletter with calendar of events for each learning center

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - XIV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Develop and implement a communication plan which includes additional avenues to provide better information and communication to parents , students, and community




Student/Parent Handbook

Governing Council Meeting Minutes

Team Meeting Minutes


Learning Center Newsletters




Enrollment Paperwork

Parent Feedback, Surveys

Staff Surveys

Staff Evaluations

Enrollment Process

Student& Parent Orientation

Response to Enrichment and Extra Curricular Classes


Monthly Newsletter

Update enrollment paperwork yearly prior to start of school year

Orientation of staff yearly every fall before school starts

Meeting minutes updated as meetings occurs

Parents surveyed at the end of each school year

Parents and Students surveyed at the beginning of each school year in order to direct enrichment programs

Newsletters, specific to the sites, published on a monthly basis

Governing Council Meetings

Leadership Meetings

Team Meetings

Student/Advisor Meeting


E-Mail Communications

Parent/ Student Handbook

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Schoolwide Action Plan 2009-2010 Appendix B - XV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Utilize technology to increase both internal and external communications.




WIKI Administrator





Tech Support




School Server

School WIKI

Tech Support

Website contains current content

Increase in usage tracked by web hits

Current forms available to staff electronically

100% staff access to WIKI

Full update of website content, December 2009

Ongoing updates of website content

Staff access to organized electronic documents, December 2009

Fall 2009, staff training on use of the electronic forms and school WIKI

100% staff access to WIKI by January 2010

Ongoing administration of electronic forms and WIKI

Inform Governing Council through regularly scheduled meetings about revisions, enhancements, and usage of website

E-mail alerts and newsletters to inform stakeholders about revisions to website

Provide electronic forms index to staff through staff handbook and update through all staff email

WIKI updates and changes emailed to all staff

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - I

Chapter V: Schoolwide Action Plan 2008-2009 submitted with 2009 Self-Study Goal 1: Use Assessment Data for Instructional Decision Making Rationale: Our personalized education model affords the opportunity to individualize instruction according to ILP goals and individual learning styles and needs. A variety of formal and informal assessments are administered on a regular basis, however few advisors use the opportunity to utilize the flexibility to differentiate instruction based on individual student assessment data. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLR’s are addressed.

Tasks Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Continue staff development, utilizing data for enhancing and implementing curriculum and teaching strategies, alignment with state standards, and student placement


Special Ed Staff

Curriculum Committee

RtI Committee

Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time


Staff Development Attendance

NWEA /Map Assessment Data

MMARS data analysis web-program

Professional Development Reflection Survey Results

Fall 07-Ongoing

Present graphed data results from NWEA, STAR, and CAHSEE including cohort group analysis based on instruction and intervention to school leadership

Train advisors in data analysis and goal building using content standards with available curricular resources

Develop content area teams to produce curriculum and standards-aligned data charts and present finding to all staff and imbed in standard operating procedures

Schedule time at governing council, leadership, team, and parent group meetings, to confirm assessment

Curriculum Committee

Leadership Team


Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Meeting Time

Leadership and Team Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Advisor Feedback

Learning Records


PowerPoint Presentation of school-wide results archived in public folder

Disseminate school-wide

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - II

results and discuss instructional modifications

RtI Committee

assessment results through website, SARC, parent meetings, and internal meetings

Tasks Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Means to Report Progress

Utilize achievement data to identify at-risk student in need of support and employ the RtI program to build skills and content area knowledge to insure student success


Learning Center Coach

Testing Coordinator

PHP Family Service Coordinator



Achievement Data


Learning Records





Academic Labs



Learning Records

Advisor, Parent, and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Individual student data reported though transcripts, report cards, and progress reports delivered to students and parents through advisor

Center and school-wide data reported by testing coordinator through team meetings and all-staff meetings

Offer training opportunities to advisors and parents to increase their knowledge and enhance use of available curriculum


Curriculum Committee



Survey Results

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Curriculum Committee


Scheduled Meeting Time



Training Documentation

Participation in Training Programs

Learning Records

Student /Advisor Meeting Feedback

Learning Period Paperwork Evaluation Forms

Begin Spring 2009 (pending results of parent survey)

Provide survey results to staff through email to elicit areas for parent training

Publicize training opportunities to parents through monthly newsletters, flyers, and the school website

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - III

Goal 2: Ongoing Development, Improvement, and Increased Support and Programs for our At-Risk Student Population Rationale: Due the nature of our alternative program, a large percentage of students enrolled in our program are at -risk. These students are seeking a personalized learning approach and curriculum. Therefore, we need to support these students through innovative and appropriate programs and services. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed.

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Implement and refine the RtI program





RtI Support Staff

Curriculum Committee

PHP Family Service Coordinator

Academic Outreach Coordinator

Achievement Data


Learning Records





Academic Labs


Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs

Spring Semester 2009


Document staff training

Create and implement RtI standard operating procedures

Use baseline and scatter-plot data to demonstrate student progress and guide future instructional decisions by advisors

Make more community connections

Governing Council




PHP Family Service Coordinator

Academic Outreach Coordinator

Parent Groups



Parent Group



Governing Council

Community Organizations

PHP Family Service Coordinator


Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Report school-wide community involvement in work study, community service, project-based learning through anecdotal reporting in newsletters

Report community partnerships to governing council during August meeting each year

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - IV

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase participation in community college and ROP courses



Academic Outreach Coordinator



Academic Outreach Coordinator



Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback


Fall Semester 2009

Collect student data from ILP and transcript update form to prepare single report outline student participation in ROP and community college courses for governing council and leadership

Continue enhancement of enrichment opportunities and academic labs in order to encourage participation






RtI Support Staff


Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

RtI Support Staff Comments

RtI documentation

Participation in Academic Labs


Learning center coordinators will present attendance reports to administration

Administration will collate school-wide participation in direct instruction and intervention and present charted participation rates to the governing council and stakeholders

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - V

Goal 3: Improve Student Achievement in Mathematics and English Language Arts Rationale: Students are required to meet grade level standards, pass the high school exit exam, and complete graduation requirements. Academic achievement data clearly i ndicates a need for additional academic support. ESLR’s Addressed: Communication, Lifelong Learning, and Self Efficacy.

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Increase knowledge and awareness through professional development of state and local academic standards



Curriculum Committee

Achievement Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Professional Development Time


California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Curriculum Committee


Learning Records

Advisor, Parent and Student Feedback

Professional Development Reflection Survey Results

Staff Development Attendance

Report Cards

Fall Semester 2009 Report NCLB Compliance through website and SARC as other state-mandated reporting

Chart advisor participation in internal and external professional development courses and report participation rates to administration

Report column pay changes based on advanced coursework to governing council

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - VI

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Identify and refer students who have failed to meet the CAHSEE requirements, and/or are performing at below basic and far below basic in math or language arts to the RtI program to increase student success in meeting standards



RtI Support Staff


Testing Coordinator

Achievement Data

Learning Records


Testing Coordinator


RtI Referral Form

Learning Records

Advisor, parent and Student Feedback

Report Cards

Achievement Data


RtI Documentation

Participation in Academic Labs, Intensive Instruction and Support Services


Fall Semester 2009

Report Valenzuela complaint to county office of education

Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions to inform decision making for future course offering and interventions

Continue to use the Writing Committee to design, facilitate, and implement the school-wide secondary writing assessment and support program



Writing Committee


Writing Achievement Outcome Data

Learning Records



Scheduled Professional Development Time

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Prior Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics


Writing Contests

Writing Tool Kit

Learning Records

Advisor and Student Feedback

Report Cards

Achievement Data



Writing Assessment Outcome Data and Evaluation Rubrics

Public Folder Writing Tool Kit

Ongoing Collect individual results and report to through advisors to students and families

Advisors will provide and explain writing rubric as a component of instruction prior to writing assessment

Utilize writing assessment individual results to inform progress toward standards

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - VII

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Evaluate, customize and expand math and language arts labs and support programs to meet the changing needs of our student body




RtI Support Staff

Writing Committee

Curriculum Committee

Special Education Staff

Achievement Data

Learning Records




California State Standards

Local Academic Standards and Procedures

Curriculum Committee


RtI Support Staff


Report Cards

Achievement Data



Writing Assessment Outcome Data and Evaluation Rubrics

Academic Lab Attendance

Advisor, Student and Parent Aeedback


RtI Documentation


Export data analysis of student performance by center and provide center coordinators with list of eligible students

Collect data outlining student performance and growth for participants in intensive interventions to inform decision making for future course offering and interventions

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - VIII

Goal 4: Increase Communication Among All Stakeholders Rationale: Effective communication is a critical component of a sound educational program. A non -site based program presents obstacles to consistent and successful communication. ESLR’s Addressed: All ESLRs are addressed

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Develop a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for students, parents, staff, administration, and Governing Council

Governing Council








Student -Parent Handbook

Job Descriptions



Governing council By-laws and Other Documents

Master Agreement

Meeting Minutes

Personal Interviews

Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Advisor, Student and Parent Feedback






Review Master Agreement with parents, students, and advisors during enrollment and at each semester

Clarify and define job descriptions and approve through Governing Council

Incorporate roles and responsibilities into Student- Parent Handbook

Develop and implement a communication plan which includes additional avenues to provide better information and communication to parents , students, and community








Governing Council

Meeting Minutes





Parent Feedback Surveys


Student Retention



Provide updates to Governing Council through regularly scheduled meetings

Provide updates to Leadership Team via email and bi-monthlymeetings

Utilize newsletters to highlight upcoming events at each center and spotlight achievements throughout the school

Limited-Term Progress Report

Family Partnership Charter School * Self-Study 2009 Appendix C - IX

Publicize SARC in a timely manner

Task Responsible Person(s) Involved

Resources Means to Assess Improvement

Timeline Methods to Report

Make website and public folder more interactive, informative, and user friendly







Tech Support



Parent Feedback Surveys


Student Retention


Advisor, Student and Parent Feedback

Website Hits

Implementation of Policies and Procedures

Summer 2009

Inform Governing Council through regularly scheduled meetings about revisions and enhancements to website and public folder

Provide public folder index to staff through staff handbook and update through all staff email

Student/Advisor Meeting

Send e-mail alerts and newsletter to inform stakeholders about revisions to website involving new resources
