Page 1: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp


Page 2: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp.

Page 3: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

Some camps even require bringing dress up stuff for the times we need it.

Page 4: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

You need to label EVERYTHING for sleep away camp!!

Page 5: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

You might not have a problem with sleep away camp packing but what about parent(s)? Sometimes my parents pack all day!

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My mom is very organized and she puts everything in

the trunks with plastic bags and labels the plastic

bag! So packing is even longer now!

Page 7: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

For boys you need to pack even more because of all the sports that you play and all the equipment you need to bring.

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You have to have HUGE TRUNKS for everything to fit.

Page 9: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

Camping goes back a long time. One of the first times that people went camping was in 1894 and it was at the Cunningham campsite in 1894. Camp has had so many improvements since 1894. The ACA says about 10 million children attend camp. There are about 12,000 camps nationwide. The primary (original) purpose of many camps is educational and cultural development. But with the great improvements that camps have made there is more you have to pack for camp. Packing is the hardest thing for my mom to do. As camping improves, you need to purchase more things for camp. When it’s time for camp packing you’re your parents usually stressed out? My mom packs for my brother and it is VERY HARD! Some of the main things you need for camp are: clothes, sports equipment, bedding and any other thing

Sleep Away Camp Packing

Page 10: Lilly Heller SLEEP AWAY CAMP PACKING. You have to pack TONS for sleep away camp

that the camp requires. Camp used to be a cheap way to spend time and bond with family and friends. Now it is a time to have the time of your life (without parents)!! Camp is also a great bonding experience and a time to become independent. Packing is the only bad part. As you saw, you need SO MUCH STUFF! I interviewed 10 people and 8 out of the 10 kids said that packing for camp is stressful for them and/or their parent(s) As you see, camp packing can be stressful but one you get to camp you’ll be so excited you went through stress to have all the things you need for camp.

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