

Main features of Tourism Development Planning:

Various Approaches of Tourism Planning:

When we are thinking about planning we have to think about future generation. Without thinking future generation planning will be a poor planning. There are two types of approaches of Tourism planning and development. Those are as follows:

(1) Proactive Planning:

This is a develop strategies to secure desired development path. Generally this approaches of planning used in primary period of planning. For the better implementation of this approach persons need a profound knowledge of local economy, SWOT Analysis etc.

(2) Chaos Theory:

This is a reactive scheme to any unexpected events. Generally this approaches used in the later part of planning.

For our Tourism Planning and development we need to adopt or implement both approaches. (3) Sustainable Development Planning:

This is such kinds of planning which looks for future generations as well as the present development. Basically this is a very new idea in tourism development planning. It becomes very popular day by day.

Compare and contrast between various approaches:

(1) Proactive Planning:

This is the primary planning approach. Needs a vast quantity of knowledge like; local economy,

structure, SWOT Analysis etc.

(2) Chaos theory:

This is not the primary planning approach, it uses in later on. If any unexpected situation will arise then we will use it.

For applying this approaches vast knowledge is not essential.

(3) Sustainable development planning:

This is such kind of planning where main consideration is future generation. Its main view to keep the rights of future generations.

Profound knowledge in sustainable tourism development is essential.

Consideration during Planning:


Environmental Planning:

o Our aim is to minimise the negative effects of tourism by controlling the development.

o Similar facilities – we have to arrange similar facility that will not affect the environment.

o Pedestrian zones – Don’t allow car in some specific area. o Park and ride services – To avoid the traffic public can park

their car outside of the town and they can take shuttle train or bus to come into the city. This practice is very popular in London, UK.

o Drop-off points, coach parking – some specific coach service are needs to be allowed.

Economical Planning:

o Our aim is to maximise the positive effects of tourism.o To employ the local peoples as many as possible because

that’s the only way money goes to local peoples.o Making product more affordable – this is a one way to attract

the customer, on the other hand they will buy some product elsewhere and it helps to collect more revenues. Like – British National Museums are free from 2001.

Social Planning:

o In our planning, we have to ensure money comes from tourism will invest in the local community projects.

o Increase the standard of living of local community.o Provide stuff training for the improvements of local peoples.

Like training for guides, receptionist, cashiers, catering etc. o Provide Tourism education for the local community. In that

concern local government are responsible for that.o Provide education for tourist. As a result tourist will be very

much conscious about their habit and activities. Tourist will come to the destination and might not disturb the local peoples but improve the local peoples.

Different Development Planning Layers:


Tourism development planning can take place at international, national and sub national levels.

International Tourism Planning:

o This level of planning is very weak in structure, lacks enforcement.

o They can only provide the guideline or how to develop, but the local Govt. can take it or may be ignore it. They can’t impose rules but only guideline for the local govt.

o Planning is in only national level but not global scale.

National Tourism Planning:

For tourism development, local government is the ultimate responsible for tourism development. For tourism development they have to the following things:

o Tourism Policyo Marketing Strategieso Taxation structureo Incentives/Grantso Legislationo Infrastructure developmento Transport system o Educational/Training programmes etc.

Regional Tourism Planning:

o This is more detailed and specific planning than the National level. They work in harmony with the national objectives.

o Sometimes certain types of tourism in different specific region.

o Like Kent Tourism policy: countryside rural tourism, festival, Art Exhibitions etc.

Local Tourism Planning:

Local peoples have to provide the local all information to the tourist. This can be done by following ways:

o Provide Brochures, Map, Magazine etc. to the tourist.o Posters and Displays.o Provide official guides to the tourist.

Significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development:


In Tourism development planning, it is very important to bring all the stakeholder altogether otherwise our planning will not be successful. Before planning we have to listen and respects the views from all the stakeholder. We our planning participation of all peoples is very important.

In our planning we have to coordinate all the different layers of tourism development.

We have to follow up the guidelines provided by international organizations.

We have to provides/suggests guidelines for the local level tourism planning.

In our planning we have to ensure the communication between up to bottom and bottom to up.

Different methods of tourist impact measurement:

The impacts of tourism expenditure are generally consider under three headings. Those are as follows:

Direct Effects Indirect Effects Induced Effects

The direct effects of tourism arise from expenditure by tourists, which immediately generate income for businesses and households, employment and revenue from taxation.

The indirect effects arise as initial income received by households, government and local businesses is re-spent on activities necessary to provide the products and services purchased by tourists.

The induced effects arise in each stage where some tourism expenditure is lost because it is used to purchase imported goods and services. These losses from the system are generally referred to as leakages.


[Source: Professor Christine Ennew , Som Nath Chib Memorial Lecture, Feb 14th 2003 andWebsites:]

There are some methods available to measure tourists impact. Those are as follows:

1) Traditional indicators (international arrivals spend figure).2) Cambridge Economic Impact Model.3) Environmental impact studies.4) New approach to measure change over time.

(1) Traditional indicators (international arrivals spend figure).

This is a traditional indicators method. In this methods there is some indicators to measure the tourism impacts. These are the total number of international tourists arrival and how much is their spending figure. This is a very old methods to measure the impact of tourism.

(2) Cambridge Economic Impact Model:


This is a model which is used to calculate how tourism affects in community. This is computer based spreadsheet model. It produces estimates from existing national and local information of tourism activities. It generates data on total amount spent by visitors, income for local residents created by spending, number of jobs supported by visitor spending.

Objectives:Value of tourism spending and impact of this spending on different sectors of the local economy in terms of jobs supported.

Uses:It helps to provide data on accommodation stock ( how many hotels/beds are in this area),local occupancy rates, population, employment, local wage rates and visit to attractions.

(3) Environmental Impact Studies:It helps the developer to evaluates overall effect of development considering. Those are as follows:

Development costs. All possible benefits and who will be benefited. Who might be adversely affected by development. Is there any different way of developing. How to minimise negative impacts of tourism.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):This is a multidisciplinary approach which combining evaluation of economic aspects of a project (based on cost-benefit ratio) with environmental consequences.

It helps to find how much cost and how much benefits we are getting from the cost. Generally benefits are greater than cost.

Prediction of the environmental impacts. Analysis of possible alternatives. It helps to define feasible remedial actions and minimizing


(4) New approach to measure changes over time:

Pro Poor Tourism:This is a specific approach of tourism development. This is one kind of tourism that results in increased net benefits for poor people. Its main aims is to poor people will be benefited from whatever we decided for tourism development.

It enhances the linkages between tourism businesses and poor people.

Any kind of development can be involved in pro-poor tourism – a small lodge, an urban hotel etc.


It helps to expansion of employment and local wages. Training up the local peoples.

It helps to expansion of business opportunity for local peoples. It’s a more supportive policy and planning framework for

locals. It increased participation of poor local peoples in decision

making stage. It increased flow of information and communication among

local peoples by meetings, report backs, sharing news and plans etc.

Responsible Tourism:This is a one kind of tourism that making sure tourism organisations look after the destinations and keep the resources and attractions for local peoples or for future visitors. Basically it’s about moral ethical tourism. It has some certain criteria. Those are as follows:

Ensuring Tourism cares for the environment. Providing opportunities for local people. Education for tourists. Its helps the tourist to know how to

behave at tourism destination, how to take care of environment etc.

Compare and contrast between different methods of tourism impact measurement:

(1) Traditional indicators (international arrivals spend figure).

o In this there is some indicators that reflects the tourism impacts. Those indicators are the total number of international tourists arrival and how much is their spending figure.

o This is a very old methods to measure the impact of tourism. o This is not a popular method.

(2) Cambridge Economic Impact Model.

o This is computer based spreadsheet model. o This is much more better than previous model. o It produces data on total amount spent by visitors, income for

local residents created by spending, number of jobs supported by visitor spending etc.

o This is the most popular model to measure the tourism impacts.

o It does not cover the environmental impact of tourism.(3) Environmental impact studies.

o This is a multidisciplinary approach which combining evaluation of economic aspects of tourism (based on cost-benefit ratio) with environmental consequences.


o This evaluates overall effects of development considering.

(4) New approach to measure change over time.

o This is one kind of tourism that results in increased net benefits for poor people.

o Its main emphasis is the poor peoples of the society. o It enhances the linkages between tourism business and poor

peoples.o Day by day it becomes very popular.


Sustainable Tourism:

According to Bruntland Report (1987), “Sustainable tourism development is a development which meets the needs of the


present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

According to World Tourism Organization (WTO), Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, and biological diversity, and life support systems.The concept of sustainable development originated in the World Conservation Strategy published by World Conservation Unit (IUCN) in 1980. But it was popularised after 7 years in1987.

Planning for Sustainable Tourism:

In our planning the Triple Bottom Line concept is very important. The Triple Bottom Line or 3BL is People, Planet and Profit. We cant make any development without these three things. When we are making our plan we have to consider these three things. The concept of TBL demands responsibily to stakeholders rather than shareholders.

WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council) provides 10 principles as a guidelines for the Sustainable tourism development planning.

When we are going to think any sort of tourism development we have to follows these guidelines. In the development planning of Suvalatu Island we have to consider or following these principles.

Factors that could be prevent the sustainable tourism development:

Planner fails to co-ordinate or get altogether.Planners experience is very important in planning. If the planners are not well experienced then sometimes they fails to co-ordinate all the things altogether.

Environment is constantly changing (out of control).Environment is changing constantly, sometimes it beyond our limits. That’s why sometimes our planning becomes failed.

Failure as a result of lack of experience.Experience is very important for sustainable tourism development. Sometimes due to lack of experiences we could not take a proper decision for a sustainable tourism development.

Caring capacity exceeded.


Every thing has a certain caring capacity. Sometimes our destination crossed it limits. As a result it prevents the sustainable tourism development.

Failed to market assessment.In planning, market assessment carries a very important role. Generally without market assessment planning will never get a success. If the planner fails to assess the market then the planning will never be good. In that case planners need some expertise in market analysis.

Fails to implement the plans.In implementation stage if the responsible authority fails to implement the plan. In that case experiences is very important.

Main stages in planning for sustainable tourism development and apply in the case study (Suvalatu Island):

The concept of planning is concern with organising some future events in order to achieve pre-specified objectives. Integrated planning and development is a form of comprehensive planning: comprehensive because it integrates all forms of planning-economic, physical, social and cultural. The main stages in sustainable tourism development planning are as follows:

1) Analysis – where are we now?

Firstly we have to analyse our current situation of Suvalatu Island that will help us to find out where are we now. In that case SWOT analysis of Suvalatu Island can help us to find out the present situation of this island.

If we go through the SWOT analysis of Suvalatu Island, we will find out the following things: STRENGTHS

Natural and mixed forests which are contain rich biodiversity which are virtually untouched.


Infrastructural and superstructure deficiencies.

Only entrance from “Tahiti” by boat


Diverse heritage and culture. Well-known for hospitality. Naturally resourceful. White sand beaches. “Suvalatu” can attract niche


Few tourist facilities Low standards

communication vehicles Accommodation facility is

not good enough


Beach tourism. Swimming, Diving, Sailing,

Fishing, Snorkelling etc. Health Tourism. Adventure Tourism.


Natural disasters/weather/typhoons

Climate change rising sea levels.

Influx of tourism can lead to demonstration effect on small islands.

My findings for Suvalatu island are as follows: Suvalatu is a remote island. They have few tourist facility. Only entrance is from Tahiti by boat. Accomodation standard is very low. Insufficient communication vehicle.

2) Survey of resources and existing facilities

Before setting objectives it is vital to do a survey about what resources do we have in our island. That will help us to get a knowledge about the present resources and existing facilities of Suvalatu island. In that case SWOT analysis will help to this information.My findings for Suvalatu island are as follows:

Natural and mixed forests. Diverse heritage and culture. Good hospitality of local peoples. White and sand beaches. Overall naturally resourceful

3) Market evaluation

Before setting an objective it is very important to do a market evaluation of Suvalatu island. Now we find out what is the market for suvalatu island. In that case my findings for Suvalatu island are as follows:

They have a good market for tourism especially the beaches that can attract the tourist.

They have natural forests and mountains that can be attract the adventure lovers tourist.


They have white sand beaches that is another attraction for tourist.

4) Planning – where do we want to be?

The results from the analysis and survey data will help us to find out a number of possibilities of development strategies. Then we have to evaluate them in terms of their potential economic, physical and socio-cultural coasts and benefits. Then we have to choose our planning according to where do we want to be.

For Suvalatu Island, where we want to be: Development of infrastructure and superstructure of

Suvalatu island but in a certain level. Development should be sustainable. Quality with tourism not quantity. Development will not allow any sort of damage in any

natural resources. Living standard of local people should be increase.

From that point of view we have select which sector needs to be develop and which way. And it is very important to make an alternative plan in terms of our plan failure.

5) Setting of Objectives

In order to design a development plan successfully it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the objectives that are to be achieved by the development of this island.

For Suvalatu Island, our objectives are as follows:

Increase employment Opportunity: We have to create job opportunity for the local peoples of Suvalatu island. We have to ensure easy accessibility of local peoples in job sector.

Protection of Natural Resources: We have to concentrates in our planning on the preservation and conservation of the natural resources, culture, costume and hospitality they have. We have to increase a awareness among the local peoples and tourists about natural resources conservation. If needed, we have to impose some law for the protection of natural resources.

Increase the life style: We have to concentrate ourselves in our planning to increase the standard of Suvalatu Island people’s life style. If we will be able to do that then peoples will feel more attraction on tourism.

Build up Educational institute and Hospital: We have to build


up school, training institute and hospital for the benefits of local peoples of Suvalatu Island. It will help them to improve themselves and a better living standards. As a result, they will be able to do something for the welfare of themselves.

Social and Cultural Development: We have to focus on their cultural and social development through proper planning.

Infrastructure Development: Finally, we have to concentrate ourselves in the infrastructural development of Suvalatu Island. Infrastructure development is the fundamental part of a society development.

Minimise negative impacts and maximise positive impact: Tourism has some negative and positive impacts on the society. In our planning we have to concentrates in minimising the negative impacts and maximise the positive for the all stakeholders of Suvalatu Island.

Cultural and economical exchange: In our planning we have to encourage the local peoples to use of tourism for both cultural and ecomical exchange.

Up-market tourist: In our planning we have to attract the high spending up-market tourist.

6) Plan for issues relating to environmental and social impacts as well as financial returns

In our planning we have to be very sincere about those issues which are relating with the environment and social. There is no compromise with those issues which are creating damage to the environment and social life of Suvalatu Island. Moreover, We have to be very careful about the financial return from the tourism sector because if the financial return is not good enough compare to invest In tourism sector then it will not bring a good sign for tourism sector. So we have to be very careful about that in our planning process of Suvalatu Island development.

7) Implementation – How can we get there? Or what we will do?

In planning this is most important and critical part. So in implementing stage we have to very careful for using our planning method.For the implementation of planning of Suvalatu Island, my consideration are as follows:

Action plan for quality tourism facility. Control and regulations over the use of land.


All legislation needs to be implement in time. We have to coordinate among the private sector development

and public sector development.

8) Monitoring and plan reformulation.Once the development plan has been implemented it must be closely monitored in order to detect any deviations that may occur from the projected path of development. Then we have to analyse in order to assess how it will affect the development plan and its objectives. Then we have to modify our planning in order to stay on target.


Methods of resolving the conflict of interests:In Tourism development planning there are some conflicts raise between the public and private sector. So we have to take some initiatives to minimise the rising conflict between these two sectors to ensure the future well-being of a developing tourism destination. In this case planning controls are essential to avoid the conflicts between public and private sector. Sustainability means cooperation between carriers and operators to ensure development brings long terms for the local peoples of Suvalatu Island.

Here is some appropriate methods of resolving the conflict of interests:

The Tourism Industry:


The target of sustainable development is to gain the satisfaction of guests and tour operators. There will be some indicator to maintenance of quality tourism and monitor the ecology.Solution:

Tourism Council introduce Green Globe award for meeting the environmental standards.

Green flag initiative, this is a responsible approach to marketing and operation.

AITO initiatives for sustainable development. Sometimes enforced to close of bad standard activities.

Examples: Cox and Kings British Tour Operator, their customer buying

“environmental journey holidays” and they bought one acre of rainforest in Belize to kept in natural state.

Some hotels in Hawaii installed flow regulators on showers to control water wastage.

[Sources: Class note, Date 27.11.2007]

Tourist/Hotel Relationship:The relationship between tourist and hotel is superficial, this is not a natural relationship. The hotel representatives wants money from tourists that involves financial transactions from tourist to hotel owner. Relations are unequal due to differences in wealth and status. Sometimes locals may be debarred from natural facilities and local culture can be exploited.

Solution:Impose some law is the solution of this conflict.

Examples:In Tongo tourists from cruise ships produced crowded conditions, children beg from visitors.In the Caribbean shop attendants serve tourists first and local later on.Mt Kilimanjaro(Tanzania), porters obliged to carry loads of up to 60 kg dressed in inadequate clothing.

[Sources: Class note, Date 27.11.2007]

Host community:We need a develop forms of tourism which will be sympathetic to the environment as well as it brings the economic benefits for the local community.

Solution: Community participation in planning is very essential to minimize

the conflicts.


Put some law.

Examples: Partnership of ABTA, voluntary service overseas and tourism

concern, produced in flight video highlighting social and cultural concerns of Mass tourism in Gambia, Thailand, Kenya.

[Sources: Class note, Date 27.11.2007]

Implication of balancing supply and demand:

We have to manage the over flow of visitor by imposing some tactics. Like Tax impose, input some law etc.

Some area which is over using need to be fencing with a view to reduce the overuse.

In some cases provide alternative routes or facilities. If possible dispersing the tourists to different areas. Zoning tourism will be very suitable in some cases. Provide education to the tourist and host community. We have encourage the local peoples for more positive activities. Government can control the entry of tourists.

Examples:In Butan, limited number of foreign visitors to 15,000 per year; charges $ 200 per day (with reductions off-season) to reduce demand.

Mustang (on the border with china, part of Nepal from 1951) was closed to tourists till 1992. Now 1,000 tourists per year allowed, charges are $ 700 for 10 day visit.

[Sources: Class note, Date 27.11.2007]

For our future generation we have to adopt some new ideas especially for developing country for balancing supply and demand are as follows:

Emphasise the importance of natural environment. Development planning need to be compatible with

surroundings. We have to use indigenous materials and labour. We have to design some new facilities that conserves

energy. Recycling practice increase. Ensure the multiple use of land. We have to use sustainable new/alternative technologies.

Enclave Tourism:Enclave tourism means an area of a country, region or city that is occupied by people ethnically or culturally distinct from their neighbours.


In a word it can be say that separates tourists from community residents.It will be long debate that it is a good idea or bad idea. Now I am going to discuss some points on favour and disfavour of Enclave tourism.

Favour of Enclave Tourism: It reduces the chances of environmental damage occur. Some tourist especially who wants some silence place in his

holiday is very for them. In some cases this idea is very successful like Dubai.

Disfavour of Enclave Tourism: Local peoples are not treated equally. No benefits for the local peoples because tourist are not buying

anything from them. Make economical leakage- money goes back to its origin. Some tourist who wants to mix up with the local peoples, in that

case this is not a good idea. Local peoples might not be happy on this kind of segregation. Flow of money in between social peoples reduces. Revenue earning reduces.

In my concern, This is not a very good idea for overall, but it is very much effective in some specific places who have at least a certain level of economic standard.

Methods of resolving a conflict of interests of Suvalatu Island (Current case study):For Suvalatu island, when we are going to planning, we have to give more concentration on to minimise the growing conflicts between the private and public sector. Private sectors wants money, on the other hands we have to keep more concentration on to keep rights of local peoples with a sustainable tourism development. In our planning we have to avoid the conflict among the public and private sector. To do this we have to make some law to preserve the all stakeholders right. Controlling is the another important thing to minimise the conflict. Here is some way to resolving the conflict of interests among the stakeholders of Suvalatu Island:

All community participation in planning process is the best way to resolving the conflicts.

Suvalatu Island has a vast natural resources, so we have to keep them by making some natural resources protecting law.

We want a such kind of development which will be sympathetic to the nature as well as bring the economical benefit for the local peoples.


We have to make fence in some over uses area to keep those area which will be overuse in Suvalatu island.

Good Tourism policy for Suvalatu island will help to minimise the conflict between different stakeholders.

Community participation and economical flow in between the local community is very important to minimise the conflict.

We have to make some law that will preserve the rights of local community, like; presentation of their tradition and culture in front of tourists etc.



Bruntland Report. 1987. World Commission on Environment and Development.

Cooper et al. 2005. Tourism Principles and Practice, Third edition, Pearson Publishing Limited.

Holloway et al. 2005. BTEC Higher National in Travel and Tourism, First edition, Pearson Publishing Limited.



Class Notes

Class note, 27.11.2007. Prepared by Class teacher Lila Moshtael

OthersProfessor Christine Ennew , Som Nath Chib Memorial Lecture, Feb 14th 2003