
LANGUAGEMy aim with this specific magazine advertisement, was to highlight the narrative directly. Therefore, this is why I made to choice to merge two faces together, therefore, this connotes two parallel lives somehow merge to become one. I also included the song title and the band name on the poster, as these are conventions which are of a high significance and therefore need to be situated in a large font and of a large size, therefore the language is clear and noticeable for the audience to recognise. Especially when the poster is located in a range of different locations. The aim is to have a wide target audience, who can immediately identify with the magazine advertisement, as a result of the specific language used. I also included social networking site logos, this allowed me to link in with the target audience. This allows them to form their own language and opinions online, therefore this allows the magazine advertisement to link directly with them. On the magazine advertisement, I also included a quote from a well known newspaper, who is successful and easily recognisable. As this a convention that I had seen lots of times during the planning and research stages, it also allows the audience to realise the high standard of the single being produced.


IDEOLOGYThe ideas and values that I was trying to create consisted of life lessons predominantly. I was attempting to encourage people and educate the audience slightly in relation to the standard of life. As within the magazine advertisement, I used mise-en-scene such as make-up, costumes and hair styles to identify her as poor and unlucky, and to connote that she was living in some kind of poverty. Also, I used cinematography, as I used a close up to identify the following things I have should highlighted within the aspect of mise-en-scene. I also used the same aspects of mise-en-scene, such as make-up, hair styles and outfits within the second half of the girl on the magazine advertisement. But I completed this to a much higher standard, as I had to ensure that the contrast was clear and that I had completed to magazine sufficiently in order for this to be easily established. I also used the same camera angles to try and produce connotations of a similar message between the two characters. I also merged the two faces together, to produce the idea that they were connected and the same person and this was idea was expanded within the music video.


INSTITUTIONThe magazine advertisement is likely to feature in magazine but discussed in newspapers, as I have supported this idea within the production of my digipak.Therefore, it is likely to magazine advertisement will feature within music magazines such as the NME. As popular record labels and popular magazine publication companies are likely to work together. As this way, they can use each other to expand financially and socially within the community, this can also lead to globalisation. It could also feature at other locations, such as bus stops, on buses, in music shop windows etc. Such as HMV, as they are also likely to work together. As Bastille are currently quite a large and successful band and are reaching their peak point, it is more likely that music shops such as HMV will allow these magazine advertisements to placed up on the walls, as they will encouarge and larger audience and more customers, also financial and social benefits will come from this, as the majority of the audience are made up of people from the middle of the economic working class scale.


AUDIENCE As previously discussed, the audience are likely to be made up of young people aged 16-24, predominantly based upon girls, as stereotypically girls are the ones who enjoy listening to songs about love and are more open in terms of sharing their feelings and emotions. Also, because the singers are male, females are likely to adore them, as this is representation of boy bands that record labels and managers are likely to create. They try and dress them in an appropriate way and therefore more boys are likely to admire them and try and adapt themselves to be more like the band members. In terms of the magazine advertisement, it is likely that it will cause some confusion and curiosity within the audience as it will stimulate emotion. As girls will have sympathy for the poor and ragged young female character on the left, and boys will not like her and they will not be able to relate or connect with her situation. Whereas, the posh and stylish girl on the left will be more liked, as boys will be attracted to her and girls will aim to be more like her.


REPRESENTATIONThe representation of the posh girl and the poor girl is majorly reflective of the narrative within the music video. I have followed this particular narrative as I feel it was original and not a direct duplicate of things which producers create on a regular basis within the media industry. I have made the cast member the same person, and therefore I can have two direct narratives linking together. I experimenting when trying to produce ways in which I can transfer this onto my magazine advertisement. I then decided on a final idea of merging the two people together, I used Photoshop to edit the faces and push them together proportionally, so it then looked realistic. Therefore, I have then created two different representations of the females, and two contrasting ideas which the audience will discuss and it will stimulate thought from within them.