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Mahurangimatters 17 October 2012 | 17

Please contact the Women’s Centre to enrol 0800 237 674 or 425 7261 or call at 10 Morpeth Street, Warkworth

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CourSeS for TerM four 2012 – WarkWorTh

Young Mum’s educational Programme Wed 17th Oct, 10am-12.30pm, FREE Computer Course - 8 weeks Friday 19th Oct, 9-11am, $40 Building a New Life after Separation Sat 17th Nov, 10am-3pm, $32 Personal Development – 8 wks Tues 23rd Oct, 10am-12.30pm, $25 Leather Jewellery Making Sat 27th Oct, 10am-3pm, $15 raw food Workshop Thurs 25th Oct, 10-1pm, $20

fused Glass Jewellery Making Sat 17th Nov, 9.30am-3.30pm, $TBA art Therapy – 6 weeks Mon 29th Oct, 10am-12pm, $100alexander Dance Intro Workshop Wed 7th Nov, 10am-1pm, $15 Career Planning & Job Search – 6 wks Mon 29th Oct, 10am-12pm, FREE Plunket: Post Natal Distress Support Group Thurs 18th Oct, 10.30am-12.30pm Walking Group Tues 30th Oct, 9.30amSelf Defence for Women 16yrs+ Sat 27th Oct, 9.30am-3.30pm, $25

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lifelong learningEDUC ATION MAT TERS

Present and previous students, teachers and supporters of Living Way Christian School came together to celebrate the school’s 20th anniversary at the Wellsford Community Centre last month. Principal Peter Thomas says around 190 people attended the celebrations which included a banquet, past and present classroom photographs, entertainment, dancing and a cake cutting ceremony.“Reaching 20 years is quite an achievement for a school that started out with nine students who were originally taught in the home of Cushla and the late John Sinclair in Wi Apo Place,” he says.“John was instrumental in helping to establish the Living Way Trust, which was affiliated to the Wellsford Christian Fellowship. “The school is a separate and independent, incorporated charitable trust, and is a member of the New Zealand Association of Christian Schools. We now have 28 students and have been at our current location in Station Road since 1996.”Peter says in the past, the school roll has been up to 45.

“We cater for students from five to 18 years old. Subjects are taught from a God-centred, biblical perspective. Students have workbooks for each subject and unlike other schools, are encouraged to learn at their own pace. Our secondary students use the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum, supplemented by courses from the New Zealand Correspondence School and they gain credits during the year. “Students also spend one day a week at home and have a home-based skills programme specially developed for them. Living Way Christian School is open to families who align with its Christian values, aims and objectives.”Peter says the school wouldn’t be where it is today without the parent support it receives.“We have two teachers and the extra support comes from parents who volunteer their time to help the students and the school. Our hope for the future is to the see the numbers grow again.” Before taking the principal’s position at Living Way, in 1999, Peter taught at Westminster Christian School, in Glenfield. He is married to Tania and they have four children.

Former principals Todd Roughton (left) and Anna Johnstone cut Living Way School’s 20th anniversary cake with current principal Peter Thomas.

Christian school in Wellsford cheers for 20 years service

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| Mahurangimatters 17 October 201218

Community invitedSpringboard will celebrate its 10th anniversary at its Hamatana headquarters on Friday, October 19. Special guest speaker will be Principal Youth Court Judge Andrew Becroft. The celebration will be an opportunity to reflect on the journey Springboard has been on over the past decade and hear about its vision for the years ahead. The celebration will be held at the Hamatana Road headquarters, from 1pm to 3pm. All welcome. Info:



On the eve of their first decade, Springboard Community Works has received an $80,000 sponsorship from Vodafone World of Difference to implement a new job placement scheme in the Mahurangi area.Springboard founder Gary Diprose says the grant is a huge opportunity to address youth unemployment in the district. Part of the funds will be used to employ a fulltime coordinator to implement what is known as the Otorohanga Model, working with Youthline and WINZ.“With this sponsorship we are going to endeavour to make an even bigger difference to the youth in our community,” Gary says. Springboard, which moved into its own headquarters in Hamatana Road, Snells Beach last year, is involved with around 120 youths on a weekly basis. It targets at-risk youth and families, offering programmes aimed at reconnecting them to the community and getting them back into the workforce.Gary readily admits there was no grand plan when the genesis of the Springboard Trust started in 2002.“Because I have a farming background, I was approached by PGG Wrightson’s Agriculture NZ to run an alternative education course for at-risk kids from

Vodafone secures Mahurangi employment scheme

Mahurangi and Rodney Colleges,” he says.When Wrightson’s pulled out, the course came under the umbrella of the Vineyard Church Trust for four

years, before setting up independently as Impact Trust. Then, in 2008, the organisation re-branded as Springboard to reflect its steadily widening programme. continued next page

“Establishing credibility in the community, but particularly with the kids, was one of the first things we had to do and, in that regard, it took us about 18 months to really get some traction. The kids we work with are from broken homes where crime, drugs and alcohol abuse are common themes. They have had a cycle of making trouble and getting moved on, and that was our point of difference – we weren’t going to move them on anywhere. We try to walk alongside them and show them there are other choices.”Gary says it soon became clear that farming alone was not the vehicle to reach these troubled teens so the ASDAN life skills courses were introduced to offer a wider curriculum choice. His wife Michelle, a qualified teacher, became involved and by 2004, former policeman Lindsay Pahl had also joined the team.“Lindsay was really motivated to help young people before they got into trouble with the law. He took a 50 percent pay cut and moved his family up here from Auckland, even though I could only guarantee him a six-month contract. I think it’s that sort of commitment that underpins everything we do at Springboard. We do it because we believe we can make a difference.”

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The impact of this wonderful organisation on the youth and wider community over the years has been phenomenal. We became involved when we fi rst heard the compelling vision of Springboard’s founder Gary Diprose, which

resonated with our own company values - to provide the highest level of service excellence to our customers and actively seek to make a positive difference in their lives. Kiwi Concern is a Kiwi-owned private company with Ministry of Social Development accreditation. We provide an excellent medical alarm service to the elderly of New Zealand, and despite our difference in target audience, see the invaluable work of Springboard as cut from the same committed cloth as our company.

We again congratulate Springboard on all they have accomplished and look forward to further success in the years to come.

Anyone wanting to fi nd out more about Kiwi Concern medical alarms and the other work we are involved with around New Zealand is more than welcome to contact us on the details right.

Kiwi Concern Medical Alarms is a proud supporter and sponsor of Springboard and would like to congratulate them

on their 10 years of success and achievements.

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Mahurangimatters 17 October 2012 | 19

Mackys Real Estate Limited, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2012

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“Preparing our children for their future rather than our past is an exciting and tangible goal for teachers at Mahurangi Christian School,” says Helen Pearson, principal. “The world our children will grow up in is so different to the 20th century that our board and staff are dreaming big about what future education might look like.” Almost 1:1 computer and iPad technology for Years 4-8 learners, and wireless throughout the school means Mahurangi Christian School learners can access a world that is so much bigger and more interesting than the classroom. “Next year our learners will be able to bring their own devices, connecting learning between home and school,” says Mrs Pearson. 2013 will see two digital classes in the school, a Books and Media Centre, and an outside amphitheatre, all providing opportunities for inspiring the kind of learning that sets children up for their futures. "Christian education is about learning how to live authentically in the world. We want our students to know God's love for themselves and to communicate that love through their lives in the 21st century world they live in,” says Carl Becker, chairman of the Board. “In an ever changing world, core values such as love, faith, and diligence will never go out of style,” says Mrs Pearson. “It is a privilege to seek to provide a faith-based environment that is relevant and challenging, and encourages love for God, others, self, learning and God’s world.

Preparing Our Children at Mahurangi Christian School

410 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach Phone: 09 425 6878

Email: [email protected]:



How can you help?The level of funding Springboard receives varies from year-to-year and from contract-to-contract. Some of its funding streams include the Ministry of Social Development – Child Youth and Family, Ministry of Education and Auckland Council, as well as grants from trusts and foundations, and donations. To maintain services at current levels, the operating budget is just over $500,000. Director Gary Diprose says getting some security around funding is a challenge. To this end, Springboard has launched the 1000@10 Appeal which seeks to secure an annual commitment from 1000 people to donate $10 a month. “Everyone can do something to help these kids get back on the right track and we all benefit when they do. Some people give their time as volunteers and mentors, and we hope others will step up and give financially.” For more information, contact Springboard on 425 4623 or [email protected]

Gary says he has learned to celebrate achievement on many levels, no matter how modest it may seem to other people.“While it’s fantastic to see a kid who struggled to read and write go on to get a job, it’s just as rewarding to see someone give up smoking or improve their school attendance. Some of the stories these kids can tell would break your heart – sometimes you have to know where they’ve come from to know how far they have travelled.”Each year, Gary and the Springboard team have taken another step towards finding holistic and multi-faceted solutions to working with at-risk youth. This has involved spreading the net to include siblings, parents and wider family groups. Some of these programmes include the Go180 for youth offenders aged 14 to 16 years,

the early intervention programme Energise for five to 12 year olds, 4U Mentoring, Elevate family support, and the anti-graffiti initiative D Crew.“It’s all about turning these kids into positive members of our communities, but we can’t do it alone. We’ve got some incredible people who’ve stepped up to join our mentoring programme for seven to nine year olds. They come from all walks of life with diverse life skills which gives us flexibility in matching children to the right people.“We’re hoping that local businesses will show the same support for the work transition – job placement programme, which will start rolling out next year. Again, it will be a case of Springboard walking alongside these young people as they learn the skills they need to turn them into good employees.”

Springboard founder Gary Diprose (left) and operations manager Lindsay Pahl.


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| Mahurangimatters 17 October 201220

Information Evening: 1 November, 6:30pm

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Mahurangimatters 17 October 2012 | 21

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All courses free of charge, free childminding is available if you request it when you enrol with child’s name & age. For more information call Homebuilders on 425 7048 or email [email protected]


Gardening Series with Trish Allen: Plant your Spring Garden Part 1: Thurs 25 Oct, 9:30-12:30 at Homebuilders Plant your Spring Garden Part 2: Thurs 15 Nov 9:30-12:30 at Homebuilders. Healthy Cooking on a Budget with Chris Pedersen: Easy Finger Foods & Sushi for the whole family. Fri 26 Oct 9:30-12:30 at the Warkworth Methodist Church Hall.Sewing Series with Christine West: Continuing Your Sewing Projects with Christine. Friday 9th Nov 9:30-12:30 at the Warkworth Methodist Church Hall.Floral Arts with Maureen Roke: Christmas Wreaths & Festive Flower Arrangements. Friday 16th November 9:30-12:30 at the Warkworth Methodist Church Hall.Free Parenting Course with Terry Healey in Wellsford: Bag of Tricks for Parents & Caregivers: Part 1 & Part 2: 5 Thursdays starting from 15th November 9.30-11.30 at the Wellsford Cooperating Church Hall.

Interactive learningBy Tess Williamson, Homebuilders Courses Organiser

I notice that when a question arises in our household, whether it concerns fact-checking or how to do something, we no longer use our reference books. Instead, we Google it. The internet is a rich source of information for almost any topic you can think of but the quality of the information is another issue. The proliferation of YouTube tutorials may indicate a preference for visual learning and the topics cover just about anything human beings engage in. However, for many people, old fashioned “IRL” – In Real Life – learning is enjoyable and accessible, and is a useful addition to other types of learning. The interaction with fellow learners and the tutor makes the whole experience a rich exchange of ideas and the learning flows both ways. One of Homebuilders’ tutors, Chris Pedersen, enjoys the lively exchange of her own and participants’ stories and experiences when she teaches cooking. She is keen that participants understand the why as well as the how during her classes. “It’s important to follow a recipe carefully to begin with, until you understand how the ingredients work together. The ability to tweak a recipe, or to combine the best from similar recipes, gives you ownership of that recipe, and you can substitute ingredients to use your family’s favourites or use what’s available in your pantry or garden.” Chris adds that, “however closely you follow a recipe, there is no substitute for actually seeing how an omelette is turned, or having a go at kneading that piece of dough or stirring and smelling a good Bolognese sauce. We learn and remember with all our senses, which explains how we are often able to replicate our mother’s cooking without using a recipe.”Many participants have commented that knowing the theory is not always enough. Vicki MacGillivray, who likes to research and read widely on topics she is interested in, found the hands-on and interactive aspects of Homebuilders’ courses helpful, including the organic gardening series. “It was interesting to see Trish Allen’s healthy worm farm with the different stages of vermicast produced from food waste and I felt comfortable asking her the most basic questions about what I should do to improve my own worm farm. Likewise, it was reassuring to see and smell the contents of a bokashi bucket so I felt confident that it would be another good composting option.” Vicki enjoys attending Homebuilders’ courses because she says they feel like an enjoyable and informal gathering of like-minded people and the tutors are happy to answer questions all the way through. But the hands-on component, whether it’s by watching and observing or actually doing it is what leaves the deepest impression.Learning is an on-going, lifelong activity and Homebuilders’ free courses are about meeting people’s need to expand their horizons and learn in a friendly, community setting. To receive regular course information updates, send an email to: [email protected].



The Kauri Museum has marked its 50th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Albertland pioneers with the publication of Pioneering Life and The Kauri Tree.The book is a colourful 150-page history, perpetual calendar and recipe book, compiled by Sarah Charles. Featuring contemporary and archive photographs, charting the history of the museum’s local area, it covers a range of topics including the kauri tree, family, farming, childhood, Anzac Day, fishing, butter-making, the church and motoring.Museum chief executive Betty Nelley says the book is a fascinating record and something that can be used as a memorable diary, for timeless record-making. Divided into 12 chapters, marked by weeks with dates but without days or years, it can be used year-after-year. The book includes more than 200 black and white archive photographs from the museum’s own collection, including some which have never before been published, and more than 50 recipes from the descendants of the early pioneers. Info:

History on Kauri Museum menu

Page 6: Lifelong Learning - Oct 17

| Mahurangimatters 17 October 201222


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There are 33 marine reserves in New Zealand, but they cover only an itsy bitsy piece of the sea 0.3 percent that surrounds our country. However, they are there waiting to be explored and this can be a low cost adventure for NZ families. With Goat Island and Tawharanui reserves right on your doorstep, there’s an even bigger reason to go and explore the seas.However, adventuring out into the sea presents a danger, especially for children. Learning how to deal with the water safely is paramount if you want to avoid the tragedies we see on the news every summer.So, before you put a marine reserve visit on your family’s ‘to do’ list this coming summer, ask your local dive centre when they are running a New Zealand Underwater Mini Dipper’s Snorkelling course.New Zealand Underwater have combined with the Government to produce a programme of water safety training, based around snorkelling

that is designed to teach children all they need to know when snorkelling in the sea. Local dive centres are trained to teach kids at a level they will understand. A big bonus is that this course will count for up to two credits towards your child’s literacy and/or reading education.The Mini Dippers course is broken into three classroom modules and pool sessions. The student guides include learning intentions and classroom activities, and very active pool sessions.Some diving operations like New Zealand Diving have expanded the training programme by including practical sessions. We take the trained students to Goat Island and allow the kids to practise their skills in the confined area of the marine reserve. They are provided with a free underwater camera and off they go, filming the fish under the guidance of professional staff.Initial courses will start during the January holiday period and will be spread over two days.

Parents looking for something for their

children to do that is fun, educational and will stay

with them for the rest of their lives, may like to

consider a snorkelling course.

When it comes to snorkel training, best to start youngBy Neil Bennett, New Zealand Diving

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Mahurangimatters 17 October 2012 | 23

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A lifelong interest in yoga and a recent trip to Thailand have sparked Warkworth yoga instructor Robyn Jarvis’ interest in Thai yoga massage.

Warkworth yoga instructor Robyn Javis has recently returned from a trip to Thailand where she studied Thai yoga massage techniques.

Study of Thai therapy yoga shared in Warkworth classes

After studying yoga therapy at the Academy of the Natural Health Therapies, in Perth in 1998, Robyn returned to NZ and opened her own practice in Wellington, where she worked for 10 years. She moved to Warkworth just over a year ago and is running yoga classes at the Masonic Hall in Baxter Street, three times a week.“Health, massage and yoga have always been an integral part of my life and I’m keen to share my interest and knowledge with others in the area,” she says.Robyn recently spent a month in Thailand where she studied with Thai massage masters at the Sunshine Massage School, in Chiang Mai. This was her third trip to the school to learn Thai yoga massage techniques.“Thai massage is quite different to Swedish massage, which works mainly

with soft tissue and muscles,” she says. “Thai massage is based on the concept that there are important acupressure points on energy lines running through the body. Massage and pressure releases any blockages helping to stimulate the flow of energy and restore general wellbeing. It is beneficial for backache, knee and joint pain, headaches and any digestive disorders.”Robyn says it involves some stretching and many of the exercises could be described as applied hatha yoga. It is suitable for the elderly and is non-invasive – no clothes need to be removed. Thai Yoga massage practitioners often use their feet, elbows, palms thumbs and knees to apply pressure.Robyn is offering beginner yoga classes from October 18.
