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This year brings She Is Safe to 15 years of

ministry! Though this report is focused on the

highlights of the past 12 months, the fruit you

see has taken years of persistence, growing our

roots deeply into the soil of the hardest places.

While digging into the underlying causes of

abuse and slavery, we have seen that prevention

is the best strategy for making girls safe and

free. By making at-risk girls, their families

and communities far less vulnerable to

predators, we are changing the way people

think about the next generation of girls and

boys. Every single one is a gift from God to be

nurtured and protected.

You will see our preference for prevention

reflected in the large numbers of individuals who

have been spared from misery. I am sure you

agree that it is best by far to save girls from a life-

time of abuse and, through them, to make the next

generation of girls safe, free and equipped.

Though rescue is a small part of our work, we

celebrate every girl who has been rescued this

year, while we also work hard for those who

need restoration – making it possible for them to

live in safety while they embrace their new skills

and new identities.

God gets all the glory for this time of

fruitfulness. And we want to thank you

for partnering with us in the good work of

prevention, rescue and restoration in the years

ahead. We invite you to link arms with us.

Until every girl is safe, free and equipped,

Michele M. Rickett

Founder & CEO

Dear She Is Safe Friend,

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Safe, FreeEquipped&



“They have just heard for the first time how to be safe. In this culture, families do not talk about such sensitive issues. But now they know and can be safe.”


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Prevention THERE IS A KNOT OF ABUSES in high-risk communities that binds girls to the point that they can be miserably violated and sold. When we prevent those things from happening, women and girls are no longer destined for abuse and slavery. They have stronger options for their futures. So, we untie that knot and equip girls and women with strength in these very areas: literacy, saving and lending, income generation, business skills and abuse and trafficking awareness as we share the gospel. Here is what our Prevention Program looks like in each country:

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INDIA In red light districts, villages and slums, local leaders are equipped through our Transformation Group training and curriculum to multiply the number of safe women and girls.

MYANMAR In garbage dump communities where girls are abducted into sex slavery, children are brought to Christian learning centers to work on their studies rather than pick through garbage.

INDONESIA In villages, Transformation Groups equip women to sustain their lives and learn about Christ. We also teach children, teachers and families about abuse prevention.

NEPAL In villages that traditionally sell every teen girl, we share that God gave these girls as a blessing to their communities, and provide goat farming as an alternative to girl-selling.

MALI In a stew of terrorists' abuses, displaced women and girls gain skills to generate income, as they learn their value from God’s point of view.

SOUTH SUDAN In a conflict zone, She Is Safe Transformation Group women cling together for survival as they are being equipped to start businesses by leaders we have trained.

MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA In refugee camps, Syrian teens are brought to a safe compound where they learn skills to generate an income, learn about dignity, and are diverted from child marriage.

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IMAGINE BEING THE FIRST TEEN GIRL in your community to be spared from being sold to a brothel. Hira* is that one - the first girl who, rather than being used, spent two months in a She Is Safe Prevention Program that provides vocational training for girls to gain literacy, seamstress skills and the gospel.

New confidence in her abilities led her to continue developing her skills at an advanced sewing school. Hira pays her own tuition to the new school by mending garments in her community.

We are seeing an exciting cultural shift as her older brother has recognized her talents and is advocating for all of the girls to gain skills, rather than be sold. Hira is on a path to live out her dream of running the first tailoring business in her village.

17,918 women and girls in 7 countries were equipped to sustain a life of freedom through She Is Safe Prevention Programs.

68,000 children gained abuse prevention and recourse training in Indonesia.Prevented

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RESCUE AND RESTORATION GO HAND IN HAND. Our method of rescue grows out of our dedication to cultivating relationships with those who are enslaved. With our local partners and co-workers on the ground, there is a constant, loving presence in red light districts and brothels. As we build relationships with girls, they come to trust that we mean what we say. We can help them become free from sex slavery. We can transport them to safety. But then, how will they live? What will they do?

Once women and girls are in a safe home, the long and costly work of restoration begins. Older teens and women enter therapeutic and medical care and begin preparing for new vocations. When little girls are rescued, the commitment to their care and development is long-term. So, for the girls in the safe home in India, we are committed to providing a loving environment and education for them. Here, they grow up in God’s redeeming grace, are restored to wholeness and are equipped to become the women God created them to be.


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NADYA’S PARENTS DIED when she was young, and she had to find a way to care for herself. At this most vulnerable time in her life, she was lured into working in a nightclub, where she was sold for sex.

We met Nadya at a Sunday worship gathering that is held at the nightclub. Nadya began to learn of her true value in God’s eyes. Our co-workers got her to the safe home we sponsor and started her on a whole new path.

Nadya is in training to become a barista and looking forward to a good job when she graduates. And more, she wants to be trained as a Bible study leader to share with her friends who are still trapped in slavery about the new life God offers them.

23 girls and women were rescued from sex slavery in Indonesia.

4 girls ages 4-8 years old were rescued from red light districts in India.

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WE ARE ALWAYS WORKING to complete the cycle of development – where a girl is free, then incorporates what she learned and becomes awakened to investing her new life in others who need help.

One of the first girls to enter the safe home was Sanvii. Her mother is a sex slave who gave birth in a brothel. When Sanvii came to the safe home, she was able to go to school every day, and she became a mentor to the little girls who came into the home. Sanvii is now 19 years old. As a young woman, she is serving an internship at the safe home office. She is also participating in a local discipleship program and teaching Sunday school. She will take her next set of exams in the fall with the hope of going to college.

78 women and girls received shelter, counseling and vocational training so they can focus on building new lives.

4 girls joined 20 others in a She Is Safe-sponsored restoration home.


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ADVOCATES OF ALL AGES engage with She Is Safe for collective impact as we invest our time, talent and treasure to stand in the gap for girls who dare not speak about their abuses. Advocates become informed, they share what they are learning and they give out of their blessings of freedom, education and resources.

One simple way is to follow the lead of Blythe, a girl who advocates and sacrifices for girls.

You can become an official She Is Safe advocate today. Follow the steps at or call us toll-free at (877) 552-1402. Together we will work to make girls safe, free and equipped for new life.

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Our CommitmentSHE IS SAFE is an IRS recognized 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, committed to stewarding donated resources for freeing and equipping girls and women.

We are a trusted member of ECFA, Guidestar and the Accord Network. Every year She Is Safe undergoes an independent audit to provide transparency and integrity in the handling and use of funds.

*We use representative names and photos to protect the dignity and security of those we serve.

OUR MISSION is to prevent, rescue and restore women and girls from abuse and slavery in high-risk communities across the world, equipping them to build lives of freedom and faith for a strong future.

80% Programs

10% General Administration

10% Fundraising

RESCUE: $2,800/person

RESTORATION: $8,800/person

PREVENTION: $15/person

2016-17 EXPENSES

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INDIA • INDONESIA • MALI • MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA • MYANMAR • NEPAL • SOUTH SUDAN 11095 Houze Road, Suite 100 | Roswell, GA | 30076(877) 552-1402 | | [email protected]


The Bible refers to legacy as "laying up treasures in heaven". Though the blessings are eternal, we can start investing in them now.

Will I leave a legacy of life and hope for those most in need? Can my assets be used to glorify God by making sure His most vulnerable ones have opportunities of freedom and life? Can I give some of that right now – and see the fruit of my investment?

If you have pondered these questions, and you want to make sure that your legacy is set up to include the lifesaving work of She Is Safe, we can help. We partner with professionals in planned giving who will give you godly counsel to set everything in place for a bequest, will, annuity or property liquidation to the greatest advantage of your estate and the lives you hope to benefit. With careful planning, you can improve current and future income, enjoy tax savings while giving more, and leave a legacy of blessing and freedom for the world’s most abused and exploited women and girls.
