Page 1: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Life in the Thirteen Colonies

Page 2: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

What was it like?

It wasn’t modern.

• They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No dishwashers. No washing machines. No running water. No toilets. No factories to make toys, clothes, or anything. No supermarkets, malls, or department stores.

Page 3: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

So, how did they live?

Page 4: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

There were only two ways to travel on land.

• The first was walking. The second was on horses. Sometimes people rode on wagons pulled by horses.

Page 5: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• When it got dark, people usually went to bed because they couldn’t see. If they needed light, then they would use candles or oil lamps. The oil lamps burned oil that came from whale blubber.

Page 6: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• When it got cold, they had to get wood to burn in a fireplace.

Page 7: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• When they needed water to drink, cook with, clean with, or bathe in, they had to walk to the well and carry the water back to their house.

Page 8: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• If they needed to use the toilet, then they would just go outside.

Page 9: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Most people grew their own food in a garden.

• Most people had their own chickens, pigs, and cows.

Page 10: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• Farmers would carry their extra food to the towns to sell. The farmers had small markets where they could sell their produce.

Page 11: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• Most people had to make their own things. People made their own clothes, candles, shoes, or dishes.

Page 12: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Some people, called craftsmen, made products to sell in the towns.

Page 13: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Candle makers made candles.

Page 14: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Cooper made buckets and barrels.

Page 15: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Potters made pots and dishes.

Page 16: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Wrights made wheels and wagons.

Page 17: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Blacksmiths made metal things such as horseshoes or forks and


Page 18: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Bakers baked bread.

Page 19: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Many people owned guns.

• The guns were called muskets. They took a long time to reload and didn’t shoot straight.

Page 20: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

There were many English soldiers in the colonies.

• They fought against the French, the Spanish, and the Indians. The English soldiers were called “redcoats”.

Page 21: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

What did they wear?

• Rich people wore fancy silk clothes, wigs and makeup. Even men.

Page 22: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Puritans wore plain clothes.

Page 23: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

The thirteen colonies had three parts:

• The New England Colonies

• The Middle Colonies• The Southern


Page 24: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

The New England Colonies had cold weather. It was too cold for farming.

Page 25: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• Some people built ships. Some were merchants. Others worked on ships that hunted whales. The whale blubber was used to make oil for lamps.

Page 26: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Hunting whales was dangerous work.

Page 27: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Many people in New England were Puritans.

• The Puritans had their own government. They voted in town meetings.

• These meetings helped start democracy in America.

• These meetings also started the Revolution in America. They wanted to be free and independent.

Page 28: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

The Puritans believed everybody should read the Bible.

• They started the first public schools, so everybody could learn how to read.

Page 29: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

In the Middle Colonies, the weather was warmer.

• It was better for farmers. They grew a lot of food. They sent their food to the cities to sell in the markets.

Page 30: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• People in the Middle Colonies often came from Germany, Holland, Sweden, France, and Scotland. They spoke many different languages.

Page 31: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

In the Southern Colonies, the weather was very warm.

• There were many large plantations.

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The plantation masters were very


Page 33: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Plantations had many slaves.

• They often grew tobacco or rice.

Page 34: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

Slaves had no rights or protection. They worked hard all day.

Page 35: Life in the Thirteen Colonies. What was it like? It wasnt modern. They had no cars. No trains. No telephones. No electricity. No lights. No heaters. No

• Women had few rights. They did all the cooking, cleaning, and childcare.