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Life Cycle Costing

The life cycle costs the total of all of the cost areas for the life of the asset. In overall financial terms the

life cycle cost should be the determining factor in equipment selection and building design. In a

production environment the life cycle cost should be divided by the projected lifetime production for an

asset (such as numbers of parts produced, tons of pulp, pounds of gold extracted) to determine cost per


Since life cycle costs are cost projections, they are guesses about the future of labor costs, parts costs,

energy prices, interest rates and other factors. Even the future usage of the asset is a guess. The thought

is that taking a guess and working out the model is better than making investment blind without even

that basic level of work.

There are two ways to evaluate life cycles costs. Which differ only in the way they handle the time value

of money. Method #1 disregards the time value of money and looks only at the total cost:

Life cycles cost (LCC) = (ownership costs + operation costs + maintenance costs + allocation of overhead

costs + downtime costs + other costs)/unit production cost.

The second method includes the time value of money and weights the Investment by when it occurred.

For example if you buy two pumps $6000 and $10,000 the money has a net present value of $6000 or

$10,000 since it was spent in year one. Assume you retire the pumps after 10 years and the salvage

values (the amount of cash you receive from the machinery dealer) are $2000 and $7500. O & M costs

are $1000 and $800respectively.

Pump a Pump B

Purchase Price $ 6000 $ 10000

Salvage value after yr 10 $ 2000 $ 7500

O &M cost per year for 10 years $ 1000 $ 800

Using 10 % interest rates

Net present value of salvage $ 771 $ 2891

Net present value of O & M cost $ 6144 $ 4915

Present value of cost in today’s dollars  $ 11373$ 12024

Total cost without present value $ 14000$ 10500

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Without the time value of money it would seem that the more expensive pump is the better deal. With

the time value of money factored in, the less expensive pump is the better choice even though the O &

M cost are higher and the salvage value is much lower. Complete life cycle costing places each cost

(energy, maintenance, down time) in its projected year and discount it according to formulas or tables.

Details and formulas for this technique are discussed in the chapter on Selling to Management. In a

factory there is an additional factor which is production rate. The calculation would be Life Cycle Cost

per unit of Production.

Question to consider in your evaluation of LCC:


Utilization (hours of use of the asset): high guesses for utilization will skew the results toward

low utilization operating cost units. Low utilization guesses will skew away from high fixed cost


2.  Interest rates: Higher interest rate assumptions will favor lower initial investment (higher

operating and maintenance cost) units.

LCC should drive the all acquisition decision. In the absence of other factors (such as improved safety of

lower environmental impact), when the monthly LCC of an old asset exceeds the monthly cost of a new

one, the old one should be replaced.

A look at specific cost elements

As maintenance managers we hear ‘reduce costs or hold the line on the budget’ while the asset base is

being increased. Good management means providing capacity while reducing and controlling all of the

core cost areas.

To get a handle on the cost we must identify the cost at an actionable level . An actionable level is a

level where the consumption of the resource takes place.

The cost of most maintenance operations can be broken info five core and several secondary areas. To

have an impact on cost operation you must impact one of the five cost areas.

Core Area  Ease of impact 

Ownership Costs difficult to chance

Operating Costs easier to chance

Maintenance Costs moderate difficult to chance

Overhead Costs very difficult to chance

Downtime Costs moderate difficult to chance

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Consider all programs designed to reduce costs in terms of the above chart. We stress term reductions

in the cost structure of your building, factory of fleet because it is easy to effect short term reductions in

trade for higher long term costs. If a new product, software package, or management system boasts of

cost reduction, ask where the reduction will come from the five core areas. Otherwise the saving might

be phantom (small reductions in costs that never make it to the general ledger)

Ownership Costs

As soon as you purchase or lease an asset, even before you use it you begin to accrue cots. This run up

of costs might predate your use of the asset by months or years. The first line of defense against high

maintenance costs is to make sure you need the asset before you buy it (e.g. do you really need the

compressed air and letting someone else maintain the machine). Any cases where the needed capacity

(from beds in a hospital to machine tool open time) can be moved to an existing building vehicle or

machine will avoid new ownership costs.

Ownership cost categories:

a)  Purchase costs and depreciation

b)  Costs of money (interest)

c)  Lease or rental payments (fixed portion)

d)  Insurance costs, deductibles, self-insurance reserves, self-insurance claim costs


Permit, license costs, occupancy licenses, statutory costs (costs mandated by laws)


Make-ready costs, bringing equipment in line with organization standards

g)  Procurement costs: actual of searching, bidding, shopping for equipment

h)  Rebuilt/remanufactured costs/ major capital improvements

i)  Design fees, engineering fees


Permits, licenses to build

The ownership costs vary directly with the size of the asset base. a reductionin asset size through

increased availability (thus needing fewer back up units), increased utilization (add second shift),

decreased cycle times (in a factory) or decreased mileage (in a fleet operation) resulting in fewer units

required, or reducing the permanent asset base through peak demand leases will all favorably impact

ownership costs (as long as assets are actually disposed of).

Ownership costs can be increased by specification. If you specify higher quality finishes orproducts, or

heavier duty systems, your ownership costs will increase. Specification of fancy trim and wall finishes,

exotic technologies, extra options will all increase your ownership cost. Lean machines have just the

capability needed and nothing extra, thus lowering the ownership costs of new equipment. Many of

these expenditures may be desirable (if they lower other costs or improve comfort / morale) but they

still increase ownership costs. The trade-offs are essential to calculate. The whole field of guaranteed

maintainability is based on these trade-offs.

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Some of the components of the ownership cost (depreciation, depending on the method used, and

interest), decrease as the asset ages. There is an ongoing discussion. Your accounting department uses

techniques acceptable to the IRS to influence (increase or decrease) profits.

Our goal is simply to consume the value of the building, vehicle or machine over itsthe productive life.

We recommend that you be aware of the technique used by your accounting department to

depreciate your asset categories.For maintenance management purposes however, use the straight line

method (to simplify your calculations).

Depreciation formulas:

Totaldepreciation =(total purchase price - salvage value)

Yearly depreciation = (total purchase price - salvage value) / years of life

Where:Years of life = the average age in years of a units when it is retired total purchase Price = total of all costs

including closing costs, prep, etc. salvage value = how much will the unit be worth when you retire it.

Operating costs 

Most asset cost money to operate. In assets such as buildings, trucks, boilers, and furnaces the operation

cost will eventually exceed the acquisition cost. It is not unusual for a tractor trailer to mach it is

acquisition cost in fuel dollars every 4 years.

Components of operating costs include:

A.  Energy (oil, electricity, gas )

B.  Energy taxes (excise, sales, surcharges)


Other utilities such as water, sewer, steam, chilled water, etc.D.  Usage charges on rental/leased units.

E.  Wear part consumption (such as tires)

F.  Consumables such as lube or cutting oil, added hydraulic oil


Miscellaneous operating costs.

Operating costs vary directly with utilization of the asset. Reduction on usage through scheduling

reduced stand-by or operation hours, preventive maintenance lubrication which reduces friction in

bearings and power transmission, proper adjustment and trim of burners or engines will all favorably

impact operating costs. The unique aspect of operating costs is that they respond immediately to

improvements in your operation. That is why energy audits are so popular: the savings are reflected in

the next utility bill.

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Maintenance costs 

Mechanical systems wear and building deteriorate. All system needs attention from time to time. The

cost of this attention is the focus of almost all management cost cutting efforts. We see that

maintenance costs consist of seven core areas that are interrelated:

A.  Inside labor (employees) E. Service contracts


Inside parts (stockroom) F. Miscellaneous

C.  Contractor labor G. Hidden costs of failures

D.  Contractor parts

Maintenance costs vary with many factors including condition of the asset age, type, and condition) type

of service, operator expertise, mechanic expertise, company policy, equipment specification, and

weather. It is very difficult to determine all of the contributors to a particular maintenance exposure.

Managing maintenance means understanding the major contributors to your maintenance exposure.

Today’s maintenance costs reflect wear that took place in the past. Therefore if we reduce or increase

our utilization today, our maintenance costs will not be affects some future date.  

As a mechanical asset ages, the maintenance cost usually increase. Maintenance costs increase

significantly when critical wear in the mechanical system is reached.Since many factors influence maintenance costs, investment in various areas will have different effects in

different departments. For some organizations operator training might have a major impact. For other

organizations specification of heavier might duty components will reduce costs most efficiently.

Some maintenance costs can be avoided. You invest funds today to reduce costs in the future. A

comprehensive preventive maintenance program will increase your maintenance expenditures in the

beginning (the investment). The return may be 12-18 months in the future in reduced interruptions and

higher productivity.

Management of the maintenance component of expenditures is by far the most complex of the cost

areas. You have to track, analyze, and cross reference all of the repairs. Unearthing the most important

culprits contributing to mass of data collected over the asset’s life. 

Two of the hidden costs that should be included when evaluating different maintenance modes are thetrue costs of downtime (covered in the downtime section) and the hidden costs of emergency repairs.

We use “hidden” to mean the disruption to your on-going operation caused by emergency calls. This

disruption reduces output, adding to the per-unit cost of the interrupted activity.

Overhead (of the maintenance effort) 

Overhead costs tend to be fixed except for major changes in the department’s size or role. These cost

areas tend to be the last to change and are generally changeable only bye management decision. For

example, fuel costs will naturally decrease if you change to high efficiency boilers. Overhead costs

change as the result of closing facilities, consolidation. Re-staffing, etc. money saving efforts can cut a

percentage of overhead costs. Overhead components include:

A.  Costs of maintenance facilities

B.  Heat, light, power, phone for the maintenance shop only.

C.  All persons in maintenance department not reported on repair orders (supervisors, clerks, etc.)

D.  Supplies not charged to repair orders (rags, nuts and bolts, etc.)

E.  Tools and tool replacement.

F.  Repair and cleaning of maintenance facility, maintenance tools

G.  Computer systems, all expenses.

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Excellent maintenance controls may be able to reduce facilities, supply usage, non-repair time, and toll

loss. Applying sound maintenance procedures to your own building and tools will certainly reduce your

overhead costs. Overhead costs begin to accrue before the first asset is purchased and before the first

part is made, mile is driven, or student is taught.

Downtime costs 

In a production facility the downtime cost is usually by far the highest of the core cost areas. A $20

million dollar machine could be producing $100 million worth of shipments.

A.  Revenue loss less recoverable costs like unused materials.


Idle operator salaries.


Replacement unit rental costs.

D.  Replacement costs for ruined product.

E.  Later penalties. Missed JIT window implications.

F.  Tangible and intangible costs of customer dissatisfaction, hidden costs, other cost.

Downtime calculations are difficult because they appear clearly on someone’s budget as a lack ofproduction, not as a definable cost. Downtime costs can be a deciding factor in the decision to invest in a

PM or computer system.

Reason for downtime should also be tracked. Much downtime is not related to maintenance but rather

to set-up, material replenishment color changes or operator controlled situation such as sabotage or

abuse of the unit. These last reasons for downtime are usually captured, misleadingly, as “repair reason”

on the repair order.

Examples of downtime costs: 

  Automobile assembly: the downtime costs for the main assembly line approaches

$5000/minute.  Hospital: if the ICU goes down and someone dies, the law could cost millions.

  Fleet: the downtime cost of a loaded tractor might be $700/day or more.

  Power utility: a peak-load-shaving turbine might have downtime costs of $150,000/hour.

  On a construction site, a downtime incident for a bulldozer might be $100/hour.

  A crane on the same site might be $2750/hour or more if holds up construction.

Demand hours 

Related to downtime is the concept of demand hours. Demand hours are the hours that the equipment

is a demand. A one shift operation that runs equipment 52 weeks per year (less 4 holidays) has thefollowing demand hours:

(8hours/ day * 5 days * 52 weeks) – (4holidays * 8 hours/day) = 2048 demand hours

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Organizations with limited demand hours


  Schools bus fleets

  Factories with only 1 shift

Organizations with unlimited demand hours


  24 hr. factories

  Process plants

To take advantage of this limited many one-shift operations firms reduce downtime by using second or

third shift for PM or repairs. Where this is possible, many of the costs associated with scheduled

downtime are eliminated. Downtime due to emergencies would still have an impact.

Additional cost areas to discuss

There are costs beyond the core costs which apply to specific industries and organizations. These costs

can dwarf the core areas where they apply.


In production, a responsive maintenance department can improve productivity. This is hard to prove,

but anecdotal evidence shows that attention to the worker on the floor (by fixing little things quickly,

replacing bulbs, etc.) will improve morale. Improved morale helps the worker care for how they use the

equipment, which results in fewer breakdowns and increased productivity.


In the transit business the cost of accidents due to maintenance is important. Airlines carry billion dollar

insurance policies against maintenance catastrophes. The cost of safety must also include cost of

damage, medical costs, lost morale, lost time, lost time for management and legal costs.

Scrap and variation

Good maintenance can reduce scrap by making sure that machines won’t fail in the middle of runs

causing scrap. Also, well maintained machines produce parts (assuming they can produce the part in the

first place) with less variation. One of the several elements of quality is good maintenance practices.

Environmental protection

In the chemical, oil, and related businesses the cost of environmental clean-up, permits and fines can be

traced back to poor maintenance practices. These costs are added to the costs of having your customers

angry about your environmental policies.

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Attractiveness to customers 

In the retail field the store has to be designed to help the customer want to shop. Deterioration would

scare upscale retail away. Of course if you operate a surplus store, the deterioration might work in your


Buffer stock or work in process

In a factory you build up inventory in front of each machine in case the previous machine breaks down.

This work in proves has a cost associated with it that JIT (just in time) manufacturing wants to recover.

Good maintenance can reduce WIP.

Late penalties (early incentives)

In the trucking world some products must be delivered on-time. Good maintenance practices facilitate

on-time arrival. In construction they use the carrot and the stick approach, charging liquidated damages

for lateness and a reward for early completion. Good maintenance does not guarantee early

completion, but bad maintenance can interfere with the company’s ability to meet its commitments. 

Completion, but bad maintenance can interfere with the company’s ability to meet its commitments.  

Specialized software is been available to help with these calculations. Two older packages come to mind:

PERDEC from Oliver Marketing in Montreal and VIA (Vehicle investment analyzer) from Dan Cheshirein

New Jersey.

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One of the elements of the pattern is dictated by the way assets fail. Eventually equipment, fleet vehicles

and buildings require maintenance and all fail fairly characteristic ways. Our maintenance approach and

support systems (such as stores, computer support, engineering support, etc.) need to be sophisticate

enough to detect which critical wear curve is most likely to be typical of the asset´s deterioration. Once

the curve is selected we must locate where on the critical wear curve we are and react accordingly.

We are shooting to have the asset in the wealth phase of each curve. This is where the asset makes

money for us. It pumps water, delivers kids to school or whatever is was is meant to do.

One complication is that every component system of each asset i son its own deterioration/ failure

curve. The electronics, belts, motors, gears and sensors all deteriorate in different patterns. Some typical

deterioration patterns are:


The probability of failure in any period is the same. Example: Windshield of a vehicle will fail when it gets

hit by a people. The probability of a failure is unrelated to life span. The wind shield does not wear out in

the traditional sense. This curve is common in electronics (lightning strikes) and in systems that becomeobsolete before they wear out.

Infant mortality

They probability of failure starts high then drops to an even or random level (see figure 3-2). Example:

many electronics systems fail most frequently during initial burn-in. After an initial period (usually 48

hours) the probability of failure from periodto period doesn´t significantly changes. Failures in this phase

are usually covered by warranty. Failures are caused by defects in manufacturing, materials, installation

and labor. Most complex systems of any type have high initial failure rates due to such problems.


The probability of failure slowly increases over utilization (see figure 3 – 3).Example: Consider the jaws

of an aggregate crusher: These are massive blocks of manganese steel that get worn out by the rock.

They wear in a predictable way and the probability of failure increases gradually throughout their life.

Truck tires have 2 failure modes. The first one is random road hazards and the second one is wear of this

type. A graph of its deterioration would be a horizontal line which then becomes an upwardly increasing


Increasing then stable

The probability of failure rapidly increases then levels off (see Figure 3 – 4).Example: Uncommon in

maintenance. Electric heating element in a hot water heater. The probability of failure increases as theunit is turned on and then stabilizes to a random level.

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Ending mortality

The probability of failure is random until the end of the life cycle then it increases rapidly (see Figure 3-

5).Example: Common failure mode is characterized by mechanical systems that wear until they reach a

point and then they are at significant risk of failure. Failure modes related to corrosion and fatigue

usually go along randomly until the amount of metal left is marginal to support the structure. Failurerates dramatically increases when this level of deterioration is achieved.


This curve is the combination of the infant mortality and the ending mortality curves (see figure 3-6).

Probability of failure starts high, then levels off, then starts to rise again.

Example: trucks initially have high failure rates due to in labor and parts and intrinsic design flaws. They

fall into a fact section of the curve until one of the critical systems experiences critical wear.

Reliability of the vehicle drops and the number of maintenance incidents increases until complete

failure. A common curve for systems dominated by wear  – out.


The best strategy for dealing with maintenance is closely related to the type of failure and deterioration

curve that dominates the asset deterioration each phase can be described and counter measures can be

designed to either extend (as in the wealth phase) or minimize (as in the start  – up or breakdown


1.-Start-up phase: characterized by infant mortality .problems with start-up are represented most

strongly by the infant mortality and bathtub curves. Failures are due to defects in materials,

workmanship, installation and/or operator training on new equipment. Frequently the costs are partiallycovered by warranty. Unless you have significant experience with this make and model of asset you are

hampered by a lack of historical data. The failures are hard to predict or plan for and it is difficult to

know which parts to stock.

This period could last from a day or less to several years on a complex system. A new punch press might

take a few weeks to get through this cycle while an automobile assembly line might take 12 months or

more to completely shake down. Be vigilant in monitoring misapplications (the wrong machine for the

 job, inadequate engineering, and manufacturer deficiencies. Countermeasures: (designed to shepherd

the asset though this cycle and into the wealth cycle)

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  Enough time to test- run equipment

  Enough time to design and build the equipment if it is custom

  Enough time and resources to properly install and then commission

  Operator training and participation in start- up

  Operator certification


Operator and maintenance department input into choosing machine  Maintenance and operator inputs to machine design to insure main trainability

  Good vendor relations so they will communicate problems other users have

  Good vendor relations so you will be introduced to the engineers behind the scenes

  Training with the equipment ( and periodic retraining when project wears on )

  Maintenance person training in start-up

  Latent defect analyses (run the machine over-speed to see what fails and re-engineer it )

  RCM analysis to design PM tasks and reengineering tasks

  Rebuild or re-engineer to your own higher standard


Formal procedures for start-up and commissioning (possibility of video?)

2.-Wealth phase. All curves have a wealth phase, except where the asset is not strong enough for the

 job; then it goes directly from start-up problems to the breakdown cycle. The bathtub infant mortality,

random, ending mortality all have a well-defined middle phase. This cycle is where the organization

makes money on the useful output of the machine, building or other asset. This can also be called the

use cycle. The goal of PM is to keep the equipment in this cycle or detect when it might make the

transition to the breakdown cycle. After detecting a problem with the machine or asset, a quality-

oriented maintenance shop will do everything possible to repair the problem.

After proper start-up, the failures in this cycle should be minimal. Operator mistakes, sabotage, material

defects tend to show up in this cycle if the PM system is effective. Also PM would generate to need forplanned component replacement (PCR). The wealth cycle can last from several years to 100 years or

more on certain types of equipment. The wealth cycle on a high speed press might be 5 years while the

same cycle might span 50 years for a low speed punch press in light service countermeasures designed

to keep the asset in the wealth cycle:

  PM system

  TLC (tighten, lubricate, clean).

  Operator certification

  Periodic operator refresher courses

  Close watching during labor strife.

  Audit maintenance procedures and check assumptions on a periodic Basis

  Audit operations procedures and check assumptions on a periodic basis

  Autonomous maintenance standards

  Quality audits

  Quality control charts initiate maintenance service when control limits cannot be held

  Membership in user or trade groups concerned with this asset


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3.-Breakdown phase: this is best represented in the bathtub and ending mortality curves.

The increasing curve also has a breakdown phase but it is harder to see when it starts because it starts

at an arbitrary point of wear. This is the cycle that organizations find themselves in when they do not

follow good PM practices. Corrosion failures, fatigue, downtime and general headaches.

This is a very exciting environment because you never know what is going to break, blow-out, smash up

or cause general mayhem. Some organizations manage life cycle three very well and make money by

having extra machines, low quality requirements, and toleration for headaches. Parts usage changes as

you move more deeply into life cycle three. The parts tend to be bigger, more expensive and harder to

get. The goal of most maintenance operations is to identify when an asset is slipping into the breakdown

phase and fix the problem. Fixing the problem will result in the asset moving back to wealth phase.

Countermeasures for the breakdown cycle:


PM system (particularly TLC)  Maintenance improvements

  Equipment reengineering

  Reliability engineering

  Maintenance engineering

  Feedback failure history to PM task lists

  Great fire fighting capabilities

  Superior major repair capabilities

  Great relationships with contractors who have superior repair and rebuild capabilities

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PdM (Predictive Maintenance)

The ideal situation in maintenance is to be able to peer inside your components and replace them right

before they fail. Technology has been improving significantly in this area. Tools are available that canpredict corrosion failure on a transformer, examine and video tape boiler tubes, or detect a bearing

failure weeks before it happens. Scientific application of proven predictive techniques increases

equipment reliability and decreases the cost of unexpected failures. Predictive maintenance is a

maintenance activity geared to indicating where a piece of equipment id on the critical wear curve, and

predicting its remaining useful life. While any inspection activity on the PM task list is predictive, when

we use the phrase "predictive maintenance", we always are referring to inspections with high

technology scanners, cameras or meters. Predictive maintenance improves reliability by detecting

deterioration earlier then it could be detected by manual means. This earlier detection gives the

maintenance people more time to intervene. With the longer lead time there is less likelihood of an

unscheduled event catching you unaware. In the appendix to RCM II, john moray lists over 50

techniques for predictive maintenance. Every year some smart scientists, engineer or maintenanceprofessional comes up with one or two more. Any technique could be the one that will really help detect

your modes of failure. Condition based maintenance is related to predictive maintenance. In condition

based maintenance the equipment is inspected and, based on conditions, further work or inspections

are done. For example, in a traditional PM program, a filter might be scheduled for change out monthly.

In condition based maintenance, the filter is changed when the differential pressure reading (taken

before and after the filter) exceeds certain levels.

Maintenance has borrowed tools from other fields such as medicine, chemistry, physics, auto racing,

aerospace and other. These advanced techniques includes all types of oil analysis

,ferrography, chemical analysis, infrared temperature scanning, magna-flux, vibration analysis, motor

testing, ultrasonic imaging, ultrasonic thickness gauging, shock pulse meters and

Advance visual inspection. Most metropolitan locations have service companies so you can try some

techniques in your facility.

Other instruments not discussed here which should be considered part of your predictive maintenance

tool box are meggers, pyrometers, VOM meters, strain gauges, temperature sensitive tapes and chalk.

Alost all techniques depend on baselines to be most useful. The baseline is the reading when the asset is

operating normally with no significant problem. In many fields (Such as air handlers or motors) baseline

data can be obtained from the manufacturer.


Many techniques and instruments can also be useful in a predictive way because predictive maintenance

is an attitude, not a technology! Before you start a predictive maintenance program, consider these


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1. - what is our objective for a predictive maintenance program? Do we want to reduce downtime,

maintenance costs or even the stock level in storerooms? What is the most important objective?

2.-Are we, as an organization, ready for predictive maintenance?

A. Do we have piles of data that we already don't have time to look at?

B. If one of the PM mechanics comes to us asking for a machine to be rebuilt, do we have time to rebuild

a machine that is not already broken?

C. Could we get downtime on a critical machine on the basis that it might break down?

D. Are we willing to invest significant time and money in training? Do we have the patience to wait out a

long learning curve?

3. Is (are) the specific technique (s), the right technique(s)?

A. Does the return justify the extra expense?

B. Do you have existing information systems to handle, store and act on reports?

C. Is it easy and convenient to integrate the predictive activity and information flow with the rest of the

PM system?

D. Is there a less costly technique to get the same information?

E. Will the technique minimize interference for our users?

F. Exactly what critical wear are we trying to locate?

4. Is this the right vendor?

A. Will they train you and your staff?

B. Do they have an existing relationship with your organization?

C. Is the equivalent equipment available elsewhere?

D. In the case of a service company, are they accurate?

E. How do their prices compare with the value received in the market place?

F. Can the vendor provide rental equipment (to try before you buy) Can they provide a turn-key service

giving you reports, and hot line service for urgent problems?

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5. Is there another way to handle this instead of purchasing it?

A. Can we rent the equipment?

B. Can we use an outside vendor for the service?

An excellent treatment of the whole field of predictive maintenance can be found in John Moubray´s

book RCM II, published by Industrial Press. Some material in this chapter is partially adapted from that

book. The technologies are grouped around detecting deterioration in the 6 effects: dynamic (vibration),

particle (ferrography), chemical (water analysis), physical (crack detection), temperature (infrared),

electrical (ampere monitoring).

Chemical analysis

One of the most popular families of techniques to predict current internal condition and impending

failures is chemical analysis. There are seven basic types of chemical analysis. The first two are related to

particle size and composition:

Type Material

1.  Atomic emission (AE) Spectrometry all materials

2.  Atomic Absorption (AA) Spectrometry all materials

3.  Gas Chromatography gases emitted by faults

4.  Liquid Chromatography lubricant degradation


Infra-red Spectroscopy similar to AE

6.  Fluorescence Spectroscopy assessment of oxidation products


Thin Layer Activation uses radioactivity to measure wear

Oil analysis is a significant subset off all of the chemical analysis that is used for maintenance. The two

spectrographic techniques are commonly used to look at the whole oil picture. They report all metals

and contamination. This is based on the fact that different materials give off different characteristic

spectra when burned. The results are expressed in PPT or PPM (PPT- Parts per thousand, PPM- Parts per

million, PPB- Parts per billion).

The lab or oil vendor usually has baseline data for types of equipment that they frequently analyze. The

concept is to track trace materials over time and determine where they come from. At a particular level,

experience will dictate an intervention is required. Oil analysis costs $10 to $25 per analysis. It is

frequently included at no charge (or low charge) from your supplier of oil.

You are usually given a computer-printed report with a Reading of all materials in the oil and the

“normal” readings for those materials. In some cases the lab might call results in so that you can finish a

unit or capture a unit before more damage is done.

For example, if silicon is found in the oil, then a breach has occurred between the outside environment

(perhaps at the breather or air intake) and the lubricating systems (frequently silicon contamination

comes from sand, silicon dioxide, or dirt). Another example would be an increase from 4 PPT to 6 PPT for

bronze, which probably indicates increasing normal bearing wear. This would be tracked and could be

noted and checked on the regular inspections.

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Oil analysis includes an analysis of the suspended or dissolved non-oil materials including Babbitt,

chromium, copper, Iron, Lead, Tin, Aluminum, Cadmium, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Silver, and

titanium, In addition to these materials the analysis will show contamination from acids, dirt/sand,

bacteria, fuel, water, plastic, and even leather.

The other aspect of oil analysis is a view of the oil itself. Questions to be answered include: has the oils

lubricating properties broken down, what is the viscosity, are the additives for corrosion protection or

cleaning still active? Consider oil analysis a part of your normal PM cycle. Since oil analysis is relatively

inexpensive also consider doing it under the following conditions:

1.  Following any overload or unusual stress

2.  If sabotage is suspected

3.  Before purchasing a used unit


After a bulk delivery of lubricant to determine quality, specification, and if bacteria is present

5.  Following a rebuild, to baseline the new equipment and for quality assurance

6.  After service following severe weather such as flood, hurricane, or sandstorm.

Other tests are carried out on power transformer oil which shows the condition of the dielectric and the

presence of breakdown products from internal arcing.

The first place to begin looking at oil analysis is from your lubricant vendor. If your local distributor is not

aware of any programs, contact any of the major oil companies. If you are a large user of oils and are

shopping for a yearly requirement, you might ask for analysis as part of the service. Some vendors will

give analysis services to their larger customers at little or no cost.

Labs that are unaffiliated with oil companies exist in most major cities, especially cities that serve as

manufacturing or transportation centers. Look for a vendor with hot line service who will e-mail, call or

fax you in case of an imminent breakdown. These firms will prepare a printout of all of the attributes of

your hydraulic, engine, cutting oils or power transmission lubricants. The firm should be able to help you

set sampling intervals and train your people in proper techniques for talking the samples.

In one case at least, a major manufacturer, Caterpillar, offers oil analysis services to owners of their

equipment. The advantage is that they can compare your readings with others of the same equipment

and same age. An additional benefit for Caterpillar (and for its customers too) is that every analysis goes

into a database and increases their knowledge of how their equipment fails.

Tip: Send samples taken at the same time on the same unit to several oil analysis labs. See whoagrees, who’s the fastest, who has the least cost. Pick a la maintains your data on computer and

be sure you can get the data for analysis.

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Wear Particle Analysis, Ferrography and Chip detection

Particle techniques Description

1.  Ferrography 20- 100 microns, ferrous only 

2.  Chip detection 40- microns up, metals only 


X- Ray fluorescence after radiation materials that emit 

Characteristic x-rays

4.  Blot testing blot highlights size and type of particles

5.  Light detection and ranging analyze smoke from smoke stacks

These techniques examine the wear particles to see what properties they have. Many of the

particles in oil are not wear particles. Wear particle analysis separates the wear particles out

and trends them. When the trend shows abnormal wear, initiate ferrography (microscopic

examination of wear particles).

Several factors contribute to the usefulness of these techniques. When wear surfaces rub

against each other, they generate particles. This rubbing creates normal particles that are small

(under 10 microns), round (like grains of beach sand) and benign. Abnormal wear creates large

particles generated are divided by size into two groups: small (<10 microns) or large particles

(>10 microns).

When abnormal wear occurs, the large particles count dramatically increases. This is the first

indication of abnormal wear. After abnormal wear is detected, the particles are examined

(ferrography) for metallurgy, type and shape. These contribute to the analysis of what is

wearing and how much life is left.

The most obvious chip detection technology is a magnetic plug in the sump of an engine. You

examine the plug to see if dangerous amounts of chips are in the oil. Chip detection is a pass-

fail method of large particle analysis. Too many large particles set off an alarm. Several vendors

marketdifferent types of detectors. One type allows the oil to flow past a low power electrical matrix of

fine wires. A large particle will touch two wires and complete the circuit to set off the alarm.

Vibration analysis

Vibration Analysis is a widely method in plant machinery maintenance. A recent study of the city ofHouston’s Waste Water treatment department showed a $3.50 return on investment for every $1.00

spent on vibration monitoring. The same study showed that a private company might get as much as

$5.00 return per dollar spent. The study and the vibration monitoring Project were done by the

engineering firm of Turner, Collie and Braden in Houston, Texas.

Each element of a rotating asset vibrates at characteristic frequencies. A bent shaft will always peak at

twice the frequency of the rotation speed. A ball bearing, on the other and, might vibrate at 20 times the

frequency of rotation.

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There are three views on vibration. The simplest view, suitable for only the slowest shaft speeds

(<600RPM), looks at the displacement of the rotating element. This is an old method (in fact the oldest

method) and might use a dial indicator to read the measurement is suitable for rotational speeds from

600 to 3600 RPM.

The third view measures acceleration. Acceleration is a measure of the speed at which the system

degrades. It is measured in Gs and it is used with shafts rotating at speeds above 3600 RPM.

There are over 9 different types of vibration analysis. Each individual technique focuses on one aspect of

the way assets deteriorate which is detectable by vibration. Techniques include octave and analysis,

narrow band frequency analysis, real time analysis, proximity analysis, shock pulse monitoring, kurtosis,

acoustic emission, and others.

The most popular is broad band analysis {see figure 29-1}. This analysis measures the changes in

amplitude of the vibration by frequency over time.

This amplitude by frequency is plotted on an XY axis chart and is called a signature (given a particular

service load). Changes to the vibration signature of a unit means that one of the rotating elements has

changed characteristics.

The elements include all rotating parts such as shafts, bearing, motors and power

transmissioncomponents. Also included are anchors, resonating structures and indirectly connected

equipment.Many large engines, turbines, and other large equipment have vibration transducers and accelerometers

built in. The information is fed to the control system which can shut down the unit or set off an alarm

from vibration that exceeds predetermined limits. The system also has computer outputs. This allows

transfer of the real-time data to the maintenance information system.

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½ rotational


Oil whip or

Oil whirl



Erratic High speed

machines where


bearings are


1 x RPM unbalance Proportional

To imbalance




Check loose

mounting if in

vertical direction

2 x RPM looseness erratic Two


usually high in

vertical direction

2 x RPM Bent shaft,


Large in axial




Use dial indicator

for positive


1,2,3,4 x RPM Bad drive belts erratic 1,2,3,4 unsteady Use strobe light

to freeze faulty


Synchronous or 2

x synchronous

Electrical Usually low Single or double

rotating mark

If vibration drops

out as soon as

electricity is

turned off, it is


Many x RPM Bad bearing erratic Many



If amplitude

exceeds 0.25

mils. Suspect


RPM X # of gear


Gear noise usually low many

RPM X# of blade

on fan or pump

Aerodynamic or



Quick vibration monitoring program

1. - Buy or rent a metro portable vibration (velocity). These meters cost less than 1250.

2, the mechanical train in use;. Make it regular task list tareas.Asigne readings for different people


3. -Note any machine with vibration levels over 0.3 IPS

4 - . Make repairs or other actions when indicated .No defer. Note condition of all rotating elements,

determine what caused the increased vibration .Utilize this information for meetings of the tool box the

next day.

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As you feel more comfortable:

• Take readings after installation of new equipment.

• Before and after you renew for one unit, check all vibration readings. 

• As you create an archive of success stories, get into more sophisticated spectrum analysis total

between more broadly and trust your conclusions.

Temperature Measuring

Since the beginning of the industrial era, temperature sensor has been an important .Friction problem

(or electrical resistance) creates heat. Temperature is the single greatest enemy of oil lubrication and

power transmission components. The advanced detection, imaging, and chemistry allow us to use

temperature as a diagnostic tool.

Today, the technology exists to make pictures from heat, not light .Part is hottest reflect it appear more

red (or darker) . Changes in the heads shown graphically problem areas where friction, electrical

resistance heat wave losses are having place .Infrared process is unique because it is almost entirely

non- interruptive. Most inspections can be completed safely of 10 or more feet away and out of danger.

Readings are taken as part of the evening routine and monitor over time Fall appears temperature

.Detection a change in temperature can be achieved by digital infrared cameras , film still , pyrometers ,

thermocouple, thermometric a buckle of fiber, transducer and other heat sensitive tape and chalk.

Idea for action 

Mount targets where you want to use infrared. Those way different inspectors will always aim at the

same thing.

On large engines, air handlers, boilers, turbines, etc., temperature transducers are included for all mayor

bearings. Some packages include stop circuits and alarm if the temperature rises above certain limits.

The hardware for infrared is becoming more and more powerful. A typical Specification for a top of the

line, hand held imager with full, accurate, absolute temperature measurement capabilities might weigh

5 pounds, including 4X zoom, color viewfinder, self-calibration, 30.000 hr. MTBF, thermoelectric cooling,

snap-in battery pack, output in JPG format to CD, SD card, inputs including voice notations of each video

image, and in 2009 it costs $20.000.

Harry Devlin, an Agema representative and infrared survey engineer, explains that the extra money

spent gets you high accuracy, for situations where the actual temperature is needed to detect the

severity of the problem, and repeatability so you can count on the reading. He says that the high end

equipment is most appropriate for large facilities where there is a need to prioritize the findings (using

the temperature gradient to identify immediate and high priority problems) or for industries where

calibration and repeatability is an issue (such as nuclear power generation).

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An infrared imager only (no temperature reading capability, it can only detect degrees above ambient)

would drop the cost below $5,000. An infrared gun that can take spot temperatures (without imaging

capability) would set you back around $500 – 1500.

Sites for infrared inspection: Look for:

Bearings Overheating

Boilers Wall/refractory deterioration

Cutting tools Sharpness

Die casting/injection molding equipment Temperature distribution

Distribution panels Overheating

Dust atmospheres (coal, sawdust) Spontaneous combustion indication

Furnace tubes Heating patterns

Heat exchanger Proper operation

Kilns and furnaces Refractory breakdown

Motors Hot bearings

Paper processing Uneven drying

Piping Locating underground leaks

Polluted waters Sources of dumping un rivers

Power transmission equipment Bad connections

Presses mechanical wear

Steam lines clogs or leaks

Switchgear, breakers loose or corroded connections

Three phase equipment unbalanced load

Thermal sealing, welding, induction even heatingequip

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Examples of areas where savings are possible from application of infrared

Hot spot on transformer was detected. Repair scheduled off-shift when the load was not needed,

avoiding costly and disruptive downtime. A small percentage of new steam traps which remove air or

condensate from steam lines will clog or fail in the first year. No functioning steam traps can be readily

detected and corrected during inspection scans of the steam distribution system. Breakdowns in

insulation and small pipe / joint leaks can also be detected during these inspections.

Hot bearing were isolated in a production line before deterioration had taken place. Replacement was

not necessary. Repairs to relieve the condition were scheduled without downtime.

Roofs with water under the membrane retain heat after the sun goes down. A scan of a leaking roof will

show the extent of the pool of water. Sometimes a small repair will secure the roof and extend its life.

Infrared is an excellent tool for energy conservation. Small leaks, breaches in insulation and structural

defects are apparent when a building is scanned. The best time to scan a building is during extremes of

temperatures (greatest variance between the inside temperature and the outside temperature).

Furnaces are excellent places to apply infrared because of the cost involved in creating the heat and thecost of keeping it in place. Unnecessary heat losses from breaches in the insulation can be easily

detected by periodic scans. Pictures are available to detect changes to refractory that could be

precursors to wall failures.

Temperature measurement in electrical closets is one area where experience can take the place of

baseline measures. For example, in high voltage distribution, if the legs vary by 40 degrees C or more,

immediate action is required. If the legs vary by 10 – 15 degrees C, then correcting actions can come at

the next scheduled shutdown. Lower voltage might allow a variance 5 degrees C.

Ultrasonic inspection

One of the most exciting families of technologies based on ultrasound.

It is widely used in medicine and has been moved to the inspection and maintenance of the plant. There

are five techniques that make up this family.

In one of the most common techniques and inexpensive, an ultrasonic transducer transmits high

frequency sound waves and picks up the echoes (pulse - echo). The echoes are caused by changes in the

density of the tested material. The echo time is measured and the processor for the scanner converts

the pulses to useful information such as changes in the density and the distance information.

Ultrasound can determine the thickness of the paint, of metal pipes, corrosion and nearly any

homogeneous material. New thickness gauge (using continuous transmission techniques) show both a

digital thickness and a trace based on the time range. Identify trace corrosion or erosion, dashed traces

showing the entire thickness and an irregular rear wall. The footprint shows any internal multiple echo,

empty tanks or occlusions (causing multiple each ones).Another excellent application of ultrasonic inspection is the Bandag analyzer housing. It is used in the

retreading of truck tires. Ultrasound is useful for detecting invisible Problems in case that may result in

failures and blowouts after retreading. Since the ultrasonic waves bouncing around the changes in the

density, the imperfections in the covers (holes, spinal damage or cuts) are immediately obvious . The

transmitter is located within the housing 16 and ultrasonic pads are inserted into a monitor. He

immediately alerts the operator monitor casing failures.

An application of ultrasound is different in the ultrasonic detection.

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Many flows, bearing noise, air infiltration and mechanical systems emit ultrasonic sound waves. These

waves are highly directional. Detectors used as stereo headphones portable high frequency sound

translate into sounds that we hear to quickly locate the source of these noises and increase the

efficiency of diagnosis.

Some organizations improve this app with ultrasonic generators.

Enter the generator within a closed system, such as cooling pipes or vacuum chamber and listen to all

the ultrasonic noise. The noise indicates a leak, release or other escape route

In one application of ultrasonic detection is acoustic grease gun

Advanced Visual Techniques

The first applications of advanced visual technology used fiber optics in bore scopes. With fibers optics,

fibers of highly pure glass are bundled together. The smallest fiber optics instruments have diameters of

0.9mm (.035”). Some of instruments can articulate to see the walls of a boiler tube. The focus on some

of the advanced models is 1/3” to infinity. The limitation of fiber optics is length. The longest is about

12’ (some are longer).The advantages are cost (50% or less of equivalent video technology) and level oftechnology (they don’t require large amounts of training to support). 

Another visual technology gaining acceptance is ultra-small video cameras. These are used for

inspection of the interior of large equipment, boiler tubes, and pipelines. These CCD (charge Coupled

Display) devices can be attached to a color monitor through cables (some models used on pipelines can

go to 1000’). They use miniature television cameras smaller then a pencil (about ¼” in diameters and 1”

long) with a built-in light source. Some models allow small tools to be manipulated at the end, others

can snake around obstacles. It is extensively used to inspect pipes and boiler tubes.

The major disadvantages are cost (currently $10,000 to $20,000) and level of support (they require

training to adjust and use). The major advantage lies in flexibility. You can replace the heads or cables asneeded and end up with several scopes for the price of one.

In most major industrial centers, service companies have been established to do your inspections for a

fee. These firms use the latest technology and have highly skilled inspectors. Some of these firms also

sell hardware with training. One good tactic is to try several service companies and settle on one to do

inspections, help choose equipment, and provide training. You can also rent most of the equipment.

Other related visual equipment includes rigid bore scopes, cold light rigid probes (up to 1.5m), deep

probe endoscopes (up to 20 m), and pan-view fiber-scope.

Other Methods of Predictive Maintenance.

Magnetic Particle Techniques (called Eddy Current Testing or Magna –flux)

Magna-flux is borrowed from racing and racecar engine rebuilding, and has begun to be used in

industry. This technique induces very high currents into a steel part (frequently used in the automotive

field on crank and cam shafts). While the current is being applied, the part is washed by fine, dark-

colored magnetic particles (there are both dry and wet systems).

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The tests show cracks that are too small to be seen ordinarily by the naked eye and cracks that end

below the surface of the material. Magnetic fields change around cracks and the particlesoutline the

areas. These tests were originally used when rebuilding racing engines to avoid putting a cracked crank

shaft back into the engine. The high cost of parts and failure can frequently justify the test. The OEM`s

who built the cranks and cams also use the test as part of their quality assurance process.

Penetrating Dye testing

Penetrating dye testing is visually similar to Magna-flux. The dye gets drawn into cracks in welded,

machines or fabricated parts. The process was developed to inspect welds. The penetrating dye is drawn

into cracks by this capillary action. Only cracks that come to the surface are highlighted by this method.

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PM (Preventive Maintenance)

Preventive maintenance is a series of tasks that are performed at a frequency dictated by the passage of

time , the amount of production ( beer boxes made ) , cycles (strokes for a printing press ) , machine

hours , mileage or condition ¬ ( differential pressure across a filter) that either :1. Extend the life of an asset.

Example: Gearbox lubrication will extend its life.


Two. Detect the asset has significant wear and will fail or break.

Example: a quarterly inspection shows a small leak from a pump seal. This allows you to repair before a

catastrophic collapse.

Additional details about PM follow in the coming chapters, including more of the following:

TLC (tighten, lube, clean):

We start with the basics. Caring for your team is the core focus of PM. This does not require anyequipment or fancy techniques, just basic care. Much of the benefit of TLC PM Box. How to install and

run a system PM

To set up a new plant, fleet or building a PM system follows the ideas in this chapter. If there is any doubt

in your mind about what is missing in their current effort PM, check the check sheets. Development of

PM task list

A good list is half the battle. Be sure you are doing the right tasks at the right frequency is essential. Also

in the chapter from the list of tasks is PCR (Planning Component Replacement) , also called the

scheduled replacement. One of the tools in the bag is the PCR. A technique was made popular by the

airlines; the PCR can improve reliability in many circumstances.

Predictive maintenance

This is the application of advanced technology for detecting when failures will occur. It can increase your

return and give you more time to intervene before failure.

PM activity has proved in study after study to lower the cost of operations and improve reliability. In a

1985 article published by ASME called “payout of a machinery surveillance and diagnostic program”,

authors Hudachek and Dodd report that rotating equipment maintained under a PM model costs 30%

less to maintain that a reactive model. Further, they state that adding predictive technologies adds

significant additional return on investment.

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Common PM Tasks

Type of task inspection predictive maintenance Example look for leaks in hydraulic system scan

all electrical connections with infrared

Cleaning tightening operate Remove debris from machine tighten anchorbolts Advance heat control on molding

machine until heater activates

Adjustment take readings lubrication Adjust tension on drive belt record readings of

amperage add 2 drops of oil to stitching


Scheduled replacement Remove and replace pump every 5 years

Scheduled overhaul interview operator Rebuild pump every 5 years

Interview Operator ask operator how machine is operating

Analysis Perform history analysis of a type of machine

These tasks are assembled into list (task list) that is sorted by frequency of execution (see figure 26-1).

These might be several lists for a single piece of equipment. For example a machine might have a 15

minute checkout every week with a dozen items on the task list. Every quarter there might be a 50 item

task list that takes the better part of a day and goes into significant depth.

When the PM person is in front of the asset. They mark off each task when it is complete. They should

be prepared to add notes when they see something which is deteriorated, loose or otherwise amiss.

Actionable items should be highlighted. There should always be room on the bottom or side of the task

list to note those comments. Also in some systems the inspector (PM person) immediately writes up a

corrective work order or work request to initiate a trip to fix the problem.

The tasks should be directed at how the asset could fail. The rule is the task should repair the unit’s

most dangerous, most expensive, or most likely failures modes. Caveat: There will still be failures and

breakdown even with the best PM system because not all failure modes are detectable in advance. Your

goal is to reduce the breakdowns to minuscule levels and convert the breakdowns that are left into

learning experiences to improve maintenance service.

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PM systems also include


Maintaining a record keeping system to track PM, failures and equipment utilization. This databasecreates a baseline for all other analysis activity (such as RCA).

2.  All types of predictive activities. These include inspection, taking measurements, inspecting parts for

quality, and analysis of the oil, temperature, and vibration. One function that modem CMMS isadding is recording all data from predictive activities for trend analysis.

3.  Short or minor repairs up to 30 minutes in length. These are short but complete repairs as distinctfrom temporary repairs. If the PM person can fix the item with their existing skill set, with the toolsthey carry and with the parts on-hand, they should fix it then and there. This is a great boost toproductivity since there is no additional travel time, no mobilization time and the asset is alreadyunder the custody of the mechanic.

4.  Writing up any conditions that require attention (conditions which will lead or potentially lead to afailure). Also we want on-going write-ups of machine condition (see Figure 26-2).

5.  Scheduling and actually doing repairs (corrective maintenance) written up by PM inspectors.

6.  Using the frequency and severity of failures to refine the PM task list.

7.  Continual training and upgrading the inspectors’ skills and improving the PM technology. 

8.  PM systems should contain ongoing analysis of the effectiveness and the avoided cost of the PMservices verses the actual cost of the breakdown. These should be periodically reviewed.

9.  We realize that the bulk of the PM labor is wasted. We just don’t know ahead of time if it is wasteduntil we perform the task. One essential element of all PM effort is maintenance prevention. Workhard to simplify, speed up and make tasks easier. One such idea is to add Lexan windows andviewing ports so the cabinet does not have to be opened.

10. Optionally, a PM system can be an automated tickler file for time- or event-based activities such aschanging the bags in a bag house (for environmental compliance), inspecting asbestosencapsulation, etc.

One point commonly missed is that PM is a way station to the ultimate goal of maintainabilityimprovement. PM can be an expensive option becauseit requires constant inputs of labor, materials anddowntime. The ultimate goal of maintenance is high reliability with fewer inputs.

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Which situation describes your organization best?

1.  Your organization has a successful PM system and they want you to learn some additional ideas tomake it more efficient or more effective. In this type of organization a well-written report to yourboss with some concrete examples from your current operation might be all that is needed to start


2.  Your organization hopes you will learn enough to put a PM program in place, or upgrade an existing

but ineffective one. They say they will sup- port you. You think you can count on them to stay out ofyour way (at the very least). This type of organization will require more work.

3.  Your organization either doesn’t want to change or says so, or they say they want to change andyou’re sure that they have no intention of backing you up with money, downtime and support. Youmight like a PM program (or to improve the existing one) but you feel like you might be trying toswim uphill. You will have a difficult job that no one may ever thank you for completing. You have to

make a difficult choice about how much energy or resources to devote in an unsupportive environment. 


None of the above 

Misconceptions about PM

PM is a way of trying to determinate when and what will break or wear out so you can replace it before

it does.

  While that is true, PM is much bigger than that. It is an integrated approach to budgeting, failure

analysis, eliminating excessive resource use and permanent correction of problem areas.

PM systems are all the same. You can just copy the system from the manual or from your old job and it

will work.

  PM systems must be designed for the actual equipment as set-up, age of the equipment,

product, type of service, hours of operations, skill of operators and many other factors.

PM is extra work on top of existing workloads and it costs more money.

  PM does cost money against the maintenance budget. But PM increases uptime, reduced

energy usage, reduces unplanned events, reduces air freight bills, etc. There are hundreds of

ways PM saves the organization resources. The only time it adds to the existing work load is

when you first put in place and have to clean up and fix your old equipment.

With good forms and descriptions unskilled people can do PM tasks.


PM has two sides. With good forms and training, unskilled people can do some of the taskssuccessfully such as TLC type tasks. For greatest return on investment, skilled people must be in

the loop to do the inspections.

PM is a series of task list and inspection forms to be applied at specific intervals.

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There are many tactics to accomplish PM. Some PM strategies require control of equipment for

enforced downtime because they initiate activity on condition (initiate task list when temp exceeds 20%

above ambient). PM will eliminate breakdowns.

  PM will eliminate breakdowns. In the words of a student in one of my recent PM classes, “PM

Can´t put iron into a machine.” In other words, the equipment must be able to do job. PMcannot make a 5 hp motor do the work of a 10 hp motor. PM also cannot eliminate breakdowns

from random sources, for example when a stone breaks a windshield while you are driving. No

amount of PM could eliminate that kind of PM activity.

The 800 pounds gorilla...

PM systems fail because PAST SINS (when equipment was uses without maintenance activity to support

and maintain the equipment) wreak havoc on anyone trying to change from a fire fighting operation to a

PM operation. Even after running for a few months, you may still have so many emergencies that it

seems you can´t make headway.

You face unfunded maintenance liabilities. The only way through this jungle is to pay piper, modernize,

and rebuilt yourself out of the woods. This is where investments must be made. Any sale of a PM

systems to top management must include a non-maintenance budget line item for past sins. Remember,

the wealth was removed from the equipment without maintenance funds being invested to keep it in

top operating condition.

Costs of a PM system

One time:

  modernization of equipment to PM standard

  Pay for a system to store information

  Data entry labor for data collection

  Labor to train inspectors

  Labor to setup task lists, frequencies, standards

  Purchase any predictive maintenance devices and train people to use them


  Labor for PM task lists, short repairs

  Parts costs for task lists, PCRs

  Additional investments in predictive maintenance technology

  Funds to carry out write-ups (maintain the higher standard of maintenance)

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