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LIFE.A Journey Through a Healthful Person Created By:

Satesh SeonarainAndrew XieJason Choi

Aleksandar Lukovic

~Of Period 2~

”Eat breakfast every day for a brighter morning!”

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Skipping breakfast on a daily breakfast can cause malnutrition and even make you fatter according to some studies. It is the thing you need to keep you going early on in the day. Make sure to get a good heap of carbs, proteins and essential calories and nutrients that will help energize your day.

“Laugh. Let humor enter your life.”Feeling rundown? Try laughing more. Some researchers think laughter just might be the best medicine, helping you feel better and putting that spring back in your step.We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a mild workout -- and may offer some of the same advantages as a workout.

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“Get adequate sleep.”Getting sleep helps conserve energy and it helps in matters such as wound healing, memory processing and preservation referring to the theory that an organism will be out of harms way when sleeping.


“Always be positive and optimistic.”Have a smile on your face, not a frown. Being happy lets you enjoy the simplest pleasures in life instead of getting stressed out so easily. There's always a bright side to things, you just have to believe its thereinstead of getting worked up about the worst case scenario. Ultimately, happiness affects your lifespan,mental and physical well being, etc.

“An hour a day keeps the fat away”

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Most Americans don’t get the adequate amount of recommended activity (at least 30 minutes to an hour) a day. This is because they have become absorbed in a technological world. Remember, there is a world outside your door!

“Walk, run or bike instead of getting a ride”Did you know that a 150 pound person walking briskly can burn an average of 320 calories per hour? So what would you rather do, burn $4 per gallon of gas or 320 calories per hour? Walking is a good way to get some exercise and become more familiar with your neighborhood. At a slower pace, you will notice features that are just a blur from the car, and you may get a chance to meet some of your neighbors.

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“Add Movement to Your Life.”Movement will help keep your body’s blood circulation at a healthy level resulting in an equal distribution of nutrients.

“Stop watching your TV and go outside. Play, exercise, and have fun.” The best way to stay fit and not become obese is to play sports and exercise with your friends. You are maintaining your physical health and socializing at the same time. This way you are working out physically and socially.

”Dieting to the extreme is bad, not dieting is bad, so find a balance!”

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If you starve yourself you can contract anorexia and other extreme eating disorders that will eventually bring you to death. Eating too much and not taking care of what you eat can result in your body gaining weight and leading to health problems that increase cholesterol and lead to problems in your heart.

“Too much of a good thing can also be a bad thing.”A child's growth and development depend on getting a broad range of nutrients. Eating the same food over and over can lead to many health problems. Children need fat for nerve development, protein for muscle and bone, and carbohydrates for energy to fuel their bodies and brains. Many strict diets that adults follow are dangerously short on nutrients such as protein, calcium, niacin, iron, and the B complex vitamins, especially for children. Deficiencies can lead to poor growth, weak bones, and difficulty learning.

“Eat a large variety of fresh produce.”

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Eating a variety of fresh produce will result in proper nutrition which will lead to a healthier lifestyle and a longer estimate age.

“Moderation of food is the key to nutrition.”Too much of something good is not good for your health. Each type of food contains different nutrients that you need to grow and stay healthy. Every food except junk food of course contains nutrients that are essential for growth and a healthy body/mind. You can eat anything but just not too much of it or too little. Eat anything but in moderation.

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”Don’t only judge your body on your own, others can help!”When people look at themselves in the mirror they see differently then others would see them. Some people think they are too fat or too skinny when in reality they look fine just the way they are. The healthiest way to keep your body in shape is to keep in check on your own, but to also allow others to tell you about yourself. That way you have a complete image of yourself.

“Stay away from the scale”As a matter of fact, get rid of it! If your weight needs to be monitored, leave that up to the doctors. How much you weigh should never affect your self-esteem or your sense of who you are.

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“Others negative opinions don’t matter as much as your own”Don’t let other people influence your decisions and thought processes. By doing so you are selling yourself out. Be original and what anybody else who judges you based off who you are is irrelevant.

“Everyone is beautiful in their own way.”Who cares what others say. As long as you are happy with yourself then that is all that matters. Don’t give yourself unnecessary stress. Everyone has a certain trait or characteristic that makes them unique or beautiful in their own way, The people that don’t notice have yet to discover that special characteristic.

”You are unique, your own person, push forward.”

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Negative opinions only bring you stress, you know best what your interest, opinions and ideas are about your OWN life. Follow them! Don’t let other impair your mental thoughts.

“Enjoy the beauty of nature or art.”Studies show that simply walking through a garden can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. The same goes for strolling through a park or an art gallery, hiking, admiring architecture, or sitting on a beach.

“Talk about your problems with others.”

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Don’t keep your problems or feelings bottled up inside you. Talking to people you trust such as your best friends, teachers, parents, or professional counselors will make you feel a thousand times better. Talking about your problems relieves your mind of stress and allows you to release your emotions.

“Engage in meaningful, creative work.”Engaging in creative ways to spend your time will lead to good emotional and mental health. This is because you are doing what you enjoy the most, whether it is sports or drawing. Life is short, don’t waste it.

“Take a deep breath and clear your mind.”

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One way to counteract the stress response is to learn how to breathe deeply and slowly - the opposite of how we breathe when under stress.By helping you let go of tension, deep breathing can relieve headaches, backaches, stomachaches and sleeplessness. It releases the body's own painkillers, called endorphins, into the system. It allows blood pressure to return to normal, which is good for your heart. Deep breathing can also allow held-in emotions to come to the surface, so your emotional health benefits from deep breathing, too. Use deep breathing any time, anywhere. It's one of the best techniques for relieving stress.

“Don’t spend all your time working, take a minute to relax and relieve stress.”Are you stressed out from all this work you have? If you are you should take a moment to stop working and free your mind of any stress by relaxing for a moment. Take a 5 minute nap, eat a snack, go for a walk, do anything. This allows you to refresh your mind and become more focused on your work.

“Take Time to Relax and enjoy what’s around you.”

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Don’t waste your time playing computer games! Instead, go out, take a seat, and look what's around you. You will find beauty that you have never expected from before.

”Always think on the bright side of life.”There’s always a positive to every negative, look at what you can gain, even if you fail at something, remember you can learn from that experience and keep trying until you prevail!

“Look in the mirror and say something positive about yourself.”

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While losing weight may give a temporary boost to your self-esteem, linking self-worth to a dress size is never going to have a long-lasting effect, experts say. What can make a difference is changing the way you see what's already there in the mirror. Stop negative self-talk immediately. While you still may not like what you see in the mirror learning to describe yourself with neutral, objective phrases can help stop the cycle of poor self-esteem. So, instead of saying to yourself "I have really ugly thighs," think "My thighs could use some work."

“Be happy with yourself and don’t worry about what others think of you.”Don’t let others comments ruin your self-esteem. If you know you don’t have any problems that what others say shouldn’t matter. However if there is a negative characteristic you need to fix, don't let it get to you. Just acknowledge that problem and think of it as constructive criticism.

“Believe in yourself. Feel confident.”

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Walk upright. Radiate confidence. Do these and people will admire and look up to you and you will feel better about the work you do. Think of one think that you are good at or something that people like about you and focus on that trait.

”You know yourself best, others don't live within you!”You are your own person, push yourself to accomplish what goals you set. You have to believe in yourself and you can do it, no matter what. Nothing is impossible if you keep trying.

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“Remember not everyone is doing it. Stay strong it will benefit you in the long run.”The fact is, most students go all the way through high school without ever doing drugs or getting drunk or even smoking cigarettes for that matter. If you think that "everyone" is getting high, consider these facts about 12th graders in 2009:53.3% never used any illicit drug ,58% never smoked marijuana, 56.4% never smoked cigarettes, 90.5% never did inhalants, 90.7% never did tranquilizers, 91.8% never did barbiturates, 93.5% never did ecstasy, 94% never did cocaine, 96.1% never did LSD, 97.6% never did methamphetamine, and 98.8% never did heroin. Clearly, statistics are showing that while most youth can access alcohol or marijuana – and can gain access to other drugs with some effort – a high proportion of youth are making the decision not to engage in substance use. Indeed, drug use is not a rite of passage for the majority of adolescents.

“The brief happiness is not worth the severe consequences.”Those few hours of happiness and escape may feel like its worth it, but in the long run you won't be happy when your body is not what it used to be. You might not realize the complications drugs come with now but in the future you will have to pay for your mistakes. After you are diagnosed with cancer, or experience a heart attack or stroke you will regret that you ever took drugs.

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“Don’t let peer pressure influence your lifestyle.”Do not let your so called “friends” pressure you into doing things. Practice your refusal skills. This is the main source of how teens are influenced to do drugs. Although it may seem “cool” to fit in, there are grave long term consequences.

“Natural is better, don't destroy yourself.”When you do drugs, you are altering your own body in unnatural and unintended ways! This means with every substance that you abuse, you are destroying your body. Leave the drugs alone and go natural. Don’t destroy yourself by doing things that weren’t meant to enter the human body at all! Drugs are a serious issue that can leave a person, his family and his friends DESTROYED.

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“Get involved in your community, join a group and meet like-minded people.”The social health of individuals refers to "that dimension of an individual's well-being that concerns how he gets along with other people, how other people react to him, and how he interacts with social institutions and societal mores". This definition is broad—it incorporates elements of personality and social skills, reflects social norms, and bears a close relationship to concepts such as "well-being," "adjustment," and "social functioning." Social health has also become relevant with the increasing evidence that those who are well integrated into their communities tend to live longer and recover faster from disease. Conversely, social isolation has been shown to be a risk factor for illness.

“Having fun with your friends is socializing, not talking with them on facebook.”This is a common misconception. Talking to people on facebook is not socializing, You don’t actually show emotions when you are typing. I bet that almost all of you don’t laugh out loud when you type in “LOL”. Also many people converse well with others online but are shy when they actually meet someone face to face. Instead of staying home and looking at a screen go meet with your friends and do activities because that is what makes socializing an enjoyable experience.

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”Don’t stay in your room! Go grab a bite to eat with a friend!”Staying inside, not getting fresh air, not talking to those you love and/or care for is detrimental to your health! Get out, go socialize and relax yourself to keep a straight, strong and healthy mind.

“Hang out with friends! Don’t be socially lonely.”Hanging out with friends over the weekend, after school, or during vacation can greatly improve your mood. It helps your communication skills and it helps you get along with others better.

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Andrew Xie’s stories will bring you into a world of immersive detail and thought. Xie was born on March 8th, 1997. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York in his childhood ages and moved to Queens, New York during his early teenager ages. He is currently still living in his Queens apartment with his family. Growing up, Andrew had 2 siblings. Both of which were younger sisters. Nevertheless, they helped by acting as his building blocks for maturing. Despite his age, he has proved to be extremely intelligent and honorable. For education, Andrew traveled across New York City, even crossing a river to get to his elementary and middle school: P.S.184 Shuang Wen School. P.S. 184 was one of the top ranked elementary/middle schools in New York City. It offers a bilingual yet distinctively separated course. After middle school, Andrew managed to get into The Bronx High School of Science, one of New York’s 8 elite specialized high schools, by taking the test. He is currently attending this school.

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Satesh Seonarain is considered one of America’s most influential writers. His stories seem to send one into a different state of mind as they try to analyze the twisted humor seemingly hidden in his stories. Born April 8 1997, Seonarain has lived his entire life in Bronx which he says is one of the major influences in his writing. He used to live in the Grand Concourse area of the Bronx until the age of 5 when he moved near White Plains Rd. He is currently residing at the same location with his parents and younger brother. As a child, Seonarain was always the one who gave the important speeches and was nominated for all the academic awards in his elementary and middle school years. The result of this was him eventually becoming valedictorian and being the only person in his class to be accepted into The Bronx High School Of Science, one of New York City’s 8 elite high schools. He currently attends this school with his fellow writers Andrew Xie, Aleksandar Lukovic, and Jason Choi.

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Unlike the other writers featured in this book, Jason Choi is a prominent Asian American writer that never ceases to amaze his readers with his sensational fantasy novels. Though his books may seem modern, he always finds a way to incorporate a slight flavor of traditional Asian heritage. He was born in Seoul, South Korea and immigrated to Flushing, NY at the age of 2. He has spent his childhood years and still resides in Flushing. He was very studious and hard working as a child. He always did more than what he was told to do and surpassed expectations of his teachers. Although he was very interested in his studies, he always had time to socialize with friends and play sports such as soccer. Jason’s hard work paid off in the end. He was nominated for and won many academic awards in elementary school and middle school. Although he was not the top in his school, he did receive the ARISTA award. Ultimately, Jason’s hard work allowed him to be accepted to The Bronx High School of Science, one of New York City’s 8 elite high schools.

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Aleksandar Lukovic is the son of two immigrant’s from the small nation of Serbia. European by background and American by birth, he combines his talents of worldwide knowledge into literature to bring a tasty effect to the reader’s watering mind. He was born in Mount Sinai on the West Side and resided in a small apartment there with his parents. He was the firstborn. When his brother was born while he was age 3 him and his family moved to Roosevelt Island where he currently resides today. He is age 15 and attends the Bronx High School of Science. His path to the school took him from a small private school to a small middle school named East Side Middle School. He received the Math award and honors from his teachers expressing his intellectual and writing capabilities. In addition, Aleksandar is a competitive swimmer that trains with the Roosevelt Island Marlins Swim Team and goes to swimming tournaments on a regular basis.

This book was published by the Association of JAAS. Publishing Company.Published:441 23rd StreetNew York, NY 10022The JAAS Hotel

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DedicationThis book is dedicated to those who devote their lives to a correct lifestyle and choose to live and abide by healthful Rules. . . .

And of course to our loving, caring guide Ms. olmedo for leading all of us on the path of a better life.

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LIFE.Authors: Satesh Seonarain, Andrew Xie, Jason Choi, and Aleksandar Lukovic

This book was published by the Association of JAAS. Publishing Company.

Rick Riordan said this book “Enlightens the reader on a methodical way of learning to live in a correct and meaningful way. This way you can explore your life to the fullest and push your body to the limits. A great read for the eager mind looking for a healthy guide in a nifty book!”

-Michelle Obama “This is a great book for people to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. Keep up the great work.”

-Ms.Olmedo “Absolutely brilliant!”

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