Page 1: Libraries and archives: Design and Renovation with a preservation perspective

techniques’ merits and disadvantages. Other essays “tend to be thematic, looking at quali- tative research in relation to computer assis- tance..., decision-making..., professionaledu- cation . . ..etc.“Glazier’s introductoryoverview establishes the value of the research process, while his more stimulating final paper argues that quantitative and qualitative methods are not only compatible but “inextricabl

K inter-

twined.” Auseful classified bibliograp y pro- vides helpful commentary on further read- ings, and reveals that education research has produced the major contributions on qualita- tive research, including the main texts. Recommendation-Presenting facts, descrip- tions, and perceptions that “increase our will- ingness to consider qualitative methods,” this collection is “a necessary step towards a text on qualitative research in library science.” Reviewer-G.E. Gorman

Library Buildings and Space Plannmg

Libraries and Archives: Design and Reno- vation with a Preservation Perspective, by Wan G. Swartzburg and H. Bussey, wlth F. Sarretson. Metuchen. NJ: Scarecrow, 1991.225~. $27.50 ISBN ~8108-24205. LC 31-24415. Perm. paper.

Australian Library Review, Nov. 1992, p. 329-31 *See also Jan. 1993 p. 393; Sep. 1992 p. 259

Using Computers in Qualitative Research, ed. by Nlgel G. Fielding and R.M. Lee. London and Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1991. 216~. $55; $19.95 (paper) ISBN O- 8039-8424-3; O-8039-8425 1 (paper).

W This collection of 11 papers from a 1989 conference at the University of Surrey is in- tended, according to the editors’ introductory chapter, as “a state-of-the-art review and a primer [for] those with little computing expe- rience.” Curiously, the three themes of the symposium enumerated by the editors--ex- ploring the sorts of research problems com- puters can handle, teaching computer-based techniques in qualitative research, and the implications of such techniques forthe craftof qualitative research-do not match the three sections into which the contents are divided: “Using Computers in Qualitative Research”; “Implications for Research Practice”; and “Qualitative Knowledge and Computing.” Addressing the first of the editors’ themes, Renata Tesch describes software programs for diverse analytic tasks and lists types and pur- poses of qualitative research, noting the role of the computer. On the second theme, Pat Allatt and Lynn Benson contribute “Comput- ing and Qualitative Analysis: Issues in Re- search Methods Teaching.” Notable among papers on the third theme are Lyn and Tom Richards’ insightful analysis ofusing comput- ers for “hard” analysis of “soft” data and John Seidel’s cautionary “Method and Madness in the Application of Computer Technology to Qualitative Data Analysis.”

+ “This thought-filled book is far more impor- tant, and covers a much broader area, than is suggested even by its lengthy title.” It is no- table, moreover, for “the breadth and solidity 3f its research, the thoroughness of its cover- age, the discriminating accuracy of its evalu- ations, and the clarity of its writing and think- ing.” The first and shorter of two parts traces the history of library design and preservation. The 6 chapters of Part 2 focus on about 30 specific topics, among them consultants, ar- chitects, design and construction, interior problems, safety, security, environmental controls, and lighting. For each topic there is a thorough and well-informed discussion of problems and possibilities, reflecting the so- phisticated technical knowledge of both ar- chitectsandpreservation librarians. Especially remarkableare the bibliographies that follow each chapter; although collectivelytheycover 615 books and articles, the selection is clearly based on first-hand experience, and the accu- rate evaluations of individual works pinpoint their applicabili

1 . Appendices include a bib-

liography of bib iographies, a list of 38 rel- evant organizations, and a directory of 37 pertinent periodicals. Recommendation-This work “is required reading for all librarians who become in- volved in planning construction and for all library architects.” Reviewer-Ellsworth Mason Library Quarter/y, Oct. 1992, p. 459-60

Recommendation--Thismakes”ausefulpoint of departure for anyone concerned with the planning and design of a library building,” and particularly for persons planning large libraries with collections that are to be pre- served. Theopening historical chapter covers mainly Ameiican libraries and ignores ar- chives altoeether. The substantial biblioera- phies are helpfully arranged and extend”be- yond the library literature. Reviewer-Michael Dewe LibraryReview, Vol. 41, no. 4,1992, p. 60-61 *See also Nov. 1992 p. 327; Sep. 1992 p. 259

Recommendation-At a time when qualita- tive research is receiving increasing attention

libraries for the Future: Plan&g Buildings

in library and information science, this work That Work: Papers from the IAMA Library

provides useful insights into “the nature and BuildingsReconference,June27-28,1991,

scope of this type of research and . . . the ed. by Ron G. Martin. Chicago: Library

substantive concerns with the ways in which Administration and Management Assn.,

computers mayenhanceordiminish the rigor ALA, 1992.98~. $25: $22.50 to ALA mern-

of the method.” hers (paper) ISBN C&8389-0597-8. LC 92- Z52. Perm. paper.

Reviewer-Maxine Reneker Library Quarter/y, Oct. 1992, p. 470-72 These 12 essays from a 1991 preconference

concern planning for academic and public library buildings. Notable contributions dis- cuss the organizing of a public library build- ing project (Anders Dahlgren), documenting the need for more space in academic libraries (Sonja Johnson), and selecting and working with an architect (Don Kelsey and David Smith). The editing is generally good, though a few items appear twice in the selective bibliography. Recommendation-“This...helpful comple- ment to the standard treatises on planning library buildings” should be read by any li- brary director or trustee who is not familiar with building projects. Reviewer-Cy Silver Library journal, Nov. 1, 1992, p. 123 *See also Jan. 1993 p. 393

Library Finance

Becoming a Fundraker: The Principlesand Practice of Library Development, by Victoria Steele and SD. Elder. Chicago: ALA,1992.139p.$22;$19.8OtoAlAmern- hers (paper) ISBN @8389X%89-7. LC 92- 11940. Perm. paper.

+ Intended as a “kind of vade rnecum for librarians engaged in, or embarking on, fundraising,” this fine addition to the litera- ture covers the basics in ten short chapters. Susan Nutter’s foreword notes correctly that this realistic text tells “not how [library fundraising] is supposed to work, but how it truly works.” The clear and concise writing, supported by useful figures and summary tables, is understandable even to newcomers to fundraising. The authors provide persua- sive arguments for some controversial ideas, e.g., that a Friends group is not crucial or even necessary in a major-gifts program, or that “successful fundraising depends on the lead- ership of the library director.” Impressive too is the emphasis on human aspects: “success- ful development will always depend . . . on careful management of individual relation- ships.” Ethical concerns and value conflicts are also addressed. This work will prove use- ful to staff in both academic and public librar- ies; only a few of the case scenarios specifi- cally deal with university libraries. Recommendation-This informative work is essential reading for anyone interested in library fundraising, and serves as a successful guide for administrators in both academic and public libraries. Reviewer-Carolyn A. Sheehy RQ, Winter 1992, p. 296-97

Recommendation-“This bookbelongs in the offices of library directors, development pro- fessionals, deans, and academic administra- tors, as well as on the shelves of academic and public libraries.” In lively, jargon-free prose, the authors scrutinize fundraising practices with honesty and candor, challenging ac- cepted practices and suggesting new ap-

50 the Journal of Academic Librarianship, March 1993
