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LG G4 camera review

The LG G4’s camera is the best smartphone camera I’ve used so far, but that doesn’t mean it’s without flaws. In particular, flash photos could be improved regarding colour accuracy. Daylight photos have too much noise at full resolution, especially in the sky. In general LG has gone too far towards the other extreme end in the noise reduction dilemma, opting in many cases not to remove noise.

While this preserves detail, one thing you don’t want to see in your photos is distracting chromatic noise. In many of the G4’s low light photos, chromatic noise is still preserved which means that the noise reduction algorithm is not intelligent enough.

The G4’s HDR feature is also a bit slower than we would like, as it ensures missing out on fast paced shots.

Finally, the camera preview on the G4 drops frames in low light. This was also the case on the LG G3. While this is understandable, it can also prove incredibly annoying.

Lastly, the G4’s camera doesn’t have optical zoom or oversampling technology, so digital zoom is intelligent software based rather than using a hardware technique ala Nokia PureView. Still, digital zoom up to even 3x provides decent photos in daylight.

Moving on to the good points of the camera, there are many. In fact, many of the photos are downright astounding and put any mid-range point-and-shoot to shame. While the G4’s camera won’t produce DSLR or even mirrorless quality photos, for daylight situations the difference in most cases is slight.

To put it simply, the G4 camera is really, really great in daylight. The 16MP resolution provides ample room for cropping – even a 100% crop can pass as a separate photo in good lighting conditions. Like I said, digital zoom is tolerable too, and colour accuracy is great. There are no overblown skies here, and shutter speeds are fast as they should be in Auto mode. To be honest, I really struggle to find any flaw in the G4’s daylight photos, but one flaw which glaringly sticks out is noise in the sky, which shouldn’t exist at all at base ISO.
