  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Spiritual Growth Through Knowledge and Action


    All praises are due to Allah the MostHigh. May Allah the Almightyspeace and blessing be upon theProphet Muhammad (peace and

    blessings be upon him).

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    The literal meaning of tawheed is unification or makingsomething one or asserting oneness.

    It comes from the Arabic verb wahhada , which itself means tounite, unify or consolidate .

    What is the overall theme of this term tawheed?

    Tawheed - Review

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    REVIEW: Using Tawheed inReference to Allah the Most High

    When the word tawheed is used in referenceto Allah the Exalted, it means realizing and affirming Allah the Most Highs unity in all of mans actions which directly or indirectly relate to Him.

    This particular action involves 3 recognitionsto be complete, and one may not disbelievein any one of these:

    Allah the Almighty is One without partner in His dominion.

    Allah the Almighty is One without similitude in His essence and attributes.

    Allah the Almighty is One without rival inHis divinity and in worship.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    REVIEW: Tawheed As Action Steps

    Tawheed requires 3 steps or beliefsin order to complete this action.

    First, one must affirm that Allahthe Most High is One, without

    partners in his sovereignty.Second, one must affirmthat Allah the Almightysnames and attributes areincomparable and unique.Third, one must affirm that Allah

    is alone in his right to beworshipped.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    REVIEW: Step 1: Affirming that Allah the Most High is One, without

    partners in his sovereigntyThis is known as Tawheed ar-RuboobeeyahIt means to maintain the Onenessof Lordship.This is based on the followingconcepts:

    Allah alone caused everything toexist when there was nothing.He is the only One who sustainsand maintains His creation.He has no need from it or for it.

    He is the sole Lord of theuniverse and its inhabitants.He has no real challenge to HisLordship.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters



    Any Questions?

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Step 2: Affirming that Allah the Almightys names and attributes areincomparable and unique.

    This is known as Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat.There are 5 subcategories for this category of Tawheed:

    Allah the Exalted must be referred toaccording to how He and His Prophet, peacebe upon him, have described Him withoutexplaining away His names and attributes bygiving them meanings other than theirobvious meanings.Allah the Exalted must be referred to as Hehas referred to Himself without giving Himany new names or attributes.Allah the Exalted must be described withoutgiving Him the attributes of his creation.Man must never give himself the attributesreserved for Allah the Most High.Allah the Almightys name in the definiteform cannot be given to His creation unlesspreceded by the prefix Abd meaning slaveof or servant of.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Allah the Exalted must be referred to according to how He andHis Prophet, peace be upon him, have described Him without

    explaining away His names and attributes by giving themmeanings other than their obvious meanings

    It is important to remember that even though we takethese names and attributes as they are described andwritten, we should understand that there is nothing likeAllah the Almighty and so though He gives usdescriptions of Him, we should never compare them toour human attributes.

    Example Al-Baqara 2:115 states, The East and Westbelong to Allah. Wherever you turn, there is His Face,for Allah is all pervading, all- knowing.

    Here Allah has described 3 of His attributes, whatare they?


    All-KnowingHe has a Face

    Now, in this, we should not think of human faces, we should not evenquestion what His Face looks or is like, butsimply accept that He has one because He

    has said this in the Quran.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Allah the Exalted must be referred to as He hasreferred to Himself without giving Him any new

    names or attributes.

    Several Ayats in the Quran speak to this but one example is in Surat Al- Imran, Ayat 7, He it is Who hassent down to you the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established clear meaning); Theyare the foundation of the Book: Others are those that have abstractions. But those in whose hearts isevil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony, in searching for hidden meanings; Butno one knows its hidden meaning except Allah: And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say,We believe in the Book: The whole of it is from our Lord: And none will grasp the Message exceptmen of understanding.

    So, we should not be of those who search for hidden meanings or abstractions. We should acceptthe names and attributes of Allah the Almighty as He clearly states them.


    Al-Araf 7:186 states, For those whom Allah rejects from His guidance, there can be no guide: AndHe will leave them exceeding their limits, wandering aimlessly (without going anywhere).

    You cannot describe Allah the Almighty as a rejecter even though He has stated that Herejects those who exceed their limits because He has not described Himself as the rejecter.

    Al-Maida 5:60 states, Say (to them): Shall I point out something to you much worse than this,(judging) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who received the curse from Allah andHis anger, those (are the people) of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those whoworshipped Evil and false gods- These are (much) worse in rank, and far more astray from the evenPath!

    Here we are told that Allah the Exalted can become angry and that he can curse people.Even though He has said this, we do not refer to Him as the angry one or the curser becauseHe has not clearly used those terms to describe Himself. We do not want to be among thosewho search for unclear meanings and abstractions as this is a sign of evil within ones heart.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Allah the Exalted must be described withoutgiving Him the attributes of his creation.

    This is similar to the first sub-category in that when Allah(swt)describes something about Him(swt), then we do not think aboutour human knowledge of such things because there is nothinglike Allah(swt).


    Some Christians and Jews subscribe to the belief thatAllah the Almighty created the world in 6 days and

    rested on the 7th. Humans require sleep or rest,however, it is clear that Allah(swt) requires no sleep orrest in Al-Baqara 2:255:

    Allah! There is no god but He - The Living,- TheSelf-Sufficient,- The Infinitely Enduring,- Slumberor sleep never reaches Him. All things are His, inthe heavens and on the earth. Who is there who

    can plead in His presence except as He permits?He knows what (appears to His creatures), beforeor after or behind them. They shall notunderstand the smallest fragment of Hisknowledge except as He wills. His Throneextends over the heavens and over the earth, andHe does not tire in guarding and preserving them;And He is the Most High, the Supreme (in Glory).
  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Man must never give himself the attributes reservedfor Allah the Most High.

    Any name or attribute of Allah the Most High can not begiven to any human being, no matter what their position.


    Some sects have given their Imams divine attributesof absolute infallibility, knowledge of the past, thefuture and the unseen, the ability to change destinyand control over the atoms of creation. This is

    incorrect. Below are examples of this incorrect belief as expressed in writings:

    *A+n Imam must be infallible, that is to sayincapable of making errors or doing wrong,either inwardly or outwardly, from his birth tohis death, either intentionally or unintentionally,because the Imams are the preservers of Islam

    and it is under their protection. Faith of ShiaIslam , Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffat, 2 nd ed.,1983)

    Certainly the Imam has a dignified station, alofty rank, a creational caliphate, andsovereignty and mastery over all atoms of creation. al-Hukoomah al-Islaameeyah ,Aayatullah Musavi al-Khomeini, Beirut, 1979)

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Allah the Almightys name in the definite form cannot be given toHis creation unless preceded by the prefix Abd meaning slave of

    or servant of.

    Names where people name themselves asother than a slave of Allah the Almighty areforbidden.

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbadeMuslims from referring to those put undertheir charge as Abdee (my slave) orAmatee (my slave girl).Many of the Divine names in theirindefinite form like Raoof and Raheem areallowable names for men because Allah theAlmighty has used some of them in their

    indefinite form to refer to the Prophet(peace be upon him). An example:

    A messenger has come to you fromamong yourselves to whom anythingwhich burdens you is grievous. He isfull of concern for you and is full of pity

    (Raoof) and full of mercy (Raheem).Quran 9:128

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Application of KnowledgeAmirah is about to have a baby boy and she is very excited. She has always wanted toname her son something which would honor the Prophet (peace be upon him).Because of this, she picks the name Abdun -Nabee (slave of the Prophet). Is this anacceptable name? Why or why not using your knowledge of Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat.

    Abdullah needs some advise regarding taking a new job with a small sales company

    that sells all pork products. He wants to know if it is okay for him to take the job if heonly sells the pork products, but does not touch or consume them. His Imam tells himto take the job and also that he should make sure to donate more money to the masjiddue to his new higher salary and that he must obey his advise because he is infallible asthe Imam and also because he has seen into the future and that Abdullah is a largedonor at the masjid in this future which he has seen firsthand. Should Abdullah listento the Imam? Why or why not using your knowledge of Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat.

    James observes Ryan drinking an intoxicant at the local restaurant. When he sees Ryanlater, he confronts him and states, Dont you know that Allah the rejecter will rejectthose who exceed their limits? Then he quotes the following ayat, For those whomAllah rejects from His guidance, there can be no guide: And He will leave themexceeding their limits, wandering aimlessly (without going anywhere). Is Jamescorrect in describing Allah the Almighty as the rejecter? Why or why not using your

    knowledge of Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat.

  • 7/30/2019 Level 6 11.30.12 Brothers and Sisters


    Action Steps

    Take time to reviewthe requirements forStep 2 of puttingTawheed into action.

    There will be a reviewand test over thismaterial soon, Insha-Allah.

    DuaO Allah, You are pure, I praise You and testify that there

    is none worthy of worship besides you. I seek forgivenessand pardon from You.