Page 1: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your say

NHS England would like to know what you think.

Sometimes people with a learning disability need support to help them use health services.

An example of a health service is the doctor’s surgery or a hospital.

If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments.

Reasonable adjustments are things like extra time with your doctor, giving you easy read information or more support to understand.

Page 2: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


Sometimes healthcare staff do not know when people with a learning disability need extra support.

This means people with a learning disability can miss out on getting the reasonable adjustments they need.

NHS England want to put a note on your health record to tell NHS staff that you need extra help or support.

The note on your record is called a flag.

The flag could tell NHS staff:

About your disability and how it affects you

Page 3: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


What help and support you would need to use health services.

What NHS staff can do to make things easy for you, for example give you longer appointments

This information would be seen by doctors and nurses in all health services you might use, for example in hospitals and at the doctor’s surgery.

They would find the information on your health record, on the computer.

They would use this information to make sure they give you the best care possible.

Page 4: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


You would choose what information was on your record, and what information you did not want to share.

This has not been done yet. The NHS want to find out what you think.

Please tell the NHS what you think about this idea.

Page 5: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


1. Would you like NHS staff to know that you may need support or reasonable adjustments?

This would help them to give you better care, as they will understand your needs

Please tick one box.



Not sure

2. Can you tell us why?

Page 6: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


3. What would you like to be written on your health record?

NHS staff will be able to see it so they can make sure you get support.

Please tick which things you think should be on your record. You can tick as many boxes as you like!

Who supports you, and how to contact them. For example, your family or carer.

How you need your information. For example easy read.

What support you need. For example more time for appointments.

Information that doctors and nurses should know. For example, I find it hard to wait a long time.

Page 7: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


4. What else would you like to be written on your record?

5. Would you be happy for your record to include information about your disability? You may have a learning disability, a physical disability, or both.

Please tick one box.



Not sure

Can you tell us why? If you are not sure, you can leave this blank.

Page 8: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


6. Would you have any worries about having this information on your record?

Please tick one box.



Not sure

Please tell us about what worries you. You can leave this blank if you want to.

7. How could we make this idea better for you?

Page 9: Letting NHS staff know you need support: Have your’s surgery or a hospital. If healthcare services know you need support they should be able to make reasonable adjustments


Please email this back to: [email protected] Or you can post to: NHS Digital Integration Projects 1 Trevelyan Square Boar Lane Leeds LS1 6AE Please return this survey by: Friday 23 March 2018. Thank you for your help!

Questions? If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
