Page 1: Letter to the Urantia Book Fellowship

Letter to The Urantia Book Fellowship



Dean Liddell [email protected] © 2015

Dear The Urantia Book Fellowship;

My name is Dean Liddell, a Bahá’í from Australia, I am writing this letter to you, for

the purpose for knowledge, understanding, and concerns. This Letter is not suppose

too be an official stance from the Bahá’í Faith, but it is 100% my personal views, with

possible statements from Bahá’í institutes, or major figures. This letter is written with a

brief understanding of your religious movement, and a quick scan of your official

website. This letter will be published on my personal website, and if you’d like to

publish this on any of your websites, or platforms, I give you permission to comment

on this letter, in its entirety, with my name and email address.

My Questions, concerns, and issues with you (the faith) may sound bias, and if they

do, that is not my intention for them to do so. They are plentiful. They are in this order,

along with statements on why I am asking the certain question it is related too.

1) In Relation to The Father’s Name, it states ‘Of all the names by which God the

Father is known throughout the universes,’ What are the universes that the

book are relating too?

a. The Jews and Christians have many names of God in their sacred

text[s], Muslims use the term Allah, Hindus, have many gods and the

bahá’í faith uses, and always had use God as His name.

2) Also with The Father’s name, who is referenced as ‎’Your prophets of old’ in

1:1.6 and who do you call prophets?

a. Different faiths have different opinions on what a real prophet is, and

who is a real prophet. Bahá’u’lláh stated there will be another prophet,

but about a thousand years after him.

3) What Religious tradition does the faith fit in to? On the other hand, is it and

independent Religion?

a. Looking at your site, I assume that this is a Christian denomination,

which recognises that the Bible is flawed. Yet, it is very unclear to me,

as it does not seem to be anywhere.

4) What is the official collective name of followers of this faith?

a. Judaism followers are Jews,

b. Christianity followers are Christians,

c. Islam followers are Muslims,

d. Hinduism followers are Hindus,

5) The Issue of Donations, it seems that anyone can give money, and to some it

may seem like you are begging for money, what would you say to those


6) What are your views on the situation in the Middle East, especially, the Islamic

State, and the treatment of Bahá’ís and other religious minorities?

a. This is a concern for me, as most sacred places of Abrahamic Religions

are in the Middle East.

7) In The World Religions section of your website, all the 11 major world faiths are

there, yet why didn’t Dr. Meredith Sprunger write about the Bahá’í even

though it was known by then across the world?

8) What is the official stance on same sex marriage?

9) What is the official stance on the history of race?

10) Can Religions coexist, in your view?

11) Should Religions be in unity or division?

12) Can followers drink any alcoholic drinks?

13) Are there any food restrictions?

14) What does a marriage look like in your faith?

Page 2: Letter to the Urantia Book Fellowship

Letter to The Urantia Book Fellowship



Dean Liddell [email protected] © 2015

15) How should children be raised?

16) What is the age when the youth are considered old enough to choose their


17) When is the age a person can get married?

18) Is there any law, in the faith, that bans anything?

19) Is your faith the only path to God?

20) Can the followers of this faith marry another from a different faith?

I thank you for reading this public letter, and I hope you answer the questions, issues,

and concerns with all the correct references in your faith. I do not wish for the faith

to be felt like I am attacking, I am only writing this to find out more. The Bahá’í Faith

promotes education, and investigations of truth. We, the Bahá’ís, are allowed to be

in contact with those of other faiths, and worldviews. I personally thank you for

replying. In any reply of this letter, I will give comments, in full, on my website.

Yours truly;

Dean Liddell (The Faithful Bahá’í)