Page 1: Letter to Andrew at Mixbook

Hello Andrew, Thanks for the opportunity to share ideas regarding the use of Mixbook by teachers. You have an amazing product and I hope my efforts facilitate a wider use in education. The TOS states, “If you are under the age of 13, you must use an account created by a parent or guardian, and you must have the explicit permission of a parent or guardian to use the Service.” The following change could allow more teachers to use Mixbook. “If you are under the age of 13, you must use an account created by a parent or guardian or teacher, and you must have the explicit permission of a parent or guardian to use the Service.” It is fairly common for schools to have Internet use forms in their registration packets, so that could be the “explicit permission.” If you have the resources to create a separate product for teachers, I have the following suggestions:

Set up the pages so that they do not link to Mixbooks created by strangers. Make the icons in the book creator at least four times their current size. Remove superfluous text and focus on visual aids. Create smaller packages of decorations to limit browsing time.

Sincerely, Linda E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Linda Deneher | Sparky Chihuahua Twitter: Dromelet Mixbook: Linda Boise Note: If I were better at Excel and the duties could be done entirely online, I’d so apply for the Social Media Marketing Intern position. My Chihuahua, Sparky, who has more than a thousand Facebook friends, would provide a glowing letter of recommendation.
