Page 1: Letter of Recommendation for Ms Program

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION It gives me great pleasure to speak about the potential of Mr. Karan Behal for the Master program at your university. In my capacity, as Managing Director for R.k.Darshan enterprises, my observations of Mr. karan Behal come through my close interaction with him. He is currently an employee in our company. An enthusiast, always eager to learn new things and to meet the challenges of the ever-changing technology, he displays a spirit vital for a student pursuing a future in research.

Our working module includes stress on Principles of Accounting and day to day transaction handling and overall working in accounts department . In office, I have observed that Mr. Karan Behal grasps new concepts quickly and constantly takes an active part in discussions, demonstrating, maturity, and strong ability to defend his ideas, while paying careful attention to others remarks. He also accepts beneficial criticisms and instructions concerning his work.

During Programming sessions in accounts with banks and boss, Mr. Karan Behal works independently and efficiently, requiring little supervision. His sensitivity and concern for others is evident in the way he helps his other colleague with their assignments. Our Working environment is completely application-based and problem-oriented. His performance in both has been superior under superiors supervision. The after results indicate that he is one of the few member who show potential.

Despite the fact that Mr. Karan behal has consistently done well in all areas of his duty, the best example of his working capabilities shone through his presentations on the financial position of our company and provide clear picture that where our company stands. The work clearly demonstrated his ability to deliver a clear, concise and well-knit presentation with a new perspective.

Mr. Karan Behal is still young to the industry and can tend to make mistakes at times. However, he somehow manages to turn negative events into positive learning experiences and never makes the same mistake twice. He also never gives up and appreciates positive criticism that can only make his grow in the long run.

It is my confidence that a strong dedication will help Mr. Karan behal to truly succeed in his life by diminishing his shortcomings and improving his talents. Since the curriculum offered by your university is designed to build on each student’s capabilities, I am confident that Mr. Karan Behal a will both grow from and give back to your program.

For R.K.darshan Enterprises

Authorized signatory

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