
Lets find a friend!


Kinder Garden Blue

One day Sam took his friends (a,o,I,u,e) to the park and his friend Kate also came there along with her friends (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,r,s,t,v,w,x,z). Sam & Kate went to the get ice cream and their friends ran away. Now let us find their friends for them!

“ca” were standing together behind “t”. They all became friend! What do they make together?

“b” was talking to “a” & “g”. They were standing very close. Together what do they make?

“e” was hiding with two brothers

“gg”,together they make something we

eat in morning!

“d” was running after “o” & “g”. “d” caught “o” & “g”,

together they make a word d o g, do g,


“fi” were sitting on swing & “sh” were

pushing them. Together they make who lives in water

“gi” were standing near

ice-cream van, “rl” to buy some

as well, they make…..

Kate found “ha” & “t” under a bench.

Together they make…..

“i”, “n” & “k” were under the hat. Together

they make…..

Kate opened her bag and saw “j” &

“am” there. We eat it….

Sam saw “ki” and “te” sitting

on a pole. Together they make o word

that fly….

Sam found “l” fighting with “og” he made

them sit together. They made….

“m” was sitting with “an” on a tree. Together they make…

“e” was standing in between “n” &

“t”. Sam asked “e” to stand in the middle, they


Kate and sam were hungry so sam looked

in his bag & found “or”,”an”,ge” in his bag. They make….

Sam found “p”, “e” & “n” on a bench. Together they


“r”,” “i” ,and “ng” were feeding ducks. Together

they make…..

“s” was looking for “u”,“n” and

they were talking to a man. If joined

together they make….

“t”& “i” were standing near a

cage, “g”, “e” & “r” joined them. They were looking at an animal, together they make that

word. What is it?

“m”, & “n” were trying to make “u” stand in the middle for a picture when

Sam saw them. They make…

“v”, “a” and “n” were in playpen. Together they make a word that brings you to school. What is


Kate saw “w” talking to “all”. Together they


“b”, “o” & “x” were playing. Together

they make…..

“z” and it’s best friends “oo”

were sleeping under a tree.

Together they make….

“y” was crying because,

“a”,”t”,”c” & “h” were lost. If put together they make…

Sam & Kate found all their friends and they all enjoyed playing with each other. Hurrah! They said now we have new friends. See you next time in park, with more new friends!
