Page 1: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

Page 2: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

PSALMSThe name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek psalmos – in the verb for means to pluck a stringed instrument. The overall tone of Psalms is praise to the Lord. But it doesn’t stop there. Psalms spans centuries starting with Moses’ Psalm 90 to the post exile era in Psalm 126 when the Lord was praised by the return from captivity.

Page 3: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

PSALMSThis collection of the personal and corporate spirituality of Israel is a "covenantal prayer book" intended to aid the covenant people of God in their joys and struggles. Indeed all the major aspects of covenant life are addressed here.

Page 4: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SCRIPTURECast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

Cast in Hebrew means: to throw out, throw down, throw away, to hurl. It does not mean to take back what you have cast, nor to cherish, or keep - but to cast, toss, throw away from yourself.

Page 5: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SCRIPTURECast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

Cares in Hebrew means: whatever is given by providence. That means every piece of your personality, talents, thoughts, body, emotions, worries, burdens, joys, and gifts.

Page 6: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SCRIPTURECast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

LORD used here in Hebrew means >> Eternal, Jehovah, self-existent. The One with no beginning and no end. "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty." Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13.

Page 7: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SCRIPTURECast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

Putting this all together: Throw and hurl everything that has been given to you onto the Lord. Everything that has been given to you, you are to throw onto the Lord and not to take it back.

Page 8: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

BURDENWhat is a burden?The Free Dictionary Something that is carried. a. Something that is emotionally difficult to bear.b. A source of great worry or stress; weight:

Page 9: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips


What are some of the burden Christians are face with?•music, •fornication,•ungodly and unproductive movies,•drinking, •pornography, •sexual abuse.

Page 10: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips


What do people care about?•Now & the future•Being happy, successful, and fulfilled.•Myself. I'm the only one that's going to take care of me, so I'm number 1 in my book.•Happiness and my family and friends.•My kids well being.•Eternity and family•Comfort•my dreams

Page 11: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Page 12: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

How can you tell if you are living free in Christ? Freedom in Christ is having the desire and power to know, love, worship and obey God.

Page 13: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

1st concept Renounceto give up or put aside voluntarilyTo give up by formal declaration The first Step toward experiencing your freedom in Christ is to renounce – verbally reject – all past or present involvement with ungodly practices, false teachings and rituals

Page 14: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

2nd concept Accepting The Truth

God’s Word is true and we need to accept His trust in the innermost part of our being (see Psalm 51:6).Whether or not we feel it is true, we need to believe it Since Jesus is the truth (see John 14:6), the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (See John 16:13), and the Word of God is truth (see John 17:17), we ought to speak and live the truth in love (see Ephesians 4:15).

Page 15: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

3rd concept Submission vs. Rebellion

Rebelling against God and His authorities is a very serious sin for it gives Satan a wide open avenue to attack. Submission is the only solution. God requires more, however, than just the outward appearance of submission; He wants us to sincerely submit to those in authority from the heart. When you stand under the authority of God and those He has placed over you, you cut off this dangerous avenue of demonic attack.

Page 16: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

4th concept Humility vs. Pride

Pride kills. Pride says, “I don’t need God or anyone else’s help. I can handle it by myself.” Oh no you can’t! We absolutely need God and we desperately need each other. Humility, is confidence properly placed in God. Proverbs 3:3-7 expresses a similar thought: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Page 17: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

FREEDOMFive essential concept for freedom in Christ

5th concept Freedom vs. Bondage

Many times we feel trapped in a vicious cycle of sin-confess-sin-confess that never seems to end. We can become very discouraged and end up just giving up and giving in to the sins of our flesh. We resist the devil by rejecting his lies and walking in the truth. Sin that has become a habit often requires help from a trusted brother or sister in Christ. Remember, confession is not saying “I’m sorry,” it is openly admitting, “I did it.”

Page 18: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUSTENANCEand He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22

And refers to the first phrase meaning: IF you cast your cares upon the Lord THEN the Lord God WILL sustain you. He refers to the Lord.Will is a promise that God will do what He says.Sustain in Hebrew means: To keep in and contain, To abide, remain with and reside, receive, comprehend, guide, feed, nourish, make provision for.You means just who you are, just the way you are. No changes are needed to come before the Lord God Almighty.

Page 19: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUSTENANCEand He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22

And refers to the first phrase meaning: IF you cast your cares upon the Lord THEN the Lord God WILL sustain you. He refers to the Lord.Will is a promise that God will do what He says.Sustain in Hebrew means: To keep in and contain, To abide, remain with and reside, receive, comprehend, guide, feed, nourish, make provision for.You means just who you are, just the way you are. No changes are needed to come before the Lord God Almighty.

Page 20: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUSTENANCEPutting this all together: The Lord Jesus Christ will do all these thing for the one who casts to Him all that they have been, are now, and will be. Every facet of your life must be given away for Him in order for your joy to be full. God Himself will nourish and help you through what you are going through, no matter what it is.

Page 21: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

submission comes from the word submit (to give over or yield to the power or authority of another(often used reflexively)

Page 22: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

1. DRAW near to God.

Build your relationship with God. Spend time with Him. Read His word. Pray to Him. Meditate on Him.

Page 23: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

2. CLEANSE your hands.

In other words watch your actions. Watch what you are doing. If you are doing evil – stop doing it.

Page 24: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

3. PURIFY your hearts.

Watch what you think. Notice how James describes those who don’t have a pure heart. They are “double-minded”. A person who shows all the behavior of a Christian yet their minds dwell on sinful thoughts is not pure. In order to be pure we must have pure thoughts.

Page 25: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

4. MOURN over your sin.

What is your attitude toward the sin in your life? Do you lament? Do you mourn? Do you weep? God does. He wants us pure. He wants us holy. He cries when we allow sin to live in our lives. Submission to God is seeing the sin in our lives in the same manner that God does.

Page 26: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

SUBMISSIONHow do let God have his way in our life?Five PRACTICAL WAYS OF BEING SUBMISSIVE TO GOD

5. HUMBLE yourselves.

This quality has a promise with it. James says, “Humble yourselves in the sight of God.”

Page 27: LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips. LET GO AND LET GOD Presented: Jason Phillips PSALMS The name of the Book of Psalms comes from the Greek

LET GO AND LET GODPresented: Jason Phillips

CONCLUSIONThe Lord God Almighty will never ever cause the just, clean and righteous person to slip and fall or be carried, cast, or be out of course and be fallen in decay.
