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Lesson Plan Template

Section 1. Nancy J. Sheehy, Pennsbury School District Section 2. Explorons: La Cuisine Francophone Section 3. French: Level III Section 4. Standards addressed: 1.3 PRESENTATIONAL COMMUNICATION: students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. 2.1/ 2.2 PRACTICES AND PRODUCTS OF CULTURE: students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices, perspectives, and products of the culture studied. 3.2 ACQUIRING CONNECTIONS: students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its culture. 4.2 CULTURE COMPARISONS: students recognize that cultures use different patterns of interaction and can apply this knowledge to their own culture. Section 5. Overview/scenario-

This lesson was created to expand upon the text-based foods unit and to incorporate the study of the culture of the francophone world. The level of language required is adaptable for Level III or Level IV students. It is a technology-based lesson that has both individual and group responsibilities and follows the parameters of a Research Module. (Questioning, Planning, Gathering, Sorting, Synthesizing, Evaluating, and Reporting)

The project will take between 2 and 3 weeks to complete, depending upon time allotted for group work and research.

Section 6.

The class is divided into groups of 3-4 students. Each group then selects a different francophone area of the world. (See attached list: Form #1.)

Each group is to brainstorm as to a list of possible factors that have influenced the cuisine of a particular country or region. (See attached list: Form #2.) The class can then sort and sift these ideas to synthesize the ideas.

Each member of the class then receives the “project instructions” sheet (Form #3). After reading the introduction to the unit, the group then plans what 2 topics each person will research as their areas of responsibility. (This gathering stage typically takes several days). The research aspect of the lesson is Internet-based and relies upon the use of a variety of websites in order to accumulate the necessary information.

The group then meets to complete the “Group Progress Report”. (Form #4). They must then evaluate the quantity and quality of the research found and what areas require additional research. (This is the sorting/synthesizing stage.) (Allow 1-3 days to fill in gaps of information required.)

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The group then meets again and completes the slide show template (Form #5). (This is the synthesizing/evaluating stage.) Please note that only 5 of the 6 researched topics are chosen for the slide show. The template must be completed before they enter the computer lab.

At this point, the group has researched specific recipes that are typical of their country/region. As a group, they will choose one recipe that they will cook for the class. (See “Cooking Project” instruction sheet: Form #6.)

Access is then provided to the computers in order to complete the presentational aspect of the lesson that is the Power Point slide show.

A date is scheduled for the formal group presentations of the Power Point slide shows and the cooking project/food tasting. Section 7. Hook/Prior Knowledge The concept of this lesson is based upon the idea of a research module. It involves:

the student’s ability to work as both an individual and as a member of a group the student’s knowledge of technology (Power Point and Internet) the student’s past study of the target culture and its’ cuisine that will aid in the

questioning, planning, and writing stages the student’s interest in food tastings and the study of other cultures the student’s skill at completing the research cycle tasks the student’s past knowledge of other curricular areas that could provide the

connections necessary to establish the factors that influence a cuisine Section 8. Engagement/learning experiences/progress indicators –

Students talk about and describe aspects of the francophone world, i.e. food. Students understand information from French Internet sources on a variety of

topics. Students prepare and contribute information in French for a presentational slide

show. Students prepare and present an oral report in French. Students analyze social, economic, geographic, and historical factors that affect

cultural practices. Students identify and explore the function of everyday products from the

francophone world, such as food… Students acquire information from French-language sources (such as Internet

sites) to prepare reports on topics of personal interest. Students identify products of francophone areas and learn what cultural roles

these products play.

Section 9. Materials- The students will need access to the Internet and Power Point software in order to complete the presentational aspect of this project. They will need to purchase and prepare their selected recipe. Section 10. Technology connections-

Page 3: Lesson Plan Template - AppleShare IP Default Home Page Section 11. Integration/Extensions- This lesson can be integrated with any textbook unit that deals with the topic of food or the study of francophone countries. It can be linked with vocabulary study, reading selections, a technology lesson re Power Point, digital photography, or the use of the Internet. A logical extension would be to visit a restaurant in the area that served a type of francophone cuisine (e.g. Cajun, African, Southeast Asian, Canadian, French Polynesian, etc.) If available, students could research links to chat rooms of French-speaking schools in a francophone country in order to compare and contrast their cultures. The cooking could be done in conjunction with the Family and Consumer Science Department. FORM#1 List of Francophone Countries/Regions Madagascar Central Africa (Congo, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Mauritania) French Polynesia French Guinea Quebec (Province) Belgium Tunisia/Morocco/Algeria Vietnam/Laos/Kampuchea FORM #2: List of possible factors that determine a cuisine: Religion Ethnic backgrounds Immigrant populations Economy Politics Climate Geography – External and Internal History (i.e. colonization?) Indigenous foods, livestock (The following attachments are located on a separate disk and are available in hard copy.) FORM #3: Project Instruction Sheet FORM #4: Group Progress Report FORM #5: Power Point Slide Template FORM #6: Cooking Project (instruction sheet) FORM #7: Assessment Rubric

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FORM #2: List of possible factors that determine a cuisine: Religion Ethnic backgrounds Immigrant populations Economy Politics Climate Geography – External and Internal History (i.e. colonization?) Indigenous foods, livestock FORM#1 List of Francophone Countries/Regions Madagascar Central Africa (Congo, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Mauritania) French Polynesia French Guinea Quebec (Province) Belgium Tunisia/Morocco/Algeria Vietman/Laos/Kampuchea

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