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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


learning objective as written for student

TEKS What is the teacher doing to teach the objective?

What can an observer expect to see?

Monday The Students will be able to:

* comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry.

* explain how style and language create meaning in text.

6.8A: Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through

stylistic elements

6.4A: figurative language

*Start with Warm Ups:Level Up: *Elements of Poetry

*Ask students :How is a poem different from prose, or narrative selection or newspaper article?

*Teacher reads aloud and illicit thinking and analyze the poems -Reading Poetry” p. 576-578

*Who is the speaker in A Fine Head of Lettuce? Can the author of the poem not be the speaker in the poem? How, When is the author not the speaker?

What are stanzas and how many stanzas is in the poem?

*Warm Ups: -Elements of Poety*Write down words of two poems that you know, then compare with classmates and share/identify what all the poems have in common

*pair-read to answer close read/packet Q/A with partner

* Fill in two-column chart to analyze Stanza and Idea Expressed within poems

-Students will continue tomorrow and throughout the week


Library Rotations


The students will be able to:

*comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry

6.8A:Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through

stylistic elements

6.4A:figurative language

Warm Ups: continue-Elements of Poety

*Intruct students to pick up where they left off yesterday on selection activities

*Monitoring and Modelling Reading with Students

*Walking students to the library.

Continued:*pair-read to answer activities on selection, Q/A with partner

* Fill in two-column chart to analyze Stanza and Idea Expressed within poems

Teacher will move around to scaffold/coach and crowd control.

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Warm Ups: continue-Elements of Poety

*SSR Students will read silently for 20 minutes

Students will reread selctions to work with a partner/group to continue answering Teacher-GeneratedQuestions/activities

-fill out charts/diagrams/matrix Continue tomorrow

WednesdayThe students will be able to:

* comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry.

* explain how style and language create meaning in text.

6.8A:Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through

stylistic elements

6.4A:figurative language

*Teacher reads aloud and illicit thinking and analyze the poems -Reading Poetry” p. 579-580

*Instruct students to work with a partner or in groups on answering teacher-generated activities on selection

*Monitor/Scaffold/Crowd control

ThursdayThe students will be able to:

* comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry.

6.8A: Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through

stylistic elements

6.4A:figurative language

*Teacher reads aloud and illicit thinking and analyze the poems -Reading Poetry” p. 5581-582*Instruct students to work with a partner or in groups on answering teacher-generated activities on selection

*Monitor/Scaffold/Crowd control

*SSR Students will read silently for 20 minutes

Continue Activities from the week

Friday The students will be able to:

* comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry.*paraphrase text.

6.8A:Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through

stylistic elements

6.4A:figurative languageunderstanding-Summarize, paraphrase

*Teacher reads aloud and illicit thinking and analyze the poems -Reading Poetry” p. 583*Instruct students to work with a partner or in groups on answering teacher-generated activities on selection

*Monitor/Scaffold for

*Follo583 to answer teacher-genrated questions

*In pairs or independently, complete teacher-generated, selection activities


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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Name: _________________________ Two –Column Chart

Title of Poem and Stanzas Idea Expressed in the Poem or Stanza

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.




Use this page to take notes on what makes poetry different from fiction, page 578.First, fill in the definitions and descriptions of the key terms.

Key Terms1. The way a poem looks on the page is related to its _________________

2. Lines of poetry may be arranged into groups that are called _________________

3. Each stanza helps to convey a poem’s overall _________________

4. The voice in a poem that talks to the reader is the _________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.



WHAT BRINGS A POEM TO LIFE?Use this page to take notes on sound devices, imagery, and figurative language, pages 580–582. First, fill in the notes to make complete sentences that will help you remember key terms about sound devices.Sound Devices

I. RhymeA. Definition: Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the end of words

B. Examples of rhyme include ________________ and ________________,

________________ and ________________.II.Rhythm

A. Definition: Rhythm is ______________________________________________________

B. The beat is affected by _____________________________________________________III. Repetition

A. Definition: Repetition is ____________________________________________________

B. An example of repetition is _________________________________________________

IV. Alliteration

A. Definition: Alliteration is ___________________________________________________

B. An example of alliteration is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Now complete these notes, using key ideas about imagery and figurative language, found on page 582.

1. Figurative language is _____________________________________

2. A simile is _______________________________________________

3. “Leaves . . . / fly / straight out of the / tree like birds” is an example of a .

4. A ________________ is a comparison between two unlike things that does not include the word like or as.

5. The line “The fallen leaves are cornflakes” is an example of a ________________.

6. Personification is _________________________________________

7. An example of personification is _____________________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Part 1. Questions to Think about and write Responses to text: Fill all responses with complete sentence s

Name _______________ Class: _____ Reading Poetry p. 578-583SPEAKERRemember! Even when a poem uses words such as I and me, the speaker is most likely a character that the poet has created. Use these questions to identify and analyze a speaker.

Ask these questions as you identify the speaker of a poem:Who IS the speaker? To whom is he or she speaking?

What is the speaker’s attitude toward other people or toward the subject of the poem?What impressions do I get from the speaker’s tone and language? Can I trust the speaker?

A. Read “A Fine Head of Lettuce”, poem by Jack Prelutsky and answer the following writing in complete sentences:1. Who is the speaker? _________________________________________________2. How many stanzas does the poem have? _______________________________________________________________________________3. How many lines are in each stanza?____________________________________________________________________________________4. What words rhyme in the poem? Is there a patter to the rhymes? __________________________________________________________5. Poets like playing with words. What verbal joke do you find in the last line? __________________________________________________6. What literary / poetic device does the poet use in this poem? ______________________________________7. What is the irony of the poem? ____________________________________________________________________________________8. Word choices create tone and attitude; what is the tone and attitude of this poem? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. “Losing Face” p. 5798. What is the tone of the poem Losing Face? How is it different in sound from the poem, A Head of Lettuce? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Who is the speaker of the poem? ________________________________10. Describe the conflict she is having ________________________________________________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


11. Where does Wong use rhyme in the first stanzas? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. The poem is structured so that each stanza helps you understand the speaker’s feelings. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, summarize what each stanza is about.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. Reread the boxed section. It is the only place where each line contains a complete sentence. Why might the poet have chosen to emphasize these lines?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14. Reread the last stanza. Why doesn’t the speaker want to admit what she’s done?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________C. Read pp. 580 Elements of Poetry-What ARE THEY? Then fill in the correct answer below: (Refer to page 580 in your book again)15. What is Rhyme? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________16. What is Meter? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17. What is Rhythm? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________18. What makes a ‘sing song’ sound in poetry?

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19. What is alliteration? Provide examples___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20. What is Refrain? Provide examples from your selection____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Go to p. 581 Pete AT THE ZOO RHYMES, RHYTHM, AND REFRAIN21. Who is the speaker in Pete at the Zoo? ______________________________________________________________________________22. Which words rhyme at the ends of the lines? _________________________________________________________________________

23. Stressed and unstressed syllables are marked in lines 1-2, Read these lines aloud, emphasizing the stressed words. Then, copy it exactly, lines 1-2 as you see them with stressed and unstressed marks. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24. What does the repetition of words and phrases in the boxed lines help to emphasize about the nighttime at the zoo?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Meter and Alliteration 581 Fireworks by Valerie WorthWhat kinds of sounds to you associate with fireworks? _______________________________________________________________In this poem, meter and alliteration help you to hear some of these sounds. Read the poem aloud to get the full effect. 25. Does the poem sound like conversation, or is it written in meter? ( meter is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26. What sounds are repeated in the boxed line t create alliteration? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where does the poet use onomatopoeia-words that sound like what they mean-to help you hear the fireworks?

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.



Go to p. 582 Figurative Language and Imagery27. Figurative Language is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________28. Four common figures of speech are, 1. _____________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. ____________________________ and 4. ______________________________

Now, provide examples of each of the above four common figures of speech and label each one accordingly: Images use _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________30. You are as fast as a whip is an example of _____________________________

E: Analyze the Literature “LIKE BOOKENDS” by Eve Merriam p. 58331. Notice the simile in lines 1-6. How are the mother and father like bookends? Interpret and explain ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32. Examine the two boxed images. What contrasting dinner scenes do they help you visualize?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________33. Reread lines 17-20. What sounds are repeated to create alliteration? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________34. Hyperbole is a kind of figure of speech that uses exaggeration to make a point. What hyperbole do you find in lines 20-23? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________35. Lines 23-24 contain a metaphor. What two things does the metaphor compare? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Part 2. Questions to Think about and write Responses to text: Character Traits

As you read A Fine Head of Lettuce, or Losing Face, fill in the Y chart below as you reread the poem:

Fill out the Y chart below :

FeelsThoughts and actions

Looks Like

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


Part 2. Go back and pick out two poems that you have read from our reading selection and compare/contrast Show Similarities and Differences Comparison Matrix/Compare and Contrast

Poem Title: __________________________________Both

Poem Title: _____________________________

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.



MondayDifferentiation:Struggling Readers: Work closely with teacher or peer tutor during close read and note-taking.

Enrichment:Compare and contrast the rhythm of the poems on p578-579/ShareWarm Ups/Reflect:Level Up: *Elements of Poetry*Rhythm and Rhyme

Terms to teach and Spiral:*Tone, imagery, mood, stylistic elements, point of view,Similes, Metaphors*Literal and Figurative Language



Thursday:Notes/Teks to cover:

The students will be able to: Analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support understanding.Infer the implicit theme of a work of fiction distinguishing theme from the topic6.3 Reading/Comprehension of Literary text/Theme and Genre.Fig. 19 D & E: make inferences and use textual evidence to support understanding-Summarize, paraphrase and synthesize texts6.1: Reading/Fluency6.6 A & C: Summarize the elements of plot development and describe different forms of point of -view6.3B. Analyze the function of stylistic elements (e.g. magic helper, rule of three)

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Name: P. Thompson Date: November 17th-21st, 20146th Grade E.L.A.


6.2 understand new vocabulary and use it in reading and writing6.2B. Use context clues to determine vocabulary meaning6.2E. Use a dictionary> 6.6 A & C> Fig. 19 D & E> 6.3> 6.2

The Student will be able to:* comprehend the literal level, make inferences, and draw conclusions about poetry.* explain how style and language create meaning in text.* summarize and use text information accurately.* paraphrase text.TEKS:

6.8A: Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Explain how authors create meaning through stylistic elements 6.4A: figurative language6.13A explain messages conveyed in various form of mediaFig 19E: Summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts6.20B/C: punctuation marks and proper mechanicsCCRS: 3A explicit and implicit textual information including main ideas and author’s purposeA6 analyze imagery, A7 evaluate literal and figurative language, A 10 identify and analyze author’s use of language StructuresELPS: 2H, 4J, 4K, 4I, 5G, 2F
