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  • 7/23/2019 Lesson Plan: History


    History: Intro to world war II

    Tommy Brown

    High School Intervention Specialist

    Grade 11

    Common Core Standards:

    AH.IW.21. During the 1930s, the U.S. government attempted to distance the country from earlier interventionist policies in the

    Western Hemisphere as well as retain an isolationist approach to events in Europe and Asia until the beginning ofWWII.

    AH.IW.22. The United States mobilization of its economic and military resources during World War II brought significant changes

    to American society.

    AH.IW.23. Use of atomic weapons changed the nature of war, altered the balance of power and began the nuclear age.

    Lesson Summary:

    This lesson is designed to teach kids the basics and the entrance occurrences of world war II. By the end of thi

    unit students should be able to name at least three things that took place leading up to the start of world war IIas well as the main players in the war and what ended it.

    Estimated Duration:

    (Day 1) Tuesday - ! minutes (mo"ie)

    (Day #) $ednesday % &' minutes (group research)

    (Day ) Thursday % first ! minutes (put together group "isuals) last 1-1' minutes (group presentations min each)

    (day &) *riday - technology based school sca"enger hunt (&' min % class period)

    Commentary: I will need to make sure that all the kids are buying into the main purpose of this lesson whichis to ha"e a fun interacti"e way to learn the material without +ust ha"ing them sit in front of a book and read itI will e,plain to them that how well they handle this acti"ity will depend on if we can do other fun acti"ities

    like this throughout the remainder of the school year.

    Instructional rocedures

    I would like to be done with this part of the o"erall section of this class by *riday and I plan to start it onTuesday. /n Tuesday we will watch clips from pearl harbor to really help the kids grasp an idea of what I

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson Plan: History


    mean when I say 0things leading up to the start. 2o for day one after we go o"er this lesson o"er"iew we wil

    watch about ! minutes of the mo"ie. Then on $ednesday we will break up into groups and do backgroundresearch on each of the different sections. /ne group will take the lead up the second group will take during

    the war and the third group will take after the war ended. This day will take up the full &'-minute class period

    Then on Thursday I will pro"ide poster board and markers and the kids the first ! minutes of class will make

    a 3uick "isual of their topic to present to the class. Then the final 1-1' minutes the groups will each get about minutes to present. Then on the final day for the class period we will spend about &! or so minutes doing a

    fun technology based acti"ity around the school in smaller group parings of their choice. 2tudents can all work

    together e"en with students not in their own group allowing them to use cross o"er info or data to possiblyhelp them with their own assignment. The students can use whate"er research or source of info that they

    desire. It can be book posters internet or each other. They will take notes or record their info howe"er they

    find useful. 4ach kid will be aloud to ha"e a small note card with them while they are presenting their "isualson the third day.

    Day 1 ! minutes

    5fter we go o"er the lesson plan as far as what all we will be doing and what all I e,pect of them then we will

    watch about ! minutes of the mo"ie pearl harbor.

    Day # &' minutes

    2tudents will begin working in their groups researching each of their topics. (Intro during war and post war)

    Day two periods (! minute period and a 1 minute period)

    During the ! minutes students will work on their "isuals in their groupsThe ne,t 1 min students will present their "isuals

    Day & full class period (&' min)

    $e will go all o"er the school in small groups and do a technology acti"ity dealing with a sca"enger hunt.


    $hen they come into class on Tuesday the first 1! minutes will be spent doing a 1-#! 3uestion

    multiple choice 3ui6 that will not be for points. 4ach of the areas they7ll be researching will be on thi3ui6.

    Scoring Guidelines:

    The 3ui6 will be graded but will not be for points. It will simply be +ust to see where we are. I will thentake these 3ui66es and the area that each student scored their worst in will be the group they get placed

    into. This way they can study and learn the info about one of the three sub+ect areas they know the leas

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson Plan: History


    info about.


    The main post assessment that will be taken for points will be their "isuals and presentations. 5s well as

    participation points during the week while they7re working on them. 5lso on that 8onday following this week

    as a class warm-up I will then gi"e them the same 3ui6 that will be 1-#! 3uestions again but this time it willalso count for points.

    Scoring Guidelines: 120 points

    Day 1 mo"ie ( points possible for paying attention)

    Day # group research (# points possible for working and contributing to the group)

    Day presentation (#! points for helping put together presentation ! points for actually presenting)

    Day & school wide acti"ity (#! points for acti"ely participating)

    *ollowing 8onday 3ui6 will be worth #! points.

    Differentiated Instructional Support

    Describe how instruction can be differentiated changed or altered! to meet the needs of gifted oraccelerated students:

    $orking as an inter"ention specialist all my assignments will be catered to students who may ha"e a learning

    disability or trouble focusing. This is why I try to switch it up between a mo"ie working in groups drawing

    and making "isuals to talking to the class and then a fun technology based acti"ity that gets them out of theclassroom and around the school.

    Discuss additional acti"ities #ou could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the


    I will ha"e hand outs or power point slides printed out with some main points or big topics that they can

    research within their assigned topic if they are ha"ing trouble deciding which facts are important and which

    ones are side or filler that they are finding.



    This is a great website one that e"en I used in high school in my world war II class.
  • 7/23/2019 Lesson Plan: History


    $omewor% &ptions and $ome 'onnections

    *or this lesson the only homework that will be assigned will be to continue to research your personal topics so

    that way you can show a full understanding when working on the "isual and presentation.

    Interdisciplinar# 'onnections

    :a"ing a good understanding of world war II could help students when they are in a geography course. This is

    due to the fact that they will then ha"e a better understanding of why the economy and surrounding area of thalocation is the way it is. This will also help with any other history or social studies course. 5ny background

    info on ma+or ground breaking9shaping e"ents will help.

    8aterials and ;esources

    For teachers earl harbor mo"ie

    oster board

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson Plan: History


    Additional *otes

    8ake sure the kids are ha"ing *>? while learning. :elp them understand the purpose for this and how it will

    help in future and outside the classroom.
