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Lesson PlanUnit 14: Could you do me a favor? Topic: Asking for helpSubject: English Level: Grade 8 Times: 1 hour By Tunyarut Wongpech 56100102136

Jiraporn Aemphun 56100102139Supakdee Wannatong 56100102140Areeya Suwanchompoo 56100102146

B.Ed.English 4/3

Learning Standards and Indicators1.1 Strands 1: Language for Communication

1.1.1 Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning. Grade-level Indicators 8/1: Act in compliance with requests, instructions, clarifications and simple explanations heard and read. Grade-level Indicators 8/2: Accurately read aloud texts, news, advertisements and short poems by observing the principles of reading. Grade-level Indicators 8/3: Specify/write sentences and texts related to various forms of non-text information read.

1.1.2 Standard FL1.2: Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions. Grade-level Indicators 8/1: Converse appropriately to exchange data about themselves, various matters around them and various situations in daily life. Grade-level Indicators 8/2: Use orders and give instructions, clarifications and explanations according to the situation. Grade-level Indicators 8/3: Speak and write appropriately to express needs, offer help and agree and refuse to give help in various situations1.2 Strands 2: Language and Culture

1.2.1 Standard FL2.1: Appreciation of the relationship between language and culture of native speakers and capacity for use of language appropriate to occasions and places. Grade-level Indicators 8/1: Use language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate to various persons and occasions by observing social manners of native speakers.1.3 Strands 3: Language and Relationship with Other Learning Areas.

1.3.1 Standard FL3.1: Usage of foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as foundation for further development and to seek knowledge and widen one's world view. Grade-level Indicators 8/1: Search for, collect and summaries the data/facts related to other learning areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking/writing.1.4 Strands 4: Language and Relationship with Community and the World

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1.4.1 Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situations in school, community and society. Grade-level Indicators 8/1: Listen/speak in simple situations in the classroom.

2. Concept Students practice writing a conversation and speaking

the sentences of modal verb.

3. Objective:3.1 Terminal Objective Students are able to write a conversation and speaking the sentences of

modal verb.3.2 Behavioral Objective

1. Students will be able to ask for helping by using the structure correctly. (P)

2. Students are able to tell the sentences of model verbs. (K)3. Students participle the activities enthusiastically. (A)

4. Content4.1 Skills: Writing and speaking 4.2 Vocabularies: take a photo, borrow, take out the garbage, turn down the

music, give someone a hand, carry on, fill in, lower your voice, sure, certainly, of course, no problem, sorry, not now .

4.3 Function:- Asking and telling.

4.4 Structure:-Modal verb

- Could you do me a favor?

Ask Can/Could Will/Would Can I borrow your cell phone? Will you tell Sarah to bring some snack?Could you take a photo of us? Would you get me some fruit?

Can, Could, Will, Would + S+V1+modifies

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AnswerAgreeing Refusing- Sure. - Sorry. I can’t- Certainly - Not now. I’m busy- Of course- No Problem

5. Process of learningWarm up (5 minutes)

1. Teacher greets the students.T: Good morning students.T: How are you today?

2. Teacher asks for helping. Teacher walks to some students then asking for help.T: Could I borrow your pen?

3. Teacher shows video “Asking for help”.

4. Teacher asks students.T: which words that they use for asking for help?

Presentation (15 minutes)

5. Teacher shows pictures to ask for vocabularies. (take a photo, borrow, take out the garbage, turn down the music, give someone a hand, carry on, fill in, lower your voice) then, students guess the vocabularies.

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6. Teacher shows students the structure; how to ask and answer about asking for help.

- Could you do me a favor?Ask

Can/Could Will/Would Can I borrow your cell phone? Will you tell Sarah to bring some snack?Could you take a photo of us? Would you get me some fruit?

AnswerAgreeing Refusing- Sure. - Sorry. I can’t- Certainly - Not now. I’m busy- Of course- No Problem

Practice (15 minutes)7. Students count 1-10. Then anyone says “10” must draw lots about the events of

ask for helping in front of classroom.8. Then, a student who draw lots have to tell a sentence appropriately by using Can,

Could, Will, Would.9. First student will random next students to do this activity again.

Product (15 minutes)10. Students write completely sentences by using can, could, will and would.

(Worksheet A “Asking for help”)

Wrap up (10 minutes)11. Teachers and students check “Worksheet A” together. 12. Students pronounce the sentences together.13. Teachers and students review vocabularies together.14. Teacher gives students homework.

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6. Teaching Materials6.1 Power Point about the Could you help me a favor vocabularies6.2 Worksheet A “Asking for help”6.3 Student Book (Mega gold) 6.4 Picture cards 6.5 Video “ Asking for help”

7. Evaluations

The measure Method of Measuring

Measuring Instrument


Students are able to tell the sentences of model verbs. (K)

Teacher check students worksheet

Exercise Students have 8 point of 10 points 80%

Students will be able to ask for helping by using the structure correctly. (P)

Teacher check students worksheet

Exercise Students have 8 point of 10 points 80%

Students participle the activities enthusiastically. (A)

Observation to do worksheet

Exercise Students do worksheet intentionally

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