Download doc - Lesson in Synastry


Synastry is the art of comparing the horoscopes of two people in order to determine their likely compatibility and relationship. In their magnificent book titled"Light on relationships", written byHart De FouwandDr Robert Svoboda,Synastry has been dealt with, in great detail. They say,

Then they go on to describe the four corner stones in Jyotish,

Now let us put all this into practice by using the following example,

below is the horoscope of Travis and Jodi,

Note the positions of the four corner stones,

Ascendent -1/1Moon -6/8Venus -2/12Sun -2/12

Now you know why this relationship never worked.


"A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!. 'However,' replied the universe, 'That fact has not created in me, A sense of obligation.'"

aliya Guru Member

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Re: A quick lesson in Synastry,Reply #3 on:November 29, 2013, 11:51:13 AM

TC,look at the Ve-Mars synastry in both the charts....usually relationships breakup but not in such such spectacular gruesome style....Thus travis alexander's horoscope would indicate unnatural death...what are the factors in his horoscope for this ?does not the 6,8 & 12 lords conjn,aspect indicate muder or capability for it how does jodi's horo show it ?Logged

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krish Guru Member

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Re: A quick lesson in Synastry,Reply #4 on:November 29, 2013, 05:30:04 PM


You might have noticed in Arias chart, Bandana yoga existed either looking from Lagna or Aruda Lagna or even from chandra lagna. Rahu and LL culprit in getting into actLogged

TC Administrator

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Re: A quick lesson in Synastry,Reply #5 on:November 30, 2013, 10:10:26 AM

Dear Krish and Aliya,

I have to be honest and admit that these horoscopes stump me. I am at loss to explain this event astrologically. Does Jodi's chart show that she would have the potency to commit such a heinous crime? Let us be fair and admit that it does not show such potential blatantly. I might be missing some clues due to my limited knowledge. I think that this act, like Most acts, are a brutal display of a person's free will.

I am reminded of the sage like advice of P.V. Narasimha Rao, the Author of J. Hora,

Every word, .......... worth it's weight in Gold. I firmly believe that the Planets Impel. They don't compel. Lack of spirituality, the wrong kind of food, and a life of debauchery, more often than not incites the Grahas to bring out the worst in them. This is one such classic case. The Aries Lagna individual needs to be constantly at guard with his/her actions. For Jodi, it was a double whammy since Kuja the Lagna lord is in the 6th house, a house of his dire enemy. The result is there for all to see.

Jodi has plenty of free will as we can see. Her Upacaya houses are superbly strong. The 3rd lord is in the 3rd, the 6th lord is in the 3rd, the 10th and the 11th lord Shani is in the 5th, and aspects the 11th. Nice.

Upacaya houses - i.e. bhavas 3,6,10 and 11 are for free will. Upachaaya means to increase or grow. These houses can increase your level of karma. Mostof the houses are considered bad (except 10th) by Parashara. Hence we should try to limit our free will for loading our karma baggage. The 3rd House : Kaama or passion related karma, the 11th house: Desire or Wants related karmas the 6th house: Hatred, revenge etc. All the above are one of prime causes of increasing karma. Look at the grahas in above places to see how many factors are forcing you to indulge in those karmas. Malefics generally add more negative karma. Of course, in Kali yoga it is now a fashion for astrologers state that Malefics in Upacaya houses is good. Goes to show the kind of delusion that exists in this world. If this is the thought process of an astrologer who is supposed to have "undersood" the planets, then god save the people who care a flying Fu@k for them.

As a remedy for the 3rd house it is best to take the upadesha of a Guru (7th from 3rd is 9th house).For the 11th house, it is best to worship ShivaAnd for the 6th House it is best to worship Vishnu.

Unfortunately Jodi knew non of this.Logged

"A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!. 'However,' replied the universe, 'That fact has not created in me, A sense of obligation.'"

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Re: A quick lesson in Synastry,Reply #6 on:December 01, 2014, 11:15:46 AM

A member of this forum sent me a link from another forum, asking me for my comments. I am reproducing the link for the readers benefit, and here are my comments -

In a marriage, there are always three sides to the story - The Husband's the wife's and the truth. Occasionally it so happens that there are 5 sides to the story - The husband's, the Husband's Girlfriend, the wife's, the wife's boyfriend and the truth.

If you have had the patience to go through that thread, you will find the Moderator stating that the spouse you get is pre - destined. If that is the case, the said moderator should stop taking 10 dollars per question, stop cheating people and let them resign to their own her fate.

So many things have been said about matching charts. One forgets, that the astrologer must consider if there are yogas for divorce and separation in a horoscope. It is then, that matching charts come into the picture. Matching charts is of prime importance because, god forbid, you end up in a marriage that is "loveless" and there is nil attraction to the other. Nobody would want to live in that kind of a marriage, and god forbid ......... for 50 + years. Synastry comes in next because, positive Graha alignments go on to form Raaga instead of dvesha.

Now Sporky dork is of the contention that his marriage should not have landed in the gutter because he gets 28.5/29 points ot of 36 in the Guna Milan score. he has a valid point to make. The moderator states that this goes to prove that to whom you marry is already destined. This is far from the truth. The point is, that the astrologers who assessed the horoscope bungled up big time. Let me explain why.

Before I give you an explanation, let me state that just because the astrologer has failed, does not mean the science has failed. If doctors did not fuck up every now and then, and if medical science was perfect, there would not be a need for morgues in every hospital. Just because a doctor fucks up, does not mean we stop going to seek medical treatments. The same is the case with Jyotish. The incompetency of the astrologer does not mean that the science of Guna milan is wrong. Nothing is predestined. Even a beggar has the free will to decide which corner of the street, he wants to stand and beg.

There are some innocuous placements which come back to bit you in the arse every now and then, just like a black mamba that springs out of the out of the grass when you least expect it. Some combos bit you in the arse, and then some combos bite other people in their arse, like in this case where sporky dork has ended up being raped thanks to his wife's planetary placements.

Who is the villain of this chart? It is Kuja and Shani in that order. The second prize goes to Rahu and Ketu who receive the gracious gaze of the 8th and the 6th lord respectively. Both these naturally malefic grahas, and conditionally malefic Grahas are bitter enemies of the Lagna lord Shani being neutral at best because he owns the 9th, and are bitter enemies of each other. Using Planetary friendships are a fine way to assess which Graha is likely to promote harmony or discord in one's life.

The 4th Bhava is the 10th from the 7th. It thus shows the karma, The contribution of effort to matters related to the 7th. In all, it shows the achievements that have been derived from the 7th Bhava due to efforts put in that direction. Two malefics, in the 10th from the 7th, shows poor effort in matters connected with the 7th.There is a ultra strong Kapata yoga present in this horoscope.Don't be fooled by the "Gajakesari" Yoga. It is always wise to see their nakshatra placements before we can assess the yogas strength and intention. Guru and Chandra are in the nakshatra of Rahu, and Shukra who is the dispositor of both the grahas is in the 8th Bhava. Please remember, strength, influence and intention completely different things. A malefic Graha might be strong but his intention would be to harm the aspects related to the self or the society.

When did the lady walk out of the door? it was in the dasha ofShani - Shani - Shukra - Ketu.(15th March 2013). Shani who is in the Nakshatra of Kuja, destroyed the marriage with impunity, that can come only with his way of doing things. Shukra of course is a mute spectator to Shani's act for he can do nothing since he is in the 8th, and is the 12th Lord. This is why i say, Look for that innocuous placement, because it is that placement which is capable of fucking up every single aspect of a person's life. Now you will understand why Shani and Kuja together, owning Bad bhavas, in the wrong place can fuck up things.

Drowned in an ocean of confusion, I had no choice but to go to my Guru who promptly solved the conundrum of the two horoscopes. He said, and I quote"the girl's Kuja shouldnotbe in the same rashi as the Boy's Chandra.That at first might seem confusing, and i find that i am not able to articulate it well enough, since i have to translate what he had told me into English. So Let me elaborate this point with an example.

The Girl's Kuja is placed at - 22Deg55 in Virgo. The Boy's Chandra is placed at 22Deg12 Virgo. Thus, Kuja of the girl is in the same Rashi in which the boy's Chandra is placed. -This single point Is enough for the astrologer not to approve the marriage.More so, in this case because this alignment happens to be in the same Nakshatra - in the same degree.

The moon is the main cornerstone of synastry, for the Moon is the raison d'etre of life - The mind wants what it desires - and thus the moon is the fulcrum of our joy and misery.

When the Girl's Kuja sits in the same Rashi as the Boy's Chandra, it creates a interesting influence. The influence of Kuja on the Boy's cornerstone encourages a need for exhilaration that tends to lead to undue enthusiasm and hasty exaggerated actions by the Boy, thanks to the instigation of the Girl's kuja. That ill thought out action on the Boy's part result's in a confrontation and creates a combative arena that encourages a heated argument that can quickly intensify, to a point of no return between two otherwise well intentioned individuals.

If the learned astrologers of India have given such importance to Kuja, why don't we extend the same courtesy to the king of the Grahas, the one who drys up the juices of marriage - Shani?

Dr Robert Svoboda though, is genius enough to point this out in his book "Light on Relationships". What happens when Shani of the girl's horoscope is in the same rashi as the Boy's Moon. One of the partners may perceive the other as being suffocating constructive distant in communicative secret or manipulative or acting in some other saturnine fashion. In this case, The Girl's Saturn is in the same Rashi as the Boy's Moon, amplifying the problem exponentially. The Girl's Saturn is at 27Virgo16 while the boy's Moon is at 22Virgo12. The duel influence of the Girl's Kuja and Saturn on the Boy's moon is there for all to see.Logged

"A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!. 'However,' replied the universe, 'That fact has not created in me, A sense of obligation.'"

TC Administrator

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Re: A quick lesson in Synastry,Reply #7 on:December 02, 2014, 09:30:43 AM

Now for the all important question - will she come back? The dasha running right now isSaturn - Mercury - Mercury. Shani and Budha are in a Parivarthana Yoga. the screw up is that Budha is in the nakshatra of the 6th lord Kuja, and is strongly connected with the 8th Lord Shani. My suggestion is that the husband should wait for this Antardasha to finish before filing for a divorce. The reason is this - Budha is the lagna lord, is with the 3rd, and is in the nakshatra of the 6th and the 11th lord. Look how well, Budha is connected to the Upachaya houses. The 6th, while being a Trika Bhava, is also a Upachaya house. If she makes an effort, I am sure that the marriage can be saved. The excellent Graha Milan points would be of immense help now more than ever. It is just a matter of free will. Will she allow Shani and Kuja to dominate her, or will she act on her own accord using her free will - Its all in her hands - and remains to be seen.Budha is handicapped though because he has 3 malefics housed in the Bhavas he owns. This is a little known secret of jyotish.Some times we find a Graha, placed well, but not giving positive results as expected. The reason is that the Bhavas he owns would be tainted by malefics owning Bad Bhavas. Here, Rahu, Shani, and Kuja sit in the Bhavas that Budha owns. Budha will have to eventually deliver the results of Kuja and Shani. Even with this adverse situation, I strongly suggest that the husband should wait for this Antardasha to get over before he does anything rash.

The bitter truth ladies and gentlemen is this,...... as my Guru puts it so eloquently, "Sukha"(happiness) is a distant dream for her" That affliction to her 4th Bhava has destroyed everything.
