
Bible Basis: 1 Sam uel 1:1 – 28; 3:1 – 11; Mark 12:38 – 44

Key Verse: Psalm 24:1: “The earth belongs to the LORD. And so does everything in it.”

Key Question: What is God’s call on my life?

Key Idea: I believe everything I am and everything I own belong to God.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible , Chapter 9, “Stewardship”

Master Supplies List ❑ Believe Storybook Bible ❑ PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations ❑ Play money ❑ An offering plate or jar ❑ Family Page (one per child)

Optional SuppliesYou will need the following supplies based on which option(s) you choose in STEP 3 | Explore More:

❑ OPTION 1: Containers such as coffee cans or baby-wipe cases (one per child), construction paper, glue, glitter, stickers

❑ OPTION 2: Blue painter’s tape, paper, marker ❑ OPTION 3: Pennies (two per child), glue, crayons or markers,

Everything Is God’s template (one per child) ❑ OPTION 4: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child) ❑ OPTION 6: Two puppets, play money from Step 1

LESSON 9 | Stewardship

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 2

STEP 1 | Come Together (5 min)

Supplies: Play money, an offering plate or jar

INTRODUCTION• GATHER the children.• SAY, Today we will learn about giving and sharing.• ASK, Do you all like to share? (Take responses)• SAY, Sometimes sharing or giving can feel hard. But it is important to

know that Jesus is pleased when we give and share what we have.

OFFERING• GIVE each child a certain amount of play money, making sure that

some children receive only one piece of money while other children receive more.

• SAY, We are going to pretend to take up an offering like the grownups do in church.

• PASS around the offering plate or jar.

REVIEW• SAY, Think about how much money you gave in the offering.• SAY, Some of you had only one piece of money.• ASK, Did it feel hard to give all of it? (Take responses)• SAY, Sometimes giving is hard because we want to keep some for

ourselves.• CONTINUE, It helps when we know that everything belongs to God

first. All of the money, all of the animals, food, everything. Even all of the people belong to God.

• SAY, If everything already belongs to God, he will make sure that we always have what we need, and sometimes he will even make sure we have a few things that we may just want.

• ASK, What kind of things do you want when you visit a store? (Take responses)

• SAY, God knows about these things that you may need or want, and he cares about that.

KEY VERSE• REVIEW this week’s Key Verse. You may want to repeat the verse

slowly a few times until the children are able to say the verse from memory.

• NOTE: You may also choose to review last week’s Key Verse together.

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 3

Psalm 24:1The earth belongs to the Lord. (point up to heaven)And so does everything in it. (sweeping gesture to all around you)

STEP 2 | Hear the Story (10 min)

Supplies: Believe Storybook Bible, PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations

INTRODUCTION• TELL the children that they will be learning about some people in the

Bible who were happy to give when God told them to, even when God asked them to give some very important things.

• SAY, Listen for the story of Hannah. She gave God her child! Can you pretend like you’re rocking a baby?

• SAY, Listen for the story of the poor widow. She gave God all the money she had. She had only two coins to give, but she gave them both. Can you pretend like you’re putting two coins in an offering?

• CONTINUE, Listen closely for these stories about generous people who gave everything to God.

READ CHAPTER 9• READ aloud the story script below or chapter 9, “Stewardship,” from

the Believe Storybook Bible.• SHOW the illustrations included with this curriculum on PowerPoint

slides or printable posters.

THE STORY OF HANNAH• God created the world and everything in it. It all belongs to

God. God created you, and you belong to God, too! Everything you have is God’s and God wants you to take good care of it. God has given us so much. We can be happy for any chance to give back to God, like Hannah did.

• Hannah loved God. But she was sad because she had no chil-dren. She prayed and prayed for a child. She promised God, “If you give me a son, I will give him back to you. He will serve you all his days.”

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 4

REVIEW HANNAH• ASK, What did Hannah want very much in the story? (She wanted a son)• ASK, Did God give her what she asked for? (Yes)• ASK, What did she do with her child? (She gave him back to God after

he was born)

REVIEW WIDOW’S GIFT• ASK, Why was Jesus unhappy with the rich people? (Because they had

much more back at home)• ASK, What made the widow’s offering so special? (She gave all the

money she had)• PRAY, God, please help us all to have a more giving spirit so that giv-

ing and sharing do not feel hard, but rather joyful. Amen.

STEP 3 | Explore MoreChoose from these activity options, depending on your available time frame, to help children explore the lesson further.

• God answered Hannah’s prayer. She had a baby boy named Samuel. Hannah loved her son, but she remembered her prom-ise to God. When Samuel was old enough, she took him to live with some priests. There he could serve God.

• Samuel loved God. He learned to listen to God’s voice. Then he shared God’s words with everyone. Hannah was happy that her son was doing God’s work.

THE STORY OF THE WIDOW’S GIFT• Everything we have comes from God. And he wants us to give

back to him.• Jesus saw some rich people giving gifts to God, but they only

gave gifts they didn’t need. Then Jesus saw a poor widow give God two small coins. Jesus explained to his disciples that this woman had given more than the rich people, because she had given everything she had.

• God can see into our hearts. He knows how we feel when we give to him. He wants us to give to him with happy hearts.

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 5

Option 1: Cheerful Giving Cans (15 min)

Supplies: Containers such as coffee cans or baby-wipe cases that can eas-ily be used for coin jars (one per child), stickers, glue, glitter, construction paper

Teacher Prep: Collect containers for several weeks to ensure you have one per child. Have the containers already covered in paper if this is too dif-ficult for the children to do for themselves. You may also choose to cover offering containers that your church currently provides, such as cardboard boxes to collect change for missions, or you may order some online if that better suits your needs.

• SAY, We have learned today that it pleases God when we give or share. Today we are going to start our own offering containers for our church.

• GIVE each child one container.• SAY, Think of these containers as piggy banks . . . but you’ll be collect-

ing money for God, not for yourself!• CONTINUE, You can fill these with coins at home over the next few

weeks and then ask your family to help you put it in the offering once your container is full.

• INSTRUCT the children to decorate their container with stickers, and help them use glue and glitter as well.

• SAY, Make your container cheerful and happy because God wants us to be happy givers.

Option 2: Bible Memory Hop (15 min)

Supplies: Blue painter’s tape, paper, marker

Teacher Prep: Before class, mark out a row of squares on the floor with the tape. Write out one word (or a couple of words, to make it easier) from this week’s Key Verse on a piece of paper. Write the rest of the words on separate pieces of paper. Place a piece of paper in each square and tape it down so it doesn’t slide around.

• SAY, We will play a game to help you learn your Key Verse today.• INSTRUCT the children to hop in each square, but with the twist that

as they land on each square they will say a word from their verse.• LEAD the children in several rounds of hopping so that each child can

play and practice saying the verse.

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 6

Option 3: The Widow’s Coins (15 min)

Supplies: Pennies (two per child), glue, crayons or markers, Everything Is God’s sheet (one per child)

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Everything Is God’s sheet (one per child).

• SAY, Our Key Verse tells us that the whole earth belongs to God. We also heard the story of a poor widow who gave everything she had to God, even though it was only two coins.

• GIVE each child an Everything Is God’s sheet and two pennies. Dis-tribute crayons and markers among the children.

• HELP the children glue their two pennies onto the cross on their sheet of paper, wherever they choose. While you’re helping with the glue, allow children to decorate the rest of their paper with crayons and markers.

• SAY, Your paper says, “Everything Is God’s.” This paper will help you remember that, no matter how much or how little you have, it all belongs to God.

Option 4: Let’s Color! (10 min)

Supplies: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

• GIVE each child a coloring page.• PROVIDE a selection of crayons and/or markers for the children to share.• DISCUSS this week’s Key Idea as the children color.

Option 5: Praise and Worship (15 min)

“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” public domain

“This Little Light of Mine,” by Yancy© 2007 by Dried Rose Music

CCLI #5001202

Option 6: Act It Out (10 min)

Giving and Getting

The characters in this script can be played by two puppets or by a teacher, class helper, or student leader. To help the children remember what they

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 7

have learned about giving and sharing today, instruct them to say the words “It’s all God’s” every time they hear the word money in the play.


Marcus a stingy childJulia a generous childChildren the class

Optional Props: Two puppets

Marcus: Oh! Wow! Look at all my money!

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: Where did you get that money?

Children: It’s all God’s!

Marcus: Some of it was from my birthday, and some of it was from Grandma.

Julia: You’re lucky. I wish I had some money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: I wanted to give something in the missions for children offering.

Marcus: What is that?

Julia: It’s an offering for children in other countries to help buy them food. Hey, you can give a lot because you have a lot of money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Marcus: No! This is my money!

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: Oh, well, that’s not very nice.

Marcus: I’m not trying to be mean, but I was going to buy a toy with my money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: My teacher says God owns everything, even our money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Marcus: This is really God’s money?

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: Yeah, she said that God owns all the animals, all the plants, and even all the people.

Marcus: So I belong to God, too?

Julia: Yep, you and your money.

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL 8

Children: It’s all God’s!

Marcus: Well, I bet God would want me to help in the missions for children offering by giving some money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: Right. And don’t worry, God will make sure you have what you need just like he is making sure the hungry children get food.

Marcus: So I will be helping God help them, and then God will help me too!

Julia: That’s how it works.

Marcus: Thanks for clearing that up. I always thought if I wanted stuff for myself, I should never give away my money.

Children: It’s all God’s!

Julia: You mean God’s money!

Children: It’s all God’s!

STEP 4 | Going Home (5 min)

Supplies: Family Page (one per child)

• GIVE each child a copy of this week’s Family Page.• SAY, Give this page to your family when they pick you up. It will

remind you to tell your family what we learned today about giving and how God owns everything, even you.

• HAVE children practice telling you about ways to give back to God.• REVIEW this week’s Key Verse as well as today’s story and Key Idea

from the Believe Storybook Bible as you wait for the children to get picked up.

• MAKE sure each child remembers to take home any activity sheets or craft projects and the Family Page.

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL

Everything Is God’s Name:

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL

[Coloring page to come]

Let’s Color! Name:

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL

FAMILY PAGE | Lesson 9: Stewardship

Bible Basis: 1 Sam uel 1:1 – 28; 3:1 – 11; Mark 12:38 – 44

Key Verse: Psalm 24:1: “The earth belongs to the LORD. And so does everything in it.”

Key Question: What is God’s call on my life?

Key Idea: I believe everything I am and everything I own belong to God.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible , Chapter 9, “Stewardship”

How to Use This PageThis week, your family can either read the story from the Believe Storybook Bible or read the Bible Basis verses from your Bible to help your child remem-ber it. Use the Table Talk questions below to start a discussion around the dinner table, while driving in the car, or just about anywhere. The Living Faith activity is designed to remind your child of the Bible lesson through a drama or other engaging activity. The Extra Mile idea provides interactive ways for your child to connect with the story.

Table Talk

1. Where do you get money from? Do you give any of your money in the offering at church?

2. What ways can you give to your family at home? (Helping with chores, obeying parents right away)

3. Even though we do not give each other money at home, why is it important to give to each other in different ways, like helping with things around the house? (It shows we love each other and God)

4. How does God want us to feel when we give to him? (Happy!)

Living Faith

Option 1The story of the poor widow is a great story to reenact to help children learn the importance of giving everything we have. Have your child pretend to be

LESSON 9: Stewardship | PRESCHOOL

the poor widow, and act out her offering. Give your child two coins to place in an offering plate or box. Remember to tell your child that even though two coins might not seem like a lot of money, it was all the widow had, and she gave it all to God cheerfully.

Option 2With your child, draw a picture that will remind your child that God loves a cheerful giver. Together, draw a picture of a face. Your child can add ears, a nose, silly hair — whatever they choose, as long as the face has a cheerful smile. Talk with your child about how Hannah was happy to give her baby to God, and the widow was happy to give all her money to God. Tape your picture near your child’s piggy bank or another prominent place ro remind your child to give cheerfully to God.

Extra Mile

• Bible Memory Hopscotch: You can help your child memorize the Key Verse for this week by playing this variation of hopscotch. Mark out hopscotch squares and then write one phrase from the verse in the square. As they land on each square, they must say that part of the verse. Play several rounds until your child can say some of the verse from memory.

• Your child learned a lot about giving this week. As a family, brainstorm different giving projects that you could all do together. Start a coin jar or use the Cheerful Giving Can your child made in class. Come up with creative ideas that could help you raise money for your family giving project, such as collecting cans.

• If your child receives an allowance, talk about where that allowance goes each week (or month, etc.). If you haven’t done so already, talk to your child about setting aside a portion of the allowance to give in the offering at church or to give to a mission or charity project.

• If your child doesn’t yet receive an allowance, talk about how your child can give back to God in other ways. Participate in a ser vice event as a family. Many churches and communities offer short-term family mission trips or other family-oriented ser vice events. Even the youngest pre-schooler will enjoy shopping for food for the local food shelf or helping to pack shoe boxes of small gifts for Operation Christmas Child.
