
Lesson 30

Finishing Touches

End-Of Course Survey

Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS)

Thank a Teacher


THE Exam

Thursday December 12th

2:50 – 5:40

IC 219

Course Review

What’s important?


OK, here is what you need to focus on …

Course Objectives

The successful student will gain the historical foundation and framework to support informed discussion and analysis of modern warfare, its causes, conduct, and consequences.

Course Objectives

• Understand and trace the historical roots of the strategies, operational concepts, and weapons employed in modern wars.

• Trace key technological threads in the history of warfare and appreciate their continuing significance in modern war.

• Understand the concept of revolutions in military affairs and their impact on warfare in the 20th century and beyond.

• Understand the impacts of modern war on society and society on modern war.

• Develop an historical appreciation for the moral and ethical issues of modern war.

• Understand historical trends in the Law of Armed Conflict and other initiatives to limit the impact of war on society.

Specifically, the successful student will be able to:

Threads & Themes

• The Circle of Modern War: Society < = > Technology < = > Military Science < = > Society

• Match/Mismatch between national objectives and national strategy

• Core technologies: metallurgy, chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics

• Core Weapons: Infantry weapons, artillery, naval armament, aircraft

• Logistics as the lynchpin of modern war

• Offense vs. defense

• Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMA)

Points of Emphasis

Levels of War

Instruments of National Power

Weinberger’s Six Tests for Going to War

Total War

Causes, Conduct & Consequences of Wars

Course Review

Focus your review on the highlight slides for each of the three blocks of instruction

• These are grouped at the end of the Lectures page (click)

The material for Lessons 22-30 (starting with the A-bomb lecture) will be on the exam in questions much like these in Exams 1 & 2 (short answers, identification, chronology, etc.)

The material from Lessons 1-9 and 11-21 will be used in broader concept questions addressing the major themes of the course.

• There will be a few repeat detail questions from Exams 1 & 2

• Be sure the review the ones you missed!

Rite of Passage

I pass you the keys to the History of Modern War:


I wish you all success …

… and happy landings!

Don’t forget CIOS evaluation

THE Exam

Thursday December 12th

2:50 – 5:40

IC 219

