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  • 1. APP story 2012 Character #of speakingparts Student Substitute Louis(French,brotherof Jacques) 33 Pierre x Jacques(French,brotherof Louis) 24 Oliver x Jeff (connectedtoJefferson) 12 Dawson x Sister(connectedtoJefferson) 18 Elsa x Jeffs friend 12 Isabella x Sistersfriend 7 Julia Mimi/Chanel/Tourguide Professeur 6 Ellie Jeff/sister Baker 4 Sam Jeffsfriend/Mary/Student Mimi 9 Peyton Baker/Sistersfriend Michel 9 Sami Professeur Robert 10 Jay x Chanel 11 Ariana x Tour guide 8 Halle Michel Mary 8 Riley Professeur/Baker Student 9 Gia x Mr. Chandler 4 Mr. Chandler Mme. Boulle LES DESCENDANTS At the airport (Mary, Jacques, sisters friend, Louis) Mary: So how was your trip? Bon voyage? This is how you ask if someone had a good trip, right? Jacques: Presque. Almost. We say Bon voyage when someone goes on a trip to wish them a good trip bon voyage. When the trip is over, we say: Vous avez fait bon voyage? Mary: Wow! Thats too hard! So, bon voyage? Jacques: Oui, merci! Thanks for picking us up. Sisters friend: No problem. Thats the best part of our job. So, what brings you to the U-S-A? Louis: Our great great great great grandfather. Sisters friend: He is still alive? Jacques: Oh no! He died a long time ago. Sisters friend: Oh, was he sick?

2. Jacques: Non. Il ntait pas malade. His head was chopped off. Mary: Cest dgotant! Was it some kind of accident? Jacques: Non. He was executed. Mary: Cest terrible! Executed... like King Louis XVI (16th)? Jacques: Oui. That was him! Mary: Wait! Louis XVI was your great great great great grandfather? Jacques: Oui. Cest notre arrire arrire arrire arrire grand-pre. Sisters friend: Isnt he the one with long curly hair and high heeled pointy shoes? He was so ugly! Jacques: What does ugly mean? Mary: Heu, ugly? Heu... that means... beau thats right, ugly means beautiful, like you know, handsome or pretty! (Phone rings) What? yes...yes...YES...ok (sister hangs up the phone). Sorry. That was my brother Jeff. We have to go pick up my brother at school. At school (Sisters friend, Jacques, Mary, sister, Jeff, Louis, student, Jeffs friend) Sisters friend: Lets go! On y va? Jacques: On y va. Oh la la! Cest une jolie cole moderne. Sisters friend: Its not new. This building is new, but the school is over 100 years old. Jacques: 100 years old? Thats new! The University of the Sorbonne in Paris is more than 700 years old! Mary: Wow! I hope the professors are younger! Sister: Ha! Voil mon frre. Here is my brother. Jeff: Hey sis. Sister: Jeff, this is my friend Louis and his brother Jacques. They are French. Jeff: Friend, as in petit ami? Louis: Non non non! She is not my girlfriend. She is very nice and... ugly, but she is not my girlfriend. 3. Jeff: (whispering to his sister) Ugly? Sister: Shhh, Ill explain later. Just play along... (outloud) So, Louis is the great great great great grandson of Louis XVI. Can you believe this? Jeffs friend: Wow! Pretty cool! And what brings you guys to Virginia? Jacques: We just wanted to understand better Louis XVIs relationship with Thomas Jefferson. Sister: Interesting!!! Do you guys want to use the restroom? I am sure you need to go after such a long trip. Louis: Les toilettes? Non, a va. Jacques: We are good. Jeffs friend: Sure! Absolutely! The closest one is around the corner, droite, to the right. Well wait for you right here (pushing Louis towards the bathroom). Louis and Jacques: Oh, ok. Jeff: (to his sister after Louis is gone) Did you tell him? Sister: Not yet. What do you think? Should we mention it? Jeff: I dont know. Should we? Sister: Thats what I just asked you! What if its not good? Better be silent than sorry... Jeffs friend: Safe. Sister: What? Jeffs friend: The expression is better safe than sorry. Louis: Vos toilettes sont cool! Cest tout automatique. Jeffs friend: Oui. When they built the building, they wanted to make sure it was sustainable, you know, energy efficient. Jacques: Je ne comprends pas. What does that mean? Jeffs friend: It means the building is vert. Louis: You mean rouge. I see lots of bricks, and thats rouge not vert. Jeffs friend: Non. I mean vert as in save the planet. Louis: Oh. Vert colo? Jeff: I thought cole meant school. 4. Jeffs friend: cole does mean school, but colo is short for cologie. Cest cool! Jeff: So you could say mon cole colo est cool? Sister: Mon cole colo est cool!!! Ha ha! Thats fun to say! Mon cole colo est cool! Mon cole colo est cool! (Hitting her head) Mr. Chandler: Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Are you all right? Sister: Mon cole colo est cool!!! Ha ha! Mr. Chandler: She must have hit her head pretty badly. She is speaking nonsense! Sisters friend: Mr. Chandler, she is speaking French. Mr. Chandler: French? Oh my goodness! This is even worse than I thought! Miss Johnson, please take her to the trainer to make sure she doesnt have a concussion. Sisters friend: Yes Sir. Sister: Mon cole colo est cool!!! Ha ha! Student: We will. Thank you, Mr. Chandler. Mr. Chandler: I have to run to a meeting. Keep me posted, okay? Jeffs friend: Lets go say bonjour to our French teacher. Student: Isnt she in class? Jeff: Yeah, but she wont mind... In French class (Professeur, student, Louis, Jacques, Mimi) Professeur: Bonjour! Student: Bonjour! These are my friend Louis and Jacques. They are visiting from France. Professeur: Bonjour. Je mappelle Madame Capet. Louis: Oh moi aussi! Je mappelle Capet, Louis Capet! Professeur: Just like Louis XVI? Louis: Exactement, oui. Votre classe est cool. It looks just like a caf in France. Jadore le parasol rouge! Student: Yeah! That red umbrella is the coolest thing! 5. Professeur: Merci. Jadore ma classe! We are learning a poem right now. Mimi, rcite le pome, sil te plat. Mimi: Automne. Il pleut des feuilles jaunes, il pleut des feuilles rouges. Lt va sendormir et lhiver va venir sur la pointe de ses souliers gels. Jacques: Cest bien! That was good! When did they start French? Professeur: About 2 months ago. Deux mois. Jacques: Wow! Impressive. Trs impressionnant! Mimi, ton accent est trs bon! Mimi: Merci! (He likes my accent! Isnt that cool?) Student: Well, we have to go. Merci. Au revoir! Professeur: Au revoir! Bon sjour! Enjoy your stay! Make sure you see UVA before you leave. Student: I think we are going there tomorrow. Au revoir, merci! At UVA (Jacques, sister, Chanel, Jeff, Louis, Robert, Michel, Mimi, Jeffs friend) Jacques: Salut Jeff. I am so excited to visit UVA with your friends. (to Jeffs sister) Bonjour. a va? Sister: a va merci. I just have a small concussion! Jacques: Zut alors! Qui est-ce? Chanel: Bonjour, je mappelle Chanel. Je suis la petite amie de Jeff. Sister: I knew you had a girlfriend! Why did you lie to mom and dad? Jeff: Heuuuu... Surprise!!! Sister: Ill tell them you lied... Louis: Bonjour Chanel. Je mappelle Louis. Are you related to Coco Chanel? Chanel: Oui, elle tait mon arrire grand-mre. Sister: Goodness gracious! Does everybody here have a famous person in the family? Louis: What do you mean? 6. Jeff: (kicking his sister) She means nothing! Dont pay attention to her. She just likes to speak for nothing. Bla bla bla bla.... Thats all she does. Concussion... Tiens! Voici Robert. Robert: Bonjour. Je mappelle Robert. Comment tappelles-tu? Louis: Je mappelle Louis. Tu parles bien franais. Your French is good. Robert: Bonjour. Je mappelle Robert. Comment tappelles-tu? Je mappelle Isabelle. O habites-tu? Jhabite Charlottesville, et toi? O habites-tu? Jhabite Gap. La magasin? Mais non! Gap dans les Alpes! Michel: Dont listen to him. Thats the only French he knows! Moi, cest Michel. Je suis de Qubec. I am an exchange student. Louis: So thats UVA? Cest grand! Cest beau! Cest chic! Michel: Chic? Louis: Oui. Chic. Trs sophistiqu et propre. Mimi: I got that! Let me translate this for you. He said: very sophisticated and proper. Michel: Nice try. You got sophisticated right, but propre doesnt mean proper, it means clean. Mimi: Clean? Thats not even close! (Falling in mud) Ahhhh! Zut alors! I am covered in mud! Chanel: a va? Pauvre Mimi. I guess you are not very propre now! Jeffs friend: No. You could even say: Elle a bu la boue! Michel: You know she didnt really drink the mud, right? Chanel: Elle a bu la boue! Ahhh! Elle a bu la boue! Elle a bu la boue! Thats so cool! Jeffs friend: Oh boy! I have a feeling you will get along really well with my sister!!! Louis: UVA looks a lot like the pictures I saw of Monticello. Mimi: Thats because Thomas Jefferson designed it. This grass area is called the lawn. At the end is the rotunda, and on each side, those are students rooms. See, I know things... Jacques: Cest superbe. Lets go to Monticello. I cant wait! Visit of Monticello (Tour guide, Mimi, Louis, Student, Jeffs friend, Chanel, Sister, Mary, Robert, Jacques, Jeff) 7. Tour guide: Welcome to Monticello. Please respect our heritage. Many of the items you will see inside the home have not been touched since Thomas Jefferson lived here. Mimi: Wow, must be pretty dusty! Tour guide: Because some items are privately owned, please do not take pictures inside the house (turning around and seeing Jeff) oh, its you! Take all the pictures you want then! Louis: Why do you get a special treatment? Student: Because he is the... Jeffs friend: Hey, look at those cool French doors! And that awesome clock! Student: I guess Thomas Jefferson was not a very good designer because the clock is off center! Tour guide: Actually, he was an excellent architect. He designed the clock so that one mechanism could control both sides, inside and outside the house. Student: Quoi? That doesnt make any sense. I dont get it! Tour guide: Lets go inside. Louis: I am so excited to be here. I am French and I know Thomas Jefferson spent a lot of time in Paris. Tour guide: Vous tes franais? Louis: Oui. Vous parlez franais? Tour guide: Oui, un peu. Je ne parle pas beaucoup, mais je ne me dbrouille pas trop mal. Chanel: Just a little she says? I wish I could speak French like that! Tour guide: now that you understand the weight systemfor the calendar, where is Saturday? O est samedi? Mimi: Eh look! The guy didnt even know all the days of the week! The weights from the clock only go from Sunday to Friday. Sister: Are you insulting Thomas Jefferson? Mimi: Non, non! Sorry, I forgot he was your great... Sister: Oh look at that beautiful French chair! Louis: Dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi... O est samedi? 8. Mary: (angry) Saturday is in the basement, which you two would have known if you had listened to what the guide said! Robert: (Whispering to Louis) Whats wrong with her? Louis: Je ne sais pas! Girls... Oh, regardez! Thats my great great great great grandfathers portrait! Mimi: He was so ugly! Louis: Merci! Thank you! I was told I look just like him... Chanel: Hey Jeff? Wasnt Louis XVI the one who gave your great great great great grandfather that portrait? Jacques: Non. Cest impossible. He gave it to Thomas Jefferson as a present before he left France to go back to Monticello. Chanel: Exactly. Thats what I just said! Jacques: Quoi? Toi? Sister: Fine! We didnt want to tell you, but yes, we are the descendants of Thomas Jefferson. We thought you would be mad! Jacques: Mais pourquoi? Jeff: Because, Jefferson supported the revolution in 1789, therefore ruining your chances of being a king. Robert: Why cant he be a king? Jeff: Because the revolution ended the monarchy, and the king and the nobles lost all their privileges. Dont you know anything about the French revolution? Robert: No, I slept through it... in history class. Louis: Being a king? Pas pour moi, merci! Sister: So, are you mad at us? Jacques: Of course not. I just wish that you would have told me. Tour guide: Well I hope you liked your tour. Enjoy your stay! Au revoir! Michel: a va Louis? Louis: Non. a va mal. Chanel: Tu es malade? 9. Louis: Paris me manque. Michel: So you are not sick, you are just homesick? What do you like to do in Paris? Tu veux aller la ptisserie? Louis: Oh oui, jadore la ptisserie! Robert: Cool! Lets go to the bakery downtown; there is one by the train tracks. The owner lived in France for a long time, so you can speak French with her. Ill get to practice my French. At the pastry shop (Louis, Chanel, Robert, Baker, Michel, Jacques) Louis: Miam! a sent comme Paris! It smells like Paris. Chanel: Does it remind you of your home? Louis: Oui. Robert: Tu veux un muffin? Louis: Non merci. Je dteste les muffins. Chanel: How about une crpe? Robert: Crap??? Why would he eat that? Chanel: Une crpe! You know...those thin pancakes... Baker: Bonjour, vous dsirez? Louis: Bonjour, je voudrais un croissant au chocolat, un clair au chocolat, une mousse au chocolat et ...un chocolat chaud. Michel: Would you like some chocolate with that? Louis: Should I? Baker: Voil! Louis: Merci. Cest combien? Baker: $15 (quinze dollars). Jacques: WOW! Cest cher! Its less expensive in France! 10. Baker: Its not expensive! We use prime organic local ingredients. We get our wheat directly from the mill, our butter is made with whole cream and our eggs are fresh from the farm. Robert: I didnt know eggs grew on a farm! Thats so cool! Cest bon? Louis: Dlicieux! JADORE le chocolat! Michel: I wouldnt have guessed! Jacques: Next year, you are all invited to come to France. I will take you to all the best pastry shops in Paris. Michel: Daccord. But only if they serve chocolate. Louis: Of course... FIN 11. Characters Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 Scene 6 Louis X X x x x x Jacques X X x x x x Jeff X x x x Sister X x x x Jeffsfriend X x x X x X x Sistersfriend X x x x x x X x x x x x Professeur x x x x x x x x Baker X x x x x x x x Mimi X x X x X x Michel X x x X x x Robert X X x X Chanel X x X x x X x Tour guide X x Mary X x x x X x x x x Student x x x Mr Chandler
