Page 1: Lehman Funeral Homes DONORS SS. Peter & Paul · Suite A, Ionia Catholic Charities West Michigan -Ionia 3653 S. State Rd., Ionia 601 E. Washington St. 522-0836 Enrich (See inside cover

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SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church

The Right


375 Apple Tree Dr. Ionia 616-527-1790

24-hour Crisis Line 1-888-527-1790

Pastor: Fr. Tom Brown

616-527-3610, ext. 12

616-755-1742 (evening)

Associate Pastor: Fr. Oscar Londoño, mxy

616-527-3610, ext. 14

Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8 & 11:30 a.m., and 1 p.m. (Spanish)

Reconciliation Schedule Wednesday: 6:00-6:45 p.m. (Spanish)

Saturday: 3:00–3:45 p.m. or by appointment

Daily Mass Schedule (subject to change)

(See inside cover for this week’s Masses.) Monday: 12:10 p.m. in the chapel

Tuesday: Communion Service, 7:30 a.m.

in the chapel

Wednesday: 12:10 p.m. in the chapel

7:00 p.m. in the chapel (Spanish)

Thursday: 8:00 a.m. in the church (school days)

Friday: 7:30 a.m. in the chapel

Sacraments For questions regarding Baptism, Marriage,

Anointing of the Sick, or any other sacrament,

please contact our parish office.

Prayer Chain If you have a prayer request for immediate need,

please call 616-522-0279, or 616-527-0438.

Eight CAP, Inc.

5827 Orleans Rd.

Orleans, MI




October 20, 2019 Twenty-Ninth Sunday

in Ordinary Time

Ionia Theatre 205 W. Main St, Ionia

Movies ~ Rentals 616-527-3350

This month of October is known as the month of the Ro-sary. We are invited to pray the Rosary frequently. We are invited to pray it daily. Many of us do not. Why? Our answers are many, but for now let us look at just two. Some people don’t believe God really hears their pray-ers. They say, “I wanted it so much and I prayed so hard, but I didn’t get it! God doesn’t answer my prayers.” He doesn’t? Think about it…God, who is perfect Love and all powerful, al-ways hears us. Always. He adopted us, loves us, even died for us. Our problem is not that He didn’t answer, but that we didn’t like his answer. Too often we only consider a prayer an-swered when God does what we want, when we want, and how we want. Sometimes God will answer, “Yes, but not now.” Other times He will respond with a “No, I have something bet-ter in mind for you. Be patient.” We may not like the answer, but let us remember St. Monica. Year after year after year she prayed for her son, and her prayers seemed to go unan-swered. But in the end, she received much more than a con-verted son. She received a saint. Our second problem with prayer is we misunderstand the scripture passage in Matthew that says, “In praying do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard be-cause of their many words.” Too often we apply it to the Ro-sary. Why so many repeated prayers? There is a great deal to say about the Rosary, so this answer will be way too brief. I had a relative who always referred to his wife as “my bride.” Even multiple times in the same conversation. My bride this, my bride that. She never got upset. She would just smile and nod her head. Even after over 50 years of marriage, she was always his bride. I was impressed. I still am. But then, do not others do the same? People will refer to their spouse as dar-ling, sweetheart, gorgeous, or some other term of endearment. Has anyone ever heard your beloved respond with “Stop call-ing me that!” Ever? I’ll bet you could use the term a dozen, two dozen or more times in a day and never be asked to stop it. I like to think of the prayers of the Rosary as terms of en-dearment while reflecting on the mysteries. Jesus encouraged his followers to be persistent and filled with hope in their prayers, promising, “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” But let us also remember that Jesus tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God. Too often what we ask for is too little. God wants so much more for us than what we ask for. He wants us to enjoy the place prepared for us in heaven. He has given us his Son for our salvation. He desires to pour out on us his Holy Spirit. In receiving the Holy Spirit, we re-ceive God Himself. How can we ask for anything less? God bless you! Fr. Tom

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Page 2: Lehman Funeral Homes DONORS SS. Peter & Paul · Suite A, Ionia Catholic Charities West Michigan -Ionia 3653 S. State Rd., Ionia 601 E. Washington St. 522-0836 Enrich (See inside cover

Knights of Columbus Father Fierle Council #944

First Tuesday of each month

Rosary: 7:00 p.m. Meeting: 7:30 p.m.

SSPP School Veritas Room

GK Tom O’Connor

Lake Funeral Homes, Inc. A Second Generation Funeral Home

Robert B. Lake, II - Director - Manager

Robert B. Lake - Director

SAINTS PETER AND PAUL october 20, 2019 Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary time

RDF Rental Properties

122 N. Depot Ionia


Ionia Lock-Up Storage

3006 N. State Rd., Ionia

Call Duey Flinn: 527-5900

This Space Sponsored

by an Anonymous

Parish Family

AH = Apostles’ Hall CH = Church

CR = Cornerstone Room PO = Parish Office

SC = School VR = Veritas Room

BC = Basement Chapel UP = Upper Room

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-8/2 Tm 3:14—4:2/Lk 18:1-8

Saturday, October 19 4:00 p.m. Jim Hayden (Colleen Hayden & family)

Sunday, October 20 8:00 a.m. Carolyn Brown 11:30 a.m. Arturo & Maria Delores Velasquez (family) 1:00 p.m. Misa en español 4:00 p.m. Paul Koleske Concert

Monday, October 21—Weekday Rom 4:20-25/(Ps) Lk 1:69-75/Lk 12:13-21 12:10 p.m. Bob & Louise Bledsoe (Denny & Sharon Bledsoe (BC)

Tuesday, October 22—St. John Paul II, Pope Rom 5:12, 15, 17-21/Ps 40:7-10, 17/Lk 12:35-38 7:30 a.m. Communion Service (BC)

Wednesday, October 23—St. John of Capistrano, Priest Rom 6:12-18/Ps 124:1-8/Lk 12:39-48 12:10 p.m. People of SS. Peter & Paul Parish (BC) 6:00 p.m. Holy Hour with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament (BC) 7:00 p.m. Misa en español (BC)

Thursday, October 24—St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Rom 6:19-23/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 12:49-53 8:00 a.m. Intention of all Missionaries (CH)

Friday, October 25—Weekday Rom 7:18-25/Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94/Lk 12:54-59 7:30 a.m. Frank & Ann Piselli (Bill & Elena Keller) (BC)

Saturday, October 26—Weekday Rom 8:1-11/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 13:1-9 8:30 a.m. Scriptural Rosary (CH) 3:00 p.m. Confessions (CH)

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/ Lk 18:9-14 Saturday, October 26 4:00 p.m. Norm & Donna Meyers (friends)

Sunday, October 27 8:00 a.m. John & Marjorie Westbrook and the Intention of Mary Westbrook (Mary Westbrook) 11:30 a.m. Gerald Gibson (Cindy Mayle) 1:00 p.m. Misa en español 3:00 p.m. Baptism

OUR PARISH OFFERING - October 12 & 13, 2019 Adults $6,536.70 Students 1.70 Loose 475.11 Electronic Giving 1,822.00 Total $8,835.51 -5% Tithe -441.78 Net Total $8,393.73

Budgeted Weekly: $9,038.46 Deficit for the Week: $202.95

World Mission Sunday: $50.00

July 1, 2019-October 13, 2019 Fiscal YTD Offertory Collection Year-to-Date: $146,088.22 Budgeted Year-to-Date: $144,615.36 Surplus Year-to-Date: $1,472.86

Sunday, October 20 9:15 a.m. RCIA (PO) 10:15 a.m. Faith Formation classes (SC) 4:00 p.m. Paul Koleske Concert (CH) 6:00 p.m. Youth Group Hayride (Meyer farm) Monday, October 21 9:30-11:30 a.m. Parenting Visit (PO) 6:30 p.m. Scripture Study (PO) 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice (AH) Tuesday, October 22 10:00 a.m. Healing Our Church (PO) 6:00 p.m. English as a Second Language (AH) Wednesday, October 23 6:30 p.m. Cancer Support Group (PO) 7:00 p.m. Our Shepherds, Our Future Volunteer Training (CH) Thursday, October 24 9:30-11:30 a.m. Parenting Visit (PO) 5:00 p.m. Life Fit (VR) 6:00 p.m. English as a Second Language (AH) 6:30 p.m. Group Grief Session (PO) 7:00 p.m. Healing Our Church (VR) Friday, October 25 No School. Teacher Inservice 2:15 p.m. Communion Service at SKLD Saturday, October 26 8:30 a.m. Scriptural Rosary (CH)

Sunday, October 27 9:15 a.m. RCIA (PO) 10:15 a.m. Faith Formation classes (SC) 12:00-3 p.m. Harvest Dinner & Raffle (AH) 4:30 p.m. Confirm. Candidates/Sponsors (AH)

SS. Peter & Paul Parish Staff (616) 527-3610 Permanent Deacon Zenon Cardenas 527-8942 Secretary Cecilia Luke ext. 10 Office Manager Adam Rewa ext. 11 Pastoral Services Toni McKay ext. 13 Music Director Whitney Crooks 527-3610 Maintenance Dan Schmitz 527-3610 Cemetery Sexton Aaren Perry 527-3610

SS. Peter and Paul School (616) 527-3561 Principal Jenny Leik ext. 18 Secretary Diane Grummet ext. 23 Pre-School Barb Voet ext. 20 Daycare Audra Searfoss ext. 19

SS. Peter & Paul Parish - Pastoral Council Chris Brown, Chairman Yolanda Preston Karen Thelen Deb Campbell Alice Samani-Zozo Tim Wall David Fitzpatrick Deb Trierweiler Miguel Pilar (Youth Rep)

SS. Peter & Paul Parish - Finance Council Chris Christensen Matt Johnson Dave O’Mara Jane Hemenway John Klein Denise Peabody

SS. Peter & Paul School - Board of Education Tracey Bergeron Kevin Heinlein Kristi Wizorek Vanessa Booth Brian Siemen Nick Cusack Melissa Wall


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Liturgical Ministers for Saturday & Sunday, October 26th & 27th

4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Lector: Mia Johnson Denise Peabody Richard Esparza

Ministers of Julie Bennett, Mellissa Harvey, Barb Christensen, Walt Downes, Ron Drysdale, Tim Wall,

Communion: Phill Wizorek Karen Meyers Volunteer

Altar Servers: Lillie Johnson, Emilee Thelen Avery Roundtree, Nicole Trierweiler Jordyn Ciganick, Audrey Wall

Hospitality: Carol Cope, Theresa Scholtens Don & Laurie Rosekrans, Rod & Tracey Bergeron,

Trierweiler Family Darren Schafer Family

Please pray for:

Jane Gazella Fr. Joe Fix Pat Reinhardt Tim Cook Brooke Hardy Isaac Fletcher Cal Smith Barbara Gibson Marilyn Rewa Margaret Stoj Alma Koch Maribeth Fritz Kim Mailand Margo Burton Ian Howe Cindy White Jo Wirtz Marian Gillette Angela Misner Maxine Fox Robert Grinstern

Sherry Palmer Phil Fox Deb Jarous James Schroeder Sue Mitchell Joy Struble Irene Kneale Margaret O’Malley Jane Gazella Sarah Hill Tom White John Lapien Marissa Fahey Peyton Dennis Nancy Roberts Glenna Miller Cathy Driscoll Anne Lincoln Pete & Annie Ludwick Pam Coggan Richard Mackowiak

Chuck Stevens Annette Krycinski Barbara Bennett Diane Wilson Nichole Munsell Jace Peterson Pat McKinstry Brian Lyons Dalilah Tubergen Jean Barker Georgia Sibert John McKay Ivan Stebbins Ian David Faist Suzanne Rosenburg Deborah Kaminski Sue Swinehart Mary Lou Greenhoe Larry Lafler Larry Northrup Janet Beeman Marcia Cook

CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER 301 W. Washington St., Box 396

Ionia 616-527-1530

OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.


Receive. Believe. Share.

Recibir. Creer. Compartir.

We continue to pray for all who need healing in body, mind, or spirit. If you would like to add or remove a name, please call the parish office. Be sure you have the con-sent of the person or a family member. Names will remain on the prayer list for three months and may then be removed. Requests may be renewed.

God’s Housekeepers for this week

GENERAL CLEANING: Jane Hemenway, Laurie Tjalsma

VACUUMING: John & Kathy Curtin

Page 3: Lehman Funeral Homes DONORS SS. Peter & Paul · Suite A, Ionia Catholic Charities West Michigan -Ionia 3653 S. State Rd., Ionia 601 E. Washington St. 522-0836 Enrich (See inside cover

Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary time

Spiritual Adoption—Week 25 Grow, baby, grow! From now through the end of pregnancy, your baby will gain roughly half a pound every week. His or her nervous system (especially the brain) has begun a new surge of development, and the retina of those little eyes is developing layers to sense the presence of light more clearly. Please continue to pray for this little one.

The Our Shepherds—Our Future Capital Campaign will kick off in our parish on No-vember 2/3. It will help us ad-dress the needs within our di-ocesan-wide faith family. The

objectives of this diocesan campaign are to endow and build up a restricted fund for seminarian education, as well as fully fund our priests’ retirement. The insert in to-day’s bulletin will help answer some of your questions about the Campaign. Extra copies of inserts from the last 2 weeks’ bulletins are on the table in the back of church.

Grief Support Group Sessions Our next session is scheduled for Thursday, Octo-ber 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Office living room. For more information, please e-mail Vanessa Booth at [email protected] or call the parish office at 527-3610.

Cancer Support Group This group meets every other Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Parish Office living room. Our next gathering will be October 23.

Igniting the Light of Christ within You! Concert & Reflection by Paul Koleske SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday, October 20, 4:00 p.m. No admission charge; free will offerings will be accepted.

Let the Holy Spirit minister to you during this moving event with Paul Koleske—Catholic speaker, singer, songwriter, and recording artist. Paul’s music and message provide an exceptional listening experience that speaks to the mind, touches the heart, and enliv-ens the spirit. Bring family and friends! Paul’s rec-orded music will be available for purchase.

For more information about Paul and his ministry, please go to

Our annual Harvest Dinner & Raffle is next Sunday, October 27! Dinner will be served from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. in Apostles Hall and includes all you care to eat of baked chicken and all the trimmings. (See the flyer in this bulletin for the menu and pricing.) Our raffle drawing for prizes totaling $2,550 begins at 3:00. You can make your returns by mail, in the Sun-day collection, at the parish office, or at the dinner, but please do so by noon on the 27th so we have time to pro-cess them for the drawing. If you sell $100 worth of tick-ets and we receive your returns in the parish office by Monday, October 21st at 4 p.m., your name will be en-tered in an Early Bird drawing for $250. One of the highlights of the dinner every year is the variety of homemade desserts donated by parishioners. If you’d like to donate a pie or other dessert, or if you’d like to make some bread or rolls, please add your name to the “DESSERTS” sign-up sheet in the back of church. If you can help with another aspect of the dinner, such as set-up, clean-up, or dinner room help, please add your name to the “HELP at the DINNER” sign-up sheet. Monetary donations to help cover the cost of meal ingredients are also gratefully accepted. Sue Huver is the one to call if you can donate or help in any way: 616-755-0415.

World Mission Sunday—October 19 & 20 This weekend, with Catholics around the world, we cele-brate World Mission Sunday. By our prayers and by our monetary offerings, we support mission priests, sisters, brothers, and lay catechists as they proclaim the Gospel to the poorest members of our human family. May all people come to know the great love of Jesus through our gener-ous missionary spirit. (Extra World Mission Sunday enve-lopes are on the table in the back of church.)

Calling all Youth Group members: Hayride on Sunday, October 20, from 6-8 p.m. Please meet at the Meyer farm on Jefferson Rd. Bring a friend for some fall fun and fellowship!

Next Sunday, October 27, our youth are invited to help with the parish’s Harvest Dinner—serving bever-ages and cleaning up tables. Please sign up at the back of church if you can volunteer.

The Ministry of Consolation invites you to a Remem-brance Mass Celebration on Monday, November 4, at 6 p.m. in our church to honor our deceased loved ones. We invite you to bring an item that re-minds you of him/her. These will be placed on a table for all to view and celebrate. After Mass, we will con-tinue our celebration with a dinner in Apostles Hall in our school. If you or other family members will be attending the Mass and meal, please call the parish office at 527-3610, to let us know.

Bishop David Walkowiak will be visiting SS. Peter & Paul on Thursday, October 31. He will celebrate Mass at 8:00 a.m. with the students, visit the classrooms, and have lunch with the stu-dents. We hope many parents and other parishion-ers will be able to join us for the Mass.

October 20, 2019

The Healing Our Church theme for Week 3 is Re-building Our Church. We identify and explore the com-plex, multiple factors that have contributed to the sexu-

al abuse and cover-ups. We claim our role in re-building the Church. We recall that in the history of the Church, whenever human sin and weakness have caused scandal, the Holy Spirit has inspired great women and men to respond and challenge the Church to personal and systemic changes.


PARISH OFFICE LIVING ROOM All who are unbaptized, baptized into another denomina-tion, or baptized Catholic but have not been actively en-gaged in their faith or who have not yet celebrated the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, are invited to participate. Call Toni at the parish office: 616-527-3610, or email [email protected] for more information.

Confirmation Student, Parent, & Sponsor Dates to Remember

► Oct. 20 - Faith Formation class, 10:15-11:15

► Oct. 20 - Deadline for letter to Fr. Tom.

► Oct. 27 - Candidate/Sponsor session, 4:30-6 p.m. (NO morning class) Please Note: Session date has been changed from November 3rd due to Confirma-tion date.

Come and pray the Rosary with other parish-ioners before Masses on the weekends of October.

Advent, already? It’ll be here before we know it (December 1)! Planning is underway for celebrating the Advent season. Here is a sneak-peek at a couple of events scheduled to come your way this December.

SAVE THESE DATES on your calendar now!


- Advent by Candlelight, with guest speaker Theresa Marshall, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry/Liturgist at Aqui-nas College, 6:00 p.m. in Apostles Hall. Table hostesses are needed! Please prayerfully consider hosting a table of guests for this spectacular evening! For more information or to

reserve your table to host, contact Kip Geldhof at 517-983-8241 or Toni McKay at 616-527-3610.

Advent by Candlelight is a treasure for the heart –a reprieve from commercialism, a break from the bustle, a time to sit down and remember the ”why” of the Advent and Christmas seasons. It is an op-portunity through which women can gather for pray-er, music, an inspirational message, fellowship, food, and relaxation.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th - “Presence - The Mystery of the Eucharist” Enriching Our Advent. Details to come!

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training on Sunday, November 10, at 12:30 p.m.

Just come. No sign-up needed. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass are lay people trained by the parish to assist the presiding priest in distributing Holy Communion during Sunday and weekday liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-munion for the Sick are lay people sent forth by the parish to bring the Word of God and the Eucharist to parishion-ers who are unable to join us at Sunday or weekday Mass because they are ill, homebound, in nursing homes, or in local care facilities. When Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion dis-tribute from the plate or cup into the outstretched hands of the assembly, they not only invite the assembly to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, but they challenge the as-sembly to become Him as well. Likewise, those who min-ister Communion are invited to serve the Body of Christ at the Eucharistic table and challenged to build up the body by the way they live.


I am very excited to be involved with the grief ministry group and the faith formation program. I had a very hard time after the tragic death of my sister, and in her honor I wanted to be involved in helping others recover and accept their new normal after loss My other interest is

passing on my faith to our young people and making our future leaders aware of their importance to our Catholic faith.

- Sue Speckin

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Opportunity Refresh your faith and invest in your family by at-tending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend Nov.15-17 at Weber Center in Adrian. Check out or contact Chris & Darla Vinton at 269-953-8287 for more information or to apply.

Page 4: Lehman Funeral Homes DONORS SS. Peter & Paul · Suite A, Ionia Catholic Charities West Michigan -Ionia 3653 S. State Rd., Ionia 601 E. Washington St. 522-0836 Enrich (See inside cover

SSPP Liturgical Ministers Schedule October 2019

October 5/6, 2019 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lector Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

Altar Servers Ministers of Hospitality

Saturday 4:00 Mass

Ryan Ford Cecilia Luke

Denny Hybarger Jane Emelander

Adah Drown Mylee Thelen

Deb Campbell Theresa Scholtens

Sunday 8:00 Mass

Amy Pung Denise Peabody

Mary Perrien Sue Huver

Connor Pung Alexis Heinlein

Jim Huver Deb Porter

Sunday 11:30 Mass

Jackie Franz Richard Esparza

Ron Drysdale Volunteer

Gracie Morgan Hannah Wirtz

Dane & Linda Droste Maria Cardenas

October 12/13, 2019 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lector Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

Altar Servers Ministers of Hospitality

Saturday 4:00 Mass

Phill Wizorek Sue Wizorek Garry Mulick

Mary Lou Mulick

Jaclyn Rewa Kaylynn Wizorek

Julie Bennett Mary O'Connor

Sunday 8:00 Mass

Pete Fox John Hildebrandt

Cheryl Hildebrandt Veronica Meyer

Sam Eppler Sam Meyer

Eppler Family Dave O'Mara

Sunday 11:30 Mass

SSPP School Mellissa Harvey

Tim Wall Volunteer

SSPP School SSPP School

October 19/20, 2019 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lector Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

Altar Servers Ministers of Hospitality

Saturday 4:00 Mass

Kara Griffith

Madolyn Richardson David Richardson Theresa Scholtens

Carmen Rewa Joseph Rewa

Garry & Mary Lou Mulick

Toni Montgomery

Sunday 8:00 Mass

Walt Downes Veronica Meyer

Brad Starks Nancy Bouck

Paul Meyer Connor Pung

Judy Hamblin Pat Brockman

Sunday 11:30 Mass

Jamie Schafer Richard Esparza Darren Schafer


Avelin McGuire Grace Droste

Pamela Pontius Roger & Karen


October 26/27, 2019 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lector Extraordinary

Minister of Holy Communion

Altar Servers Ministers of Hospitality

Saturday 4:00 Mass

Mia Johnson Julie Bennett Phill Wizorek

Mellissa Harvey

Lillie Johnson Emilee Thelen

Carol Cope Theresa Scholtens

Sunday 8:00 Mass

Denise Peabody Karen Meyers Walt Downes

Barb Christensen

Avery Roundtree Nicole Trierweiler

Don & Laurie Rosekrans

Trierweiler Family

Sunday 11:30 Mass

Richard Esparza Tim Wall

Ron Drysdale Volunteer

Audrey Wall Jordyn Ciganick

Darren Schafer Family

Rod & Tracy Bergeron

Page 5: Lehman Funeral Homes DONORS SS. Peter & Paul · Suite A, Ionia Catholic Charities West Michigan -Ionia 3653 S. State Rd., Ionia 601 E. Washington St. 522-0836 Enrich (See inside cover

Our Parish Purpose Statement - Saints Peter & Paul Parish

Our Pastoral Council has been working intensely with Father Tom to develop a Pastoral Plan for our parish. Parish Pastoral Planning is a prayerful and participative process through which a parish characterizes itself as a particular community of faith by developing its own purpose statement, assessing its strengths and resources, as well as its limitations and needs. All of this leads to making recommendations to the pastor concerning establishment of priorities and goals, and devising ways to accomplish its mission. Parish Pastoral Planning helps to answer the questions: Who are we as a parish? What are we called to do? How are we best going to do it? All of us are called to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church. The mission of the Church is rooted in the mission of Christ who commanded everyone - clergy, religious, and laity - to "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). From its earliest days the Church has responded to this mission in various ways depending upon the times and circumstances. Creating this statement of our parish’s purpose was a great challenge. The council could have simply quoted the parish purpose from the great commission of Matthew 28: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Jesus’ commission rings loud, yet there is great need in the world for the Catholic faithful to be moved to a renewed zest for the gospel, both personally and in sharing it with others. By establishing a purpose statement for our parish, the council hopes to eliminate any question as to our parish’s sacred purpose, and to ensure that the work of the parish, in all its forms, is directed toward this purpose. Our parish purpose statement: Our sacred purpose as Saints Peter and Paul Parish is to . . . use our God-given gifts . . .

Every parishioner is called upon to exercise the divinely-inspired calling and gifts conferred in Baptism for a particular function in carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ.

to awaken faith, inspire discipleship, and trust in God’s plan . . . Being a member of Saints Peter & Paul Parish is not only aimed at one’s personal sanctity. We are called to bring Christ out into the world, wherever our journey takes us, to affect the sanctity of all people. Each of us is to exude our Catholic faith as to rouse faith in others, to be an example of Christian discipleship, and to exemplify trust in God’s divine plan in all things.

so that all who enter our doors may receive, believe, and share God’s love. Whether one “enters our doors” by simply coming into contact with a parish member, or physically passes through the doors of our church building, our purpose is the same: To stir the hearts of people, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to become open to receive all the Lord unconditionally offers to every person, to attain certainty in the Gospel message, and to share in God’s love by embracing his love personally and becoming a vessel in bringing his love to others.




Heavenly Father, we thank you for always being

present to us in the Church which you gave as the means

for our salvation and that of the whole world. A Church

through which life-giving and sustaining graces are

poured into and over us by the holy Sacraments. A

Church which is truly your “body” here on earth. We are

members of that body, filled with the Holy Spirit and

bountiful graces, and compelled to use the blessings,

gifts, and favors which have been given us to build up

that body.

Renew us with your grace and the gifts of the Holy

Spirit that we may give serious thought to how each of us

can better use our time, talent, and treasure to build up

your Church and to love better our brothers and sisters

who make up your holy Church.

May the Parish of SS. Peter and Paul continue to be a

community of believers who are willing to spend time

learning about God’s Word and will, about the words and

works of Holy men and women who have loved

Jesus and his Church, and may we then serve one another

and our fellow human beings, in showing

them God and his Holy Church.

This we pray, dear Father, through our

Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns

with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one

God for ever and ever. Amen.

The Stewardship Campaign Prayer was written by

a Saints Peter and Paul Parishioner.