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LOYALTYof legions

How Apple Created a Mass Movement (and You Can Too)

CREATED BY aaron shields DESIGNED BY melissa thornton

© 2 0 0 9 T h e C u l t B r a n d i n g C o m p a n y

w w w . c u l t b r a n d i n g . c o m

1096 - After seeing the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem, Peter the Hermit travels to meet Pope Urban ll.

Peter inspires the Pope, and with his aid launches the Crusades.

1966 - Gene Roddenberry transports American viewers to new worlds and new civilizations with the debut of Star Trek.

Star Trek inspires fans around the world to dress up as Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, and Humans, and come together and support the ideals of the Star Trek Brand.

When I go to conventions, I can just be the person I really am.“ ”— a Star Trek Fan


are created equal.

Destructive movements manipulate their members and do not care about their well being.

Benign movements also have intense devotion, but they are harmless and helpful to the members’ well being.



share the same defining feature...


The Promise of a

Those who would transform a nation or the world cannot do so by breeding and captaining discontent...or by coercing people into a new way of life. “

”— Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

They must know how to kindle an extravagant hope.

Star Trek offers the hope of a peaceful future.

Harley-Davidson offers the hope of freedom on the open road.


To create your own

human needs your brand naturally plays towards.

Figure out which 1

Apple plays to the needs of beauty and self-actualization.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs



Aesthetic Needs

Cognitive Needs

Esteem Needs

Belongingness and Love Needs

Safety Needs

Biological and Physiological Needs

your best customers—Discover how your brand fulfills this need for


Your Brand Lovers—in a way no other brand does.

Apple’s creative tools allow people to express their artistic spirits. Apple’s sleek design complements the users’ own beautiful expressions.

Design unique need.

3your messaging

to promote the fulfillment of this

Apple antagonizes its competition by promoting itself as a more intelligent, creative choice.

Provide people the tools to form their 4

own groups and inspire othersto see the unique benefits of your brand.

Apple supports Mac User Groups around the country and keeps them updated on the latest news.

your company’s philosophy Create programs that bring5


Apple Genius Bars help people solve their technical problems so they can focus on expressing themselves creatively.

more creative and creating a beautiful world.

Apple offers its legion of loyal fans the hope of being

beautiful tomorrow they want?

How can you offer your customers the hope of the

for more on building your

own mass movement:

join us

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