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CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Jan. 1988, p. 60-81 Vol. 1, No. 10893-8512/88/010060-22$02.00/0Copyright C 1988, American Society for Microbiology

Legionnaires Disease: Historical PerspectiveWASHINGTON C. WINN, JR.

Department of Pathology, University of Vermont College of Medicine, and Medical Center Hospital of Vermont,Burlington, Vermont 05405

INTRODUCTION................................................. 60Philadelphia Epidemic of Legionnaires Disease................................................. 60

HISTORY AND PREHISTORY ................................................. 62TAXONOMY AND NOMENCLATURE ................................................. 62LEGIONELLA INFECTIONS ................................................. 63

Clinical Studies ................................................. 63Radiographic Appearance................................................. 64Pathology and Complications ................................................. 64Antimicrobial Therapy................................................. 65

MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY ................................................. 66Pathogenesis ................................................. 67Recovery and Immunity ................................................. 68

LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF LEGIONELLA INFECTIONS ................................................. 68Culture................................................. 69Detection of Bacterial Antigen and Nucleic Acid ................................................. 70Serological Diagnosis ................................................. 70

EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY ................................................. 70Interaction with Other Microbes ................................................. 72Effect of Chlorine on Environmental Bacteria ................................................. 72Effect of Temperature and Characteristics of Water................................................. 72Route of Infection ................................................. 72Investigation and Control of Legionnaires Disease ................................................. 73

FUTURE DIRECTIONS ................................................. 73LITERATURE CITED ................................................. 73


The publicity has subsided. As we have learned about theillness that struck members of the Pennsylvania AmericanLegion in the summer of 1976, most of the mystery is gone.We were spared the "monster killer" that was constructedby the press in 1976, only to have it appear a few years laterin the form of human immunodeficiency virus and acquiredimmunodeficiency syndrome. Legionella and human immu-nodeficiency virus have taught us the value of the vastmedical and scientific resources that we have developed, butwe have also learned humility in the face of resourceful andseemingly indefatigable microbial foes.

If we do not yet have all of the answers about Legionellaspecies, a great deal of information has been accumulatedabout virtually every aspect of the bacteria and the infec-tions they cause. On the 10th anniversary of the publicationof the description of the Philadelphia epidemic (101, 175), itis appropriate to consider past progress, assess currentstatus, and reflect on future directions. I will not attempt acomprehensive review of the now voluminous literature, butrather will select pertinent references that illustrate thecontrast between our present knowledge and the rudimen-tary information that was available 10 years ago.We have experienced two large epidemics of Legionella

pneumophila infection in Burlington, Vt. The first occurredin 1977 at a time when the outlines of the microbiological andclinical aspects of the infection were known, although notformally published, but epidemiological and environmentaldata were minimal. The nature of the infectious process wassuspected by astute clinicians (11). Most of the infections

were diagnosed by immunological techniques at the Centersfor Disease Control (CDC). The bacteria were a mystery toclinical laboratories, but investigators at CDC had alreadydiscovered that they could be cultivated on Mueller-Hintonagar supplemented with IsoVitaleX (BBL Microbiology Sys-tems) (93). A single isolate was made by inoculation ofpost-mortem lung tissue onto agar that investigators fromCDC brought for the investigation.

In contrast, the second epidemic in 1980 occurred after wehad had substantial experience with Legionella spp. (157).Buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar and selective media(202) had just been introduced into the laboratory throughthe kind help of James Feeley. Direct immunofluorescenceconjugates were available from CDC, and the possibility ofdetecting Legionella antigen in urine had been demon-strated. Although the summer of 1980 was a hectic one, wewere dealing with a microbiological problem for which wewere prepared, rather than an unknown and elusive agent.The difference from our experience 3 years earlier wasdramatic. In 1987, communities that are faced with epidem-ics have even greater microbiological resources, includingthe ability to assist epidemiologists by molecular analysis ofstrains.

Philadelphia Epidemic of Legionnaires Disease

One must consider events in a temporal context to under-stand the furor that the first recognized epidemic of Legion-ella infection created. In the summer of 1976, attention wasfocused on the bicentennial celebration of the Declaration of


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Independence and Philadelphia was at the center of theaction. There could not have been a better place to stage amedical media event. The previous winter an isolate ofinfluenza virus A with the antigenic characteristics of theoriginal strain recovered from pigs had been identified atFort Dix, N.J. Although no virus was isolated during thedevastating influenza pandemic of 1918, serological surveyssuggested an isolate similar to the swine strain. The reap-pearance of such a virus raised fears of another worldwideepidemic. Influenza, which is usually a winter disease, hadmade an early appearance at the onset of the 1918 epidemic,and doomsayers warned of a similar pattern in 1976. Thus,newspaper reports of a mysterious, fatal disease that resem-bled influenza clinically and was of epidemic proportionsaroused enormous concern.

All together, 182 members of the Pennsylvania AmericanLegion developed an acute respiratory illness, and 29 indi-viduals died after they returned from the convention inPhiladelphia. The epidemiological and microbiological stud-ies were to continue for 6 months before the cause of thedisease was announced. Much of the basic framework of ourknowledge of Legionnaires disease, as the epidemic came tobe known, was developed during the intensive investigationsthat were conducted by a team from CDC and the Pennsyl-vania Department of Health (101). Only the source of thedisease remained a mystery, because laboratory support forenvironmental investigations did not exist. The sharplypeaked epidemic curve did suggest, however, that a com-

mon-source epidemic had occurred.There are many lessons to be learned from the Philadel-

phia outbreak. First and foremost was the dismissal of theidea that infectious diseases are a thing of the past or even

that all infectious diseases are known. In fact, the decades ofthe 1970s and 1980s have seen a host of "new" infectiousdiseases: some caused by newly recognized organisms,others caused by traditional pathogens in new clothes. Onecan point to staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, Lymedisease, the African hemorrhagic fevers, Campylobacterenteritis and gastritis, and of course acquired immunodefi-ciency syndrome.

It is quite clear that the magnitude of the Philadelphiaepidemic contributed to the recognition of Legionella spe-

cies as important human pathogens. As we soon learned,members of the genus had been isolated some 25 years

earlier from sporadic cases. Whether the intense publicscrutiny from the press and the Congress contributed to thesolution cannot be known with certainty. Ironically, JosephMcDade, the investigator who cracked the riddle, had justreturned from several years in the Middle East, where hehad shed the habit of reading newspapers and listening to

television news (150).A second lesson is the difficulty of breaking out of tradi-

tional patterns of thought when we are confronted with theunknown. Initially, viral and toxic etiologies were sought,because of the clinical resemblance of the pneumonia tosevere influenza. Although clinical features suggestive ofLegionella infection, such as prominence of gastrointestinaland cerebral symptoms, have been described (121, 156, 182,231), some investigators have found it difficult to differen-tiate between pneumonia caused by Legionella spp. and thatcaused by other bacteria (186, 222, 279). The differentialdiagnosis must be much broader when the clinical presenta-tion is not pathognomonic. As recently as 1985, influenzawas the initial diagnostic consideration during an outbreak ofLegionnaires disease in England, because of the clinicalpresentation and the presence of antibodies to influenza

virus in the first sera collected (211). Even after the etiologicagent had been announced by CDC in 1977, discussion abouttoxic causes continued (41, 239).

Pathological analysis is subject to the same difficulties. Apanel of experts in pulmonary pathology was unable tosuggest a bacterial etiology, because of the preponderance ofmacrophages in the airspaces of some patients, because ofthe likelihood that the purulent inflammation observed wascaused by superinfecting bacteria, and because bacteriawere not demonstrated with the histological stains that aretraditionally applied to tissue sections (36). When bacteriathat had the morphology of gram-negative bacilli weresubsequently demonstrated by electron microscopy in lungtissue from fatal cases, the significance of the observationwas obscured by the consideration that they were secondaryinvaders (F. Murphy, personal communication). The diffi-culty of stretching beyond the bounds of the known willalways be with us. Muder and colleagues have pointed outthat investigators concentrated their attention on coolingtowers as an environmental source of Legionella epidemicsuntil showers were demonstrated to be a possible source,after which potable water received most attention (185). Infuture investigations of epidemics, it is important to recog-nize that the apparent menu of sources for the infection maynot even include the true site.The process by which the etiologic threads from the

Philadelphia epidemic were unraveled is also instructive.Serendipity undoubtedly played a role in the discovery; in alllikelihood, the bacterium would not have been identified ifspecimens had not been tested in a laboratory that routinelyused guinea pigs for the recovery of rickettsiae. It is impor-tant-to recognize, however, that without the comprehensivereference laboratories maintained at CDC, serendipitywould not have been possible. Targeted research works wellif one knows the answer at the outset.Many investigators contributed to the Philadelphia stud-

ies, all of whom were important to the final outcome. But inthe end it was the conscientiousness and persistence of oneman, Joseph McDade, that led to the discovery of theLegionnaires disease bacterium, subsequently namedLegionella pneumophila. Two months of work in August andSeptember of 1976 had provided some tantalizing clues.Guinea pigs inoculated with lung tissue became ill and a fewgram-negative bacilli were seen in a Gram stain of tissue, butthe disease could not be transmitted to other guinea pigseffectively and the organism could not be subcultured ontoagar. Attempts to isolate the bacterium in embryonated eggsfailed, probably because the procedure for isolation ofrickettsiae includes penicillin and streptomycin to suppress"contaminants." The critical event was McDade's return tothe problem during the week between Christmas and NewYear's Day (150). He had been bothered by the unexplainedobservations and resolved to identify the gram-negativebacilli he had seen. This time he omitted the antibiotics fromthe inoculum when he infected eggs, because he thought hemight well be interested in the contaminant. The rest ishistory. Bacteria were identified by the Gimenez stain,which was developed for rickettsiae but contains carbolfuchsin and stains Legionella spp. well. Application of theindirect immunofluorescence technique to the sera of pa-tients from Philadelphia indicated that an antibody responsehad been mounted against the newly isolated bacterium.McDade wanted more time to be sure, but the pressure foran answer was too great. Fortunately, the CDC investigatorshad done their work well and they were right. A whole newfamily of pathogenic bacteria had been found.

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With a bacterium in hand, diagnostic tools could bedeveloped. It became apparent rather quickly that neitherthe bacteria nor epidemics were new. In the archives of CDCunsolved epidemics may be put aside, but it is hard to forgetthem. Outbreaks of acute respiratory disease from as farback as 1959 have now been attributed to L. pneumophila(197, 244, 248). The two most instructive events had oc-curred in the 1960s. An epidemic of respiratory disease at St.Elizabeth's hospital in Washington, D.C., in 1965 raised thequestion of airborne dissemination of bacteria; epidemiolog-ical investigation had suggested an association with openwindows and nearby construction (248).The most memorable of the unsolved episodes was the

acute respiratory disease that afflicted employees and visi-tors in a health department in Pontiac, Mich. (114). Thedisease, which had been dubbed "Pontiac fever," differedgreatly from the Philadelphia epidemic of Legionnaires dis-ease. Although respiratory symptoms were prominent inboth outbreaks, pneumonia was not observed in Pontiac.There were no fatalities, whereas 29 of 182 stricken Legion-naires died. The mildness of the illness in Pontiac mightsuggest a low bacterial inoculum, yet the attack rate amonghealth department employees was 95%. Epidemics of Le-gionnaires disease have an attack rate of <5%. Furthermore,the incubation period of illness in Philadelphia was 2 to 10days, as opposed to a mean of 36 h in Pontiac. A second, lesswell-documented epidemic of nonpneumonic illness wasidentified by serological techniques in workers at a steamturbine plant (100). Thus, very quickly investigators recog-nized that two distinct clinical and epidemiologic syndromescould be caused by L. pneumophila. The Pontiac outbreakstill provides the best documentation that Legionella spp.can produce epidemic illness after dissemination in aerosols.Although there were no fatalities in Pontiac, the CDC

investigators who entered the building to study the diseasewere numbered among the victims. When you get sickyourself, you do not forget easily, and work continued for 3years. In retrospect, it is amazing how close to the answerthese investigators got; the reason for the failure to close thecircle is inexplicable (152). The very high attack rate and thetight epidemic curve in Pontiac suggested an airborne routeof spread. As a part of the investigation, sentinel guinea pigswere exposed to the air-conditioning system and animalswere inoculated with water from the condenser. The animalsdeveloped a nodular, focal pneumonia, in which gram-variable bacilli were demonstrated. Administration of anti-biotics partially protected the guinea pigs against illness.Once again, serendipity played a part; if mice, rats, orrabbits had been used, clinical illness would not have beenobserved in the animals and the agent might not have beenisolated. Back in Atlanta, guinea pigs developed acutepneumonia after they were exposed to an aerosol of waterfrom the condenser of the air conditioner in Pontiac. Whenthe water was autoclaved or filter sterilized, no lesions couldbe produced after generation of an aerosol. Chicken em-bryos died after inoculation of the eggs with tissue from theguinea pigs, and gram-negative bacilli were seen in impres-sion smears from the infected eggs. Only the final test, thekey to the successful studies in 1976, failed. When the serafrom patients in Pontiac were tested by indirect immunoflu-orescence for antibodies to the egg-grown bacterium, aconsistent pattern of reactivity was not apparent. The reasonfor the inability to detect those antibodies, which werepresent when retested years later, is unknown, but it pre-

vented the investigators from concluding that they hadisolated an etiologic agent.The Philadelphia experience has also assisted subsequent

investigators in identifying other etiologic agents of pneumo-nia within the genus. The most important of these agents isLegionella micdadei. In 1979, investigators in Charlottes-ville, Va. (219), and Pittsburgh, Pa. (187), recognized thepresence of an acid-fast bacterium that could not be culti-vated on traditional media for mycobacteria and nocardia.Furthermore, the pneumonia that was produced in immuno-suppressed patients was characterized by an acute ratherthan a granulomatous inflammatory response. This impor-tant pathogen would not have been recognized if a battery of"special stains" had not been applied to tissue obtainedfrom severely immunocompromised patients, such as indi-viduals who had received renal transplants, regardless of thehistological response. Pathologists and microbiologists havean obligation to discourage indiscriminate use of increasinglyprecious resources, but it is also important that we notnarrow our vision too severely when the stakes are high, thesusceptibility to infection is great, and the predictability ofthe organism or inflammatory reaction is low. The Pittsburghgroup was able to isolate an organism, using techniques thatthe CDC had developed for L. pneumophila.The bacterium that had been isolated in Pittsburgh (202)

was initially called the "Pittsburgh pneumonia agent," but itwas soon demonstrated that it was a new species of Legion-ella and that it had been isolated previously (124, 202). Infact, the earliest recorded isolate of a Legionella species wasa strain of L. micdadei that was recovered by Hugh Tatlockin 1943 during an outbreak of Fort Bragg fever. This epi-demic infection was accompanied by a distinctive pretibialrash that resembled erythema nodosum. Although a pretibialrash has been described in a case report of L. pneumophilainfection (126), the rash did not resemble erythema nodo-sum. Skin lesions have not been a part of the clinicalspectrum of Legionnaires disease (156). Tatlock has statedthe case from a first-hand viewpoint that Fort Bragg feverwas indeed caused by Leptospira autumnalis and that theLegionella isolate recovered from the blood of a sick soldierwas an adventitial agent (242). The source of the isolate isunknown. Although antibodies that react with legionellaecan be detected in a variety of animal species (48), isolationof the organism has been rare (46). We have never detectedantibodies to L. pneumophila in uninfected guinea pigsduring 8 years of work with a guinea pig model of theinfection (G. S. Davis and W. C. Winn, Jr., unpublishedobservations). It is possible, however, as suggested byTatlock, that the organism was introduced from an environ-mental source in the time between collection of the specimenand inoculation of the guinea pig. Isolates of species otherthan L. micdadei had also been made before 1976, andJoseph McDade was not the only rickettsiologist to stumbleon the genus. During her studies of rickettsial disease at theNational Institutes of Health, F. Marilyn Bozeman isolatedtwo organisms that subsequently turned out to be the firstrecorded isolate of L. pneumophila (the OLDA strain in1949) (173) and Legionella bozemannii (the WIGA strain)(124). In 1959, she also isolated a bacterium (HEBA) that isa strain of L. micdadei (124).


Life was simple 10 years ago. At the time of the firstinternational symposium on Legionella held in 1978 at theCDC, there was a single genus and species, referred to as the


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Legionnaires disease bacterium until a proposed nomencla-ture was presented at the symposium. Brenner and associ-ates used a variety of techniques, most prominently deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) homology, to establish that thenewly recognized pathogen indeed represented a new family(Legionellaceae), genus (Legionella, after the Philadelphiavictims), and species (pneumophila, after the predilection ofthe bacterium for the lung) (30). Serological diversity withinthe species had already been recognized by the time thenomenclature was established (178). In the succeeding 10years, a plethora of serotypes and species has been de-scribed (Table 1) (27, 29). If the complexity of the genus doesnot yet approach that of Salmonella, it is already consider-ably more diverse than most established genera.

Bacterial taxonomy is based on the evaluation of multiplesets of data, including phenotypic, immunologic, and geno-typic characteristics. Traditional phenotypic analysis ofLegionella by determination of biochemical reactivity is notvery useful, either for diagnosis or for classification. Sero-logical reactions, determination of cellular fatty acids, andisoprenoid quinone analysis are useful for classification, butdo not differentiate accurately all species and are not rou-tinely available for diagnosis in the clinical laboratory (27).Determination of DNA relatedness has been the mainstay ofclassification. As Brenner has pointed out, however, pheno-

TABLE 1. Classification of Legionella species

Sero- Isolated from:Species gopReferencegop Humans Environment

L. pneumophila 1 Yes Yes 1012 Yes Yes 1783 Yes Yes 1784 Yes Yes 1785 Yes Yes 866 Yes Yes 1797 Yes Yes 198 Yes No 219 Yes Yes 7010 Yes Yes 18011 Yes No 24912 Yes Yes 251

L. bozemanji 1 Yes Yes 282 Yes No 241

L. micdadei Yes Yes 125L. dumoffli Yes Yes 28L. gormanti No Yes 183L. iongbeachae 1 Yes No 177

2 Yes No 20L.jordanis Yes Yes 42L. oakridgensis No Yes 196L. wadsworthii Yes No 71L. feeleii 1 Yes Yes 128

2 Yes No 252L. sainthelensi No Yes 35L. anisa No Yes 116L. maceachernii Yes Yes 29L. jamestowniensis No Yes 29L. rubrilucens No Yes 29L. erythra No Yes 29L. hackeliae 1 Yes No 29

2 Yes No 271L. spiritensis No Yes 29L. parisiensis No Yes 29L. cherrii No Yes 29L. steigerwalfii No Yes 29L. santicrucis No Yes 29L. israelensis No Yes 13

TABLE 2. Clinical features of Legionnaires diseaseand Pontiac fever'

% of patientsSympton Legionnaires Pontiac

disease fever

Cough 75 46New sputum production 45Dyspnea 50Hemoptysis 21Myalgias 38 95Upper respiratory symptoms 13Headache 32 88Confusion 45 19Nausea or vomiting 30 10Diarrhea 33 21Abdominal pain 8Fever 86Fever above 39'C 70Relative bradycardia 40

' Adapted from reference 7.

typic characteristics ensure that the genetic classification atthe species level is relevant to everyday life; in particular,the gram reactivity and morphology of the bacteria, growthon buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar in the presence ofcysteine and alpha-ketoglutarate (BCYE-a), and absence ofgrowth on blood agar or BCYE-a agar without cysteineshould serve to alert the microbiologist that a member of thegenus Legionella may have been isolated (27).The short life of Legionella taxonomy has not been totally

without controversy. There is no disagreement on the needfor a new family of bacteria or on the legitimacy of thespecies designations as published. Nor is there disagreementabout the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics on whichthe division of genera into species is made. There is argu-ment, however, about the degree of genetic divergencebetween two isolates that justifies the creation of a separatespecies. Garrity and associates have suggested that thePittsburgh pneumonia agent be given species designation asTatlockia micdadei and that the species with blue-whiteautofluorescence be placed in the genus Fluoribacter (109).These investigators have not addressed the classification ofother species that have been identified subsequently. Bren-ner has commented that such disputes must be adjudicatedhistorically by the frequency with which the terms are usedby the scientific community (27). At present the majority ofauthors have accepted the validity of a single genus, Legion-ella, within the family Legionellaceae, in part perhapsbecause the CDC classification is the only one that embracesall of the characterized species.


Clinical Studies

Two distinct clinical syndromes have been associated withinfection by Legionella species. The presentation of thenonpneumonic illness Pontiac fever was clearly defined bythe initial outbreak (Table 2) (114).The broad outlines of the clinical presentation of the

pneumonic illness Legionnaires disease were sketched inPhiladelphia, and the picture was virtually completed in theepidemics that soon followed (11, 101, 156) (Table 2). Inmost cases the onset is acute, but it may be difficult toidentify the onset in hospitalized patients who have complex

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medical problems. The infection is accompanied by a highfever that increases in a stepwise fashion; shaking chills tendto recur. Extrapulmonary symptoms are common. Suchcomplaints as fatigue, malaise, myalgia, and arthralgia maysuggest the diagnosis of viral infection and mislead theclinician (211). Gastrointestinal complaints, including nauseaand diarrhea, and symptoms referable to the central nervoussystem, including headache and confusion out of proportionto the degree of fever, occur in a minority of patients, butmay suggest the diagnosis. Many of the symptoms, includingcough, are common to Legionnaires disease and Pontiacfever. Sputum is not always produced and tends to benonpurulent. Similarly, legionellae are not usually demon-strable in respiratory secretions. But on occasion secretionsmay be purulent and bacteria may be demonstrated, espe-cially if material is obtained directly from the lung (163, 273).Although it has not been reported in all series, minor degreesof hemoptysis may be present.

Radiographic Appearance

The radiographic appearance is variable. Most commonly,patchy unilateral infiltrates are seen initially. Extension ofthe infiltrates produces consolidation in one or more lobes;infiltrates may be bilateral in as many as two-thirds ofpatients (91, 155). In some cases distinctive nodular lesions,which resemble those produced in some fungal infections,

are produced (Fig. 1) (56). Small pleural effusions are com-mon; large effusions and empyema occur but are distinctlyunusual. Abscesses are not often demonstrated by radio-graphic techniques, although they can be found rather fre-quently in pathologic specimens from fatal cases (274). Theresolution of radiographic infiltrates often lags behind clini-cal recovery. Complete resolution requires many months,and convalescence may also be protracted, even in previ-ously healthy individuals.

Pathology and Complications

When the lungs are examined macroscopically, a multi-focal pneumonia with a tendency for coalescence of lesionsis most common (274). The exudates contain large amountsof fibrin, producing a granular white appearance after fixa-tion with formaldehyde solution; inflammatory material iseasily scraped from the cut surface of the lung for examina-tion in the light or fluorescent microscope. In a smallpercentage of cases, the lesions are lobar and difficult todistinguish from classical lobar pneumococcal pneumonia.The nodular macroscopic lesions are distinctive pathologi-cally, as well as radiologically.

Microscopically, there is an abundant inflammatory exu-date in the distal airspaces (alveoli, respiratory bronchioles,and terminal bronchioles) of most cases. Proximal bron-chioles and bronchi are spared. The reason for the discrep-

FIG. 1. Chest X ray of a patient with acute L. pneumophila pneumonia. Well-demarcated peripheral densities are present. Thesedistinctive lesions are present in a minority of patients, but suggest the diagnosis when present.


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ancy between the amount of inflammation in the lungs andthat in expectorated sputum is unclear. The exudate iscomposed of a mixture of polymorphonuclear neutrophils(PMNL) and macrophages, with one or the other predomi-nating in some cases. A characteristic, but not pathognomo-nic, lysis of the exudate is often seen and may suggest thecorrect diagnosis. In a small minority of lungs, the airspacesare relatively acellular and are filled with proteinaceousmaterial. Diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membranes isnot uncommon and has been described as the sole abnor-mality in a lung biopsy (194), but other potential causes ofalveolar damage are often present.The lesions in pneumonias caused by species other than L.

pneumophila appear similar. Data are most extensive for L.micdadei (274), but the brief descriptions of radiographic andpathologic abnormalities in pneumonias caused by otherspecies suggest that they are very similar. Nodular lesionshave been described in lungs infected by L. micdadei (210).The extent of radiographic disease has been correlated withthe demonstration of legionellae by direct immunofluores-cence of sputum (159), a finding that also correlates withincreased numbers of colonies recovered by culture.

After the description of the initial outbreaks, subsequentreports have primarily contributed information about un-usual complications. We now know that dual infections withmultiple species (60), multiple serotypes, or even multiplesubtypes (148) may occur. Pleural effusions may rarely occurin the absence of obvious pneumonia (181). Subclinicalinfection has been documented serologically (63) and may bemore common than is realized. Furthermore, diverse clinicalexpressions of disease may occur after exposure to the sameenvironmental source of bacteria (112). It is tempting to referto nonpneumonic disease as Pontiac fever, but this designa-tion is probably best reserved for outbreaks that conform toboth the epidemiological and the clinical definitions.

Legionella bacteremia has been demonstrated (74) andmay be relatively common in severely ill patients (90, 216).Symptoms referable to organ systems other than the lung arecommon, but extrapulmonary inflammatory lesions are un-common. A variety of well-documented cases of extrapul-monary disease have been described, however, includingpyelonephritis (58), hepatic abscesses (51), cerebral micro-glial reactions that resemble granulomata (51), pericarditis(171), endocarditis (172), and hemodialysis fistula infections(149). In most cases, L. pneumophila was the only bacterialpathogen isolated, but L. pneumophila isolated from aperirectal abscess along with a mixture of anaerobic bacteriahas been described (2). Pneumonia has usually been recog-nized before or concurrent with the extrapulmonary lesions,but, as with pleural effusions, a few cases have been de-scribed in which disease of the pulmonary parenchyma wasnot obvious (190).Extrapulmonary inflammatory lesions have been de-

scribed less frequently in infections caused by legionellaeother than L. pneumophila. A cutaneous abscess has beenproduced by L. micdadei (1).

It is not surprising that permanent pathologic sequelaeshould result from a necrotizing pneumonia in which microab-scess formation is common. The most convincing descriptionof pulmonary fibrosis as a complication of L. pneumophilainfection has been provided by Chastre and associates, whodescribed five cases from a nosocomial epidemic, in whichinterstitial or intra-alveolar fibrosis or both resulted (39). Thefrequency with which Legionella sp. contributes to pulmonaryfibrosis is unclear, but such permanent damage may contributeto persistent deficits in pulmonary function (39, 162).

Legionellae are more difficult to demonstrate with chem-ical stains in tissue than in smears. In most laboratories thetissue versions of the Gram stain do not stain the organismwell, even when a Gram stain of tissue imprints colors manybacteria. The organisms are not usually visible with hema-toxylin-eosin and are not stained by the periodic acid-Schiffreaction or the Grocott modification of the methenaminesilver stain for fungi. The Warthin-Starry and Dieterle stainsfor spirochetes are sensitive stains for all bacteria and maydemonstrate the legionellae when the Gram stain is negative(37, 257). L. micdadei is acid fast in tissue (187) and has beendemonstrated in pulmonary secretions by the modified Kin-youn stain (222); for unknown reasons, the bacteria are nolonger acid fast after they have been grown on agar media.Reports of unusual clinical or pathologic manifestations ofLegionella infections should be viewed with a critical eyefocused on the means by which the etiologic agent wasdocumented. In 1976, the difficulty of culturing the organismforced us to rely on immunologic techniques. In 1986,recovery of legionellae in culture is routine and at this dateremains unequivocal proof of etiology, because a carrierstate for these organisms in humans has not been demon-strated by culture (31). Direct immunofluorescence of bac-teria in secretions and tissue and detection of serum anti-bodies are useful diagnostic tests. Cross-reactions with otherbacteria do exist, however, and documentation by thesetests should not be considered definitive. During an epidemicsituation demonstrations of bacteria in tissue by immunoflu-orescence or a seroconversion (fourfold or greater increasein titer of antibody to at least 1:128) are credible. Serocon-version in cases of sporadic disease is an ever so slightlytarnished diagnostic modality and demonstration of a single,high antibody titer is inadequate.

Antimicrobial Therapy

Analysis of the clinical records of the Pennsylvania Le-gionnaires suggested that erythromycin was the most effec-tive therapeutic agent used (101), and statistical confirmationof this result was achieved during the first Vermont epidemic(32). It is ironic that an unfashionable antibiotic, such aserythromycin, won the prize; one can only speculate howlong it would have taken to garner the information if all of theLegionnaires had been hospitalized in tertiary medical cen-ters stocked with a panoply of new antibiotics.The clinical response to erythromycin therapy may occur

immediately or be delayed for several days. Relapses of L.pneumophila infection are well documented (121), especiallyafter oral medication or intravenous therapy in low doses.Clinical failure has also been described in pneumonia causedby L. bozemanii (199) and L. micdadei (222). Strains ofLegionella species that are naturally resistant to erythromy-cin in vitro have not been reported, although resistantmutants have been elicited in the laboratory (62). Erythro-mycin is bactericidal in vitro (64), but several investigatorshave demonstrated that it is only bacteriostatic in culturedmonocytes (140, 260). For these reasons and because of thesevere phlebitis that accompanies intravenous administra-tion of erythromycin, the search for alternative therapeuticagents has continued.The susceptibility of Legionella species to most antibiotics

can be tested readily in vitro by agar dilution or brothdilution methods. Unfortunately, the results correlate verypoorly with clinical efficacy, and there is little sense inpursuing this route except as a preliminary screening proce-dure for new antibiotics. Even bactericidal testing in vitro

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does not discriminate between clinically effective and inef-fective antibiotics (64).

Fraser and colleagues at CDC reported the first attempt touse an animal model for susceptibility studies (102). Theseinvestigators treated guinea pigs that had been inoculatedintraperitoneally with L. pneumophila and found that eryth-romycin and rifampin prevented fatal infection. Clinicallyineffective antibiotics, such as penicillin and gentamicin,were also ineffective in the guinea pig model. These resultswere confirmed and extended by Pasculle (201) and Edel-stein (72), who inoculated guinea pigs with L. pneumophilaor L. micdadei by the intratracheal route, which moreclosely simulates human infection than does intraperitonealinfection (151). Rifampin appears to be more effective thanerythromycin in experimental models, but cannot be used asthe sole therapeutic agent in humans because of the highfrequency with which resistance is induced (61). In theanimal models trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was alsoeffective, and there are anecdotal reports of its successfuluse in humans (156).Cure by a variety of antimicrobial agents has been re-

ported, but the results are difficult to evaluate in uncon-trolled studies with small numbers of patients. The mostpromising new agents are the quinolone derivatives, whichhave demonstrated effectiveness equal to or greater than thatof erythromycin in tissue culture and animal systems (224,225). It may be difficult to justify and even more difficult tomount controlled clinical trials of new agents against legio-nellae. Rifampin has been used as a second therapeutic agentin patients with severe disease or poor response to erythro-mycin therapy. Promising new agents may play a similaradjunctive role and may become invaluable in the unfortu-nate event that bacterial resistance to erythromycin devel-ops.Assay of antimicrobial agents in cultured macrophages

may be a less costly substitute for whole animal models (140,260), but more experience with this system is needed. It willbe difficult to assess the capability of antibiotics that are

rapidly bactericidal to extracellular bacteria.Preventive therapy with oral erythromycin has been re-

ported to be effective in preventing Legionella infection inrenal transplant patients (258), but should be reserved forsuch highly susceptible patients during an epidemic that hasnot yet been controlled by elimination of environmentalbacteria.The mechanism for the dichotomy between in vitro sus-

ceptibility and clinical response to antimicrobial agents isunknown. Beta-lactamases are produced by a number ofLegionella species (29), despite their in vitro susceptibility tobeta-lactam antibiotics, but these agents are also not effec-tive in vivo against L. micdadei, which does not produce a

beta-lactamase. Perhaps the most attractive suggestion isthat ineffective antibiotics do not penetrate well into macro-

phages, a prime site for growth of legionellae in tissueculture (138) and animal tissues (52).


Members of the Legionellaceae are gram-negative, aero-

bic, nonsporeforming, non-acid-fast (with the exception ofL. micdadei in vivo), unencapsulated bacilli that measure 0.3to 0.9 pum in width and 2 to .20 pLm in length (27). Bacilli intissue are only rarely filamentous, but elongated forms maypredominate in some culture media (205). They are nonsac-

charolytic, but most species produce a protease whichliquefies gelatin. Branched-chain fatty acids predominate in

the cell wall, and the bacteria contain large amounts ofubiquinones with more than 10 isoprene units in the sidechain (27). All species contain either catalase or peroxidase(29, 207), but the reaction may be weak compared with thatproduced by other catalase-containing bacteria. The gua-nine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA is 38 to 52 mol%.DNA relatedness among the various species ranges from 0 to67%.The major source of energy for growth of the family

appears to be from amino acids (110, 153, 246). Some aminoacids are essential for growth. The precise identification ofthe essential compounds has varied among reports, perhapsreflecting differences in the composition of the medium.Amino acids are catabolized via the Krebs cycle, and sugarsare synthesized by the gluconeogenic enzymes of the Emb-den-Myerhof-Parnas pathway (110). An energized mecha-nism was demonstrated for the uptake of glutamate by thebacterial cells, but an energized mechanism for glucoseuptake could not be demonstrated. The presence of metalions, notably ferric iron, enhances growth, but may not beabsolutely essential (212, 245). Siderophores are compoundsthat enhance the solubilization and transport of iron, whenthat metal is in short supply. Reeves and colleagues wereunable to identify the commonly recognized phenolic orhydroxamate siderophores (213).The first agar medium demonstrated to support the growth

of L. pneumophila was Mueller-Hinton agar supplementedwith IsoVitaleX (93). A major breakthrough for experimentaland clinical investigators was the development of charcoalyeast extract agar supplemented with 1-cysteine and ferricpyrophosphate (92). Addition of ACES buffer (202) andalpha-ketoglutarate (67) has improved growth of legionellaeeven further. The active principles in yeast extract appear tobe purine and pyrimidine derivatives, of which guanine is themost efficacious (204). Hoffman and associates have demon-strated that the critical role of activated charcoal probablyderives from its ability to scavenge toxic oxygen radicalsthat are produced when yeast extract agar is exposed to light(130). Albumin (141) and starch (225) have been substitutedfor charcoal by some investigators. Keto acids, such asalpha-ketoglutarate, may perform a similar function by stim-ulating production of bacterial reduced-oxygen-scavengingenzymes (206).From the early days in which growth factors were dem-

onstrated empirically, we have now developed a sophisti-cated and rational understanding of the metabolism of legio-nellae. One might speculate whether one or more of thefactors, such as guanine, is supplied efficiently to the bacte-ria in the intracellular environment.

Legionella was born in the molecular age, and the sophis-ticated resources of molecular biology have greatly ex-panded our knowledge of the biochemical composition of thegenus. All of the legionellae have the ultrastructural appear-ance of gram-negative bacilli, including inner and outermembranes. L. micdadei has a distinctive dense layer in theperiplasmic space (123). This dense layer appears to beexpressed differentially according to conditions of culture;its relationship to the variable acid fastness of this species isunclear (118).

All of the species, except Legionella oakridgensis aremotile. Flagella have been demonstrated on L. pneumophilaboth in vitro and in vivo (38, 218), and fimbriae are alsopresent (218). The presence of an extracellular acid polysac-charide layer has been demonstrated by ruthenium redstaining (123).Gram-negative bacteria characteristically contain lipo-


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polysaccharide (LPS) with endotoxic function. Johnson andcolleagues reported an easily extractable high-molecular-weight compound that was composed primarily of lipid andhad endotoxinlike activity (144). This F-1 antigen inhibitedserospecific serological reactions, served as an opsonin, andwas localized on the surface of the bacteria (80). Theserospecificity of the antigen was confirmed after it waspurified (45, 198). The LPS of serogroup 1 L. pneumophila istightly bound to the major outer membrane protein (MOMP)(129). Most of the antibody demonstrated by indirect immu-nofluorescence in patients infected with serogroup 1 L.pneumophila appears to be directed against the LPS (107,129). Cross-reactions with the lipid A of Salmonella minne-sota were demonstrated. The LPS is distinctly different,however, from that of enteric bacteria in biochemical char-acteristics (50) and endotoxic function (276).The MOMP of L. pneumophila has a molecular weight of

24,000 to 29,000, depending on the procedure used forisolation (34, 107, 129, 192). The 29-kilodalton (kDa) proteinisolated by Gabay and Horwitz formed ion-permeable chan-nels with a selectivity for cations when the protein contactedlipid membranes; this outer membrane protein functionedsimilarly to the porins of Escherichia coli (106). In variousstudies the MOMP has been found to be associated with LPS(129) and peptidoglycan (106). Butler and colleagues havesuggested that the MOMP exists as a 95-kDa complex thatdissociates into four subunits (34).The role of the MOMP in pathogenesis and immunity is

unclear. It is of interest that the MOMP in L. pneumophilaappears to be extensively cross-linked by disulfide bonds(34, 107, 129), a property that it shares with Chlamydiaspecies, which are also intracellular pathogens. The 24-kDaprotein is immunogenic (89), but antibodies detected byindirect immunofluorescence of convalescent human sera

appear to be directed primarily at the LPS component (107,129). By iodine labeling of surface proteins (107) and radio-immunoprecipitation (89), the MOMP appears to be exposedon the surface of the bacterium. A 29-kDa protein that reactswith a commercial monoclonal antibody (117) and appears tobe the MOMP (129, 192) was only partially exposed. Severalinvestigators have shown that the 24- to 29-kDa protein fromL. pneumophila reacts with most of the serogroups of thisspecies and cross-reacts with proteins from other Legionellaspecies (34, 117, 129, 192). Engleberg and colleagues wereunable to detect cross-reactions between the 24-kDa proteinand a variety of other gram-negative bacilli (89), but the26-kDa outer membrane protein identified by Sampson andassociates appeared to react nonspecifically with human sera(226).A variety of cellular proteins are present in L. pneumo-

phila. Many are present on the cell surface (107) and reactwith human sera (226). Proteins other than the MOMP arealso candidates for species-specific or genus-specific re-agents (89, 226). Understanding of the molecular basis forpathogenicity and development of better diagnostic reagentswill both depend on continued dissection of bacterial genet-ics and biochemistry. Cloning of Legionella antigens into E.coli, which has been accomplished by several groups (65, 88,154), has already been used to study membrane proteins.Some but not all isolates of L. pneumophila contain

plasmids (4). Serogroup 1 L. pneumophila has been dis-sected into a variety of subtypes by analysis of plasmidcontent (166), reactivity with polyclonal (253) and monoclo-nal (147) antibodies, and electrophoretic analysis of struc-tural genes for bacterial enzymes (229).

Legionella species contain hemolysins (5) and proteases

(66). The purified protease of L. pneumophila dissociatesinto two species with molecular weights of 38,000 and40,000. The protease resembles neutral zinc-containing me-talloproteases of other bacterial species. Other bacterialproducts, such as a toxin (164) in L. pneumophila and anacid phosphatase in L. micdadei (223), may also be impor-tant. Chen and colleagues have demonstrated that restrictionendonucleases are produced (40).The immune response to L. pneumophila is both humoral

(101) and cellular (103, 132, 208). As discussed above, someof the antigens that stimulate a humoral immune responsehave been identified, but the nature of the antigens thatstimulate cellular immunity has not been explored.


L. pneumophila, L. micdadei, and presumably other spe-cies have many of the characteristics of facultative intracel-lular pathogens. In cell culture the bacteria grow well withinthe cytoplasm of macrophages (138, 264), but do not grow inthe usual cell culture media. PMNL are not effective bacte-ricidal cells, but do not support bacterial growth (139).Uptake of L. pneumophila by PMNL requires the pres-

ence of antibody and complement (139). In contrast, L.micdadei is phagocytosed in the absence of specific antibodyif the alternate pathway of complement is intact. The thirdcomponent of complement can be demonstrated by immu-nofluorescence on the surface of L. micdadei cells that havebeen exposed to serum (235), but not on similarly treatedcells of L. pneumophila (139).The macrophages of both animals and humans phagocy-

tose legionellae in the absence of antibody, but are moreefficient in its presence. Direct penetration by bacteria intothe cytoplasm has been suggested (151), but uptake of L.pneumophila by guinea pig macrophages is inhibited bycytochalasin D, suggesting a conventional phagocytic proc-ess (81). In human macrophages a peculiar "coiling" phago-cytosis of L. pneumophila has been described (135). Thisprocess has not been observed in guinea pig macrophages(81), but a similar phenomenon occurred when phagocytesfrom fish engulfed yeast cells (176). An oxidative burstoccurs at the time of phagocytosis, as demonstrated byreduction of nitroblue tetrazolium at the site of phagocytosis(141). The bacteria enter a phagosome that has a distinctiveassociation with mitochondria and ribosomes, both in natu-ral human infection (113) and in experimentally infectedmacrophages (133). In the presence of virulent L. pneumo-phila, phagolysosomal fusion (134) and acidification of thephagosome (137) are inhibited.

L. pneumophila pneumonia may be produced experimen-tally by inoculation of the bacteria into experimental animalsintratracheally (272) or by aerosol (9, 15, 52). Guinea pigs arethe most susceptible species that has been examined to date.They can be infected with as few as 129 colony-forming unitsand the 50% lethal dose ranges between 103 and 104 colony-forming units after aerosol administration. The resultantdisease resembles human Legionella pneumonia in manyrespects. Rats and hamsters are easily infected, but rarelydie. In contrast, mice are extremely resistant to infection,unless they are immunosuppressed (267). The initial site ofbacterial replication in the lung is the alveolar macrophage(52). It is impossible to say, however, that growth is re-stricted to the intracellular environment in vivo, as it is incell culture systems. Recruitment of polymorphonuclearneutrophils is temporally associated with curtailment ofbacterial growth, but clearance of the bacteria from the lung

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probably requires the contribution of both the humoral andcellular immune systems.The cellular basis for bacterial virulence is unknown.

Avirulent variants of legionellae can be produced easily inthe laboratory (174), but there has been no single potentialvirulence factor that is present in a virulent strain and absentfrom its avirulent counterpart. We are still looking for thesmoking gun. There are, however, several bacterial productsthat may play a role. L. pneumophila is susceptible to boththe myeloperoxidase and xanthine oxidase pathways incell-free systems (164, 165), a susceptibility that may explainthe limited bactericidal capacity of human PMNL (139) andthe initial killing of a portion of the inoculum by monkeymacrophages (141). Jepras and Fitzgeorge noted that viru-lent strains were resistant to killing by the xanthine oxidasesystem, whereas less virulent isolates were killed (142).Other investigators have found the two systems equallyeffective against avirulent and virulent isolates (165), so theissue remains unresolved.

L. pneumophila produces a toxin that inhibits the bacte-ricidal activity of human PMNL against E. coli (105), but thetoxin is produced by both virulent and avirulent isolates. Anacid phosphatase from L. micdadei blocks production ofsuperoxide anion in human PMNL; the nature of the strainsused in the study was not described (223).The protease is a candidate for tissue damage produced by

legionellae. Early on, several investigators suggested thepossibility of a toxin to account for the prominent extrapul-monary symptoms and the cytolytic inflammatory response

(104, 273). The protease from L. pneumophila produces a

necrotic reaction in the subcutaneous tissue of infant mice(14) and a necrotizing inflammatory response in the lung (8).It is not clear how the quantities of protease used in theexperiments relate to those produced during a pulmonaryinfection.When searching for virulence factors and comparing vir-

ulent and avirulent strains, it is important to ensure thatsufficient numbers of strains from diverse localities are

obtained so that a valid conclusion is made. It is also worthnoting that the assessment of virulence is based on infectiv-ity for animals rather than humans. Some potentially impor-tant factors, such as the presence of flagella, production oftoxin and protease, and sensitivity to killing by serum, haveturned out to be shared by virulent and avirulent isolates.

Recovery and Immunity

The mechanisms for resistance to pneumonic Legionellainfection and for recovery from clinical disease are incom-pletely known. There is obviously a large host factor in theequation, because the attack rate is low in common-source

epidemics and the fatality rate is not high in previouslynormal individuals. Well-defined clinical risk factors havebeen documented epidemiologically (85, 101, 122). Mostprominent among these risk factors have been immunosup-pression by a variety of means, chronic cardiopulmonarydisease, and cigarette smoking. Neutropenia per se has notbeen documented as an important risk factor for Legionellainfection, as it is for Pseudomonas and Aspergillus infec-tions.Most experimental data suggest that the cellular immune

system is critical to recovery. Naive macrophages may killsome ingested legionellae (141), but subsequent growth isluxuriant. Macrophages from either guinea pigs or humansthat are "activated" by treatment with lymphokines do notsupport bacterial growth, although they do not kill the

ingested legionellae (103, 189). At least one of the activeprinciples in the lymphokine preparations is gamma inter-feron, which can also activate macrophages to inhibit growthof L. pneumophila in vitro (18). It is interesting to note thatthe alveolar macrophages of mice, a very resistant animalspecies, are the exception to the rule that intracellulargrowth of legionellae occurs in this type of cell (278).There is evidence from both in vitro and in vivo experi-

mental systems that activated macrophages are nonspecifi-cally armed against Legionella spp. If human monocytesfrom patients with leprosy are activated with supernatantsfrom concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes, the mo-nocytes inhibit the intracellular replication of L. pneumo-phila (136). Similarly, when a cellular immune response isproduced in the lung by infection with mycobacteria, in-creased resistance to inhaled L. pneumophila results (111).The role of antibodies in host defenses is less clear than

that of cellular immunity. From in vitro studies, one mighthypothesize that antibody could be detrimental by enhancingphagocytosis without inhibiting bacterial replication in sus-ceptible macrophages. Experimentally, however, rats wereprotected against subsequent intraperitoneal infection bypassive transfer of antibody (220). Similarly, antibody mod-ulated a primary aerosol infection in guinea pigs (J. A.Elliott, W. C. Winn, Jr., and G. S. Davis, Abstr. Annu.Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1986, B-77, p. 37). When guineapigs were given hyperimmune or normal serum beforeinfection, bacterial multiplication was similar in the twogroups over the first 24 h, but subsequently multiplicationwas inhibited in the animals that had received immuneserum.The full explanation for recovery from Legionella infec-

tion is not yet known. The most effective defenses identifiedto date result only in bacteriostasis or very limited killing.The effective defense mechanism may not yet have beenidentified, or a combination of factors may operate in con-cert in vivo.

It is unclear whether humans who have had Legionnairesdisease are then immune to reinfection. Guinea pigs thathave been immunized with killed L. pneumophila antigen areprotected against subsequent intraperitoneal challenge, butnot against aerosol infection (79). Surprisingly, Baskervilleand co-workers were unable to protect guinea pigs that hadbeen previously infected by aerosol against subsequentinhalation of a bacterial aerosol (10); in fact, the previouslyinfected animals died somewhat sooner than their naivecounterparts. In our laboratory, aerosol infection of guineapigs with a sublethal inoculum of L. pneumophila hasprovided solid protection against infection 1 month later byeither aerosol or the intratracheal route (W. Winn and G.Davis, unpublished observations). The immune animalshave increased numbers of macrophages in the airspaces,and bacterial multiplication is depressed from the veryoutset of the infection.


From the frustrating early days when Legionella infec-tions could only be diagnosed retrospectively by serologicaltechniques or by inoculation of guinea pigs, we have ad-vanced to the point where it may be easier to identify withreasonable confidence infections caused by legionellae thanthose caused by more venerable pathogens, such as Strep-tococcus pneumoniae. Life has been complicated by theburgeoning list of new serogroups and species, but fortu-


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nately a few serogroups and species predominate in humaninfections and a carrier state has not been demonstrated inhumans. Development of genus-specific reagents will furtherincrease diagnostic capabilities.

Infections can be diagnosed by demonstration of a sero-logical response to the bacteria, by recognition of bacterialantigen or nucleic acid in clinical specimens, and by recov-ery of the pathogen in culture.

CultureThe mainstay of diagnosis at present should be culture (75,

275, 282). The sensitivity of culture is 50 to 80%, but thespecificity is 100% and an isolate is then available formolecular analysis if epidemiological investigation is inorder. BYCE-a agar is the mainstay of microbiologicaldiagnosis. Selective versions have been formulated to assistin the recovery of legionellae from contaminated oral secre-tions (203); if species other than L. pneumophila are sought,a medium with vancomycin rather than a cephalosporinshould be used. Acid treatment of sputum specimens mayalso increase the yield of legionellae, as it does for environ-mental samples (33).

Dye-containing media have been developed to assist in therecognition and preliminary identification to species of legio-nellae (259), but it is not proven that they are essential. Theappearance of legionellae on the surface of charcoal agar ischaracteristic; the colonies are multifaceted and have beendescribed as resembling cut glass (Fig. 2). Examination ofthe plates with a stereomicroscope speeds detection ofisolates.

The media for growth of legionellae are commerciallyavailable as poured plates or in powdered form. The com-mercial media have functioned well, but there is consider-able variation from company to company. We have encoun-tered commercial media that did not support the growth offresh clinical isolates, although stock laboratory strainsmight grow if inoculated heavily.At least 2 days are usually required for recognition of

colonies, but most cultures are positive within 5 days ofincubation at 350C. L. pneumophila grows well in air, butother species may require low concentrations of C02, not toexceed 5%.

L. pneumophila was initially isolated from blood by usinga biphasic medium (74). This species has been recovered byusing a commercial radiometric blood culture system (43,216). In one case, a low positive growth indicator suggestedthe possibility of legionellae; in the other, daily blind sub-culture was required. A commercial lysis-centrifugation sys-tem was successful in recovering L. pneumophila fromseeded blood cultures (59), but clinical isolates have notbeen reported.Once a possible Legionella sp. has been isolated on a

charcoal agar plate, subcultures should be made in parallel toanother BCYE-a plate and to a BCYE-a plate withoutcysteine or a blood agar plate. The cysteine-deficient platehas some advantages, because L. pneumophila may grow onsome types of blood-containing agar (P. J. Dennis, J. A.Taylor, and G. I. Barrow, letter, Lancet ii:636, 1981). Inaddition, thermophilic bacilli that mimicked the colonialmorphology of Legionella spp. and did not grow on sheep

FIG. 2. Colonies of L. pneumophila on BCYE agar, as viewed with a dissecting microscope. The patterned surface of the colonies, whichhas been described as resembling cut glass, suggests the proper identification of the isolate. Magnification, x 16.

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blood agar have been encountered (247). Fortunately, thethermophilic isolates did not react with antisera to Legion-ella spp., but the possibility of cross-reactions exists. On theother hand, Legionella spp. do not grow well on sheep bloodagar, which is an inexpensive and easily accessible medium.Bacterial species that are cysteine dependent, such as Fran-cisella tularensis, may be isolated on BCYE-a agar, afterwhich subculture onto either blood agar or cysteine-deficientmedium might suggest the possibility of a Legionella sp.(265). An isolate that does not react with available antiseramight represent a new serogroup or species of Legionella;such cultures should be referred to a reference laboratory.The morphology of the isolate should be examined by

Gram stain. This family of bacteria is relatively inert bio-chemically. As Brenner has noted, the phenotypic charac-teristics of most species are based on a very small number ofisolates (27). Furthermore, not all isolates give the expectedresults. In most clinical laboratories serological documenta-tion of reactivity with antiserum to Legionella spp. providesadequate confirmation of the diagnosis (250). Cross-reac-tions with other bacteria have been reported, but are notcommon. Benson and colleagues noted that some strains ofBordetella pertussis, which may be isolated on BCYE agar,reacted with antisera to serogroup 10 Legionella pneumo-phila, Legionella maceachernii, Legionella gormanii, andserogroup 1 Legionella feelei (12). Neither serology nor

analysis of fatty acid composition can absolutely discrimi-nate among species, as was demonstrated when multilocusenzyme analysis revealed that a group of isolates, initiallyidentified as serogroup 1 L. pneumophila, probably repre-sented a new species (76). Genetic analysis is the finalarbiter, but these techniques are at present restricted toreference laboratories.

Detection of Bacterial Antigen and Nucleic Acid

The first method for direct detection of bacterial speci-mens in clinical specimens was immunofluorescence. Thesensitivity of direct immunofluorescence is low, approxi-mately 25 to 50%, but a diagnosis can be achieved rapidly.The specificity is very high and the test may be useful in an

epidemic setting. When the prevalence of disease is low,however, the predictive value of positive results may beunacceptably low. Cross-reactions with other bacteria bydirect immunofluorescence have been demonstrated (195).These cross-reactions have not been frequent in clinicalspecimens, but have been reported (D. A. Johnson, K. F.Wagner, J. Blanks, and J. Slater, letter, J. Am. Med. Assoc.253:40-41, 1985). A more serious problem is contaminationof reagents with environmental legionellae. Pseudoepide-mics of Legionella infection have resulted from falselypositive direct immunofluorescence tests, so that all reagentsshould be filter sterilized (217). Commercial reagents for thetest are available. A monoclonal species-specific antibody iscomparable in sensitivity to polyclonal conjugates; themonoclonal antibody does not cross-react with pseudomo-nads that react with polyclonal conjugates (243). In a retro-spective study of clinical specimens, the performance of themonoclonal and polyclonal reagents was similar, but lessbackground staining was observed with the monoclonalreagent (69).

Recently, a commercial nucleic acid hybridization test forLegionella ribosomal ribonucleic acid that is genus specifichas been marketed. The probe was able to identify all of 156strains of Legionella spp. correctly and excluded 106 othergram-negative bacilli (68). When the DNA probe was applied

to 112 frozen clinical specimens, from which Legionella spp.had been isolated, the sensitivity was less, ranging from 57 to74% depending on the method of analysis. Thus, this poten-tially important molecular tool performs as well or betterthan direct immunofluorescence and could be used as a toolfor rapid diagnosis. It cannot replace culture or be used toscreen specimens for subsequent culture, however. Onedisadvantage of the present kit is that a radiolabeled probewith a short half-life must be used. An experimental probeprepared from sequences within the gene that encodes theMOMP has been used to detect L. pneumophila in the lungsof infected mice (87).

Detection of Legionella antigen in urine has also beenaccomplished by radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay,and latex agglutination (227). The sensitivity of the radioim-munoassay and enzyme immunoassay was approximately80% under optimal conditions, and the specificity was veryhigh. The latex test was less sensitive, but considerablymore rapid and convenient. Protracted antigenuria occurredin some patients. The lengthy excretion of antigen is apotential advantage in that a diagnosis can be made late inthe course of infection, but a potential disadvantage in that apositive test may reflect a prior, rather than a currentinfection. The reagents for these tests are not yet commer-cially available.

Serological DiagnosisA variety of serological tests have been developed for

detection of antibodies to Legionella spp. Of these, theindirect immunofluorescence test has been the most com-

pletely evaluated. Several methods of preparing the antigenappear to produce similar results if the breakpoints fordetermination of positivity are adjusted (268). It is importantto use reagents that detect both immunoglobulins M and G(188, 281).The sensitivity of the fluorescence test is approximately

75% (75, 269), and the specificity approaches 100% (269). Asis true for antigen detection methods, however, less thantotal specificity may produce problems when the disease haslow prevalence. Falsely positive reactions in the indirectimmunofluorescence test for L. pneumophila have beendescribed in patients who had Bacteroidesfragilis infections(73). Sompolinsky and associates have encountered sera thatcontained both immunoglobulin M and G antibodies reactivewith Proteus vulgaris, Rickettsia typhi, and L. bozemanii(232). Agglutinating antibodies that cross-react with Pseudo-monas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis have alsobeen reported (49). As the number of antigens tested inserological tests increases, the criteria for positivity shouldbe increasingly strict (270). A fourfold increase in titer to a

level of at least 1:128 is the standard. Even then, thediagnosis of sporadic cases by serology is not as firm as thatfrom culture. Serological diagnosis has the additional disad-vantage of being retrospective, although a seroconversioncan be detected in many patients within the first week ofillness (282).


The epidemic nature of Legionella infections was estab-lished from the outset (101), but it was soon apparent thatsporadic infections also occurred (173) and that many infec-tions were acquired in hospitals (32). In the past decade,outbreaks of Legionnaires disease have occurred on three ofthe five continents (7), and sporadic cases number in the


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thousands (85). Although not all species have been isolatedfrom humans, each should be considered a potential patho-gen. The vast majority (85%) of human pneumonic infectionshave, nevertheless, been caused by L. pneumophila, partic-ularly serogroup 1 (214); L. micdadei contributes an addi-tional 6% of the cases. Pontiac fever has been caused by L.pneumophila serogroups 1 (114) and serogroup 6 (167, 233)and by L. feelei (128).The frequency of Legionella infections is difficult to as-

sess. Retrospective seroepidemiologic surveys are flawed,because they do not utilize all diagnostic modalities andbecause the criteria for testing may introduce bias. Among500 patients with community-acquired pneumonia in Seattle,5 (1%) developed at least a fourfold rise in antibody to L.pneumophila serogroup 1; 4 of the patients also developedantibodies to influenza virus A (98). In Iowa, 4.1% of 586patients with pneumonia developed antibodies to L. pneu-mophila (215).

Prospective comprehensive studies have also been flawed,no matter how carefully designed, because of the almostinsurmountable difficulties in establishing a definitive causefor most pneumonias. In some studies the inclusion ofmultiple diagnostic modalities (serology, direct immunoflu-orescence, and culture) for Legionella spp. and limitedtesting for other bacteria may have inflated the frequency ofLegionella infections. On the other hand, inclusion of immu-nologic testing of sputum for pathogens that are also normalflora, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, can also be criti-cized. In several series L. pneumophila has been a verycommon, if not the most common, cause of both community-acquired and nosocomially acquired pneumonia (169, 266,279).

It is clear that a careful search for Legionella infectionsmust be made before clinicians and laboratory workers canconclude that the bacterium is not a problem in the hospitalor community (184). Documented absence of a clinicalproblem does not assure its continued absence. Between thetwo large epidemics in Burlington, Vt., there were 2 years inwhich only a small number of sporadic cases occurred,probably from a source different from the epidemic site(148). There have also been several retrospective surveys offatal pneumonias in patients at high risk of developingLegionnaires disease in which a very low incidence wasdocumented (115, 240).

Colonization of humans by legionellae has not been dem-onstrated by culture (31). Person-to-person transmission hasnot been documented (280), and hospital personnel do notappear to be at risk of contracting infection from patientsduring an epidemic (168), although they may be at risk forcontracting infection from an environmental source in ornear the hospital.The only environmental sources of Legionella infection

that have been identified to date have been related to water.The bacteria can be recovered from surface waters that havea variety of physical, chemical, and biological characteristicsand are widely separated geographically (96, 97). Legionel-lae have been isolated from mud, but not from dry soil. Thefirst clue that water in air-handling devices might be a sourceof infection came from the Pontiac fever outbreak (114).Legionnaires disease was associated with the drift from acooling tower in Memphis, Tenn. (57). Contaminating bac-teria in a cooling tower could come from the input water orfrom the outside environment. The first clue that potablewater might be an important source came from a renaltransplant unit in Oxford, England, where L. pneumophilawas isolated from shower stalls that were associated epide-

miologically with infection in patients who had receivedtransplants (255).The evidence for cooling towers and evaporative condens-

ers (185) and potable water (99) has been recently reviewed.The role of air-handling equipment in Pontiac is indisputable,as is the source of infection in two maintenance workers whoentered a cooling tower in Burlington, Vt. (112). Epidemio-logic evidence from several epidemics provides a strongassociation of cooling towers with epidemic disease (57,157). Although some cases in these epidemics do not fitneatly into the cooling tower pigeonhole, epidemiologicalassociations are rarely absolute.The epidemiologic association of potable water with dis-

ease is also strong (16). The experience of the WadsworthVeterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles, Calif., ismost impressive. Although cooling towers at the institutioncontained legionellae, decontamination of the towers had noeffect on a continuing epidemic. Subsequently, potable wa-ter was shown to be the probable source of the bacteria, anddecontamination of the drinking water produced a dramaticreduction in the number of cases (230). Other hospitals havehad a similar experience (127).As is true with air-handling equipment, the most direct

evidence for potable water as an important source of infec-tion has come from analysis of small clusters of cases.Arnow and colleagues were able to document the occurrenceof Legionnaires disease in patients who were exposed tohumidifiers and nebulizers that had been filled with Legion-ella-containing tap water (3).

In an epidemic, multiple sources for the bacterial inocu-lum must be considered. As has already been mentioned,investigators should not assume that air-handling equipmentrepresents the only source.Molecular tools for subtyping of isolates can be of help in

sorting out the role of multiple environmental sources (108,147, 193). Edelstein and colleagues found that multilocusenzyme analysis divided a collection of isolates into thegreatest number of subtypes of L. pneumophila, but plasmidanalysis and monoclonal antibody testing were also useful(76). Molecular tools may even suggest more than onesource for clinical cases (148); monoclonal antibody typingof isolates from Burlington, Vt., demonstrated a commonal-ity between epidemic isolates and strains from a coolingtower, while sporadic strains matched isolates from drinkingwater in the hospital.Even sophisticated typing studies can only differentiate

among different strains or subtypes. It is impossible to proveabsolutely that two isolates with identical characteristicsare, in fact, the same. In addition, as typing schemes becomemore complex and split strains into increasingly more nu-merous subgroups, it will become more difficult to decidewhen two strains with slightly different reactivity are, in fact,distinct.

Epidemiologic analysis of epidemic and sporadic cases hasidentified a variety of risk factors for the development ofLegionnaires disease or for fatal infection. Notable amongthese have been cigarette smoking (101), advanced age (85),chronic lung disease (85), and immunosuppression (83, 122).Renal transplant patients have been at particularly high riskin several institutions (22, 63, 170). Although Legionnairesdisease has been associated epidemiologically with increas-ing age, pediatric infections have been described (51, 158). Itis likely that a combination of risk factors produces thehighest probability of infection: decreased host defenses andexposure to an environmental source that is disseminatingvirulent bacteria (3).

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Legionella species are ubiquitous in the environment.They have been isolated frequently in the absence of humandisease (54, 97). Ehret and colleagues have reported amonoclonal antibody that distinguished between strains iso-lated from humans and those from potable water sampled atrandom (78). It is not known whether the differences reflectvariation in virulence or whether isolates might vary inbiochemical composition depending on the growth medium(tissue versus water). Testing of strains from a wide geo-graphic distribution and environmental strains that havebeen associated with human disease will be interesting.Although most work has been done on L. pneumophila,

several other species have produced infections that havebeen associated with potable water (16, 146, 200).Even after the recognition of aquatic environments as

important factors in human disease, the mechanisms bywhich survival and dissemination of legionellae occurredwere a mystery. Our knowledge of interrelationships be-tween the bacteria and the environment has increasedgreatly over the past 10 years, but much needs to be learnedabout the relative importance of the various factors that havebeen identified. This progress has been made possible by thedevelopment of selective media for environmental speci-mens (203, 261) and of an acid wash procedure for reducingother environmental bacteria (25). The selective media arenow more effective in isolation of legionellae from waterthan is intraperitoneal inoculation of guinea pigs (77).

L. pneumophila in potable water has been isolated mostfrequently from the sediment in hot-water tanks and fromperipheral plumbing fixtures. It has been difficult to recoverlegionellae from municipal water supplies, even at the pointof entry into buildings that are heavily colonized (230).Although organisms have been recovered from cold water(238), isolation from hot-water systems has been morecommon.There are several bacterial characteristics that may en-

hance its ability to survive and even to thrive in watersystems.

Interaction with Other Microbes

The first suggestion of symbiosis between Legionellaspecies and other organisms came from the isolation of L.pneumophila from an algal mat in a thermally polluted lake(254). When algae are removed from a culture that containsLegionella spp., the numbers of viable Legionella spp. in themixture decrease (23).

L. pneumophila does not grow in sterile tap water. Natu-rally occurring legionellae do multiply, however, when theyare associated with other environmental bacteria (262).Satellite growth of L. pneumophila could be demonstratedaround the environmental isolates in cysteine-deficient me-dium.Rowbotham was the first to document the phagocytosis of

legionellae by environmental amoebae (221). Subsequently,multiplication of the bacteria in several species of free-livingamoebae has been demonstrated (6, 131, 256). In one in-stance, L. pneumophila and two protozoan species, Tetrahy-mena sp. and Cyclidium sp., were isolated from cooling-tower water; in the laboratory, both protozoan speciessupported the intracellular growth of the Legionella isolate(6).

Effect of Chlorine on Environmental BacteriaLegionella pneumophila is more resistant to the bacteri-

cidal effects of chlorine than are enteric bacteria, which

provide the standard by which the quality of potable water isassessed in the United States. At 21'C, pH 7.6, and 0.1 mg offree chlorine residual per liter, a 99% kill of L. pneumophilarequired exposure for 40 min, whereas E. coli was killed in<1 min (161). The demonstration that environmental legio-nellae lost their chlorine resistance after subculture on agarmedia is an important caveat for future investigators of thisproblem (160). Furthermore, "super" chlorine-resistantstrains have been isolated from plumbing fixtures. One of thereasons for the frequent association of legionellae with hotwater may be the difficulty of maintaining adequate levels ofchlorine at elevated temperatures.

Effect of Temperature and Characteristics of Water

L. pneumophila can multiply in tap water at temperaturesas high as 420C, whereas enteric bacilli are inhibited at theelevated temperatures. The bacteria survive even highertemperatures. L. pneumophila has been isolated from hot-water tanks that were maintained at temperatures between30 and 540C, but not from tanks held at 71 to 770C (263). At50'C there was little loss in viability of L. pneumophila; incontrast, a Pseudomonas sp., a Micrococcus sp., and acoliform survived less well (53). Legionella species otherthan L. pneumophila varied in their resistance to elevatedtemperatures. Some, such as L. bozemanii, survived betterthan L. pneumophila, whereas L. mnicdadei fared less well.The temperature stability of the legionellae may explain

the finding that legionellae survive less well in oil and gaswater heaters, in which the heating element is at the bottomof the tank adjacent to the sediment, than in electric heaters,where the heating element is in the middle and the sedimentat the bottom is not exposed to the highest possible temper-atures (145). In one study, legionellae were more frequentlyisolated from warm whirlpools (35 to 400C) than from swim-ming pools (8 to 300C) (119).The importance of individual components of plumbing

systems was first suggested by Colbourne and colleagues,who isolated legionellae from rubber fittings during investi-gation of a nosocomial outbreak in England (47). Niedeveldand colleagues found that growth of L. pneumophila was

stimulated by rubber compounds that did not contain thiu-ram (191). In a model hot-water system, legionellae were

found most frequently on rubber fittings, but not on copperfittings (228). A variety of metals are toxic to legionellae indrinking water, but some, such as iron and zinc, can stimu-late growth when present in low concentrations (234).

It is entirely possible that a combination of factors are

operative in plumbing systems. Stout and co-workers havedemonstrated that the concentration of sediment was di-rectly related to survival of legionellae, that the presence ofenvironmental bacteria also improved survival, and that thetwo factors were additive (237). They have suggested thatthe failure of sediment and bacteria to stimulate the growthof L. micdadei may explain the relatively infrequent isola-tion of this species from potable water (17).

Route of Infection

Several potential routes exist by which the bacteria couldbe transferred to humans from the environment. Ingestion ofbacteria followed by dissemination from the gastrointestinaltract has been suggested, but there is very little pathologicalevidence to support that possibility in humans. Pneumoniaand lethal infection has been produced by feeding contam-inated water to guinea pigs, but very large doses were


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required and the bacteria were introduced directly into thestomach with a feeding tube (209). The disease that isproduced after intraperitoneal inoculation of bacteria intoguinea pigs resembles human infection less well than doesinfection by the respiratory route (151).

Aspiration of oropharyngeal contents has also been sug-gested as a possibility, because the frequency of nosocomialpneumonia has been low in patients who have had a laryn-gectomy and therefore no communication between the lowerand upper respiratory tracts (143). It is difficult to excludethis possibility. Some members of the oral flora have beenshown to stimulate growth of legionellae in the absence ofcysteine (236), but other oral flora inhibit Legionella growthin vitro (95). In the absence of documented oropharyngealcolonization by legionellae, the bacteria would presumablycome from aspiration while drinking.

Inhalation of a bacterial aerosol is the only well-docu-mented method of infection, but the source in most sporadiccases that are associated with contaminated potable waterremains unclear (Table 3). L. pneumophila has been isolatedfrom aerosols created by water faucets (24), by humidifiers,and by the squeezing of manual ventilation bags (277). Someinvestigators have been able to demonstrate legionellae inaerosols produced by showers (24, 55), but others have beenunsuccessful (277). In one study, L. pneumophila was iso-lated during two successive 15-min periods (24), whereasDennis and colleagues were able to recover legionellae onlyduring the first sampling period (55). Analysis of aerosolswith cascade impingers has shown that the bacteria arecontained in droplets that are of respirable size (55). In all ofthese studies very small numbers of bacteria were isolated,and it is not clear whether the inocula would be infectious forhumans. Humidifiers and nebulizers, however, are provensources for serious nosocomial infection (3).

Investigation and Control of Legionnaires Disease

Because of the ubiquity of legionellae in the environment,the lack of association of most isolates with human disease,and the adverse effects on humans or the environment ofprocedures designed to eliminate the bacteria (99), it seemsmost prudent to concentrate scarce resources on reliabledocumentation of human infection. Once human disease hasbeen found, all possible environmental sources should beexamined, using the assistance of molecular biology for thetyping of isolates.

In many ways we are in a far better position to controlLegionella infections than those caused by other gram-negative bacilli, which are part of the indigenous human

TABLE 3. Sources of human infection

Legionellae demonstrated TransmissionSource TasuggssionBy culture In aerosols suggested

Cooling towers Yes Yes YesEvaporative Yes Yes Yescondenser

Shower heads Yes Yes NoFaucets Yes Yes NoNebulizers Yes Yes YesHumidifiers Yes Yes YesWhirlpools Yes No YesSwimming pools Yes No NoAspiration of upper- No No

airway flora

microflora. Vivid testimony to that fact is the uniform,although sometimes temporary, success that many institu-tions have experienced in protecting their patients fromLegionnaires disease. It is certain that those same institu-tions have not successfully controlled pneumonia caused bypseudomonads or enteric bacilli.Two treatment modalities, temporary elevation of water

temperature (16) and chlorination (230), have been usedmost frequently for treatment of potable water systems. Insome instances (94, 127), both methods have been used. Thesediment in hot-water tanks should be drained. As we learnmore about supportive and nonsupportive components ofplumbing systems, it may be logical to replace those ele-ments that encourage the growth of legionellae. Once treat-ment is instituted, microbiologic surveillance of the watermust be continued, because resurgence of the bacteria iscommon and clinical disease may once more result (26, 120,157). It has been suggested that dead-end loops in theplumbing system may represent sites in which legionellaecan survive and later repopulate the system (44, 120).

Decontamination of cooling towers and evaporative con-densers is particularly difficult, because of the complexityand openness of the environment. As with antimicrobialagents, in vitro testing of biocides against legionellae has notcorrelated well with culture results in real cooling towers(84). The search for effective agents continues (82).


It is unlikely that future progress will occur at the samerate that we have witnessed in the past 10 years. Thereremain several areas, however, in which breakthroughs arebadly needed. More knowledge of the molecular biology ofthe legionellae will be an important tool for understandingmore fully the nature of bacterial virulence and host de-fenses. Of particular practical import would be the definitionof a bacterial characteristic that predicted infectivity forhumans. If such a factor were found, a rational basis forsampling the environment of high-risk areas, such as hospi-tals, could be developed. Better diagnostic reagents andapproaches may also come from continued investigation atthe molecular level.The anxious days when Legionella was a great unknown

are well past, but the bacteria will never be eradicated fromthe environment and patients with decreased host defenseswill always be with us. As long as this combination obtains,the risk of Legionnaires disease will remain.


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